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Done and done!


Aw they're all great. It's without a shadow of a doubt the best university in the world, evoh.


I did indeed! Haha that could be quite amusing. We really should busk on the streets of Stockholm for coins. That'd be fun.


:LOL: :LOL: You should be careful you know! Babies are the worst sexually transmitted disease you can get! *hands some Rennies*


http://www.livejournal.com/users/killerbees/207916.html pictuuuures!


To the Sweat shop boys thread...!

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Ruddy university. I should come over and be a guest teacher in Swedish for a while to bring down the standards :D


Busking with wee Jöbacks would be gleat! We should ask Erik to supervise it all since he's as in love with Peter as I am :LOL:


:LOL: Thanks. But imagine some small, Russian rebyata in wee pink/grey track suits spawned from a night of declension :D


Awwwwwww that's wonderful! *steals tomtemössa* I really should get me one of those! :happy: Especially since I did my singing Christmas debute today in the hall, noone in the kitchen though, so I don't know whether people were at home, but by gow, we have great acoustics! :LOL:


Mmmmm boys.


I've been playing with my hair all evening, and now, ladies and gentlemen, I have curly hair :LOL: God what studying does to you :D Just realised I hate my bathroom light even more, you can't take consistant photographies since the lighting always turns out different, and make-up is impossible. 'S why I always turn up at Lisa's looking like a Chinese endangered animal :D

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Too right! You could have your own department, just like our department of Dutch studies in the broom cupboard at the bottom of the stairs to the Russian department :LOL:


Ah beautiful! Oooooh heeeeeeeeelgaaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaat. So beautiful.


Hahaha! Excellent!


You should! Every home needs one! Plus cotton wool snow! Ahh hall acousitcs. As good as bathroom ones?


Excellent! Like proper curly? :happy: At least your bathroom light works! Mine's buggered! Currently my bathroom is some form of disco... But I can't switch it off otherwise the extractor fan won't be on.. and the steam from the shower will set the fire alarm off and then the block will hate me.


You just need practice with the makeup! Or wet your makeup brush a little bit :D

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:LOL: Ahhh yes, poor Dutchies :D Then I could take over the NorSoc with force and make them write their emails in Swedish <3


It really, really is. And Peter's such a stand-up guy :D


Hall acoustics may even be better :happy: I don't even sing in the shower since I'm afraid the others might overhear me too way much :D Small bits of songs will suffice whilst I'm heading out.


Proper fucked-up curly :LOL: Maybe I'll bring some pictorial evidence should my camera want to work again, I took one 'before' pic earlier on at like 6.30, so it's quite different. Looks like shit though, I'm hoping this isn't what a perm would look like on me :LOL: No bathroom light outright sucks! And your predicament seems quite complicated as well :LOL:


Brush? Pah I'm not that advanced, I'm only 'bout the eye-area thing right now. :happy: (Lisa keeps ignoring me when I ask about concealers and foundations :LOL: ) Too bad I still don't wear it to school though :LOL:

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Please do! I don't like the way the NorSoc is all about Norway and Daneland. :indiff:


:happy: If only all christmas songs were like that. STILL it's no Fairytale of New York. :D


Haha! Afro? You will have to, as this will add more weight to the wife and I's theory that your hair is perfect as it is and should not be played with! I have candles in there at the moment for some mood lighting...


Makeup brushes are brilliant! Much easier to work with.. (make sure you get a real hair brush if you use powder shadow) haha you don't need foundation! (But if you do want some.. get a light reflective concealer and the maybelline mousse foundation *thumbs up* and always test it either on your jawbone or the bottom bit of where your thumb joins your wrist NOT the back of your hand.) Haha! You should do!


I must ask... how come you call uni School? Is that a Swedish thing? :happy: *starts to call uni schööl*

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Bloody bastards they are! With their vikings and everyfinn'! :indiff:


It's most definately not, but alcoholism has its time, and gayness surely has its time too :D


Oh Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do. What is it with me, demi-naked pictures and the Museboard? Must be all the Russian. Pardon bland facial expression. I find it hard to smile when thinking about present participles.

