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Da! I was like ooooh. You're so pretty.. I mean.. ooh it's a small world. Alas he wasn't in the Leamington today :(


Echte Deutscherin... nah. Jag will always zijn a pseudoswede.


You know what's an even better feeling? Freshly washed bed sheets. Mmmmmm.


Oooh sounds a very Russian film. Have you seen that Night Watch one yet? That was quite... Russian.


Are you supposed to keep those flowers in direct sunlight? That could be why they've gone a funny colour... or... have you just done a me and neglected to water them? :rolleyes:

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He wasn't? Bummer :( Why don't you get a job there instead? :happy:


Yes, yes you will :happy: *hands over crown of Swedeness again* :happy:


Oooh yes, 's fabulous that, the highest grade of studenty happiness :D *has new ones in too* Mmmhm.


It was very, very Russian indeed, though quite hard to understand when they spoke all drunken like and there were no subtitles errrr. I haven't seen Night Watch unfortunately since the video rental thing here is crap and utter crap :indiff: And no Emule either argh!


That could be why yes...I've watered them like a good boy but apparently they're really hard to keep alive. Ah bollocks to that, I'll buy some new ones :D


Feels like I've been to school for like a year today...and oh so much to be done for tomorrow I had no idea about, so therefore I'm skipping school tomorrow and thus having a 5 day weekend :D Jealous? *falls asleep on t'floor*

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I canny work there, that's a job reserved for the chain smoking Mancunians. They'd stab me if I stole it. I'll just have to spend more time in the Language Centre... or... take up smoking so I can hang out at smokers' corner and see if he's there.


Woo! *puts it on shelf oweing to the mountain sized shelf accident induced lump*


Haha proper Georgian that. I think it may still be on kino release at the moment... I only saw it there like last month. Aww poor Katya today, she's really ill :(


You could've over-watered maybe? Or perhaps you have to stand the pot in a little water, rather than pouring it on the roots. I'll ask Alan, he's the horticulturalist. :happy:


I know what you mean... we're only 3 weeks away from Christmas Vacation.. then when we come back in January, it's only 12 weeks until Summer Vacation. :stunned:


Ahh the perfect plan! 5 day weekend though? That is shameful! Especially as we only do a four day week here... *tosses a blanket to the floor sleeper*

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Awww 's horrible that :( But you do still have your Polish fags right? :D Have you been in lately then?


A lump :( *hands bag of ice*


What's ailing her? The flu? Has she been gone long?


Hmm, I'm starting to think the flowers are just over-bloomed...since now they're all small and wrinkly and yellow-brownish...I may have over-watered yes...but I can't stand to see it suffering so! Poor gardenia. I bet she knows I looked at pot roses t'other day too.


3 weeks!? Holy cow that's nothing! And yet I have some life-depending exams until then :( We're leading a good life us students with us never being in school innit :D


Mmmm skipping school was great, handed in the translation and the essay on 'What I can see through my window' today though. Oh the crap I came up with :LOL: Question is, sleep the day away or study errrr. Curse Lisa for not being at home now, I need ginger bread shopping since I'm all out. And another 5 kg bag of couscous :LOL:

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Well not me personally, but Claire does (although this week they're czech.) I was there yesterday.. then he arrived as I left... and I've just seen him at the bus stop, but he went Bullock and I went UK North. CURSES! CURSES! I'm so gutless. Normally I'm so good at initiating pointless conversations at bus stops. Ah well. There'll always be episodes of Family Guy.


Thank you :happy: I swear I'm about to die, my vision in my left eye is well blurry :LOL:


I think it may be chicken flu. Poor woman's not been right for a couple of weeks.


Ah that's probably it. Plus it is getting pretty cold now, so s'probably shutting down for the winter. Ah roses are nice. Always remind me of The Glass Menagerie (sp) though.


Innit! Half of the year gone! Ah where you lack in holdidays you gain in slacking days off :happy: Swings and roundabouts, innit.


