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Mmmm how wonderfully friendly and nice :happy: I hope for the sake of our dignity we do that too, but with coffee :happy:


Tillsammans is the greatest film ever made in Sweden! :D You just haaaave to find it somewhere! :happy:


You've done that? :LOL: *impressed* I do have time for a brew no, but I'm saving up for rum and coke :D


If I'm very lucky I didn't fuck up completely today...but on the other hand I wouldn't be suprised if I didn't make it :( Fucking participles. Stupid fucking me for not knowing what известие means, thinking it's a botched prep./dative form of известия :$

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I'm sure you lot will do... either that or a nice glass of snaps. Mmm.


I shall have a look in the language centre tomorrow, they may have it there.


I have indeed! Infact I did it on Friday too, cause I didn't want to miss the train, but I couldn't leave the house without having had a brew. S'just not cricket.


Ahh you will have done fine, have faith in yourself you big spod :happy:

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Mmmmm snaps :D We're going to have to get you some real snaps should you decide to kip over. :happy:


Do that! It's just fabulous, so 70's, so Swedish, if you get that movie, you understand everything Swedish :happy:


'S a good Brit that :happy: How was Blackpool?


Mmmmmmmmmm Swedish schlager...I'll gaymail some, and some musical, in a sec, whether you want or fancy it or not! Haha :D *has been playing them all night since Erik brought them back into my life after quite some hiatus* One's written by Björn and Benny! (so is 'Guldet blev till sand' by the way). Musicals; a fun way to ruin your musical credibility in the flat! :D Mmmmmmm so gay. So gay!

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*shudder* I trust you not with any alcohol. Y'know Sweden is calling me. It's even used the medium of Mystic Meg today. Look... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/milojazzlady/IMG_1296.jpg I absolutly creased up when I read that.


Aye aye!


Blackpool was wonderful. Twas good to see Tesco, the cats and mother again (in that order)


Ahh I shall have a listen! Anything to keep me away from this stupid translation. Grrr. THE Björn and Benny? Oh my! *fans self*

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I'll do better next time. Our snaps is like milk innit :DTHAT is fucking scary! :LOL: You'd better book a flight purty soon!


Ah how're the cats then? :happy: You didn't stop in at Tesco's for some value lager did you?


Translations are vile, I realised at 18.00, after a walk around town and cleaning the kitchen, that we have two pages for tomorrow, plus a text on Russian casualties in the Corean War ( :confused: ) :indiff: Musicals are great company for them really! Mmmmm Björn and Benny...roll on the day when I can tell them apart :LOL:

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Better? Oh dear sweet Jesus... :( (view it as a panicing face, more than a sad one) I was looking at flights the other day.. and rail passes. Mmmm SAS.


The cats are wonderful! Miffy likes to make herself into a scarf by climbing up your torso and hanging around your neck.. Monty's got fatter... the others *shrugs* Nah, I bought toothpaste, hair straighteners and falafel mix. Life's essentials.


Errrr. I've got one for Tuesday but it's stupid because half the words are made up German ones. Oooh my Grandad was in that war. Or on his way to it... Grr. Haha, isn't Björn the one with the beard? Or is he the blonde woman that was in the car crash?

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:happy: We'll do some more finsprit I hope :LOL: Would you be going to Stockholm again?


Awwww how cute :happy: Didn't you steal someone home for le Fallowachadh? Mmmm falafel mix, sounds nice :happy: Damn me for promising myself not to buy anything else this month after the Mental Grammar book that'll be here in Jan or Feb :indiff: (though we do have the divine 15 kr falafels...) It's really advanced grammar on aspect pairs though, and our teacher said it's too complex for us, so I bought it :D Hair straighteners pah :indiff:


Made up words? By you or the uni? :happy: He was? What happened?


I thought they were both bearded :$ Car crash?

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*gulps* :stunned: I probably would be, but I'm thinking a little exploration of the south. Cause there's more to life than one city... even though it is the best city in possibly the world (but definately Europe)


Alas nay. I hope it is... my flatmate and I have a £5 bet on that she can't go vegan for a week, so it's my attempt to cook something delicious and animal free. (Which is foolish really, cause I want to win the fiver.) Mmmm Grammar. You mean there's books outside Wade? Nothing is far too complex. Complexity is merely a (rather annoying) state of mind.