Before: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/be02b621.jpg

After: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v66/Krasnojarsk/c73459fe.jpg Told you it's fucked up! :LOL:


Mmm candles, I do too actually. Mmmm roses.


I've been planning to get one, but I'm not sure I'm mature enough for proper make-up since I only do it when meeting friends/being bored :$ I shall take your wonderful advice into consideration though, maybe I'm heading out for to some make-up store after the next payment :happy:


Hmm, I don't know actually...just feels cheesy to say 'jag ska vara på universitetet hela dagen', 'I'll be at university all day', university for me is more abstract, 'I'm studying a subject at university', whereas 'school' is more the physical thing I go to, since it's still a schooling institution. :$ I guess it's a Swedish thing yer. And I would say Я буду на кафедре весь день in Rusk, not в университете...but that's just me. Schööl is oh so much better

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Didn't you see the Jöback quote in your thread? That should cheer you right up :happy:


Didn't you see my answer? ;) Jag gillar inte Jöback speciellt mycket. Muiken tilltalar mig icke.


Dock skrev jag en svensk text till mitt band idag. Lite Kent-aktig... fin och sorglig. Jag är duktig och detär min gitarrist med.

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Didn't you see my answer? ;) Jag gillar inte Jöback speciellt mycket. Muiken tilltalar mig icke.


Dock skrev jag en svensk text till mitt band idag. Lite Kent-aktig... fin och sorglig. Jag är duktig och detär min gitarrist med.


Han borde vara allas husgud! :D


Ahhh nice. :happy: Still play the drums?

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Tis true, tis true. Ideally, the two would be combined. We can only dream...


Haha! Brilliant! Poodlehair! :D *steals* The facial expression does look as though you're about to burst into a plethora of laughter though. :D Gah you're so lucky with your hair.


Ooh you should. I recommend the Ruby and Millie brushes. Brilliant. And also their book called Face Up. That taught me a lot it did. :happy:


Ahhh. We just say uni. Hadn't pictured it as cheesy... School we just associate with 11-16 I think. Damn our culture. A see, ya khadzooooooo v universititye on the kazdyediiii dyen. *needs a cyrillic overlay* Schööl.. not to be confused with skål.


Set my spirit freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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The two combined sounds like a normal weekend in Lund :D


:LOL: Poooodle! You can have it! It's bloody comfortable though and doesn't get in my eyes :happy:


I shall look it up :happy: Oooh and a book! Advanced! Write up another planned purchase after the state gives me money :LOL:


And you have the comfy abbreviation and all, we could never do that. Uuuuuni, haha :LOL: Skååååål. Mmmmm. Hopefully it'll be uttered muchly tomorrow after l'exam when I'm watching the final of Pop Idol with Lisa :LOL::happy:



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Ahhh. Lund sounds such a glorious place. :happy:


Ahhh wonderful :happy: *runs away with it* Your hair is so much better than mine. It's so blond and you have looods and it's even... *tries to conceal hair envy*


It's the bible for any makeup wearer!


Too right we do! It seems weird calling it university to be honest... Uni. Mmm uni. Ahh Pop Idol <3 How I miss it.


Is it wrong to be "actually quite impressed" by Placebo's cover of Bigmouth? It's so.. 90s whiney and gay <3

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It is, it is. :happy:


Loads is no fun :( Especially when it's straight, since you're bound to look 14 for the rest of your life no matter what you do to it :indiff: I'd quite like to try brown/really dark blonde for a while, but I hear it'll turn out crap however I do it.


And it could gay up my bookshelf quite a bit :D


Pop Idol used to be fabulous up until last Friday, now the two most bland singers in the universe are left in the final. Still, it's too addicting to pass up :D


Nooo it's great! And I'm very picky with Smiths covers :happy: That and Divine Comedy's 'There's a light' are great! Oh and Back to the old house by the Would-Be-Goods!


