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Well, our proper essays later on will be in Swedish, this is more of a writing exercise really, so I don't worry too much :D I'll return it on Monday I guess. Haha Soviet Christmas :LOL: I wonder what was at the top of their Christmas tree :D Haha I'll have to ask on of my private conversation teachers if she's heard that story, apparently she was a Commie pioneer :happy:


Lemon couscous...mmm with spinach, peppers, salmon and harissa in smetana...mmmmmmmmhm. :D


:LOL: Hahaha aww I'd love to get calls like that, I guess we're too civilised/scared over here...like the guy who called like an hour ago who talked for 5 min even though I'd already told him he'd got the wrong number :happy: Poor fella, he'd dialed the number he'd been given and everything. Ooh did'ye know Håkan Hellström and loads of other Swedish people are in Ghana for some charity thing they're supposed to air on TV? :D Mmmm Western wrodl compassion.


Thanks for the gayest song of all time :LOL: :LOL: I don't get it though, I though Aled was a bloke's name? Or is he pulling a Klaus Nomi?


Mmm after walking 4km downtown to get a falafel I sooo deserved watching 'There's something about Mary' only to see mr. Richman, whose hand, by the way, has been shaken by yours truly. Mmmmmmhm. No essay writing though. Fuck it. :happy:

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Ahh fair enough then! Wht the eagle Stalin of course! Ah a pioneer! Wonderful!




Aw bless. We just had the most bizare prank call to our flat about 5 minutes ago. Bless. Oooh ooooh they are? How long for? If they're still out there in a fortnight I'll try and steal them. Mmmm.


Haha no worries! It's when Aled was a little boy, they made a cartoon called The Snowman and it was the saddest thing ever, and he sang the song for it. Then his voice broke and he became more Welsh. Wonderful.


Haha excellent! God I hate that film. Richman? Haha you really do have the attitude of a Manchester student. Mmm. I just found out today that our lectures don't begin again until 1st feb.. so I only have to come back for one exam in January. *thinks about cheap holiday to Riga*

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Mmmm I should get me one of those small plastic christmas trees and dress it up Soviet style :D


Prank calls? Haven't had one for yeeeears :D I think Hellström'd be heading home after the show's done, since his wife is in labour :happy: Maybe you could catch some other B-list celebrities though :D


Awwwww that sounds like a wonderful film :happy: I'd have loved that when I was a kid really, even though I'd probably have cried my eyes out.


It is indeed an awful film, but Jonathan Richman is the best person ever, so his scenes makes up for some of it. Mmmm. I should never have washed again. 1st Feb? Mmmmm Riga :D We start school again round the 20th Jan I reckon, if I don't have to do the exam for the texts we're supposed to have read and understood over Christmas earlier. Mmmm. Mmmm Christmas, I can't wait, me and Lisa have already been making lists over what we want to eat/do while at home :D Mmmm. *can't wait*


I sent you a great Soviet 80's song we listened to all the time in Rusk class in school :happy: The öyrics are just hilarious! :LOL:



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Bit of red spray paint and a red star for the top... wonderful!


We always get them here, cause the interhall calling is free and all the extention numbers are on a poster above the phone :LOL: asking for trouble really. Woo! B list Swedes :D


I still do. It's the best christmas film ever. Infact, I still have my little porcelain snowman music box my Godmother bought me for my 3rd Christmas or something silly like that :happy: Aww wonderful :happy: There's nothing quite like being at home for Christmas. :happy:


I know! I finish a week hence and all. SO much holiday time it's just cricket. Ah well it makes mum happy that she'll get me for nearly the same amount of time as dad :D


It's brilliant! And Kareoke too! The transliteration! Ahhh. Russian. Ya Loooobilooooooo and all that. :D *picks out cases*

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:happy: Mmm yes indeed *plots to do the same thing to the institution tree* :D


:LOL: :LOL: Is that so? Haha, like you said, asking for it innit. The only fun we get (at least in Lisa's house, in the posher area) is when people sing from their rooms through the phone thingie by the outer door :LOL:


:happy: Awww wonderful! It's funny, we talk about 'going home' over Christmas as if we've been doing it our whole lives...if my 10-year-old alter ego could see me now :LOL:


:happy: Mmmm share the joy! What date are you going to le Ghana again?


Such the classic, Rhiân, such the classic! :D

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Bwaha! Excellent


Haha! That's genius! We should do that at some point here. Mmm.


:LOL: I know. The way we talk's like we've been at uni all our lives... God if my 10 year old alter ego could see me now she'd hate me.


19th December till 8th Jan. Mmm. Dad's built a balcony and everything. So it should be good, writing 2,000 word essay in the blazing sunshine. :D


Absolutly! Shame my classmate isn't online at the moment. She'd really love it!


Oohoooh, be proud, I'm moving into Rusholme in September next year hopefully.

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Mmmm do an open-mic Soviet night :happy:


:LOL: It's ridiculous. Also, 7-year-old Pelle would bite 20-year-old Pelle in the arm for not being a fighter pilot by now and for skipping military service :D Let's hope they never find out then eh?


