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Innit just. S'what happens when all the students with their iPods, mobiles, laptops, loan cash, digital cameras you name its live near some of the most deprived areas in the country. Good planning there on the uni's part. :LOL: Having said that, Steph said she got mugged, but the considerate mugger gave her the simcard to her mobile phone back. For her troubles. :LOL:


Haha so true. Rusholme does sound nice with all its funfairs and stuff. :LOL:


OOOOOOOOOOOOOH a kettle! I'm surprised you don't know that, since a stock phrase is "I'm going to put kettle on, do you fancy a brew?"


That shirt is fantastic! So French :happy: I only wear band tshirts to sleep in now. For want of appearing cool. Yeah, right. :LOL:

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Quite the planning yes :D I bet the same thing would happen here if the living situation got out of hand at the adjacent arab majority borough. In Sweden we take pride in our segregating skills though :LOL: Aww such a nice ruffian :D


It sure does :happy: Makes you want to drink dulling wines and trip dwarves.


That's a kettle? Pah a kettle should have at least a metal spout :D *learns something new everyday* It's a vattenkokare in Swedish, which...makes sense :happy:


It's really French yer :LOL: It's waaaay to small to sleep in though :D

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Doesn't it just restore your faith in street crime? Ahh. I'm still waiting for that awful statistic of "one in three students will have been mugged by the end of their degree" to come true. *eternal pessimist*




Well, technically it's 'the much revered, adored and thanked item essential for sanity and any kitchen' but it's a bit of a mouthfull to say that when you're going to brew up, so kettle suffices. Mmm such a logical germanic language.


Hehe s'brilliant, it really is.

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Mmhm! You'd have to move to Sweden/Scandinavia before you're done then and prove them wrong :happy:


:LOL: I see! Mmm that's what I don't like in English...the separating of words inside a proper word, like radioaffärsbiträde which would be 'radio shop assistant'. (No, I don't count hyphens, they're cheating) 'S not particularly pretty is it? And not one umlaut! I'm preaching to the already converted though whoops :LOL:


Mmmm pepparkakor and Indochine is so much more fun than revising technical texts it's not even funny.

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I clearly have no choice but to.


It's true. English is rubbish really. Yes, yes you are my dear. But carry on. I'll store all this pro Swedish information and use it against you next time you badmouth it. :D


Ahh so true. S'like making new flatmates out of blu tack (haha! tack!) for a friend is more fun than writing this essay which HAS to be in on Friday at the latest.

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I have to get a new ID card soon (since mine expired in August :$), so I can take the opportunity to register you as a Swedish citizen at the same time :D


Haha do that :LOL: It's still crap for having crap cases and crap en/ett system. It's good though, since we can keep ruddy foreigners from learning it. Now, is it en Rhiân or ett Rhiân? :D


:LOL: That seems like mucho fun. You should put them out in the kitchen with needles in them. That'd scare them good. What's the essay about?

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Ooh shocking! Don't leave it too late now. The authorities may get slightly disapointed with you, since irate is only a thing reserved for swedish cyclists when tourists happen to walk in the cycle lane because it LOOKS LIKE THE SODDING PAVEMENT.


Bwhaha. Aw you secretly love foreigners learning it. I bet you get all excited (and perplexed as to why) they're learning it. Just like the Welshies do with welsh. I mean.. why the hell to Americans need to learn Welsh? S'not like you could drive your SUV over anytime soon...


it was! I just killed her with a star shaped bead to the head though. Th'essay is..


Beschreiben und bewerten Sie das Wahlrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, indem Sie es mit der Wahl des britischen Unterhauses vergleichen und indem sie die Ihrer Meinung nach vorhandenen Vorteile und Nachteiele der jeweiligen Wahlsystem diskutieren.


I can't be arsed to translate it. Use those skillzzzzz of yours instead :D

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:LOL: :LOL: You wouldn't like Lund or Linköping then, since they ring their fucking bell after they've just sped past you, missing you by 2cm and you not paying attention because Vicar in a Tutu has just come on :D You should kick them though. That's what legs are for, you should know, you're a Mancunian :D (looow :D ) Haha Irate just reminded me of the pretty Lithuanian girl I met last year...such a beautiful name to go with those eyes :LOL:


Of coourse I do, but it's 99% perplexion though :LOL: Americans errrr. They should leave languages alone.


:LOL: Good job!