By the uni. I'm sorry, but since when has zunickte been a participle of a verb? It can't be a typo, cause zunichen doesn't make sense in context. *curses* I dunno.. I think he was training for it, but never made it to Korea (assuming we're singing from the same hymnsheet here...)


*has no idea* Didn't the pretty blonde one from Abba mash her face up in a car accident? Or did Channel 4 make that up?


Mmmm Disney soundtracks.

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That's true! :happy: Should you decide to come to Lund I at least know my way around :D Although Allmänna Galleriet Kronobergsg. 37 would be tempting. Mmm best place in le Holm :happy:


Falafel would be a great instrument to keep someone off the meat :happy: Do it with gherkins, 's delicious that. :happy: And then get her drunk and steal the brass :happy:


This book is just great, and Danish too I believe! Plus it looks so sexy, just plain white with "Mental Grammar Russian Aspect and Related Issues" printed on it :happy: Mmmm it'll look good on my shelf :D


Doesn't it sound like a participle? It would be in Swedish I reckon. Or is it that it just doesn't mean anything? Should mean 'stolen' :D

Oh right, should be the same sheet indeed.


I have no idea :eek: I thought she was locked up in her house, no time for car driving? Frida's daughter died in a car crash I believe though


Mmmhm :happy:

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Well who knows where the trip will take me! With the interrail pass.. it could be as far as Finland and Norway too. Oooh. Is that where the awesome coffee place is? Or one of your much extolled gay bars?


It would! Serve it with mayo and pita bread and the fiver will be mine. ALL MINE! Bwahaha.


Mmm books. It's such a shame that language books look the nicest, yet cost the most. *strokes Nachala*


It does sound like a participle, but I've consulted the Collins and there's nothing there. *needs the Düden* I shall integrate it into daily vocab. :D


I know she went insane and married a stalker.. I'm suuuuuuuure her face was mulched in a crash though. There's nowt on Wikipedia though. Must be a Channel 4 sensationalist story, for which they are so renowned.


Hakunaaaa matataaaa what a wonderful phrase! *is tempted to gmail some*

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Mmmm interrail, 's the best invention ever is that! You just have to go to Rovaniemi to go to Santaland (or whatever they call it), just watch out for the hotel rooms, when we went there the temp was at 40 degrees constantly during the night, windows open...plus the bloody midnight sun. But all that's summer, so don't worry :happy:

No, that's the coolest 'underground' place, where you go in just next to a sex shop, go down a stair, up two, and hey presto! :D They have cheap, great beer, nice, huge chairs and good music. The place is absolutely huge too! Though last time (before picking you lot up) they were only playing the Magic Numbers, over and over...


Nice scheme you've got going :happy:


Yer, a proper shame it is...like the 100-200 page Latvian dictionary I wanted t'other day...600 kr! :eek: Really sick! I need a Russian-English-Russian though, like an Oxford, since ours are horridly bad.


Use it as much as you can :happy:


Maybe it was then? I haven't seen her picture for quite some time...poor her :( Maybe they though most blondes in Sweden were in ABBA? Then they'd have some to choose from anyways :happy:


It is :LOL: Mmm

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Innit just! Especially for Germany, where trains are like £300 to go two stops. I shall keep that in mind! It'd be hostels though. What with Scandic prices being stupid. And you didn't take us to this place whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? It sounds muchly cool!


Mmm. JAYSUS that's a lot for a wordbook. However, the Oxford-Düden I'm eyeing up is like £35... Oooh you must get the Oxford Russian-English dictionary. It's wonderful. Wonderful!


Possibly? Haha everyone from Sweden was in Abba. Just like everyone from Sweden walks around naked with their pet elks all the time and lives in Stockholm. Durr.


It means no wooooooorries! For the rest of our daaaaaays. It's our problem free, philosophyyyy... Hakuuuuna Matataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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:eek: That's ridiculously dire! I promise I'll take you there if we're in Stockholm together, last time it was a bit to walk from the boat, and going from Söder to to Kungsholmen can be quite confusing, especially when tipsy (speaking from experience since the piss-up 'afore your pickup once again haha). It's a great part of town, not quite as posh as Vasastan or Norrmalm (where Jan lives, resp. where all the big stores are), nice dark pubs and all. There's a great warm-up pub near Kronobergsg. there too, the Newcastle :happy: (since they have strange hours when they're open...maybe it won't even be open at all, depends on the season I guess)


All ordböcker are like that, 6-700 is the average price :( You have to get it for 35 quid, 's nothing that! The Oxford seems nice...and thick :happy:


We do :LOL: Mmmmmm Sverige.