Well, god natt dear, I'm going to bed 'reasonably' early so I can get up early if it suddenly strikes me that I've lost all my knowledge of Rusk at 8. Which I will feel, first thing I wake up. Aren't all hexam mornings like that? :(

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No! It's superb! The day you dye your hair, the day that people all over the world (more specifically people in Leeds and Manchester) will cry bitter tears.


They always leave the bland ones in the final. That way they can't become too successful. Bit like Will Young.


The Comedy covered There's a Light?! Wooooow. I remember covering it when I played some peace hippy festival a couple of years back. I was scared that the Smiffs fans would hate me for it. Mmm Back t'th'old 'ows.


Sleep well dear! I'm sure you will triumph over the izzzziiiiik. Pob lwc! :happy:

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Aaaaah such the pretty bathroom! Who needs electrical lighting? :happy: I just love the Jesus too :D


People from two cities will mourn? :LOL: *Keeps hair* :happy:


Awwww poor them :LOL: Like last year, the one who came in second is still famous and really big, while the winner sings 'soul' on the Finland ferries :LOL:


They did, and it's fabulous! I'll gaymail it in a sec if I can find it, along with another cöver. You did it at a festival? Woooow that's really cool! *impressed* :happy:


*Dies from nervousness all over again*, now 1 hour and 18 minutes. :'(

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Absolutly! Having a shower via the medium of candle light this morning was great fun! Shame Mr. Maintanence man's just been and fixed it :( the Jesus smells like magic tree salvation :D


Yes! Two!


S'like that here, which is a shame as Will Young is actually really good... I shall send you some. Sodding Gareth Gates was bigger (he had a stammer, so it won hearts). Although now he's dying a death and Will's coming back :D


Mmm. About September last year. Ahh those were the days.


Awww you'll be fine! *passes a cup of Horlicks and some Vallium*

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Aw that sounds wonderful indeed! You should smash the lights again! :happy: Mmmm salvation :D




Ha, 's like Sibel over here, best singer in Sweden for years and years. Plus, she's Macedonian/Turkish! Bingo! :D Poor Gareth though :D


I just realised that singing the Divine version when shaking from coldness and nervousness makes you sound exactly like Neil Hannon! :D


Aww fanks :happy: *hugs*

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A wise move! But I'll end up running out of tea bags, what with it being customary to make the maintanence man/cleaner a brew.


Score! Good singer and Easternly good :D


Haha! Excellent! He has such a wonderful voice. My lovely lovely hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooorse... :D Y'know if you a) put some clothes on and b) make a brew you'll calm down :happy:


No worries :happy: *hugs back*


God life decisions... get the earlier train home and go on one of the super cool virgin ones, but have to change at Preston... or a Northern train... tough call.

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Is that so? Mmmm English traditions. We just tend to stay out of their way until they're done :indiff: Or maybe some coffee. Or like in 'Together' (you seen it, the Swedish commie film Tillsammans? Best film ever!) when you get them a few bottles of beer :D Mmmm.


Heeeeexactly! :D


He's utterly lovely he is! I can't make a brew, no time, have to get going soon :( :'( I put some Clash on though to get me in my patented I-couldn't-give-a-fuck-since-I-get-to-drink-tonight-mood :D


Cool train, cool train! :D



An' if Adolf HITLAH flew in todaay, they'd send a limousine anywaaaaay! :happy:



When they kick at your front dooooor, how you gonna come, with your hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun? *screams*

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Absolutly! Doorbell goes, person comes in and the first thing you say is "do you want a brew?" or "would you like a cup of tea?" if you're being formal. :happy: I haven't seen that, no.


No time for a brew? RUBBISH! There's always time. Just remember it's hard to walk up the stairs of a double decker bus with a mug of pg in your hand. *speaking from experience*


Best mood evooooh! :D


Sounds a plan. *thumbs up*


ooouuuuuuu est mon maaaaitre le prince rebellllllllleeeeeeeeee. Damn the Beautiful South ruined this song.

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