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Bbbut... Göteborg... Aww I spoke to the pseudo swede boy again today. :happy: English accent on du gamla du fria is just so.. superb. I'm actually going to book my flight in January when my loan payment goes in :happy: Plus a flight to Deutschland mit einer Freundin von mir :D




блыа! Actually the place where I went to donate blood today had a wallchart with the Russian alphabet on it! Brilliant.


I can gaymail it you, should you want it. If you wish to protect your ears then I won't.


Curry Mile of course! You just can't get one from anywhere else! Well you can, but what's the point when there really is a mile of Restaurants? Mmmm. Al Nawaz.


It's awful. Thankfully she was just really shaken, but financially it's hit her hard. At least she has her health though. Apparently it was at like half seven in the evening too. Jesus. I do love Manchester, but I hate the fact you are actually terrified to leave your window open at night. Ah well. S'what you get living in the inner city zone.


How's everything your end anyway?

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Bbbut... Göteborg... Aww I spoke to the pseudo swede boy again today. :happy: English accent on du gamla du fria is just so.. superb. I'm actually going to book my flight in January when my loan payment goes in :happy: Plus a flight to Deutschland mit einer Freundin von mir :D




блыа! Actually the place where I went to donate blood today had a wallchart with the Russian alphabet on it! Brilliant.


I can gaymail it you, should you want it. If you wish to protect your ears then I won't.


Curry Mile of course! You just can't get one from anywhere else! Well you can, but what's the point when there really is a mile of Restaurants? Mmmm. Al Nawaz.


It's awful. Thankfully she was just really shaken, but financially it's hit her hard. At least she has her health though. Apparently it was at like half seven in the evening too. Jesus. I do love Manchester, but I hate the fact you are actually terrified to leave your window open at night. Ah well. S'what you get living in the inner city zone.


How's everything your end anyway?



Oooh nice! :happy: See, imagine singing that in a Götebrog accent...*shudder* What dialects does the boy like then? Ooh mucho traveling then! Niiice!


блыа? That sounds like 'diaper' in Swedish :D Why did they have that? :LOL: Good on you for donating blood, Allah shines his light upon you.


Please do fanks :happy: At least the 'English' version is good, so ear-bleeing won't be necessary.


You've got a point :D Shouldn't you be rotating though, or will you stick to An Nawaz till the end?


:( :( Oh it's so horrible! Shouldn't the police have a fairly good idea who's doing all those things in a certain part of town, I mean, they can't be that many? Or are there loads who're doing it for kicks?


Apparently they're quite wiggly in their policy of what we're reading over Christmas...I could probably do the individual exam in February or something if I'm lucky. It's scary though, since you have to sit in a room all alone with a teacher and translate as much as you can for an hour. Errr. Argh I'm hungry!

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What I meant to say was была. I'm a bit wired you see. Lack of blood has been replaced with coffee. I dunno what he likes, we're yet to get that far. S'nice he remembers me though :happy:


I shall in a second!


SHOULD be rotating, but Al Nawaz seriously is the most delicious place on earth.


There's apparently two big gangs between Moss Side and Longsight, plus all the druggies and the nut jobs from the MRI unit. The police really don't seem to care. S'just another student to them. Don't ask about the gun crime. Mmmm.


Ooh, that sounds fairly cool. I remember my entrance exam for Arnold. Just me, alone in a room with a woman. It's easier to be examined that way, you can't get paranoid that everyone else has written more than you. Get some food! Hop on a Sleasyjet and come f't curry! You'll have to bring a present though, since it's Christmas Day in our little world. :happy:

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Aaah right, I am too :D Coffee is so much better than blood though, less messy. 'Course he remembers you, there are not a lot of people he could speak Swedish to in Manchester, you're also a lurvely person :happy:


Got it! 'S great! Downloaded it at Lisa's too. Mmmmhm. So lesbian :D


I'll let ye off then! :happy: You'll have to tell me how it was!


That's just stupid, they could probably stop a lot of the violence if only they put surveillance on the people they knew are behind everything.


That's a good point yes :happy: 'S still scary though, especially if you suddenly can't remember what that stupid fish name is in Rusk. Errrr. Mmmm I'd love some curry, too bad I had to study though, otherwise I'd be over in a sec with Swedish goodness for all! :happy: Happy Christmas Day! :happy:

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Honestly, we had our Russian goodbye for Christmas party with coffee earlier today (Katya paid!) and I'm still palpitating from it! Was made worse when I saw the boy again :$ Haha lovely person.. Suuuuuure :LOL: *burns a grandma*




Oh god the curry was sooooo good. Mango Lasi too. We had to walk home to ease the stomach swelling! I got racing grandmas for my prezzie and everything! I'll email you the video of them once I've uploaded it :D


Hah that's the funny thing. From the moment you leave your front door till the moment you get back home you're watched by CCTV cameras. Still doesn't stop them. S'rough.


Aww. I should've got a doggy bag. Posted it over. Festive lamb Bhunas for all! :D *spreads the Christmas cheer*

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So what are you discussing?


Pelle, din adres för i ******* :happy:

Om du vill ha ett julkort. Oroa dig inte, I won't stalk you.

Pfff rubbish. You're such a stalker Mona :LOL:


Do we ever discuss anything interesting? Well, you and Pelle do. :happy:


Hanhonham vill inte julkort. Hanhonham vill a julcake. Possibly.