Ah wonderful! Essays are the best for coming up with crap though. You should read my waldgesprh one. Pages of structured(ish) bullsheet. :LOL: Ooh gingerbread. So Julified. :happy:

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Czech errr. Ruddy innit. You should've gone back in and panic ordered another coffee, and his number, so you knew whom to contact if you want to sue someone when you drop the mug on your lap. Works every time innit. I reckon you won't be using le North anymore then? Does using another bus company mean he lives way off or something?


Still? Awww *hugs*. You could always tell people you were rushed by ruffians though.


Weeks...wouldn't this be quite the opportunity to bring her some borshch...or pierogi...or shokolad...or some hot glg and raisins. Mmm. :happy:


Mmhm, sounds fair enough, I just realised my window must be leaking like a ferret since it's bloody cold inside and still the radiator's on...and my hand just freezes up if I wave it around where the poor blomma is :( And they still haven't fixed my faucet the bastards. Mmmm student-y.


Mmmhm innit :happy: I can't believe we get payed for this :D (Well not really, but anyway...)


So true! Next time it's свободная тема though, when I can write what I want...I'm leaning towards something Putin :D


Mmmm jul. And on Sunday it's the first of Advent too! (You don't celebrate that do you? :$ ) 'S when we sing the best hymns ever and light 4 candles, one every week until Christmas...mmm. First candle on Sunday then...I wonder which ones to get...hmmm.

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I should've done. *bangs head on desk* Nah, it's all the same route, only Bullock's better because NO ONE uses them, so they're really fast but you can never find them, so it's not worth buying a pass... however UK North always have loads of busses on, so I get that (and the week ticket's only 2... it's like 1.40 for a one-way journey at home). Occasionally Magic Bus (cause their passes are valid after midnight, but at weekends they don't start running until Midday.) Never Finglands or Stagecoach (although if you buy the 5 weekly from Stagecoach, that's valid on Magic Bus too) cause they're vile and expensive respectively.


*such a Manchester student conversation* I bet you feel really enlightened now. (Just nod, ignore and smile. It's what all non-locals do.)


We're going to buy her Lemsip me thinks. Poor love. http://www.art.man.ac.uk/RUSSIAN/staff/index.htm just look at her! She's so small and frail :happy:


Aw you poor thing. You need some Primark blankets :D So warm!


Ooh that sounds wonderful! Draw comparisons between Putin and Goldstein from 1984 :D


We do have advent! I may actually go to church for it, just to make my Grandma proud... Still, it means we get to open the first door on the advent calendar :D :D :D :D We do the candle thing too... like a crown... only... a dangerous, flamey fire one. :D

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Watch yer head dear :happy: Oh how Mancunian :LOL: *is well-informed about buses now* :D Why don't you have the Commie one-company thing like in Sweden? Competition pah, who needs competition when you're a social democrat? 'S worse in Jking though where one fare is 1.60, and here it's apparently much cheaper (haven't even been on a bus here bar from the one to Malm:$)


Awwwww how Russian. OH LOOK we have the same pictorial thing! *had no idea* http://www.slav.lu.se/staff/persons.html?expand_menu=11 Irina's our written text/conversation teacher and Johan, the coolest person ever, the grammar tutor. Mmm. Look at Vitja second to last, 's the gayest person this side of Java. Mmm. Shame I don't have him in any subject.


I do have some fleece blanket thingie, but I reckon I've only got myself to blame since I never wear anything on the upper-body when I'm home anyway :LOL:


I'd rather do a Putin/Mary Holy Mother of Jesus comparison, 's better *points to halo* :happy:


You do? Sorry :$ We usually go to church in Jking (well Lisa and I anyway) to watch the old choir we were in, but we can't make it home this year :( We get to open the calendar on the 1st :confused: A flamey crown? Like Lucia? (You can't have that can you? I think I'm going to choke on my own ignorance)


*Warms hands on almond flower scented candle*

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Well, everywhere else in the country does (or two, stagecoach and the local one - cause stagecoach is national) BUT the Wilmslow Road/Oxford Road route is the busiest bus route in Europe don't you know. Since we have the biggest studyenti community :D:happy:


Woow! That Johan looks a dude. His beard is phenomenal! That Winblad-Carlzohn Jessica looks like one of those Easter Island statues :unsure:


Well if you're going to mooch around semi naked in the blizards, no wonder! Silly bugger. You'll catch a cold.


