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Wooooow Baltika! Hey, I know that book! :D Hope the essay went gleeeat! :happy:


Free curry must be the best :happy: Let's hope the ones in charge at the Nawaz won't be jealous :D Were you dicking about with grandmas at this place too? :LOL:


*Wants to go back to bed, but nooooo, exam in 2h 10min*

The book :LOL: I finished the essay waaay over the word limit. Whoops. Ah I'm sure Nawaz won't mind. It's there I always go back to!


Gah, I'm all alone in Manchester now :( Mum's gone back... Airport for 8am tomorrow. WOAH, this time tomorrow I'll be 2 hours into my flight. Oooh.


It's quite scary being all alone.

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Did Mackie ever touch it? :D Going over the word limit's the only way to go innit :happy: Well done!


Awwww *hugs* :( I'm here! :D Hope you'll enjoy Ghana! Watch out for any hilife concerts. Y'know, I really want to go back to Jönköping...heard a 4th of Advent mass on the radio from Jönköping whilst being ill this morning, and I got all teary-eyed over our Christian dialect :LOL: I bought the Swedish psalm book today, recorded a wee organ solo of my favourite psalm for my sister, with compulsory sloppiness ('s not easy being ill) and all :LOL: (Y'know, always when we're at church, the organ player always messes up! 'S scary! :LOL: ) I'll send it in a sec, just to spread the gospel! :LOL:


'I don't like Mondays', best song ever! Argh my mobile's died from the cold :(

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He probably did, especially if he knew you'd touched it. :LOL:


I shall definately keep an eye out for hilife. :happy: Anything but dancehall... *glares*


*hugs back* Wooo! I don't like Manchester anymore. One of my other friends from school who lives in Flat 20 of our thingy got attacked in Rusholme t'other night. They broke his nose and his cheekbone :stunned: Didn't rob him or anything.


Aww that sounds delightful :happy: Hehe Organists messing up is so much fun. Our old music teacher in school used to do it at the end of every term. Bless him :LOL: Ooh it has been received! I shall download it in just a second :D


Oooh tell me whyyyy I don't like moooondays... TELL ME WHYYYYY! Oh no! My new mobile keeps scaring me. The wobble function makes my whole desk shake. By god it's worth it for the å.

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That's true :LOL: *shudder*


Mmmmhm aaatta girl :happy: Dancehall errrrrrrr :indiff: 'S vile.


:( That's so awful...would you even consider moving? It must suck if you can't even go out at night...I wouldn't like to see you get hurt :(


Mmmm Christian bonanza for all! They always mess up when they're at the pompous and mighty part innit :LOL: 'S fun to play t'organ though. Mmmhm.


Mmmm such the beautiful piano in that song too! Aaah. Haha, 's like the wobbling on mine...I turned it off, since waking up to shaking mobile 3cm from your head is no fun :stunned: The å makes up for everything innit :happy:


Mmmm made my first Paypal payment! Woo welcome to the 21th century Pelle :LOL: Mmmm Smiths German bootleg video

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Oh I hope he's there at easter. I really do. :happy: Shame I've discovered a better hostel in Stockholm... ah well.




Nah, I can't feesably move, but it's making being alone very scary! *occupies self with packing* Good job my allowance is 46kg... Bloody shopping lists from Ghanaians. :LOL: You just have to keep your wits about you here really. He was walking through Victoria Park though... Still, at 8pm stuff like that shouldn't happen.


Huzzah! *feels festive* Aww I remember our carol services, the chorus to O Come all Ye Faithful would be printed "O come let us etc" and every year, without fail we sang "O come let us et cetraaaaaaaaa" Even in Upper 6th :LOL:


So true that. Mmm åååååååååå. It has that horrid æ too though. Boo.


:LOL: Paypal scares me. Maestro aaaaaaaaaaaaall the way :D

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Haha FAN vad kul det låter! :LOL: Ååååh varför fick inte vi göra sånt? Jag har klarat alla mina tentor JAAAAA! T.o.m. VG på sakprosan! Vet inte vad jag får på dagens skriftliga färdighet, men den var fan simpel, så iaf G :happy:


Rhiân, you'll have to tell me what hostel you've found in Stockholm! Hahaha et ceteraaaaaaaaaa *feels festive too* Watch out so the Ghanaians don't steal all that booze of yours :LOL: Swipe it on the airplane (It's probably to late to give advice if you did though :LOL: )

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Good lord it's hot.