Mmmm essay. The German system doesn't work, how's that for starters? :LOL: Fuck, German's such a stupid language :LOL: Swedish is really this much easier.

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Just those psycopaths in general.. cyclepaths. Har har. So original. The worst is all the Swedish they shout at you, so you look as if you're about to burst into tears and people stare. They do. Best piece of advice I gave Harriet... watch out for cycle paths. HAHAHAHAHAHA poor lass. Nearly choked on my cranberry juice there. :LOL:


They should. They've done a bad enough job on English.


Haha, s'basically what I've put so far... Mmm das Merkel. I'm more chuffed at the fact I get to write the word Sieg in an essay. :$ people will talk...

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Har har indeed :LOL: I've never had them shout at me I believe. Only when I'm cycling meself, but then I admit I may have brought it on myself :$:LOL: Poor her indeed :LOL: I sat talking to her for a while, but after a while I couldn't hold it in, so I had to stumble into another room to explode from laughter :$ (I was reasonably drunk after toasting with an alcoholic Pole though, so I was errr...easily amuseable)


Bastards. Their jokes about Poles won't earn them any sainthood either. Innit. (I haven't been huffing for quite some time. 'S good to get it out in bursts :LOL: ) I don't mean huffing as in inebriation though. :D I mean the state of being huff. Innit.


:LOL: Stasi will be calling you within the hour

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Ooh lucky. Perhaps it's just those rude Stockholmers then. :happy: Haha doesn't surprise me at all! How you actually managed to keep it in is impressive. :D


Absolutly. Grrr. Huffing's fantastic! Can't say I've ever heard the verb to huff used in an alcohol consumption context. *shrugs*


Sie ruften mich schon an... wegen meines vorschlages, dass England besser als Deutschland ist.

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Yer, they're vile they are. 'S a shame when it's the best city on Earth. Haha awww. I'm sure she'll never find out.


I think it can be used when you inhale glue/gas for amusement, maybe I've got it wrong though. I probably have. Or maybe it's some stupid American dialect I've picked up form TV. Errr. 'S better in Swedish though, 'boffa'. So 90's.


Maar England ist besser. 'S a fact that.


*Explodes from Field Mice being the best band ever*

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So true. So damn true. I just hope Sweden has the same lack of language teachers as England, so moving there to complete the life plan will be easy.


Haha! I think that is some American thing. S'just sniffing glue is that. Boffa! Haha! S'like biffer. :LOL: You ate what? ALL of that cake? You fat biffer.


Nein, weil wir kein Berlijn haben.


Haha I love that name. Reminds me of the half chewed things my cat leaves in my shoes over the summer.

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Jag pratar Stockholmska.

If I try, I could get in some Gävle-dialect too :happy:


I'm off to bed. I'll probably spend the holidays in this thread .. ;)


Au revoir, Rhian, ma babooshka.

Au revoir, Pelle... my something. Multilingual inspiration?



Jag är trött. Gonatt, och från oss alla, till er alla, en riktigt god jul.

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So true. So damn true. I just hope Sweden has the same lack of language teachers as England, so moving there to complete the life plan will be easy.


Haha! I think that is some American thing. S'just sniffing glue is that. Boffa! Haha! S'like biffer. :LOL: You ate what? ALL of that cake? You fat biffer.


Nein, weil wir kein Berlijn haben.


Haha I love that name. Reminds me of the half chewed things my cat leaves in my shoes over the summer.


We lack good ones, so sure, hop on over innit! :happy: We need some norvurn lurve in the classrooms!


Biffer :LOL: Boffa's so much more beautiful though :D A great word for everyday chit-chat.


You hab-something nicht Berlijn maar u vas Manchester.


:LOL: 'S a shame they're called that, makes it hard to Google


Just finished watching 24-hour party people with Lisa and Erik. Mmmmmmmmmhm. I feel like speaking English but I'm alone in my room. Innit. Also I've copied the texts we're reading over Christmas. Will take a pic in a sec, it's mighty.


It's tvoyó polye though :D Neutrum y'know :happy: *dies from tiredness* I'll never get up at 12 again. Ecept for tomorrow when I have to be up at 10. Rhubbish. Rhwbbysh.


Mona, Gävle dialect can be nice. Öregrund is better, like me dad's relatives. Thick L's innit. :happy: Stockholm's the best though.

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Excellent, I'll join the wave of crap ones then and not feel bad :D


So true. S'a bit like boffin too. But that's so 1950s...


True, true.