Haha wonderful. You MUST cite that get to know the president website I showed you in your bibliography though. :LOL: I'll reward you with teabags if you do!


Aww. That's a shame :( Are you going home at all over Christmas?


A crown like adventwreath.gif ? if that's what you mean? I have no idea who Lucia is... Advent calendar? Surely you must have those? *is also being ignorant*


Ahhhh. *throws mittens*

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Biggest studentki community? Woow. *impressed* We're only 'bout 20.000 here :indiff:


He's the greatest man alive. And he loves me for being the only one having the Wade grammar in our class :D Haha she does :D Never met her though...I bet a third of those people are cemented into a wall somewhere.


:( I've put on my blue-white Topshop thin scarf but I'm still shaking...mmmm I'll just have to buy the Shop bath robe...mmm so soft *remember he has a robe too but it's too long* And it's not even half as cuddly as the TopShop one. Mmm.


Ahahaha I really, really should quote that yes... :LOL: Too bad it's too simple an essay for a bibliography, but hmmm *plots* :D

Hahahahahaha *cries tears from laughing* Ouch my stomach :LOL::LOL:


Кто главней, Президент или твоя мама?


Для тебя, конечно, мама. Да, Президент - глава государства, но если мама запретила тебе сегодня смотреть телевизор, никакой Президент не может отменить этот запрет. И, наоборот, не Президент, а твоя мама или папа будут решать, можно тебе съесть ещё одну порцию мороженого или нет.


Oh God. Who's the highest up in the State, the President or your mam, of course the President's the Head of State, but if mam forbids you to watch TV, no President can change her decision :LOL:


I'm going home after the last exam yes, round 19-20th...Christmas Church can't beat Advent church though...


Lucia is some martyr saint killed in Italy or something, and every year on the 13th Dec people do small 'Luciat' which means 'Lucia trains', a small procession, and sing Lucia carols about giving to the poor and all that. At schools they always elect the prettiest girl to be Lucia and lead the procession with a crown of candles in her hair, white robe and a red ribbon around the waist to symbolise that Saint Lucia was cut in half by some bastards. 'S a fabulous occasion indeed, really beautiful with all those candles in the morning. The boys wear stupid pointy hats though. God I remember my Concert House solo singing for thousands of people wearing only a robe and a pointy hat. Oh dear.



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Yep! But probably only because there's three Unis here. Only one worthwhile one mind :D


Haha excellent! You know what goes well with Wade? Highlighter pens. Mmmhm.


You'll have to buy Topshop's extensive range of pullovers too. It is SO cold. I was forced to buy a hat today, since it's a mere three degrees. Manchester's freezing. At least with Blackpool being coastal it never got below about 5. Still, it's nice. :happy:


Ya loubliou!


Oooh I dunno, midnight Mass on Christmas eve always used to be fun. The game was to stay awake for it, by counting the bricks on the church wall :D


Aw that sounds nice. A bit like the May Queen celebration things we have here. The prettiest, most annoying suck up of a girl always gets it, then she gets to wear a dress and be crowned Rose/May queen. Bitch.


:LOL: :LOL: I can picture you in a pointy hat now :LOL: :LOL: I hope you did the goffed up eyeliner at the time too. So... avant garde.

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Aww look what the Nordic society just emailed me:




Vi holder norsk *JULEGUSTJENESTE* for nordmenn i og rundt

Manchester*soendag 11. desember , 3. soendag i pinse. Student prest Anne

Loeyning, vil holde selvegudstjenesten. Vi starter klokken 16:00 tiden. Sel


gudstjenesten vil varerundt 45 min, ette r gudstjenesten blir det servert

julegroet, vaffler, kaker, kaffe og gloegg, og man har muligheten til aa sl


av og kose seg litt.

Det vil ogsaa vaere norske ukeblad/aviser tilgjengelig og litt annet norsk



Alle er selfoelgelig velkomne til aa delta, om man er norsk eller ikke, men

gudstjenesten blir holdt paa norsk.


St. Peters Chaplaincy

The Precinct

Oxford Road


M13 9GH





ANSA medlemmer: gratis (husk medlemskort!!)