Mmmmmmm *l'envy* Sun and all! Even essays are nice over a bottle of Star innit :D


You must blast it through the flat one day and dance around in a pioneer shirt. The others must be shown the way of the Rusk. How's the vegan doing by the way? :LOL:


You are? :eek: Why? Fallowfield not ruffian enough for ye? Or are you planning for a career on Curry Mile?

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Oh gosh yes!


We should keep it quiet really, for want of avoiding a Stewie Griffin senario (if you haven't seen the Family Guy movie, you need to see it in the next week because it's the funniest thing ever.)


Absolutly! HiLife and the Call to Prayer in the distance. *is so excited* It's getting more real now as I'm off to the doctors for my anti malarials tomorrow :D :D :D :D :D


Haha! I shall try! I already drive my flat mad with Russian and... everything else really. The vegan sat in the kitchen and ate at least half a block of cheese tonight. I knew she was weak.


Nah, I've decided to stay in uni accommodation next year (with me going away in 3rd year) so the only nice, quiet hall with en suite is in Rusholme. Good old Victoria Park campus. :D Curry for tea every night. Mmm. Curry. Mmm.

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Family Guy movie? I should like it, I should, but I don't :( But if it's the funniest thing ever, well...:D


Wooooo! Call of prayer! Hilife! Thirds! Sun! Balconies! Wooo! Anti malarials? Mmmm exotic :D


Thaaass a good Rhiân! :happy: Haha awww poor vegan!


That sounds like fun, but it's more ghetto than Fallowfield is it not? *explodes with jealousy for compulsary going-to-Rasha policy* :'(


Cake in the night! :LOL: Mmmm. Raspberry Absolut is indeed wonderful! We had a flat party yesterday, I tried to hide out at Lisa's, but she and Erik dragged me there, the evil sods. Spoke French all night with the Frenchie. I never knew I was that good :LOL: Now I'm finished cleaning up in the kitchen. 'No Pelle, don't worry, we'll do it together soon'. Errrr. Haha, turns out I always thought the 'tache woman's name's Pia, but it's Sara :$:LOL: Fuck me.

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Oh but it's so funny! It really is. Plus you'll never fit in with us Manchester students if you don't quote it every five minutes, along with Peter Kay and Ricky Gervais.


I can't actually afford anti malarials. :stunned: Turns out my doctor (who's Ghanaian) has been fiddling the NHS for me for all these years by giving me them for free. My new Manchester doctor told me the price, and it's like 55kr a tablet. :stunned: :stunned: So I've only bought two, in the hope I can get some when I'm over there :LOL: nearly 1600kr for the amount I'd need :stunned:


It is more Ghetto than fallowfield. :D That's option 1 though. Option two is me and my friend who'll be an old Post Graduate in somewhere posh, like.. Withington.


:D Oooh flat party! Sounds wonderful! Good on your sister and her fella for making you go! See the wonderful things you discovered! It's a proven fact that the path to enlightenment happens at flat parties. Aww Pia's much cöler than Sara. You should call her that for the hell of it.

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:( I shall have to see it someday then...I don't want to be hated by the Mancunians of the world! :D


That's ridiculous pricing! Is it just like everything else, meaning one company owns the market and can set any price they want, or is it just difficult to manufacture? Seeing as malaria must be quite common, you'd think the medication would be fairly priced. Bastards. Can you get some under le table in Ghana then? That'd be fab :D


More ghetto...mmm...wooonderful! Withington's crap, if you have to choose, pick la Holme de Rush! Mmmm. Or maybe not...how posh is Withington exactly?


Haha, it was so scary, this friend of the tache's started to hit on Lisa, so again I used my brotherly protection genes to get her the hell out of there :LOL: I swear he was a serial killer too, he was really scary and I didn't want to upset him, but I lost it when he started to badmouth Arabs :LOL: Chewed his ears off in a drunken huff fit :D


Mmmm finished my essay for tomorrow, composed some crap things about my trip to Russia and Kino :happy: I'll send you a few songs soon too!


David Bowie is wonderful Mona, wonderful! But if you like gay, you have to start enjoying Jöback, Körberg and the other members of the Party Posse pretty soon :LOL: I'll PM you the address

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Too right you will. Lindsey Lohan.


Isn't it just? Nah, it's made by just one company. There's nothing quite like profiting out of the world's biggest killer. Either under the table, or from my Dad's company. God love Taylor Woodrow - they've just told me they're going to fund my flight over! Wooo!


Well Withington's just between Fallowfield and East Didsbury, so you can decide just how posh it is :LOL:


Haha wonderful! Just be careful that Amigo del tasho doesn't come back any time soon... if he does, hide the kitchen knives! Badmouthing Arabs though.. that's terrible. We all know it's the Lebs we should badmouth. Slimy Lebs.


Cheers for the songs me dear!