Ahh wonderful! Ah just speak English to yourself. S'what I have to do. :happy: Oooh muchly exciting! Mmm 24 Hour Party People. You'll have to go to the Haçidena one day, just to see how übertrendy it has become.


Ah I thought it was one of the many exceptions. Bah I hate Russian. *kicks it* Mmmm 10am. I've not seen that in a few weeks, oweing to me sleeping through classes and not being able to sleep until about 5am. :stunned:


I've just parted company with my friend from school whom I've not seen for ages :happy: Gotta love nostalgia evenings, talk about love, life, the universe and knifepoint muggings on the Moseley Road. :happy:

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I'm sure you'd be fabulous, you could smack all the crap students who speak American in the head with a ruffian shovel.


Mmmm the 50's. Love 'em, especially the British fifties, which is why me and Lisa went on a kitchen-sink spree in the library today :D Mmmmm. I tell you, nothing bad has ever come out of books about unwanted pregnancies. 'S how it is.


I am speaking English to myself already, and I'm quite chuffed really but it's better when you're drunk. I shall have to visit it yes indeed! Mmm. Is it very central?


The things I have to read, including vocab lists: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/a94b4877.jpg


I wouldn't be surprised if it was to be honest :( Crappy Russian. Though I now know the word for the Swedish fish 'gärs'. Somehow I don't feel very much enlightened though. Are you getting no sleep :( That sucks. Yell at them for not making their lessons interesting enough.


That's indeed the best thing ever it is. Though I often have to do that over the phone and it's not as nice really.

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Absolutly! S'the one thing which upsets me about Sweden. Your lot all speak American English. S'cuse me... but WE CAN SEE YOU ON THE WEATHER MAP so you should be speaking British English, cause we're closer. Thank God you and Mona have seen the light.


Haha brilliant!


Ah wonderful! All languages get better drunk. No idea why... Nah, well, kind of. It's near Deansgate which is now all really very trendy and slightly more expensive. Haha Deansgate Locks. Haha. Hahaha. Ha. Ahem.


Haha, such is life with Russian language. You learn really useless words... however today we did learn how to put carrot into the vocative in Czech... No one's been getting any sleep at all for some reason. I think it's cause we're all looking forward to going home, or they've drugged the water with Redbull.


It was wonderful! I cooked a meal and everything :happy: Although now I've run out of couscous. The phone is for the weak! Mini dinner parties are the future. :happy:

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Isn't it absolute crap? Oh God, I remember the Christian over-zealous see of snot-nosed bastards in my class always speaking American thinking they were clever. I whispered 'fuck off you lot' under my breath every second. Aw I love them really. <3 Neutral English I can do, but never ever the horrid dialect from over there. Never. It's like murder. I even pronounced 'shirt' like nasal-velar 'o' 'short' like proper Irish whilst speaking to the Frenchie t'other day. Made me laugh out loud :LOL:


Too bad all we had was wine-glögg at the Lucia get together this evening. 'S not as nice. Deansgate Locks. Is that a joke I'm not getting? :D


Haha mmm vocative. Y'know they have it in Rusk too, where you take away the -a after names. Like "Natash!" and so forth. Mmmhm. I'm all giddy about going home, so there's no chance in hell I can study normally for the two last exams...I'm hardly even scared, but I know I will be on Thursday resp. Sunday. Errr. I'm somewhat worried though, since my writing teacher told us t'other day that we 'absolutely must pass this exam'...I have a feeling that we might be tarred and feathered if we don't.


Oooh how hostessy of you! :happy: All I ever do is make people tea or booze them up. Mmmm dinner-parties. I should get a stove and an oven in my room so I can cook some proper stuff when people come round. Mmmhm.

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It's vile. VILE. Ugh. Inbreeds. Haha good on you! When the wife and I were waiting for our flight to Stockholm there were like some 16 year old kids saying English words in a very American accent near us. I just wanted to knock them down a peg or two... but that would've been mean. :happy: Hahaha! The best thing is saying "where's me shirt" in a scouse accent. :LOL:


Ah well. Deansgate Locks is where all the 2 bit soap stars and footballers hang out and get drunk... Horrid place. I just tried to wikispectus it.. nowt.


Katya was saying... but she went on about how it's phased out. She wasn't impressed when I asked her why the other cases hadn't died with it.


You're not scared cause you're kick ass at russkiiiiii innit. Ya ne paneeemaaiiyooooo ruuuskiiii eezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! You will pass it, innit. Ooh, did you get that tatu cover I gaymailed you?