Ikke-medlemmer: 2



Shame they did it in stupid Swedish :LOL:

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OH. MY. GOSH! Blackpool on TV! :LOL: There's a weekly series here on humour in general, and they visited Joey Blower :LOL: I just lost all my faith in Britain! Oh God oh God...the scary thing is I recognised Blackpool after one panoramic view where you could spot the Eiffel Tower....


And Rhi...I hope you mean 'Stupid Swedish' as in 'Norwegian' or else I'd have to take the crown back. They appear to have a Christmasy word which is one 'p' away from the Swedish word for dick, and I don't really know what to think :D Are you going? I could translate it so you'd knew what to expect...mmm <3


So you use highlighter pens in Wade? Sacrilegious innit...I haven't used it much enough to be honest :$


Topshop pullovers, now why didn't I think of that...hmmm...money tomorrow, meaning a near-future walk to le Shop...and I still have like three and a half thousand going to rent and insurance on the 30th :'( What hat did ye get? I want a white one, 's sooo pretty.


Yer, Christmas nightly mass...mmmm. I never got to sing at those, only Lisa since she must've been in the hardcore choir errr.


:LOL: That's exactly how it is. Though my father's mam was elected Lucia of egrund for several years I believe. Such the beaut.


Sooo many traumas :LOL: If only I would've known about eyeliners when I was like 11 (I should though since it'd be the time to be the most ripe for goffness...)

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Haha! Wow! We made it onto Swedish TV! Yeah, he lives at like one of the piers, where all the thrid rate celebs perform, like Roy Chubby Brown and some drag act being Shirly Bassey :D Did you get all excited when you saw the drug addicts and dog crap on the beach?


Course I did! Cause we all know that the other nordic languages are just mis-spelled versions of Swedish. Like, dyslexia on a national scale. You can if you want, but I doubt I'll be going :D


Hey, it makes the two groups of motion verbs easier to identify!


They have some really nice ones in too! Stripes! :D I got a purple stripey one to go with my purple scarf :D


Damn parish politics. :indiff: Oooh lucky her!


The hat is very... KKK go disco. Kinda cool really :LOL:

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:LOL: Sounds fabulous! Hackshully it looked quite pretty :$ The thing that put me off were the people in the club...oh dear...but the water looked nice, no matter how poisonous it might be...mmm. I can see how Blackpool can be depressing though, I really do. :LOL:


Tha'ssss the spirit! *hands extra-Swedishness medal* Well, I don't think you'd want to celebrate jul in Norwegian, but they do have glg apparently...that's nice...but...waffles!? Who the hell has waffles for Christmas you rich filthy oil bastards? :LOL: They'll even have some Norwegian newspapers there. Wow, they know how to read too, what will they think of next?


That's true...mmmmmotion verbs..."она ходит по-магазинам как a rich oligarch". Mmm. That just reminded me I haven't studied all day...and will I study tomorrow? I've got 20 quid on 'no' :$


Mmmm stripes...I love my new blue-white scarf even though I've got nothing to go with it...maybe the green jacket...*ponders* Purple stripes to purple scarf sounds great! I could do with some more stripes...I look like a boarding school student in a white shirt and black cardigan :happy: (Yes I did get dressed eventually since I don't want to die)


KKK go disco, heggzaackly :D Mmm I'll have to go out and get one of those sci-fi ones we had with small holes in it and yellow LEDs, and a nice white robe so I could parade around in the flat mmm.


Oooh lyrics to the Jul songs! *party* http://www.edu.linkoping.se/nyamunken/miamusik/luciatexter.htm


Femte fen apelgr(apelgr apelgr

Den rider Staffan sjv upp(sjv upp sjv upp

Stjnorna de tindra sklara

gossar l oss lustiga vara

En gg blott om et s

en frdefull jul vi f


^^my verse at the concert house :D Mmm nostalgia <3

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Don't say that about Blackpool Pelle. Until you've visited it and seen it through the eyes of a local... Although the nightlife is better there. I'm glad you can see how it can be depressing though. Least now you'll know I'm not exaggerating :p


Norskys can read? That is impressive. Then again I suppose they'll need some basic literacy and numeracy to count their wads of non-EU cash.


