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Not a class trip, but more a mutually decided going for a break to Leningrad for a couple of days with friends from the course. It'll never happen mind. Hence why I'm eyeing up cheap SAS flights. I'll need a list of place recommendations for old turnip land from you and Mona at some point.


Haha yep. Nightmare.


Nahhh English transcribed! Ahh phonetics. Gonna miss that next semester. :(


Mmm yes. It's the accent I shall try and cultivate I think. Sounds a bit rough round the edges too. Ah yes gay, but rough as in... y'know.. not RP Swedish. Whatever that's called. :happy:

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Ah that'd be nice I reckon, but if it won't materialise, then well...:D What would you like to do/see? Just sightseeing, rolling in the snow, dancing with the polar bears kinda things? Or just drink your way through different cities?


Aaaha English :$ Of cooourse you have to do your Northern thang, all else is crap. :happy: Are you going to do proper Rusk phonetics later on? 'S fun that.


Naaaah don't :( Stick to le Stockholmese! You'd want to sound Thåström right? Rikssvenska is RP over here. 'S the one I speak innit, except when I get angry/huff/enthusiastic. It's scary how much I've used my Stockholm dialect in Skåne though, I bet it's the inner me trying to act Big Brother to the semi-Danish ffwls :D

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The drinking around cities sounds fantastic, yet with a hint of financial ruination. SIGN ME UP! Nah, I'd probably just take a book and a pen and write my way around the bananaland. Taking pointless arty pictures. :happy:


Of course! I canny help it. Nah, I don't think we do Russk phonetics here. Just German. http://www.art.man.ac.uk/RUSSIAN/courses/uginfo3.htm s'what we do. Innit.


Aww I dunno, all Swedish accents sound beautiful to me. Even the crapest of the crap. S'like you and your (clouded) perception of the northern accent. Haha most probably. Trying to show them that you're more cultured and Stockholmy than the Wessis. :happy: Just like I've become even more northern since moving to Manchester, in a bid not to turn southern since everyone and his dog is a southerner at uni.

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if you click the second one, Arfordir Môn, it's all set on Angelsy, so (this prolly may be a little late) if your sister wants to know what the angelsy dialect sounds like properly, it's there. (Not the narrator though.) The third one down's got a brilliant example of the mash of english and welsh that is Angelsey too :D

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The drinking around cities sounds fantastic, yet with a hint of financial ruination. SIGN ME UP! Nah, I'd probably just take a book and a pen and write my way around the bananaland. Taking pointless arty pictures. :happy:


Of course! I canny help it. Nah, I don't think we do Russk phonetics here. Just German. http://www.art.man.ac.uk/RUSSIAN/courses/uginfo3.htm s'what we do. Innit.


Aww I dunno, all Swedish accents sound beautiful to me. Even the crapest of the crap. S'like you and your (clouded) perception of the northern accent. Haha most probably. Trying to show them that you're more cultured and Stockholmy than the Wessis. :happy: Just like I've become even more northern since moving to Manchester, in a bid not to turn southern since everyone and his dog is a southerner at uni.


Sounds a better plan alright! :happy: Pretty pictures will be plentiful if you get here when it's snowing! Stockholm is nice in winter, 's always better in the bigger cities, since small humdrum towns tend to get more depressing. I'm sure you can imagine. :happy:


Oooh 's so planned and wonderful! I'd really want to do Rusk in Britain...feels more 'secure' so to speak, so scheduled, while here you won't probably work with anything even remotely Russian, or if you do, maybe spend the rest of your life at the institution. Errrr.


I see :D The Northern accent is the best though, it really is. And my vision of it is as clear as errrr. Vodka. I thought Mancunian was considered very narf? Your accent muss be maaaarvellous then:D






if you click the second one, Arfordir Môn, it's all set on Angelsy, so (this prolly may be a little late) if your sister wants to know what the angelsy dialect sounds like properly, it's there. (Not the narrator though.) The third one down's got a brilliant example of the mash of english and welsh that is Angelsey too :D


That. Is. Wonderful. Sounds like Icelandic, but a bazillion times better. Mmmm, too bad I couldn't watch a whole show since I'm too hungry to watch them cook crabs :D I sent it to Lisa though, who promised me lussekatter and glögg tomorrow. Mmmm. Write lussekatter up for your preliminary Sverigeresa.



Mmmmm Africa :D I've seen Toto live in Jönköping too, free concert and all. Beat that! :D

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Is there still snow in April? Also, how good/cheap are Swedish trains?


