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Wooooooo snow, congrats! :D *slips and falls to death on pavement* Now go out and write things on the windscreens and make snow angels!




Hactually I declared every kopeyek on the customs slip, but they didn't look at it, so I still have it, and the dosh!:D


Snow! So wonderful! I pelted Liisa with a snowball on the walk home. Mmmm.


Haha! Our customs check was fantastic. Customs officer came in, asked "any icons, money, weapons or caviar" we shook our heads, he smiled and walked away. <3


Aww is there no Welsh course you could do in Manchester? That'd be great innit! *wants to learn Welsh* I got all giddy when I handed my grammar/dictionary to Lisa, I should get cracking on that if the bloody Rusk wouldn't be in the way! And mmmmm mutations...them's the best things of every language surely.


I don't think there is. To be honest, I don't really need a course as such, cause I know quite a lot, I just can't... write it. Or speak it brilliantly. S'like at Martha Wainwright, I met a welsh woman and she asked me questions in Welsh, but I had to answer them in English. As you do.


Mrs. McGarrigle has such, such a beautiful voice! Remembered the title of the tune too, 'Complainte pour St. Catherine' or something like that.


I am completely besotted with The McGarrigle hour. I would send you tracks but with buying it off iTunes it's all gay and unsharable :'( You'll just have to get a copy yourself :D


Finished watching the Rusk film just now, went home, don't want to go back, I want to sleeeeeeeep! 'S so cold outside!


Knackered bread with lingonsylt...errrrrrr


You're beginning to sound like a Manchester student now :LOL: No time for lectures, must sleep!

It's delicious! Delicious!


идёт снег!


Why am I in such a mood to spam the Denmark thread?


Because they're all typing Swedish like a dyslexic?


Look! The NorSoc has a webshite now http://www.umsu.manchester.ac.uk/norsoc


it's far too Danish for my liking.

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Is it a sign of a tea addiction when you can:

a) tell what brand you're drinking when your flat mate's made you a brew and not told you what bag she's used

b) you can tell whether it's semi-skimmed, full cream or skimmed milk?

c) taste the sugar from the spoon that's been used to load/stir someone elses sugared tea?


Mmm tea. Err Tetley.

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Addicted to tea alright! :LOL: I'm afraid I have quite the way to go, though I'm already really good at appreciating PG over crappy crap Lipton. Errrr.


I haven't thrown a snowball in years :$ Bloody mittens getting cold and wet :(


One of the teachers on our trip brought home loads of icons, a crafty lass indeed. <3


You should start reading Welsh novels though...think you could manage? 'S like Russian, much easier to understand than to speak. Meaning, my conversation class at 17.15 = crap, since I had to treat the others to a fictionary dinner, and I got stuck somewhere when I tried to explain how I got my living duck from Japan on the airplane through the customs, and how it's not rotten and full of flu virus so I could serve the утка с яблоками like I wanted. She even objected when I tried to serve white wine with the smetana and caviar as the hors d'oeuvre. Errr.


If I can allow myself to spend more money there's a great Garrigle record at an internet store here for 79 kr, 's nothing that. I sooo should get it.


You should try Swedish blood pudding with the stuff though...'s fabulous. You'll learn the right way later. Mmm.


Снег идёт would be more correct :D


Bah NorSoc, vivkings and everything. Errrr.


Poor Terry Wade! That's horrible! I shall inform my grammar teacher tomorrow :(

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Mmm. For god's sake never buy Fairtrade tea from the co-op if you're over here. That stuff is worse than Liptons. Y'know the hardness of your water affects the taste of tea too. Mmmm. Tea.


First one in 12 years was thrown today. :D :D


Oooh, I shall inform the KGB. Or the Stasi. Or both. Bwahaha.


I probably could, it's just having the wherewithall to get hold of Welsh books. I wouldn't mind a copy of the Mabinogion again though. My Nain (my nana's mum.. she was called nain.. not the one I phoned about the welsh...) used to tell me the tales of the Mabinogion when I was little and in return I'd read her the newspaper cause she was like 500 years old and blind :D


Oh you have to. It made me feel so melancholy but in that really positive way, self reflective.. aw it's so beautiful.


