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Too right. I did a direct taste comparison today - a PG followed by a Fairtrade. Eugh the latter. Eugh. Morally delicious, yet otherwise...


It should be ett. ETT. Because there aren't enough of them. And I say so.


Bleugh studying. I slept through phonetics ågäin today, then skipped the tutorial to buy these babies: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/milojazzlady/IMG_1306.jpg since aspectual pairs make me die a little inside each time they're mentioned. I mean... I get how they work... it's just... forming them.


Aww Yernshurping looks so pretty! Like all those generic Swedish towns.. aaaah.


Ooh that looks to me like the Venus Divine. Best razor ever. I should've shaved my legs today, since I'm wearing a skirt, however I've discovered that thick black tights work wonders in covering up. :happy:

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:happy: Mmmmm PG...so it the best tea ever, or is there something else sharing the top position? Fairtrade things tend to taste like death, generally.


But ett sounds so...scary and abstract :( But if you say so :happy:


Sleeping sounds nice! And skipping was for a good cause then as well! Ooooh Welsh! And ooooh the 501 too! An absolute must have for lazy students like us :happy: It's crap though, since if you get used to looking up conjugations, you're fucked on the exams :( Aspects are so, so crap! I mean, even Russians can't tell us what's right and what's not...'s just crap. Great fun when you get it right though...like I hope I will when I get my Mental Grammar book in February :D


Mmmmm 's really generic indeed!


Yup, the Divine, it's just wonderful, too bad they only came in blue though, since I wanted pink :( Mmmm tights...I should try that out one day :D


Mmm Stockholm. I just realised I have my essay (on whatever subject I want) for tomorrow! 'S a bit late for that now, dontchefing Pelle stupid-face? Had to translate a bloody text on Putin and Russian racists, plus I have still to do some article on Astrid Lindgren! Crap!

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Nope, PG, close second is Twinings. Mmm


But ETT! :D


Sleeping is wonderful. It's all I want to do tomorrow, but we have our end of year Russian test at 12 tomorrow, and I'm screwed cause I don't actually know any words, just grammar. Lots of grammar and pointless endings which are no use cause they have NO WORDS TO FIT ON TO. *bangs head on desk*


You should've done what I did (before my pink one went mouldy) bought the pink one and then used divine blades on it! Best of both worlds! Tights are great.. only not so great if you have short legs like what I got.


Oh noes! Stupid deadlines. Just write "Ms Lindgren is supposedly the most famous Swedish author in the world, but no one outside of sweden actually cares about her, especially in Britain where they have better children's authors."



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Mmmhm Twinings :happy:


Ett brew...:LOL: Mmmm


Awww *hugs* It's really good if you know the endings this early on though...words can always be taken in later on...otherwise, just make up words, it usually works :D


Oh nifty, I should've done! Too bad they only had Divines in the store...no other ones to be found at all :( *can't wait till hair grows back* :LOL:


No, I have to read it and get what it says, and it's so dull :( 'She wrote this and that out of boredom and blablabla'. I don't like her all that much, even though Irina thinks I do since I managed to defend mrs Lindgren in conversation class somehow :(


You should so penguin their doors in the morning! :D

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S'like t'brew then :D


*hugs back* but what use are a/ya, i, i (61) ov, yev and yei when you have no words for them!


Ooh the Divine is so much fun. I found myself shaving my arms and everything on the first day I bought mine. Not too clever that.


Get what it says? About a ginger kid in odd socks? Hehe, you should do it tongue in cheek style. Mmm.