:LOL: Oh dear, so, so childhood, even though the Hakuna Matata song is preferably done in Swedish :LOL: (Though we did watch Lejonkungen at a cinema, in English, was quite advanced for yours truly innit :LOL: I bragged about that for months I believe :D) That Aladdin song is so gay <3


Reckon I'll be going to sleep in a mo since I have some early private conversation tomorrow, then a really long day :( Nattsåååågott dear! :happy:

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Good! And in return, should you ever make it to Blackpool, I'll take you to The Blue Room and Jenx for an equally dingy night out. Or 42s and 5th Ave here... Mmm dingy. I thought you said Jan's area was the ruffian area? Haha The Newcastle.. sounds like a theme pub.


£35's like the most heggspensive. It is very thick. Mmm. Far too heavy to actually lift off the shelf, so it sits there, looking thick and book like.


Nahhhh! Do you get the same fart jokes in the Swedish version? Or that New York cab driver esque accent? Awww :happy: it explains why you're so good at English these days :LOL: Ooh there are gayer songs. Should I get my hands on them, I'll send. :happy:


G'night dear! Schlafff goooooot!

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That sounds a real lovely plan awright! :happy: Nah Jan's area is quite posh...didn't it look posh? We never quite went to any ruffian places, even though Söder might have been more ruffian afore...

The Newcastle is quite run-down and crap :D And named after the beer (ale?). Mmmm how do they come up with those things :LOL:


The more reasons to get it innit! :happy: I've decided I need more heavy books really...maybe the Oxford Rusk dictionary would take care of that...mmm.


:happy: We did! Can't remember the accent though, probably Stockholm/Söder or Göteborg/Hisingen :D Awww that must be why :LOL: That or the kitchen-sink :LOL: Mmmm gayer? Mmmm. I kind of came out to a girl in my Rusk class today :LOL: , she thought (for some reason) I only listened to Joy Division or something, but I euphorically explained to her about Helen Sjöholm, Peter Jöback and Tommy Körberg. She was surprised to say the least <3


Mmmm beer, svåger and the best TV-programme ever produced in Sweden about a serial killer in the 90's, reality-based, 'Lasermannen'...so good...so great! I think it may be one of the best things I've seen on telly actually...I wonder if they'll ever translate it to English, then I should send the DVD to ye :happy: It's scary how they can capture the very essence of 70-80-90's Sweden! Mmmmm. *is all giddy*

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Sod that all. The main tourist attraction now is the PG machine. I'll try and get a photo tomorrow... AMAZING. I dunno, maybe it was the litter on the street which was uncharacteristic of Stockholm. I watched a good film today, Pelle the Conqueror. It's so shit, it's actually good. However, I realised that Danish is way easier to understand than Swedish. Forgive me :$


Absolutly! You should also subscribe to that Academic Journal called Slavonica which Katya edits. Pretentious and bulky. :happy: *tosses Hammer's Guide to German Grammar over*


Damn you! Ahhhh. :LOL: Kitchen sink... :LOL: brilliant! You should ask her for leg shaving tips next time you meet :LOL:


Ahh sounds wonderful! Have you ever seen the French (possibly Belgian) Police Judicière programme? S'brilliant that. They always have it on TV5. Mmm. Ahh giddy. S'fun that. You should draw pictures of Russian penguins and stick them to your flatmates' doors. :D

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You shall have to get a picture yes :LOL: Is the PG nice then?

Litter on the street? I'm amazed that every foreigner says that Sweden's so clean...I've honestly never though about it! Danish easier to understand!? What the...? Even I can't understand spoken Danish :eek: (Me and 99% of the population of Sweden probably)


I really recognise that name...I wonder if they have them at the institution? Pretentious and bulky seems like heaven :happy: *gets hit in the head by grammar*


I've started adapting verbs like 'kip', beetle' and things like that into my Swedish vocab :LOL: 'Jag beetlar över till mig och så kippar jag off till sängs' :D Shaving tips, yes :D Which reminds me...I haven't shaved me legs for weeks :$ I shall do it in the morning! :happy:


I haven't! Oh I miss TV5, 's great :happy: Sticking things on their doors sounds like good fun, I might do that some day, if they didn't already see me as a complete fucking eccentric :LOL::$

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It's really good! Nice and strong too!

