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I've got a huge grammar exam next Friday :'(


Well categories are the simplest things we have to grasp who or what people are...it may be frustrating, but we all do it...and we're never quite unique enough to be able to be put outside of any category, because no matter what you do, someone has done, or is doing it too...and will still do it. Do I make any sense?


<3 Sibel.


Avec de l'Italieeee qui descendrait l'Escaaaaut, avec Frida la Bloooonde quand elle devient Margoooot!

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Yes, you're right. Sadly.


But oh well. I'm seeing Franz the 8th.. Mwaha. Only highlight until New Year.

Pelle, skall du icke komma till Stockholm?


However, I've been trying to actually not get depressed for once, and this is what happens:


- I screw up on my chemtest

- I don't get enough sleep

- Now I have a cold too

- I also have a stomach-ache

- And a head ache

- All I've eaten for two day is candy.


And I should try not to become depressed every once in while. Fucking moodswings.


Min na en kran. Den skulle kunna ge vatten till hela Kina.

I want to go to Pakistan and help people there. Mum won't let me. And I'm not 18 and I don't have enough money so I can't. Or else I would've.

I wannIwanna!

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Sadly yes.


Rhi's out doing them tonight :p Stockholm? Me? Mona love I have female coats and girly tops to buy, no space for extravaganza :D There was a funeral I was supposed to go to in Stockholm on the 9th but I can't/won't.


Fuck chemistry, listen to music all day instead. Eat pepparkakor instead of candy, 's really better it is.

Cold? That sucks, but take it as an excuse to skip school, it's so much easier than when you're in uni, if you miss like one lesson you're screwed.


Don't go to Pakistan. I know exactly how you feel, I'm outraged by our media only reporting from places when fat, white, rich tourists die and not when they're dark and small. Fucking idiots the lot of them, all of Sweden and the Western world. It's really, really fucked up, but don't go to Pakistan, we have to be able to help the way we know and be happy that we're safe and sound. It's like people from Sweden going to Palestine, it doesn't solve anything, the only thing that helps is attention from the world media. Sadly, too many people in Pakistan are doomed to freeze to death because an earthquake isn't somthing we can grasp.

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Haha, well Pelle, I just wondered if you were coming or not.


My problem is that I listen to music all day instead of listening to what the teacher says. And yes, I will not go to school on Monday. Can't be arsed.


I won't go to Pakistan, but I still believe that they need help. I, myself can't do much, but if everyone did something.. Oh well. I would never go there if I couldn't do anything. I mean , just walking around seems stupid, so no thanks. But still, the situation in Palestine and Pakistan is different.

However, I agree that we should be happy that we are safe, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be a bit altruistic.

It wouldn't hurt.


And btw, I think my teachers will want to have conversation with me about respect for authorities, time and class-attendance.

Yes, and one girl in school said to her friends: "Isn't that that anarchist in NVE1-A?", when I passed their table. I couldn't help but smile.


Mona is not responsible for rumors made up about her. She doesn't care. She just lays back and enjoys watching the fools speaking in their own world.

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I'll give you a ring if Rhi needs directions to Allmna Galleriet Kronobergsgatan 37 :D


You're a teenager, it's your prerogative. How important is school for you? Do you want to be a doctor or something equally fancy? Do you like studying what you're doing right now?


Of course it wouldn't hurt, but we'll just have to accept the fact that we can't control most things...maybe it would do one worse to go to a disaster area, being unable to help at all and realise we still have problems we may rank higher than a natural disaster.


They are? Class. What can they do? I've always lacked enough respect for authorities, but I've always managed too. But it's better to attend the necessary classes and adapt a silent protest...or not so silent depending on how you see it. Prove the teachers wrong.

They called you an anarchist :LOL: Oh dear. Such fucking wankers.


Hey have you heard Sibel Redzep's version of Imagine? It's fucking ace it is.

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Good morning lady and gentleman!


Admittedly I was rather drunk on the 3.8% Danish pond water but Franz were really good! (Even though I only knew about 4 songs) thems really good to dance to, innit! We never made it t'cornerhouse sadly. For some reason too, I have a packet of un-opened Gaff 'specials' in my bag. Not Polish but Portugese this time. RUBBISH.


