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Aye it did, cause +46 is definately banana land, yes? I hope it's not Mally... he's not got my number anyway unless you gave it him. :mad:


Haha you pillock. I remember once telling my teacher I was left handed so I could get the special scissors because the ordinary ones hurt my hands (mainly cause I did it all wrong and tried to put three fingers in the loop bit instead of two cause my hands were small)


Oooh you really should try vodka jelly. You either make it in shot glasses (but you're supposed to take the jelly off the bodies of naked men...) or in a bowl an eat it with a spoon. It's a sure fire way to get hammered by 10pm. Dancing was wonderful, although slightly depressing because the really beautiful man who gave me *that* look accross the bar went missing. :'(


It's been a month. Too long if you ask me...


I kneeeeeew I knew him from somewhere! You should do! They're divine. Flower isn't to everyone's taste though. Hahaha wonderful. You've really taken the place as the most metrosexual man I know now. Ever since Dave vowed to be more manly this year.


Ahh sounds lovely. Just blag the uni work, s'what we do here. Ah it's grand in old blighty. I've got curry in the space where my wisdom tooth used to be though, which is annoying.


Oh god, I love Sparks. <3 <3

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It definately is! If you write out the number I can tell you who it was :D Was it a mobile number? It wasn't me though, at least according to my phone :$ Mally probably found your number on my phone though, don't worry. :D


Haha, fabulous! In all fairness, scissors are a bitch for children, and I can't believe we haven't invented something better over the last 2000 years. Innit. I thank God everyday for my proficiency with pencils.


Errrr. I'm getting too old. I'm on the quest for the perfect fylla, and it certainly doesn't involve 'hammered at 10pm' :D And, following my Russian heritage, the easy way of getting drunk isn't an option. It's supposed to hurt. Awwww. :( You should go there again. I've been stalking a guy at a coffee place here since I still haven't decided what eye colour he is :$ Erik didn't think he was all that special though, but he is. Too bad I'm not that gay though. :LOL:


A month!? Argh that must be like 4 years in Gulag :D


I know flower's not the most popular scent, but it's so...classy or something. So basic, so simple. Plus, some rose perfumes tend to smell of old lady, but this one's nice. Unlike the Chanel no. 5 I have on my left wrist after 2 showers and countless hand washes :LOL: I wonder if they put like...glue in it or something. Why thank you on the metrosexuality title :LOL: I still don't dare use my hairflower outside though, so I'm not quite worth it I'm afraid.


I could blag it, but the teachers would hate me, and I like them enough for that <3 Curry between the teeth sounds so British :D


Mmmmm the Sparks...so...winter 2004 <3

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How do you tell if it's a mobile number from Sweden? Ours are so damn easy. If it starts 07 you know it's a mobile, anything else and it's a real one.


It's so true. God bless doing art GCSE where we were allowed to cut with a craft knife :D


Haha you really are. Bless you. That fylla must be Star then. Or the wonderful liquorice tipple from Dutchland. You should try vodka jelly at least once though. You really should. Ahh I think we're going there again on Friday next week. I will find him. Otherwise I'm going to die alone, husbandless with a thousand cats and a cardigan that smells like wee. Hold that metrosexual title with pride dear. The amount of times Daveadam and I have talked about hairdye and makeup... I hate him for his 'be more manly' new year's resolution.


Gulag... haha. I have that as my location on facebook, cause I'm oh so cool. Innit.


Blag away. G'oooon. I've managed to give really good contributions to my tutorials for German literature without having read any of the plays set :LOL:


Not between the teeth, in the gaping hole where it used to be. It's quite painful now. :unsure:


So pianoygay. Not as gay as the Ben Folds and Rufus Wainwright duet covering a George Michael song <3

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I wouldn't ever, but not because of valency, but for all the fucking pillocks in cowboy hats doing klingon.

I'd sooner have those people than:


2. Schlagen, monovalent/divalent – either subject only or subject and accusative object.


[ich] schlage

[Wir] schlagen


[Die Mutter] – subject - schlaegt [das Kind] – accusative object.

[Wir] – subj - schlagen [den Mann] – acc. Obj.


:'( :'(:'( :'(:'( :'(:'( :'(

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I'd sooner have those people than:


2. Schlagen, monovalent/divalent – either subject only or subject and accusative object.


[ich] schlage

[Wir] schlagen


[Die Mutter] – subject - schlaegt [das Kind] – accusative object.

[Wir] – subj - schlagen [den Mann] – acc. Obj.


:'( :'(:'( :'(:'( :'(:'( :'(


Then do Swedish you tart, we can't even spell conjegashun :D

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Quiet you.


I don't give a damn (or a brew) really.

And you'd need someone...erm... classy, with you. Younger, but classy.