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Honestly, we had our Russian goodbye for Christmas party with coffee earlier today (Katya paid!) and I'm still palpitating from it! Was made worse when I saw the boy again :$ Haha lovely person.. Suuuuuure :LOL: *burns a grandma*




Oh god the curry was sooooo good. Mango Lasi too. We had to walk home to ease the stomach swelling! I got racing grandmas for my prezzie and everything! I'll email you the video of them once I've uploaded it :D


Hah that's the funny thing. From the moment you leave your front door till the moment you get back home you're watched by CCTV cameras. Still doesn't stop them. S'rough.


Aww. I should've got a doggy bag. Posted it over. Festive lamb Bhunas for all! :D *spreads the Christmas cheer*


Awwww a goodbye party, we only had a wee one with glögg yesterday. Had the last lessons today too. Did you not talk to him? I mean you're nice when you've maimed a few puppies. 'S all.


Mmmmhm curry...I need to find a good Indian place 'round my way. Mmm. Korma. Mmmm.


'S rhubbish. You should errr start writing songs about it, worked for Mozzer did it not?


Weee Christmas! I'm downloading the video right now! If I had a red Christmasy hat I'd make a verbal greeting :D


Hanhonham? :LOL: Mona I PM'd my adress did I not? If it didn't work I'll send it again, you can never have too many stalkers.

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Mmm it was nice. :happy: I did talk to him, yes :happy: I feel all giddy and 14 again haha.


Mmm. Mmmm. God so full still.


You know, maybe I will. One day.


Haha the video... It still entertains me now. Some 4 hours on.


I dunno the difference between em, do I? S'more confusing than hogan and hogin.

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When we were talking about the land of promise he actually dropped that into conversation <3


ALL of the curry restaurants are halal. Hell, even the Kwiksave on the Wilmslow Road serves Halal only meat. It's like a mini Mecca.


Innit just brilliant! Best christmas prezzie ever.


Just the difference between han and hon. I always forget what belongs to who.

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Mmhm. Boy knows his stuff :D


Is that so? :LOL: We're so lucky here having a supermarket close to the big Arab community...you're never running out of halal meat on a weekday. 'S divine.


:LOL: Sure is! Sweden's probably too PC to allow for those things to be sold :happy: 'S good to feel protected.


Han - he, hon - she, honom - him, henne - her. :happy: Bad thing is I can't think of a word in English using the hon 'o' sound...errr. I should record a sample yet again of words difficult to explain :D

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He does. *le sigh*


It is! I do feel like going in and asking for Halal bacon one day. S'a bit rude that though.


Haha. Aww, poor Sweden.


AHA! You should, cause then I could wow the boy with my flawless pronunciation, innit :LOL: Or I'll just stick to han...




:LOL: That sign never gets old, even though I've passed it nearly every day for 12 weeks.

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Tell me then what words you'd need to woo le boy and I'll make sure your pronunciation will be utterly flawless. :D


A bit rude indeed, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have it :D Some kebab is made of pork is it not? Or am I stepping on Allah's toes now? :$


Haha, faaaabulous sign :LOL: :LOL: You brits :happy:


I wonder if I really want to study tomorrow. I'd do better in a santa hat, I really would. Maybe my red shemagh would do the trick. Maybe. It's really comfy too, especially in this freezing room. Mmmmhm.

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Excellent! Likewise if you need any... ruffian speak for wooing/mugging let me know :happy:


Haha probably would y'know. Is it? I dunno...


Innit just! It's not a job for Dr. Butt, it's clearly a calling.


Ahh so festive. :happy: I have been tempted to invest in one of those... but EVERYONE here has one. I'll buy a burka instead. HA. Wait no, everyone has those too. Mmm freezing. Put a jumper on!

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:LOL: Haha I'll do that. Good to have some extra Christmas cash innit.


I'm afraid Mona will yell at me, so I'll just leave it at that *needs Qu'ran to tell Allah I'm sorry*


:D Indeed.


Tha'ss true, burkas and shemaghs should be the future then...I haven't had mine outside for haaages now Eid seems to be dead and buried for the year. I'm wearing a shirt, a cardigan and said shemagh, 's not helping. I should go to bed really. I've got a strange craving to take a walk, but it's so coooold! 'S more fun sitting by the candle playing with t'hurr though. Mmhm.

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Absolutly. Just remember to give the simcards back.


Mmm. I always want to buy a copy of that, but then I remember the RS lesson we had saying translations were frowned upon. So I leave it be.


Mmm. You'd fit in with Manchester's elite no problem. :happy: so long as your jeans are tight and hair messy. :happy:


A walk at this hour? Will that be safe? Sleep sounds a good idea. Once I've finished handwashing my jumper. Ooh I hope it's dry for the morrow otherwise I'll be naked.

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:LOL: Of course, I'm the jolly ruffian, 's Christmas!


:LOL: You have a good explanation then! It'd be nice to order one in full-blown Arabic though from some extremist website. Mmmhm. And an akaal for the shemagh.


:happy: Mmmhm. I feel to posh for my own good. 'S a good job my hair's not well cut.


You never know...I've decided against it though, and sleep seems too tempting, at least after the odd öl I had 'afore. Mmhm. Ooh reminds me I've got some handwashing to do too. Yay! :happy: Well good night dear, sov gott, dröm sött etc. Mmmhm. :happy: *has just smeared new mascara over eyes* Lisa told me to buy it, it's so obvious and gay though. Maybelline Great Lash. Looks good on her, on me, well errrr. 'S a bit gay.

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Excellent :happy: I feel I should write more ruffian adaptations on carols and go singing them tomorrow arround Fallowfield...


http://www.simplyislam.com :D S'all based on the Wilmslow Road is that. Or.. http://www.islam1.com *too much time in Rusholme*


Ahh sleep. Ahh handwashing. Ahhh. N'night, sleep tight, mind the bedbugs don't bite. :happy:


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline.

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