Haha mum and I have just been singing the communards on the phone :LOL:


Blood pudding? ERRRRRRR.


Katya said idyot first though... *confused*


I know, apparently his wife's really upset :(

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I shan't ever :happy: Our water's full of lime (calcium oxide that is:D) here...how does that make the tea then? Isn't your pipes over there filled with the stuff too?


12 years!? Oh dear, you'll have fun then:happy:


Ahhhh old stories...my relatives never did that :indiff: Is it a good one? Sounds like it. *Rhi reads newspaper: 'Hmmm well let's see, Wales seizes England, Scotland and wins World Cup in football, cricket and shuffeboard' :happy:


I did just now! 'S the self-titled first one...I'd listen to it just for her voice...mmm...'s a bit major for me though...I'd need some minor for it to be a perfect song...guess it's the Polish in me speaking:D


You did?:D *hail to you* For a Friend?:happy:


Swedish blood pudding, like I've said before, is still divine:D


Well, the verb last makes more sense...but if there's anything I've learnt, it's that Rusks do what they want since it's their bloody language:LOL:


If the moment arises, send my heartfelt condolences to Katya or someone else related.


A wee ordbok for ye!http://www-lexikon.nada.kth.se/skolverket/sve-eng.shtml



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I dunno, just, the harder the water the better the tea. Or the other way round, I forget.


Lots of fun! Although I've just nearly killed myself twice walking back from The German's. Stupid ice.


Ooh it's fantastic. It's a collection of like Welsh folklore and it's fantastic. Plus there's a Rhiannon in the stories. Even though it's a completely seperate name, never mind. A thing that every good Welsh kid should have read to them. Along with Wil Cwac Cwac :D


:happy: You should've got the McGarrigle Hour too though. It's a masterpiece. Ahh the inner Pole. So dreary and grey. Mmmm.


Nah, it was Don't leave me this way I'm afraid. Teyoon.


Blood and pudding are a NO GO. Never. Ever. Errr.


Well, yeah but you idyot na/v places.. it's prolly got some Church Slavonic root somewhere that Katya will at some point go into detail about. God adore her. :happy:


Will do.


OOOOH! I saw a really good one in Waterstones on Friday. Shame I can't afford it at this moment in time. But soon it will be mine. MINE!


Schlaf gut!

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I'll have to compare it to Jönköping then, bring up me PG and have a wee contest :D


I can imagine! Quite sad really that I can't enjoy snow...it should be nice but it's just so cold :( Could be that I'm already freezing when I walk out from the temperature in my room :indiff:


Wil Cwac Cwac, I remember you talking about it, seems nice enough :D Shouldn't you rewrite some stories with Rhiân as the main hero then? Mmm.


Yeah that was tempting...but to be honest I mostly got it for 'Complainte pour St. Catherine'...mmm.


Ah 's nice that too :happy: Not quite the divine pianoness of For a Friend, but still...it's still Communards...mmmm.


You Arab you!:happy:


Yup, but the subject is more often first...though I can see the logic in идёт снег now...just sounds more...stylistic, or literal. Katya seems a right kitten.:happy:


Oooh nice :happy: The you can quite stupid uni and start translating Kent songs full-time! Mmmm.


Brothers sisters can't you see, the future's owned by you and meeeee!

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I've skipped too much.

Okay I don't skip whole days, but I skip classes, come late mostly and as I think I've told you, the teachers are already mad. Except for my civis-teacher. He's as late as I am.


I have to go. Sadly. But I usually go to Aulan in our school and play instrument sinstead of attending class so it's okay ;)

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Absolutly! How are the stocks of PG going anyway? I hope you've not completely neglected the Twinings. Mmm.


I've never been this cold in my life. Two jumpers, hat, scarf, mittens and my winter coat and I am still freezing. God help us all in 2007 when we have to brave the Russian winter :stunned:


Wil Cwac Cwac was brilliant. I'm sure all he ate was fruit cake. Infact *phones mum up* (passage of time) DAMN why do the women of my family refuse to answer the phone when I have burning questions? Nahhh. It'd have to be Llinos as the heroine, mainly cause then it would only be any good for Welsh audiences. :D


We did dative today :D Best case EVER. No matter what language it always is the best. It's such a selfless, giving case :D


She's no kitten, she's a Minx :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I can't believe I just said that :LOL: today, conversation goes:


Katya: "If I give you one piece of advice, it's never drink vodka on an empty stomach"

The class: "speaking from experience?"