Yeah! Our course is slightly different though, cause they've changed it all now. But you get the point. Aww all of our department is Russian bar Rachel and another mysterious woman who we never see but apparently we have a seminar with soon. :D You should maybe do a year abroad here or summit. Get on an Erasmus scheme. Chill with the slackers of British Education. *is currently slacking from reading 11 pages of German life and Letters for tomorrow's seminar.*


I am growing fond of it. Cami, bless her keeps accidentally saying things in a northern accent. I'm so proud of her! Manc is pretty much the same accent as mine, just harsher on some words.


Innit just! Best dialect of Welsh that. Shame that presenter's a ruddy southerner though. *makes notes*


Mmm Toto. Lucky you! Oooh 19 days until Ghana. Woo! Would you like a post card? (same offer extends to Mona, should she read this)

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If we're extremely unlucky yes, but don't count on it. Maybe up narf, in Lappland or something. Last year we had some huge blizzards in April at least. Swedish trains are ridiculously overpriced, unless you buy a ticket online less than 24h before you're going, like a last-minute thing, but they don't always have those (or sometimes they require like 5 changes and takes 4 hours more than it should). A normal ticket from Lund to Jönköping could be about 600 kr if I'm unlucky. Maybe that's cheap in Britain or something though, don't know :$


Ha, it's really strange how you never meet some people, they keep talking about this very important guy who wrote our grammar compendium and all that, but I've only seen him from 50 metres distance I believe :LOL:That, my dear, is how myths are born :LOL:


Awww that's great of her! :happy: It's more nasal too is it not?


Yeah, kinda puts the experience down, but then you hear the Welsh and all is fine. Also I realised I've pronounced Ynys Môn wrong :( In-iss mooun :happy:


19 days! 'S nothing that! I would very much appreciate a postcard dear! :happy:


Grammar repetition at 10 tomorrow...I hate it how I get completely swallowed into a trance before a test I'm terrified of...:( Pah! Time to get my fucking act together innit! :D Простынёй! Yes! Instrumental singular of 'sheet'! :D

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Oooh. Snyeg! How long's the train journey, cause that is rather dear. It's only about £7 for me to get home. Mmm.


haha so, so true. Like Professor Durrell here. He's written the most amazing grammar books for German... but no one has him. He was supposed to interview me... but he wasn't in. Apparently he was in our translation class last week, but I was in bed. A legend. In so many ways.


It is indeed. :happy:


Shocking! How have you been saying it? Un-uss? That's southern that. Unfortunately that's the pronunciation all the books have. Welsh should be singy and have vowels like Swedish for it to be authentic and northern.


I shall look for the most Ghanaian of cards for you. Shit I really need to buy a new mobile for when I'm out there too. Ghalagala. NO TIME!


Aww. :( Swap for Reading German seminar? Gah, I know what you mean with test fear. They're evil. Everything should be classwork assessed. :D Look at you showing off with the instrumental. We're yet to do that.

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At least you've seen snow now, so maybe Swedish snow won't be that important :D Lund-Jönköping is 2½ hours :stunned: 7 quid is nothing. Pah.


You should phone him up or something :D Our teachers always tell us to call them after we finished a course if we have any questions, and I have yet to do that...mmm imagine a private conversation with some demi-rusk god, just for the sake of it *is a sad human being* :D


You should do nasal Russian then too, like our phonetics teacher, it's really beautiful. Not nearly as nasal as Polish though :happy:


I've been neglecting the pronunciation of Ynys, and instead stressing Môn :$ *For shame Pelle* My y's have been more like the Turkish i-thingie with no dot. Errr. At least I didn't do the Swedish 'y' <3


Mmmmm Ghana :happy: Ghalagala means that? *adapts into everyday language* :D Hey if I'm a highlife guitarist I have to adopt the lingo innit :D


I'd swap any day :( Classwork assessed indeed :LOL: Then I could probably pass some course in...law or something <3 Mmm instrumental, now that's a beautiful case...though it's controlled by so many things, which can be quite confusing. Mmm.

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Yeah, but I didn't make a snowman! Jesus that *is* expensive.


Ooh I could email him... Mmmm.


I tells you, Emma and I, we have our nasal бил down a treat! Shocking Pelle! Although the locals just call it Moan anyway.


Nah Ghalagala is my disapproving noise. However if you want to use it as Ghana... go for it! :D


Mmm the easy life. If only. Instrumental doesn't come until after christmas. :(

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Mona: Schooldays aren't important. Sixth Form is. Just... make sure you keep up to date on what's going on, and then when you eventually become a miserable cynical sixthformer with a coffee addiction (like what we was) turn up. Then you can be a uni student with a sparse timetable and a plethora of debt :D


S'the key to being an academic that. No money, no sleep, lots of books and lots of coffee.