It's the trainee Toni&Guy hairdressers. They give you like 120 of hair cuttage/colour for free, only it takes like 3 hours just for a cut. *can't complain*


Aw I'm glad you had fun at the church. :happy: Maybe I'll go next weekend. First Sunday in Advent and all...


The whole Pakistan thing's like Ghana (Although Ghana's politically somewhat, nicer) where people want to go and help from what they see on the news, get there, realise it's different then can't understand this that and the other, and when they return home they start all this "yes I helped the third world, aren't I a modern day saint" no. Fuck off.


The media's always going to portray things in a really glossed over way. Like the Tsunami. What ever happened to that? No-one cares now the holiday makers have all been repatriated and claimed for their lost belongings on their insurance. As for those little darkies having to re-build their lives? Tally ho, s'not our problem old boy. We got our duty free from the airport. Chin chin.


I wish I could lack respect for authority. I've been brought up far too... British. I know what they do is unjust (in some cases) but I can't help but nod and agree because it's 'the done thing'. Ah well. When I'm the first female PM of this god forsaken hole*, I'll do my worst...


*because we all know Thatcher was a man /Adrian Mole


And now back to bed. *sleepy smiley*

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They were good? Well if that many people like them they surely must have some qualities innit. Glad you had a nice time :happy: Can't you invite a chain-smoking teacher out for a fag? Maybe they're still Polishly strong even though they're Portuguese?


Ooooh nice innit. We have a Toni&Guy someplace here too...hmmm. I'd quite like to go to some fancy hairdresser's since they're supposed to know their stuff.


You have to go then! There was this beautiful sermon on the radio when I woke up today, the Christmas hymns are simply the best! Mmm trumpets.


Spot on Rhi, what can you say...


You're Tory so you can't help it innit :D I was brought up by a marxist :happy:


Have you slept all day? :D Spoken to your nain?


Death Goes to the Disco, Pulp, best song ever! Plus Sibel's Imagine *can't stop obsessing* Argh grammar exam on Friday! *chokes on stress induced vomit*

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They were. Although they speak some dodgy German. S'worse than mine after several pints. Maybe. I dunno. I'll just flog em on to Cami or Claire. No chance I'm going to ruin mes poumons.


Toni&Guy are great, if you like their 'standard issue' haircut that you have to spend 532kr on (assuming the exchange rate is still running at 13.3 to the pound)


Ahh beautiful. :happy: I shall make every effort, but I think I may be in Blackpool next weekend.


Indeed, what can you say. Actually, I could say a lot more, but I'm twtiching a bit from my coffee, since I thought it was really bland with only one extra espresso shot, so asked for two more. Mmm caffeine. Who needs food?


Tory with Liberal credentials! I'd like to call myself Marxist, but I was privately educated, we own two cars, a semi-detatched in the countryside and my father is a tax exhile. Rather be a Tory than a hipocrite.


Not *all* day. Just most of it. Tis sunday, the day of rest. I've tried phoning her, but she's not picking up :confused: I could always give you her number if worst comes to worst :LOL:

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Maybe they did Austrian German? :D 'S bound to be fucked up then innit. Or maybe they were trying to speak Danish because of the beer. Mmm. Don't flog yer fags on to anyone close to you, you'll kill your poumons then anyway errr.:D


Argh I hate standard haircut, every hairdresser's I've been at always apply their standard rubbish haircut...just once I'd like to spend like 200 on a haircut at the trendiest place on Sloane Square just to have done it :happy: Pound is ~13.80 kr by the way, well done.:happy:


But you may be in Blackpool, are they that ungodly? :D


Mmmm coffee. It's really strange, but I think I may be off my caffeine addiction :stunned: I do still get headaches from it occasionally, but not as bad as I used to...I think it's the tea :happy: It's still better than eating though, yes. <3


Mmm so true, to be fair, I'm really a Tory by association since I'm not very working class now am I...