Gah I'm so sick of bread, but this loaf has to be eaten by tomorrow. *glares at pile of bread there*

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Lindsey Lohan errrrr. :D


Must feel good to sit in a Mercedes payed by millions dead from AIDS :happy: A payed trip to Ghana! Wooo good for you, you little sod :D:happy:


:LOL: Too right then! Mmmm sounds nice enough. As long as Curry Mile's not too far away, but there are always UK North innit :D


I haven't seen him all day, but me and Eric are planning to give Lisa's number to the lunatic. Cuuld be fun. Lebs can be nice though, especially in Jönköping. Their dialect's not so fun on t'other hand, Iraqi is way cooler :happy: (makes Lebanese seem posh in comparison :D)


No probs! Hope you like!


Don't you have any pesto left? Toast the bread and eat it with pesto. Mmmm. Sheisse ich bin tired. I've been up since 10, which is way, way too early. Errr. I've made quite the pleasant discovery that I actually do like my blue/white scarf with my green jacket, too bad I can only use that jacket when walking 200m to Lisa, or else I'd die from gangrene in the cold. Mmmm.

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Absolutly. Bastards.


Luck was on my side for once!


Hehe. The man knows Manchester. :happy: Curry Mile's never too far. Please, don't talk to me about UK North. Today was not a good day for bus pass.


Does he live with you? Poor Lisa! That's really evil. *goes to find Malcolm...* The Lebs in Ghana are just vile. *shudder*


I have tonnes of Pesto! Just bread... ugh. Bread. That is quite early for a Sunday, foolish boy! Can you not wear some thermals under the jacket, therefore increasing its wearablility?


Mmm Bill Hicks.

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David Bowie is wonderful Mona, wonderful! But if you like gay, you have to start enjoying Jöback, Körberg and the other members of the Party Posse pretty soon :LOL: I'll PM you the address


Forget it. I'm not doing those men! (That came out wrong)

Party Posse... *backs away*



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Absolutly. Bastards.


Luck was on my side for once!


Hehe. The man knows Manchester. :happy: Curry Mile's never too far. Please, don't talk to me about UK North. Today was not a good day for bus pass.


Does he live with you? Poor Lisa! That's really evil. *goes to find Malcolm...* The Lebs in Ghana are just vile. *shudder*


I have tonnes of Pesto! Just bread... ugh. Bread. That is quite early for a Sunday, foolish boy! Can you not wear some thermals under the jacket, therefore increasing its wearablility?


Mmm Bill Hicks.


Now tell me dear, what did poor UK North do to make you hate them more? :(


He lived with us while he was passed out on the couch yesterday morning, and I hope he's not coming back after I was a bit mean to him. Mmm. The fucker. Haha poor Malcolm. I still haven't decided whether I should take his offer and move to Barfelona or not. Maybe he's richer than he seems. Are there a lot of Lebs in le Ghana?


Then fry/toast some bread in some oil, salt and eat it with pesto! Mmmm. Goodness. Nothing's ever warm enough for Swedish winter :( Although we must've had like 10 degrees at noon! Woo! Then I realised we probably have the worst winter period yet to come. Errrr.


Mr. Bowie can't touch the Shangri-Las. Shall we dance? <3

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I'm just sick of the 40 minute wait at OP in the morning, so I went to get a magicbus/stagecoach ticket and ended up asking for the £8.50 weekly, rather than the £4 one. Nowt I could do. Whoops.


Haha oh dear! How mean though? You really should find a place for those knives. There are millions of Lebs in Ghana. They own everything there. Grrr.


I shall try that tomorrow... I've had way too much bread for one evening. Aww. At least Swedish Winter brings snow and snowy stuff. Ahhh.


Shangri-las... bit too 60s for me.

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Oh the bastards! No student discount or anything? You should complain loudly on the bus like a 70-year-old everytime you board. <3


Ah it doesn'a matter, since our knives are rubbish anyway...I just happened to say a few things about him in French that he happened to understand, even with his IQ of 45. Whoops. You should hang out with the local hilife band though, since they couldn't be Lebs/like Lebs ever. They're too cool for that.


Yehess snow, doesn't seem like we're getting a white Christmas though, at least not in Skåne, so you can safely go to Ghana knowing you're not missing out. :D


Nooo it's so sinister and sad and waltzy and and...:happy: It's not Wuthering Heights though. Lisa and I have worked out a system of grading clothes after it, Kathy or not-Kathy. Works pretty well. If you can run across the moors in it, in style, it's definately Kathy. Too bad it doesn't apply for male clothing.

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Nope! I suppose it's a bit better, cause I can use it on any Stagecoach, rather than only the ones on the Wilmslow Road but... ah well. Looks like a trip to Stockport is called for.


Ahh fair enought then! Whooops, never a good thing to do that! Although it does make you more Welsh, insulting someone in a language you think they don't understand :happy:


Aw no that's just rhubbish!


Haha fair enough then! Haha! Brilliant! So does it have to be flaily to be a Kathy then?

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