I'd love that life, but the thing is that I want to get away from here. I want to live life far away. I am that kind of person.. not the family-stick-together-type like my mum and brother.

And if I'm going to get somewhere, I better do something. My mum is the one that pays.. so. Yeah. Even tho' your idea is great.. I'd love that. I might even consider doing it..you never know. Uni here isn't that bad either. But I want to get away. That's all. That is the role I'm playing in my family.

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We'll have to do that then :D You should put one on Sveavägen and dress him up ass herr Palme :D Very expensive yes, robbing bastards.


You really should. Keep one step before the class at all times :D


That's niiiice :D I'd never call it Moan :indiff: Yn-yss Mooooun it is :happy:


Ah thought it meant 'no time' or something...it would be perfect to shout out during a cover of Prince Niko Mbarga's 'Free education in Nigeria' :D <-- best song ever, all 10.44 min of it :D


After Christmas? Then have a Раяном, on the house.


*Explodes from studying*

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I'd love that life, but the thing is that I want to get away from here. I want to live life far away. I am that kind of person.. not the family-stick-together-type like my mum and brother.

And if I'm going to get somewhere, I better do something. My mum is the one that pays.. so. Yeah. Even tho' your idea is great.. I'd love that. I might even consider doing it..you never know. Uni here isn't that bad either. But I want to get away. That's all. That is the role I'm playing in my family.


My sister was like that, do like her, go work in Britain or something. :happy:

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We'll have to do that then :D You should put one on Sveavägen and dress him up ass herr Palme :D Very expensive yes, robbing bastards.


You really should. Keep one step before the class at all times :D


That's niiiice :D I'd never call it Moan :indiff: Yn-yss Mooooun it is :happy:


Ah thought it meant 'no time' or something...it would be perfect to shout out during a cover of Prince Niko Mbarga's 'Free education in Nigeria' :D <-- best song ever, all 10.44 min of it :D


After Christmas? Then have a Раяном, on the house.


*Explodes from studying*

A wise move. Mwahaha.


Absolutly! S'why I went to that Goethe Institut lecture last night. Get in there with the German elite :D


Ah Mooun. How I miss it. Such a beautiful place.


Haha I'll have to embrace HiLife this christmas, won't I? Rather than joining my dad in drinking to ignore the noises.


Gah studying. Do it all on the journey into uni tomorrow.

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I'd love that life, but the thing is that I want to get away from here. I want to live life far away. I am that kind of person.. not the family-stick-together-type like my mum and brother.

And if I'm going to get somewhere, I better do something. My mum is the one that pays.. so. Yeah. Even tho' your idea is great.. I'd love that. I might even consider doing it..you never know. Uni here isn't that bad either. But I want to get away. That's all. That is the role I'm playing in my family.

Don't go wishing your life away though! I'm not a family stick together person either, but we're all still close. You'll always have your family when you have nothing else :) Despite what you may think.


Just wait a couple of years, and (get ready for cliché) you'll have the whole world standing infront of you. :)


Gah, if only clichés had no weight to them...

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A wise move. Mwahaha.


Absolutly! S'why I went to that Goethe Institut lecture last night. Get in there with the German elite :D


Ah Mooun. How I miss it. Such a beautiful place.


Haha I'll have to embrace HiLife this christmas, won't I? Rather than joining my dad in drinking to ignore the noises.


Gah studying. Do it all on the journey into uni tomorrow.


Mmmm German lectures :happy:


It looked really spaffing on the cooking show :happy: I'd really have to go there someday when my Welsh is poifect :D


Oh yes you must! :D Full chords are for the weak, third intervals is where it's at.


I walk to school :( Bah fuck it, I'll sleep instead, I'll have to be up at 8 anyway. ARGH fuck it's the 1st of December! :eek:


I like boyz, boyz, booooyz *<3's Rhiân's mate's mate's song!* :D

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So viel spasssssssss!


It is really spaffing! Ah the best thing to do is be as English as possible, then turn round at the end and go Diolch yn fawr and various other things with an accent so Welsh their face hits the floor. Ahh when in villages in Wales, I always introduce myself as Llinos, rather than Rhian. Brownie points. :happy:


Haha slacker! Mmm, I'm in for 9. Good 8am wake up here too. Mmm early lectures. Then 2 hours in the café, searching for the boy. Ahhh. YAY! 24 days until Christmas! 5 until Sinterklaas!


Ahhhhhh. Festive spirit. TWENTY FOUR DAYS YAY!