Is it not v magazin? Or am I completely messing up russian AGAIN. I seem to be doing lots of that recently. :'( I told Olga today that I swim with a broomstick. :LOL:


Nah, it's a friday. View it as your duty as a Muslim to take things easy, like saturday, it's your duty as a Jew to relax...


Aww you're such a girl :happy: It's wonderful :happy: Blue and green though? Bit dodgy... maybe red? Ahh black and white, so smart and preppy :happy: Glad you got dressed though, god forbid you get chicken flu or something.


Haha wonderful. I really should go to choir. If only I had a decent range.

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:LOL: Right I won't. Though I still can't for the life of me understand how Blackpool could have a better nightlife than bloody Manchester :confused: Just boggles me. They should reopen the Hacienda and transfer the whole city back to 1983.


Yes, and to know how to overcharge everything they sell in their horrible country, forsaken by God for all eternity. Ffwls. You'll have to promise me you'll never go to Norway :LOL: Denmark is such a paradise on earth in comparison, and that really says a lot. Errrr.


Nope, по controls the dative, and магазинам is dative plural of магазин, meaning going around in different stores. Otherwise, я часто бываю в магазине would mean 'I'm often in the store (inside)', . Ходить по городу means 'to walk about in the town' (here it's dative singular of course). You swam with a broomstick though :LOL: Great! You seem to learn a lot of words we don't though, 's a bit strange it is. We still have 'дробная перегонка' though to lean back on though, 'fractional distillation' :LOL:


:LOL: Haha quite the plan indeed. Studying's for heretics.


Thanks :$ I do have my red shemagh for the green jacket, and sometimes I tend to look too Hamas in that, or Hizbollah when it's full moon, so I want to break that off at times...hmmm...


I should too! 'S so much fun, I'd kill to do Ave Maria or Oh Holy Night or something...or various Soviet classics. You should go to your choir though, since you're a great singer...maybe you can convince into doing some Josh Groban ripoffs? :D

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I think it's because we have the Polish night and a trippy indie club... although here is good for nights out, just during the week (when I'm always too tired to go out.) Hopefully we'll be going to the Cornerhouse tomorrow to oggle the beautiful pretentious boys. Mmm.


The Haenda's now really trendy appartments and Tony Wilson reads the local news, so I doubt that's gonna happen soon :LOL:


I solemly swear not to go to Norway. Unless I marry a rich Norseman.


Ahh, we've not done the dative yet. I was wrongly assuming you went there and back to the shops. I shall never question your iisik again. :happy: dzhaba na metlye! Ya plivu v Stockholm na metlye!


Innit just! So far I've managed to fill up my "personal reading" fridays with a free eyetest tomorrow and a doctors appointment/free haircut and colour next week :D ooh yeah!


All the indie boys wear the shemagh here with army jackets and obscenely tight jeans. S'wonderful really. :happy: Save they could all do with a hairwash.


Choirs do kick ass. I remember the gowns we used to have to wear in my old old school choir. Ahhh. Those were the days. Haha hardly a great singer... I just need to find a baroque esque choir that has a free mezzo soprano slot. Aww. *puts on Handel and sings along* Exceeeding glad shall he beeeeee... Of thy salvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation...

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I think it's because we have the Polish night and a trippy indie club... although here is good for nights out, just during the week (when I'm always too tired to go out.) Hopefully we'll be going to the Cornerhouse tomorrow to oggle the beautiful pretentious boys. Mmm.


The Haenda's now really trendy appartments and Tony Wilson reads the local news, so I doubt that's gonna happen soon :LOL:


I solemly swear not to go to Norway. Unless I marry a rich Norseman.


Ahh, we've not done the dative yet. I was wrongly assuming you went there and back to the shops. I shall never question your iisik again. :happy: dzhaba na metlye! Ya plivu v Stockholm na metlye!


Innit just! So far I've managed to fill up my "personal reading" fridays with a free eyetest tomorrow and a doctors appointment/free haircut and colour next week :D ooh yeah!


All the indie boys wear the shemagh here with army jackets and obscenely tight jeans. S'wonderful really. :happy: Save they could all do with a hairwash.