K: "Yes, it's not a pretty sight"

class: "picture the Russian department meetings now, sat around, toasting and discussing what nasties should be on the ab initio curriculum"

K: "oh no no, there are some people here who are far too sober for my liking" :LOL:


Aw I wouldn't want to quit uni. Not even for Swedish. S'how much I love it.


Mona: Schooldays aren't important. Sixth Form is. Just... make sure you keep up to date on what's going on, and then when you eventually become a miserable cynical sixthformer with a coffee addiction (like what we was) turn up. Then you can be a uni student with a sparse timetable and a plethora of debt :D


S'the key to being an academic that. No money, no sleep, lots of books and lots of coffee.

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I've got quite a few bags left I believe. Oh of course not I haven't neglected them, I'm having them about equally as much, just that PG seems cooler and more proper Britishy to brag about:D


:stunned: That's a lot. Me I'm mostly in a shirt/cardigan-type thing, or just a shirt, and coat/jacket. Again my Polishness rears it's beautiful face :LOL: *jealous of going-to-Russia-Rhiân* :(


Mmm Llinos. Such the beautiful name as well. Mmm. I said it quite loud in the line at the supermarket today to demonstrate the ll's for Lisa :D So now you're famous in Lund too, your book would certainly make a hit here!


:eek: Are you mad? Dative is the worst, worst case! :'( And sometimes where there should be the dative, there's accusative, and why in hell does к have to control dative? *sobs* It should be so giving and rewarding though, but isn't.


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: She seems great! Mmmmm. You'd have to get drunk with her sometime then:D


Tha'ss a good Rhiân. Swedish is oh so much lower on the good-scale than Rusk. Mmm.


Spot on as usual Rhiân. You should write a book on the academic life mmm.


I just realised yet again I'm so crap at Rusk it's not even funny. There's no way I'm passing the exam on Friday.

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Good! Let me know when they're running low and I'll send you international tea aid.


You're just so hard and Eastern European. :happy: Mmm Russia.


Haha :$ You're more than welcome to it. S'long as the evil EVIL Ll was well received. Ahh you should've said Llinos dw'i dw i'n mynd i Llangoed ac Llandudno. Dw i'n mynd i Llanfair (etc) nos yfory. Infact, I'd be interested to hear the non native version of that (cause it's always funny.)


Dative is BEAUTIFUL. Just look at it!



She's fantastic. Couldn't ask for a better department :D


Absolutly! I so want to be an academic when I get old. There were loads of them at the Goethe Institut tonight. It was wonderful. So learned. :happy:


Russian does that to you. It's very communist in destroying your soul. You think you're crap and wasting your time, then you get 53/80 on some god awful AWFUL AWFUL test you were convinced you'd failed (because you went to the pub instead of revising) and everything gets better. :D


For all these suburban children, THANK YOU!

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I will fankooverrmuch :happy: And you tell me if you ever need filling up on something Swedish :happy:


Thanks :D Mmmm yes. Snow disappeared today, so I got away with just a jacket. :happy:


Evil? Noooooo not evil, 's beautiful and harmless. We had quite some difficulties trying to figure out what kind of sound it is though...a lateral fricative? *has no idea* It's quite queer it is. As soon as I get my grammar back I can look at some pronunciation things and get cracking :D I'm so crap at it though :LOL:


That's just because of your beautiful handwriting, otherwise it's crap. And mmm what a nice circle of по :D And in Deutsch too. Mmm.


Mmm imagine being able to woo sad youngsters with your knowledge of preteritum gerunds :D


Let's hope your theory is correct then, otherise I'm screwed :happy: Just went home from school after one class, pretending to be sick, to 'study', i.e. listening to the new McGarrigle record and doing...nothing :$


You're very welcome:happy:

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I shall do! Although that kind of works against my "oh bugger, run out of *insert Swedish goodness here* best book a 2 week holiday sometime soon." plan :LOL:


Mm same here. It's been replaced with drizzle and grey. Mmm, so Kraków. It's a voiceless lateral fricative (mmm three term labels) :happy: God I love phonetics. :D It's a sound like all those Swedish vowels. Only native speakers can pronounce it. You can spot a non native a mile and a half away.