"Eeeerr hello, 's me..errr...errr...*click*":$


Oh Deb'rah do you recawl!


Mmmm translation for Tuesday finished, probably four thousand mistakes, but still...I'll get cracking on the chemistry text soon too. Thank God for gingerbread biscuits.

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Maybe they did Austrian German? :D 'S bound to be fucked up then innit. Or maybe they were trying to speak Danish because of the beer. Mmm. Don't flog yer fags on to anyone close to you, you'll kill your poumons then anyway errr.:D


Argh I hate standard haircut, every hairdresser's I've been at always apply their standard rubbish haircut...just once I'd like to spend like 200 on a haircut at the trendiest place on Sloane Square just to have done it :happy: Pound is ~13.80 kr by the way, well done.:happy:


But you may be in Blackpool, are they that ungodly? :D


Mmmm coffee. It's really strange, but I think I may be off my caffeine addiction :stunned: I do still get headaches from it occasionally, but not as bad as I used to...I think it's the tea :happy: It's still better than eating though, yes. <3


Mmm so true, to be fair, I'm really a Tory by association since I'm not very working class now am I...


"Eeeerr hello, 's me..errr...errr...*click*":$


Oh Deb'rah do you recawl!


Mmmm translation for Tuesday finished, probably four thousand mistakes, but still...I'll get cracking on the chemistry text soon too. Thank God for gingerbread biscuits.

13.8?! WOAH the rate has gone up considerably since I was over. Mmmmm. I still have 40 kr blu tacked to my wall. Maybe I should forex it... along with my 10 roubles :LOL:


Nah it's just not as easy to get to church. Well it is, but the service is really early in the morning and I get all upset when I go to that one, cause it's the one where Grandad's burried. Innit.


Tea's a great way to get off coffee. ESPECIALLY the PG. Mmmm.


Hehe not at all! Although technically you're living off government money/parental handouts (if lucky) and are unemployed so it could be KIND of working class.


haha you should greet her in Welsh. That'd really throw her. Bore da nain fy Rhian! Pelle y'dwi!


*puts on Disco 2000*


Mmm translation. SO much fun. :happy: Used to hate them, but now I've seen the light. Err Chemistry, you poor thing *hands raspberry muffin*


With regards to the welsh, I'm sorry if Lisa wanted standard Welsh... but Standard Welsh we Moaners can't do. If you want any of it pronouncing or whatevoooh, just let me know. :)

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You do? :LOL: Class. You should cash it in and make a small studentka fortune. Awww pounds Sterling, if only you could be more like the dollar:D 10 roubles though? I have 560 roubles in my photo album:D I wonder when the NKVD will come knocking down my door...


Oh I see, the evening ones are better as well in my opinion...'s quite nice going at 5-6, and then going home having glg and gingerbread:happy:


It's like a nicotine patch it is.


:LOL: Mmm working class student, with mum le docteur:D


That'd be great, mmm. I hope you always greet her in Welsh?:happy: Bore daaaaa! ('s a beautiful phrase that, first I learnt in the course I did mmm)


Translation is fun if you know what the hell it's all about...our uni seems to think it's pedagogy to not teach us the important things we need to know before every translation exercise so that when we get them back, they're riddled with red marker writing, and Irina's sometimes bad at explaining what the correct version would be, so I doubt we're learning very much...:$ Mmmmmuffin thanks dear:happy:


Standard, pah! I told her you had the most beautiful Welsh pronunciation, but we'll see...I think she doesn't really have to say it, mostly analyse it all grammatically.

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I do! It's just such a pretty currency. Haha did you hide it in your shoes to get through customs?


So true. But only the Cafflics do those here. I don't know if they'd welcome me with open arms.




Well... people change... maybe. I still shop at Tesco, so I'm the same.


I do occasionally, but she gets all confused cause she's so used to hearing me speak English to her. Like with mum. :LOL: S'why I can't speak it as well anymore. It is indeed! Along with noswaith dda (sp?) too. Ahh.