God speaking of Brew, I went with Dad to Grandad Coggin's today and had to drink tea the proper northern farmer working class way. No teapot, just the tea leaves in the bottom of the cup, left to sink to the bottom and be sieved out with my teeth. Eugh.

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God speaking of Brew, I went with Dad to Grandad Coggin's today and had to drink tea the proper northern farmer working class way. No teapot, just the tea leaves in the bottom of the cup, left to sink to the bottom and be sieved out with my teeth. Eugh.



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How do you tell if it's a mobile number from Sweden? Ours are so damn easy. If it starts 07 you know it's a mobile, anything else and it's a real one.


It's so true. God bless doing art GCSE where we were allowed to cut with a craft knife :D


Haha you really are. Bless you. That fylla must be Star then. Or the wonderful liquorice tipple from Dutchland. You should try vodka jelly at least once though. You really should. Ahh I think we're going there again on Friday next week. I will find him. Otherwise I'm going to die alone, husbandless with a thousand cats and a cardigan that smells like wee. Hold that metrosexual title with pride dear. The amount of times Daveadam and I have talked about hairdye and makeup... I hate him for his 'be more manly' new year's resolution.


Gulag... haha. I have that as my location on facebook, cause I'm oh so cool. Innit.


Blag away. G'oooon. I've managed to give really good contributions to my tutorials for German literature without having read any of the plays set :LOL:


Not between the teeth, in the gaping hole where it used to be. It's quite painful now. :unsure:


So pianoygay. Not as gay as the Ben Folds and Rufus Wainwright duet covering a George Michael song <3


Well, something with 070 is probably a mobile, or someone up north or something. What are the first numbers? If he's on our online yellow pages I want to know :LOL:


Haha, they really let you do that? :D Crazy. 'S like we got to weld in the 9th grade, that was...risky. Mmm.


Perfect fylla should be like...4 Star and some wine, followed by some posh armagnac. Innit. Right, if I've endured a vodka contests with proper Rusks I'm sure I could stand some jelly. Bring it on, innit. Nah, no need to die alone, just marry that oil-rich Norseman with a stupid dialect. In what ways will he increase his manliness then? :LOL: Beer chugging and joining the Man City firm? :LOL: Convince him to balance it out, like I do, I manage perfectly innit.


Ooh so withit :D I'm so happy I'm finally being able to decipher all them Rusk abbreviations. Ммммммммммминистерство внутренних дел <3


Haha, that's good work! Me I'm to nervous to rely on my improv skills. Though I did manage to translate something like 'An hour ago, no clouds were visible in the sky, but now the sky's covered with black clouds, it'll be ненастье before evening' two weeks ago. I was in shock for a good 4 minutes after that :LOL:


Oh :( *hugs* Hope the pain goes away, y'poor thing.


Haha, I can't see what can be gayer than that :LOL:

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God speaking of Brew, I went with Dad to Grandad Coggin's today and had to drink tea the proper northern farmer working class way. No teapot, just the tea leaves in the bottom of the cup, left to sink to the bottom and be sieved out with my teeth. Eugh.


Mmm. Now I know how I'll be having my tea in the future.

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Later on in the evening some guy called Malcolm asked if we knew where there was a payphone. Turns out the dozy pillock (he's quite old) had his interrail ticket stolen and was meeting his brother in Stockholm. Pelle in his infinate Swedish drunken wisdom lent him his mobile. Thus began Malcolm's tombering a l'amour.


After his phonecall Malcolm took it upon himself to join us for discussions (sociology from Stirling) but mainly heavy flirting with Pelle. It was quite amusing really, mainly because I was quite drunk. Turns out after Harriet and I had excused ourselves for bed and Pelle for going home, Malcolm had stood outside with him for a good hour trying to woo him/make him move to Barcelona with him. Needless to say the text I received this morning along the lines of "I'm not coming near that boat again" came as no surprise!"


11th August


Swedish daylight is confusing.


We went down to breakfast and just as we were about to leave, who shows up but our darling Malcolm. He goes on about how he'd lost his room key and then moved onto the subject of his new love, Pelle and how he was surprised how "he didn't give me his number" and how he "really liked him". HA HA HA. He then asked what we were doing today i.e "will you be seeing Pelle?" so we did the age old "ooh just mooching/shopping, maybe find the tourguide later." Smooth. He asked how we were going to get in touch with the tour guide, I said via semaphore, possibly phone. He hinted after the number. Malcolm's going up some big tower apparently. Poor guy, we haven't seen him since this morning. Heard him outside the cabin though. Haha.




I'm *this glad* I keep a travel diary now. :LOL::LOL: :LOL:


Before the weather turned nasty we walked back to Södermalm. No sign of Malcolm, Gott sei dank.
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