It IS though. You want to see Manchester's streets. They're covered in litter, crap, tramps, chewing gum... Isn't there that rule which closes streets for cleaning once a week too? Yeah for some reason. It was bizare. I think it's cause it sounds a bit more like Plattdüütsch or summit.


Mmmm. It's quite a well respected publication apparently. Bit like German Life and Letters. *rues the day we were made to read that*


hahaha! That's so archaic! Except maybe kip... S'brilliant how you're conjugating them though. Genius! Would it be ennnnn kip or etttttt kip anyway? Shocking! I shaved mine for the first time in months on friday. New Venus blades and the wearage of skirt. Wonderful it was. Wonderful. :happy:


Oooh you should make an effort to see it. It's how we communicate in the flat... you should see Jenny's door at the moment. It's covered in Penguins because she doesn't want to see tha film about penguins. I had a bit of a breakdown earlier and drew a russkoye one for her. Eccentricity is the new black dear. The new black.


Gah, I should go to bed... damn insomnia. *blames Douwe Egberts*

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Mmm tea machines...that'd be nice to have at home! Me 'rents apparently got a really flashy coffee machine at home now, we've been manual brewers all our lives :happy: Mmmm posh :D

I think they have the cleaning rule in Stockholm yes...must be a bitch to own cars in the city centre really since you have to move them before nightfall. And then the snow ploughs shove black snow all over your SUV :happy: Well you're the German master innit :happy: I suppose it's better if it's subtitled (I'm guessing it was? :D)


Then we muuuust have it! Mmmm. One should subscribe for it oneself though. That'd look nice on le shelf!


Swedish conjugation's just great! Att kippa, kippar, kippade, kippat :LOL: It would be 'en kip' :happy: Mmmmm sounds wonderful, I have yet to buy some Venus though...I shall have to soon *wants to wear skirts* Mmmm shaved legs against soft bed cover :happy:


I will :happy: I think we may have TV5 in Yernshurping! Haha flat bullying, in a nice way, innit :LOL:


I really should too, I have some private conversation tomorrow, and I really don't feel like it :(

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The only tea machine should be a kettle and a pot really. It's just nice there's PG in uni rather than that Fair Trade crap they sell. Aww, they're probably over compensating now all the plants have fled the nest. :happy: Filling that void with frothy coffee. D'wi hoffi coffi.. or goffi... *shrugs*


Ahh Stockholm. Ahh Sweden. Ahh snow. Ahhh. It was subtitled, but I wasn't really paying much attention, however I did notice that in true Scandinavian stereotype style, the first bit of pointless nudity was only 15 minutes into the film.


Nahhh just steal it from the periodicals section of your library and photocopy it. :happy:


:LOL: So beautiful. Have you integrated brew into your vocab yet? That can be irregulière. Brewa... brö, bröyar, bröadit, bröttetete and it can be an ett. Mmmm bastardising languages. Buy Venus! Dooooo it! Or I'll get you one for Christmas or something. It's a tripple bladed, aloe vera infused sensation. Plus you don't dig chunks out of your legs.. merely three lines.. like satanist worship cuts or summit.


ahhhh french.


Gah, tell me about it. Now it's the latter days of the semester all I want to do is skive and sleep. Grrr.

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That's so true :happy: Yer over compensating, too right you are :LOL: And mmmm I'll be happy to go home even more now <3


:LOL: Otherwise it'd be no film really. You should really see Tillsammans then :LOL:


I should <3


I haven't actually...I really should...irregular...hmm I dunno, brewar, brewade, brewat sounds quite nice. Oh and it's en brew by the way. Haha I have no idea how that system works though, 's just...right! Brewalerar, brewalerade, brewalerat does have a certain ring to it though :LOL:


Aloe vera? :happy: Mmmmmm. I sh'll have a gander tomorrow. I don't know 'bout the no chunks part though...'s been a long time, and I'm hairier than the last time too...though I swear my leg hair got scared so it's not growing like it used to :D


It's annoying it is. :indiff: Argh I want to go home, I don't want to study :( 'S just too blardy much! Well g'night dear, I'm trotting off, try to have some sleep so you can go up and put some more penguins on the doors! :happy:

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