Penguin? I'd sooner rub the excrament of farm animals over them and then put Nick and Piet's guts and bones there too once I've got round to cooking my Rainbow Trout tomorrow. *thunderous mood*

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It is <3 But ett brew sounds more like...a noise or something :stunned:


That's true :( But take comfort in knowing that I'm crap at endings, so at least there's someone you can be Rusk grammar queen over :happy:


Arm shaving, have I been there, yes I have :LOL: Faaar too many times :$ Mmmm. Mmmmmm newly shaved legs, there isn't a nicer sensation the whole wide world is there? Mmmmmmm. So cold outside though errr


Errrr? :$ I'm finished though :happy: Now there's only the essay left, but I reckon I'll be telling Irina I left it at home tomorrow and hand it in on Thursday even though we're off then argh


:LOL: :LOL: You should do! Ffwls!


Ooooh almost forgot, Lisa thanks you ever so muchly, her presentation (the Welsh) was the best in her class apparently! :happy: *hugs from Lisa* Plus, she's quite hooked on Welsh now :D

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Hush you! En Brew sounds too much like Iron Brew, which is VILE.


Woo! *passes genitive masculine plural ov over*


It's an addiction. Especially if you have the foam, and the exfoliant and the moisturiser... Mmm.


Sorry, I shall stop.


I just blasted out some Happy Hardcore followed by Wagner. They've got the message now. Idiots.


Oooh yay! I'm glad it went well! :D :D AND she's got the bug! Tell her she can have Harri Potter when I'm done with it :LOL: Huzzah! Another Swede shown the way of the welsh :D Ok the Lls aren't great, but the vowels... brilliant. *thumbs up*

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Righto, makes sense :LOL:


Thanks, have a dative masculine plural yerself *passes am*


Y'know, I wanted to get some stuff to go with the Divine today, but I just couldn't bring myself to it :$ I do have loads and loads of shaving foam though, French! Should use that really.


Haha good job :D


:happy: We shall definately try to find an evening course here :D The Ll's are greeeeat though! Mmmhm.


*Goes to bed* Good night, and goooooood luck on your exam, I'm sure you'll do poifectly! *hugs* :happy:

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See. Etymology and all that jazz!


Body Shop body scrub. Mmmm . Perfect that is with the Divine.


Good on ya! Although be careful! Evening courses have a tendency to teach South Walian dialect. *shakes head*


Gah the exam. Grrrr. To get over the trauma I've just filleted and marinaded a trout. And taken disgusting pictures. Ha. *hugs back*

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Me too :confused: Well, I haven't come very far from when I wrote that, I've only had a shower, and I still don't know what to write in my essay I had for yesterday...any ideas? :( I may have to trot over to Lisa's and invite myself to coffee if this status quo continues :D


Cooooooon te partirooooooo! :happy:


Did you enjoy the fishie vendetta then? Was it couscous you served it with? (saw the pics on Liquidfire :LOL: :LOL: )

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How bizare... What's your essay title? Ahh coffee. So long as it isn't Douwe Egberts. It's so bland. I had to buy it though as stocks of the good one have run low. Stupid coffee.


It was SO much fun. Did you see smoking Piet too? I emailed that one to my grandma and dad, so they know I've got a healthy diet here :LOL: It was couscous, mixed with a bit of red pesto. Mmm. Cooking tonight was such a disappointment. Would've been better if I'd slaughtered the chicken myself, rather than bought pre-packed breasts. *inner serial killer comes out to play*

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Best chain email ever...




10. You cry for your mother.

9. You cross the street without looking for cars.

8. Snack time is a necessity.

7. You bundle up for the outdoors without caring what you look like because everyone else looks as stupid as you do.

6. You stay at home and play games with your friends.

5. You wear your backpack on both shoulders.

4. You wear big mittens.

3. Playing in the snow is a legitimate activity.

2. You take naps.

1. You look forward to cheese toasties.





* You actually like doing laundry at home where the washing machines work.

* Two miles is not too far to walk for a party.

* You'd rather clean than study, esp. if an essay's due.

* "Oh crap- how did it get so late" comes out of your mouth at least once a night!

* Home cooking becomes something you desire, not avoid.

* You plan your classes around sleep habits & soap operas, especially Neighbours and Diagnosis Murder.

* You know the pizza boy by name and don't even need to read the menu.