Nah, it's because the dative is beautiful. No matter how it's written, or what language it's in.


Corr! I can see them all flocking to my classes now...


Am ever wrong? Ever? (don't answer that.) Ooh shocking. SHOCKING. You know we call that skiving, ergo making you a SLACKER! *opens arms and welcomes to Manchester*


You know what you need more than McGarrigle? Aled Jones's Hen wlad fy nhadau. You can hear he's a Bangor lad really well. Considering it's so near Caernarfon (where Bryn's from) you can hear the difference in accents. Mmmm.


that version of Imagine.. so.. Palestinian.

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Ooooh two week holiday? Going to Lappland are you? :D I wonder if it's possible to send filmjölk to Britain...:happy: Oh, you have to try the knäckebröd from Öregrund sometime, my relatives there get it straight from the factory, loads and loads of it, and sometimes they spill it over to us poor bastards in 'dåliga knäckebrödslandet' :D I should send you a shipment if I get a hold of it sometime. Mmmm. That and just butter it...heaven on earth.


Mmm drizzle, it's so much better. Except it ruins coats and makes mittens wet. No slipping though, which is good.

Woo I was right! Vowels are better though, since they're almost always 6-termed :happy:


After reading about advanced aspects for a while, dative seems quite puny :'(


You should wear a white lab coat and force them to sing the Commie Anthem every morning and recite one Stalin speech of choice.


:happy: Mmmmmmanchester. The McGarrigles were so worth it, especially Swimming Song, so Irish mmmmmmm. *played tin whistle for the first time in aaages* Too bad that song was all about le F note, which is hell if you only have a D whistle :(


Ooooh close to Bryn...that sounds nice...is it patriotic? That's what makes Swedish music really nice to listen too, all the accents. Unless they're stupid, but I forgive Håkan Hellström for that since...well, I got used to it. Somehow Göteborgian = angsty love. 'S like with Mikael Wiehe (heard him?) or Björn Afzelius, if you sing their songs you just have to add that stupid dialect of theirs since it just comes with the song. I'm sending you two songs in a sec.


Mmm very much so. It's like the beautiful Pop Idol version I was on about, all those strange-scale Arabic noodlings/wailings really spice it up.

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Nah, I'm planning an exploration. It'll either be a class trip to Russia or a solo trip to somewhere. God it would be so good if it were possible, although with it being dairy you'd have to like... concorde it or something to stop it really going funny. Mmm. I've been to so many specialist food shops trying to find that stuff.


I dunno, wet leaves are a recipie for disaster!


Haha! A daily hate!


Vowels are the hardest thing for a northerner to transcribe into IPA. What with us having to do everything RP, I keep doing mine northern... cause that's how it sounds. Much to the frustration of my tutor.


I'll bet. Mmmm. Can't help but adore them.


Mr. Hellström has a very sexy accent. It's like he's swallowing his letters. Mmm. Not heard the Wiehe, but I've got the Afzelius on... I quite like that accent. It's very... rough.


Oooooh! Mmm.

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Solo trip? Daring :happy: Do you have any class-trips to Russia planned? Our uni's to poor to do those kinds of things probably :( I actually haven't had filmjölk for ages, only yoghurt...though dairy's thoroughly crap in Skåne anyway. You could always aim for Kalaspuffar and smetana though :D


That's true, that's true. Especially in sneakers...


Russian transcribed into Northern English! :LOL: I can imagine! Then if you did some Swedish, you'd know how to pronounce u's in palatality assimilation, since it's quite like the Swedish u. :happy:


Mmmm 's beautiful it is. Give me a howl if you want any song off this album.


It is very sexy yes, and really cool when he speaks it, but I bet he's going to grow up talking like old Göteborgians *shudder* He's over thirty though, so we can always hope. Afzelius rough? :eek: I think it sounds more gay and full of harmony :D

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