:happy: I've found a niche in cooking since starting uni :happy: Tea and booze is also a very viable option, but I couldn't have her walking back down the Moseley drunk and alone. S'not safe. Haha your room'd smell funny then. Cooking should be left for the kitchen!

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It really is. You should've done though, since they deserved it and have yet to see the light. A major disadvantage for Sweden is that. I haven't heard too much scouse accent :( (bar the ones we heard in the Swedish bookshop in le Holm <3) Aww I miss Stockholm.


Sounds awful enough! Another reason to miss the eighties then. Possibly minus Durutti Column (though I do want to like them, I just...can't. Except for the occasional song)


:LOL: :LOL: Hahaha I can see why! Them cases tend to be quite dear to the Rusks innit.


'Passsiibaaaaa! I da ty panimaesh! Panimaesh kharasho! I did get it, yes, thanks, just happens to be what I describe as an act of terrorism much like the 18th century partitions of Poland. :$ Thanks though :D Lisa likes them a bit more, I'll pass it on to her. I do admit 'All the things she said' is really good though. :happy:


Good on you! You'd have to make me something Mancunian one day. :happy: Speaking of which, I had oh such a craving for chips and vinegar t'other day. I'll have to make some in Jönköping. 'S a very responsible stance you've taken. :happy: The kitchen smells funny as it is :LOL:

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Next time I will. Next time. I'm already working my northern magic on the German. So are his flatmates. Good on 'em. Scouse accent is vile! Yet so funny. Aww you're not the only one. I was showing Steph the holiday photos earlier and got sooo Stockholm sick. "and those steps just there are where I sat when I wrote your postcard, and that's where we bought a newspaper and..." *wipes away tear*


It's vile. Just like Tiger Tiger. Ugh.


I know! They seem to overlook the wurbs in favour of cases. Evil soviets.


It's vile, isn't it? Did your ears bleed? Or glass shatter? Have you the Russian version of that? Ya slosomthing s uma?


Haha something Mancunian would involve going out for a curry at 4am. Mmmm. We're going for curry tomorrow, as our flat's Christmas Dinner :LOL: Haha chips and vinegar! S'chips and gravy you need! Chips and gravy!


Well, I worry about her. She lives at the rough end of Moseley Road (we're at the posh end) and she's the one who got mugged last month. :( I didn't realise but they like took her to a cash point and made her withdraw as much money as she could and give them her bank card too :( Poor thing.

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Mmmhm, conversion's the way to go! Just like I have to make you speak Stockholm Swedish and no ruddy Hellström accent. 'S like scouser it is, but not even funny, more like pure evil. At least when they get old. Sooooo when are you booking your flight? :D


I'll avoid it :happy:


It's really stoopid it is. I like preteritum though. Beats the crap out of the Swedish past tense. (except for the aspects from hell)


Mothers cried and babies died. In fact I haven't! Do you? Я сошла с ума probably, "I'm going mad". :happy:


:LOL: Classy! Hope you enjoy it dearly! Curry Mile is it, or something else? Gravy, pah, salt and vinegar's the future. Too bad I only had it when we went to the Shetlands :(


:eek: Sick, absolutely sick is that! I just thought about how safe we feel here when I went to school today...I'm really starting to appreciate it, though of course there are places you should avoid here too (Malmö in particular and some Stockholm suburbs.) I do hope she got out of it without getting physically hurt :(

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Mmmhm, conversion's the way to go! Just like I have to make you speak Stockholm Swedish and no ruddy Hellström accent. 'S like scouser it is, but not even funny, more like pure evil. At least when they get old. Sooooo when are you booking your flight? :D


I'll avoid it :happy:


It's really stoopid it is. I like preteritum though. Beats the crap out of the Swedish past tense. (except for the aspects from hell)


Mothers cried and babies died. In fact I haven't! Do you? ? ????? ? ??? probably, "I'm going mad". :happy:


:LOL: Classy! Hope you enjoy it dearly! Curry Mile is it, or something else? Gravy, pah, salt and vinegar's the future. Too bad I only had it when we went to the Shetlands :(


:eek: Sick, absolutely sick is that! I just thought about how safe we feel here when I went to school today...I'm really starting to appreciate it, though of course there are places you should avoid here too (Malmö in particular and some Stockholm suburbs.) I do hope she got out of it without getting physically hurt :(

Hello, there you

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