* You go to sleep when it's light and get up when it's dark.

* You live for getting mail.

* Looking out the window is a form of entertainment.

* Prank phone calls become funny again.

* You start thinking and sounding like your friends and your accent becomes a hybrid of West Country, Surrey and general Northern.

* Highlighters are the coolest things on earth. and pretty coloured pens

* Rearranging your room is your favorite pastime.

* Rubbish cheap shops are so cool.

* The weekend lasts from Thursday to Monday.




*That it didn't matter how my first lecture was, I'd still sleep through it.

*That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

*No matter how 'cool' you were in school, no one here cares.

*That if you wear polyester everyone will ask why you are so dressed up

*That every clock on campus shows a different time.

*That if you got good A-levels, so what?

*That I would go to a party the night before an exam or essay due-date.

*That you can know everything and fail a test.

*That you can know nothing and ace a test.

*That I could get used to almost anything I found out about my friends.

*That most of my education would be obtained outside of lectures.

*That friendship is more than getting drunk together.

*That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years.

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:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: *laughs head off from that list* So true :happy:


We have a свободная тема, so we can write whatever we want as long as it's correctly spelled and about 1½ A4 page long...but maybe I'll return it on Monday even though I told her I'd leave it tomorrow when we have a day off...hmmm. I suppose all the other lazy gits who forgot it yesterday will return it on Monday anyway, so fuck it! Woo :D


:LOL: I did! I'm sure they appreciated it as well! :happy: Haha, you should've ritually slaughtered some town square living pigeon, chicken's for the weak :D Red pesto and couscous? Y'know, I've been dying to try the pesto/couscous combination since I got here...is it any good? (should be, since spaghetti and pesto might be the best thing since the H-bomb) Argh, I haven't had any dinner, and I can't be arsed to cook :(Plus I've run out of pepparkakor, and Lisa's too busy to make me coffee :'( *Pelle's world falls apart*

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Isn't it just!


Ooh. How about you do the whole Fakelore thing, like the soviets rewriting history and blini and stuff? Lots of easy past tenseage :D Plus it's fascinating and I can bung you some material if you want.


Ooh I may do that! You know it's delicious! Also, tesco do some amazing couscous flavours too. Mmm. Aww, you can have the remainder of my dinner and this rubbish douwe egberts coffee if you wish... I've got tonnes of Pfeffernüssen in my cupboard. *helps rebuild world*


Argh. Phonecalls from strange posh men.

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Oh that sounds really interesting indeed, but I fear it might be a bit to hard to write about in Russian and in that small space :( That's the thing about these essays, you have to steer clear from everything remotely interesting, like the latter ones, 'What do I see through my window', 'My family' and similar crap. Also, past tenseage is never nice once you're stuck in the swamp of aspects :D Maybe I'll just end up writing about why I love Russia or something. Crap crap crap. The fakelore thing's so cool though, as are all children's books from the Soviet era, like the picture book I saw t'other day, with happy, cheerful pictures of Lenin with small kids in a spring forest, and on the other page missiles and tanks on Krasnaya Ploshchad' with the subtext: 'Can you identify these war machines' :LOL:


Couscous flavours? That sounds a bit more advanced than the 5kg Hadia bags I've got going :D

Aww fanks :D


Haha don't you just love them?:D


Hmmmm maybe a walk downtown could clear out my brain...hmmm.

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It sucks that your essays have to be in Russian really. All our academic ones get to be in English.. there's just a really rubbish 300 word one in German :D How about... What the Soviets did for Christmas? Haha love it. "and the eagle was STALIN!" :LOL: beautiful.


Yeah! They have a really nice lemon one (which I used to season the fiss with yesterday) Mmm.


Love them? You must be joking. He asked far too many questions. I apparently have to take some money out to Ghana for him. Watch the headlines over christmas, I'll prolly get arrested for money laundering.


Doooooowntown, things'll be great when you're DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNTOWN.

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