It was Af Chapman, but not the boat (that's shit compared to old Gusty) it was the house. Well nice it was, well nice.


It really is hot... *gets a cold Star*


They didn't steal it! It's now safe behind dad's bar! I shall take a pic of it, you'll be extremely jealous... mm dark wood finish. Very married Bachelor.


Mona! You'd be welcome at hotel dad, I'm sure!


*fans self*


So hot.

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Bwahaha. I'm bringing a load of Star home, since I have 40kg worth of luggage allowance (and I only have about 4kg of stuff...) so should I make it to Sweden at Easter I will be sure to bring you a couple :LOL:


My +44 number won't work out here, works on the mainland Yerp though. I've got that Ghanaian number I hassled you from t'other day for the duration meiner Besuch, should be something like +233 *shrugs*


How's all in Swedeland anyway?


OH GOD, I watched the funniest programme on BBC Food... Scandinavian Cooking, with the gayest, most prudish Norwegian ever. His English was so bad, but he thought he was really good, bless him. Made me chuckle it did.


I love my little brother, he's chasing Nana around with a plank of wood. :LOL:

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Haha FAN vad kul det låter! :LOL: Ååååh varför fick inte vi göra sånt? Jag har klarat alla mina tentor JAAAAA! T.o.m. VG på sakprosan! Vet inte vad jag får på dagens skriftliga färdighet, men den var fan simpel, så iaf G :happy:



Oh, you have no idea. It was fun. Jag fixar minst ett VG på den debatten. Folk blev lite rädda för mig efter den lektionen. Jag hörde en tjej viska "alltså, man undrar om hon verkligne är lite nazistisk av sig..".


Men kul var det. O ja.

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Bwahaha. I'm bringing a load of Star home, since I have 40kg worth of luggage allowance (and I only have about 4kg of stuff...) so should I make it to Sweden at Easter I will be sure to bring you a couple :LOL:


My +44 number won't work out here, works on the mainland Yerp though. I've got that Ghanaian number I hassled you from t'other day for the duration meiner Besuch, should be something like +233 *shrugs*


How's all in Swedeland anyway?


OH GOD, I watched the funniest programme on BBC Food... Scandinavian Cooking, with the gayest, most prudish Norwegian ever. His English was so bad, but he thought he was really good, bless him. Made me chuckle it did.


I love my little brother, he's chasing Nana around with a plank of wood. :LOL:


I fucking feel great. Obviously because I don't have to go to school. :happy:


Norwegians.. they're too sad to harass. Oh well.


Rhiaaaaan. Kom tillbaka. Eller vänta. Vi kommer till dig!

I want to go to Ghana too. Seems cool.

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Bwahaha. I'm bringing a load of Star home, since I have 40kg worth of luggage allowance (and I only have about 4kg of stuff...) so should I make it to Sweden at Easter I will be sure to bring you a couple :LOL:


My +44 number won't work out here, works on the mainland Yerp though. I've got that Ghanaian number I hassled you from t'other day for the duration meiner Besuch, should be something like +233 *shrugs*


How's all in Swedeland anyway?


OH GOD, I watched the funniest programme on BBC Food... Scandinavian Cooking, with the gayest, most prudish Norwegian ever. His English was so bad, but he thought he was really good, bless him. Made me chuckle it did.


I love my little brother, he's chasing Nana around with a plank of wood. :LOL:



Wooo! :LOL: It'll be a bitch to carry though wunnit :D


I lost all messages from the cold, so I lost the number! :'(


Swedeland is gleeat, I'm in Jönköping now, really nice! Got your wonderful card today too, fanks dear! *hugs* :happy: I didn't dare send you one since you were going to Ghana, but I will send you one for your home-coming!


Hahahahaha Norwegian cooking :D Their English is definately the funniest! Mmmhm.