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Tha'ss really good of ye innit :happy: Is Llinos more Welsh than Rhiân then? I though they were pretty equal? *has to come up with a Welsh name for self*


Did you find him? :happy: Yes, Crimbo's just around the corner innit! 'S scary. Pah I could've stayed in bed today since noone else had any questions, and I never have any myself. 'S why I'm seeking out all tests in Rusk I can do on l'Internet. I got 44/50 on one, was labelled 'upper inter-mediate'. Made me proud. :happy: To bad I'm rubbish at strange-word case endings (like words ending in я or ё for example, they're nothing special, but that inherent soft-sign just blocks my brain right up :()


Mmmmmm that Twinings green tea collection is fabulous, if you don't have it yourself, go get it :happy: Mmmm orange and lotus flower. :happy:


I wonder why I played more versions of Oh Holy Night in June than now in December :LOL: Makes no sense!

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Rhian's really common in Wales. It's like everyone in England is called Sarah, everyone in Wales is called either Rhian, Rhiana, Rhiannon, Rhianwen... There's a couple of actresses called Llinos on Pobol y Cwm... it's like the ultimate in Welshness is Llinos.


I've not been in to uni yet :unsure::$ I slept through my alarm. Whoops. Well done you! Irregular endings are the thorn in everyone's side. Ah well, without the exceptions would you love Russian as much?


I'm not a big 'urbal tea fan to be honest. Mainly because it usually smells like cat wee. I thought you should have some though, to test your Britishness...


Haha! S'bad luck that you know! *puts on Christmas songs*

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Ooh I see then :happy: How nice of your 'rents :happy:


Whoops! :D Ah well, you could do without it couldnyou? Or are you going in anyway? I would love Rusk very much if they only had one declinaison but still with the lovely pronunciation we all adore :happy:


:( I failed? Jasmine tea is nice though, reminds me of my childhood when we were force-fed grassy green teas all day long :D Mmmmm gunpowder.


Course it isn't! Gaymailed you a few too :D

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Well.. Mother. Dad didn't really mind... so much so that on my birth certificate my middle name is Llynos, because he registered me and didn't know how to spell it. :LOL:


I'm in 4-5 for Landeskunde, so I may go at like.. 3 and do some work. Hah. Yeah right.


Not failed, you just... entered the middle class hippy bracket :happy:


Ta! Ah Christmasy. :happy: Little dooooooooooonkey, little doooooonkey on a dusty roooooooooooooooad

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:LOL: :LOL: Haha is that so :D Didn't that cause you some trouble when going to the Soyuz?


That's late! Ah it beats starting at 9 or something anyway. Mmmm.


But I don't waaaaant ot be there :'( :'( :( *does some PG instead* :D


Oooo heeeelga naaatt, o heeeeelga stund för vääääärlden!


I'm having chest pains :LOL: I think I'm going to die any second now

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I had trouble getting a passport, but nothing a good old letter can't solve :D I just hope the Swedish embassy will be as forgiving when I apply for my Swedishness.


Very late! Steve and I managed to keep a straight face there this week. Most unusual.


Awww. You can't help your inner Swede. *pats on head*


Haha I started singing that in Primark today. My flatmates just stared at me.


Don't dieeee! Not when it's so close to Christmas! Once my photos have uploaded I'll have to show you the festiveness of our flat!

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I had trouble getting a passport, but nothing a good old letter can't solve :D I just hope the Swedish embassy will be as forgiving when I apply for my Swedishness.


Very late! Steve and I managed to keep a straight face there this week. Most unusual.


Awww. You can't help your inner Swede. *pats on head*


Haha I started singing that in Primark today. My flatmates just stared at me.


Don't dieeee! Not when it's so close to Christmas! Once my photos have uploaded I'll have to show you the festiveness of our flat!

Swedes rock!

Hey, Jazzlady go to the Pet Shop Boys thread and look what i put

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:LOL: Haha, good job! You'll just have to change your name to Frida-Abba Bennybjörngren if you want to move here y'know :D


:LOL: Awww I want as funny classes/teachers as you :D The only time I can't stop myself from laughing is when Irina stares at me with her crazy eyes when I've accidentally said instrumental plural instead of dative singular or something without me realising :D


:happy: No I can't indeed


You did? Fahaaabulous! :D Did you do it gayly? :happy: That song has to be done in oh such a gay way. We'll have to try a duet after some folköl some day. :happy:


It actually feels a bit better, but I have no idea why, I'm still a nervous wreck, I guess it's the hormones, I must be pregnant or something. Explains the morning vomits and stopped menstruation. :D Pictures? Niiiice :happy:

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