So true. ALWAYS read the rubric. Then you can just guess the gist of it :D


:LOL: Nahh, there's better pronunciation out there. Especially on Pobol y cwm. :D <3 that. Ahh she'll have fun then. Specially with mawr turning into fawr and all that mutationness. (If she wants a table of mutations, just shout up.)


I've just bought the McGarrigle Hour of iTunes. Most beautiful album in the world. *wants an amazingly talented musical family to sing with*

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Yes, I know. Anarchist.. haha.




Anyway, I don't have to go to school tomorrow, thank God.

And I'll be home alone all day (almost.. dad will be asleep) so lots of music and lots of experiment with food. Mwah.


However, I have this "Take Home-exam" in maths to do.. so.. yeah.

Now, all I have is this week and the weekend and 4 days then Franz concert.

You can't imagine how much I'm looking forward to that. I am bored and I'm - obviously - an activist, so I need movement.


I'm off to eating knkebr.

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Lucky you! This Swedish school system is so bizare. So trusting. Take home exam?! :LOL:


Ahh Franz, you'll have a ball. Just be wary of over-priced merchandise. They were charging £25 for a T Shirt last night. Good job I'm not a fan really. Robbing gets.


Mmm Knackered bread. With lingonberry jam I hope. Mmm.

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Wooooooo snow, congrats! :D *slips and falls to death on pavement* Now go out and write things on the windscreens and make snow angels!


I do! It's just such a pretty currency. Haha did you hide it in your shoes to get through customs?


So true. But only the Cafflics do those here. I don't know if they'd welcome me with open arms.




Well... people change... maybe. I still shop at Tesco, so I'm the same.


I do occasionally, but she gets all confused cause she's so used to hearing me speak English to her. Like with mum. :LOL: S'why I can't speak it as well anymore. It is indeed! Along with noswaith dda (sp?) too. Ahh.


So true. ALWAYS read the rubric. Then you can just guess the gist of it :D


:LOL: Nahh, there's better pronunciation out there. Especially on Pobol y cwm. :D <3 that. Ahh she'll have fun then. Specially with mawr turning into fawr and all that mutationness. (If she wants a table of mutations, just shout up.)


I've just bought the McGarrigle Hour of iTunes. Most beautiful album in the world. *wants an amazingly talented musical family to sing with*


Hactually I declared every kopeyek on the customs slip, but they didn't look at it, so I still have it, and the dosh!:D


Aww is there no Welsh course you could do in Manchester? That'd be great innit! *wants to learn Welsh* I got all giddy when I handed my grammar/dictionary to Lisa, I should get cracking on that if the bloody Rusk wouldn't be in the way! And mmmmm mutations...them's the best things of every language surely.


Mrs. McGarrigle has such, such a beautiful voice! Remembered the title of the tune too, 'Complainte pour St. Catherine' or something like that.


Finished watching the Rusk film just now, went home, don't want to go back, I want to sleeeeeeeep! 'S so cold outside!


Knackered bread with lingonsylt...errrrrrr

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Lucky you! This Swedish school system is so bizare. So trusting. Take home exam?! :LOL:


Ahh Franz, you'll have a ball. Just be wary of over-priced merchandise. They were charging 25 for a T Shirt last night. Good job I'm not a fan really. Robbing gets.


Mmm Knackered bread. With lingonberry jam I hope. Mmm.


Yes mum! Or bewinged sister.. whatever.



Haha, yeah but we're allowed to get help, as long as we understand how to solve it.


Believe me, I don't have a single crown, so I won't be able to buy anything :happy:

What can I say, I am incapable of handling my economy.


So, now I am home, and soon, I'm going up to make potatissallad. With grillad kyckling. Gott.

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A blizzard and you're happy? Errrr. Mmmm potato salad...haven't had that for yeeeeears. Mmmm. *doesn't want to go to school* So cold so cold! :'(


Why can't you see what you're doing to me, when you don't believe a word I'm saying? We can't go on together, with supicious minds (suspicious mahdns!)...and we can't build our dreams on supsicious minds! Oh let our love survive, or dry the tears from your eyes! Lets dont let a good thing die! <3

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