Haha :LOL: Bless

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Hahaha ballt :LOL::D


Indeed. God jul på dig Pelle och gott nytt år!

I've actually managed to increase my French-skills! I am so proud.


I feel great. I've underappreciated holidays for too long.

However, holidays equals lots of time in front of the computer which is baaad. If there was snow, then I wouldn't be indoors at all. I'd probably stuff a 3-yearold's mouth with snow or something. Isn't it great to be older? (Yes I know I'm the youngest one here. Don't see it as an opportunity if we ever meet).


I saw this lovely movie yesterday. Egyptian one. 'Bout the Palestinians lives during the war. I almost weeped. Learn Arabic, so you can watch these movies and actually understand them!


I'm a bit ashamed. I must learn Rooski. :$ I haven't spent any time at all in doing that. But I have some new year-promises. Learn a bit more Russian, maybe start with cheerleading again (or else my asthma will take over. I get no exercise at all!) and learn guitar. Oh well. Tara!

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God jul, god jul! :happy: Let's hope you get to mylla some more in '06! There are so many films to see, so many languages to learn...gets frustrating after a while, but it's still nice. Cheer-leading? Cool :D I must take up running again come spring, since there's no way I can go cycling in Lund now. If you want any help with the guitar, just shout. Same goes for the Rusk.

I don't like promising things for the new year...means nothing to me. I could decide not to be such a whiney fucking bastard though. I could.


So the holiday spirit finally got to you? I associate December/Christmas with so many good things, so I'm really happy too. Mmmhm.

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God jul, god jul! :happy: Let's hope you get to mylla some more in '06! There are so many films to see, so many languages to learn...gets frustrating after a while, but it's still nice. Cheer-leading? Cool :D I must take up running again come spring, since there's no way I can go cycling in Lund now. If you want any help with the guitar, just shout. Same goes for the Rusk.

I don't like promising things for the new year...means nothing to me. I could decide not to be such a whiney fucking bastard though. I could.


So the holiday spirit finally got to you? I associate December/Christmas with so many good things, so I'm really happy too. Mmmhm.


I will mula as hell if I get th eopportunity. Yes there's too much to experience. Sure gets frustrating, but what the hell..:happy: Yeah Cheerleading is cool. Hard and..just cool. Thanks for the offer. We'll see :) The Rusk.. well. I can only demand words. Common words, translated to Rusk. And I need to learn the letters. Feels a bit hopeless to not now them.


I never promise either. But htis time I have to. I'm sure I won't hold any of those promises anyway..but it doesn't mean I can't try.


This place is way too empty without Rhian. *sighs*

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Shit no mobile money! Argh!


Found an old pic too awwwww


Before: e4ec609e.jpg


Errr after: 0f16c5fa.jpg


I really should do a perm but people will laugh! :LOL:


I neve rhave mobile money. My dad always offers to buy, but I say no. I'll waste them too fast anyway.


Haha nice! Well, pardon me if I'm being rude by saying this:

Den fula ankungen blev visst en svan.. ;)


Don't do a perm. Your hair is byooootiful.

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Mula mmmm så Stockholm. Fan åt Jönköping för att jag börjat säga mylla. Are you cheerleading for the posh football team in your school? :D Rusk letters are eeeeeasy. Especially after some vodkakakaka.


Tha'ssss the spirit! Keeping promises is for the weak anyway. 'S no fun going by le rules.


It is empty yes, especially when the mobile's got NO FUCKING DOSH and the stupid internet filling things won't work since I didn't bring my pin codes to Jönköping. *Stupid*. I like my hair though, that's a plus. :LOL: Borde köpa papiljotter.

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I neve rhave mobile money. My dad always offers to buy, but I say no. I'll waste them too fast anyway.


Haha nice! Well, pardon me if I'm being rude by saying this:

Den fula ankungen blev visst en svan.. ;)


Don't do a perm. Your hair is byooootiful.


Isn't it annoying as hell? Mmmhm it is. I feel secluded from the world :LOL:


Haha thanks :D


Buuuuut if I don't do a perm, I'd have to roll my hair up like this everyday, and I bet my sister doesn't want to do it everytime...and if it's not curled up it's ugly as hell. Quite the predicament.

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