Choirs do kick ass. I remember the gowns we used to have to wear in my old old school choir. Ahhh. Those were the days. Haha hardly a great singer... I just need to find a baroque esque choir that has a free mezzo soprano slot. Aww. *puts on Handel and sings along* Exceeeding glad shall he beeeeee... Of thy salvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation...


Ooh that sounds like fun! We don't even get Polish nights, and the closest to a nice club is the one we always go to, where Transmission and Love Will Tear Us Apart are on repeat mixed with other music you'd rather not listen to after the second time you're there :indiff: Beer's cheap though. Mmm.


He does!? Or is that just a Manc expression? :LOL:


He'd probabl want to move to Sweden then since, believe it or not, they have higher taxes than us. I'm getting the feeling that our prime ministers have got quite the competition on :LOL:


Question it as much as you want, I'm pretty crap anyway...*watches Rhi on the bloomstick. Whoa look at that accusative!*


Eyesest? There's nowt wrong with your eyes is there? :( Free haircuts and colouring sounds nice enough? What're your plans?


I see :happy: I've almost stopped wearing my shemagh though 'cause of someone telling me 'red is communist', 'purple is feminism' etc and I've never heard such awful crap before in my life. Oh dear.


Det strar en stjrna fuuuunderligt bliiiiiid <3 Isn't it hard to find proper choirs though, seems as though everbody wants to sing gospel and modern crap, when there's so much old nice things to be done...join a hardcore Cafflick choir <3


WOAH I love the weatherman with the mullet on SVT.


<3 illegally watching telly on the internet <3


Pererik? :LOL: That twat who just can't spell his own name right? Oh dear. Illegal's the new black. Jarl's the best though, the newsman in grey hair...shame he's not headlining every programme.

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Hours of fun I tells thee. Although drink's cheaper here. That place sounds a bit like 5th Ave, only replace Joy Division with Babysoddingshambles.


Nah he actually does :LOL: Granada Tonight with Tony Wilson and Lucy Meacock. <3


Moving to Sweden? Sure I could cope with that (and a rich Norseman) Haha a bit of inter-country rivalry never hurt anyone. Except maybe the Polish.


Crap? Rhubbish. You've got that 5 year? advantage.


Just the checkup. Once every two years. Turns out I'm a bit long sighted but not long sighted enough to become a speccy foureyes. WOOO :D :D :D


My plans? No idea. I shall put my hair in the hands of the students and their teachers. So long as I don't end up bald, or with mullet, I'm happy. :D


Haha so true. Although the gospel choir thing seems quite fun. Mmm cafflik choirs. You know full well that High Anglican choirs are cooler. :D


He was brilliant! All the best weather presenters are Swedish... Like old Ulrika ka ka ka kaaaaaaa. Ooh, actually... we have a really good, apathetic and depressed weatherman here. <3

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How was le Cornerhouse? And how was Franz? :happy: ('cept for the pissy )


Is there a webcast somewhere? :LOL:


Glad no NHS specs are needed then :happy: Are you going to some students' hairdresser's then? We had those in Jking, never tried them though...I have no idea where to go here since I desperately need a haircut. I need it badly.


Oh so much singing today at the church, 'twas wonderful it was...*is soo going back next year* And I finally found some use for my light blue-white scarf, for the new coat, I looked proper pious and Christian in church awright haha! :LOL:


I'm soooo bloody tired, 's all beer does to you I swear to God. Ruddy Danes. And, I bought (bought!) a song through download from one of the singers in this year's Pop Idol :$ Just for the voice...my God, she sings so...mmmm...it's terrific. She got voted out yesterday though since noone in Sweden can tell "singing the hell out of tune" from "the best singer in Sweden at the moment". She's Turkish/mixed with some strange Caucasian family which makes her so much cooler too in a peshmerga kinda way. Mmmmhm.

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I vilket fall som helst stker jag tala om kategorier.

I hate being put in them. By telling your age, your religion, in which country you live and so on you are being labeled as something. Why these labels? Why these frames? Then people will see you as someone that can't act outside these frames.

Why do we even have to explain? Can't our actions become the replacement of words?

there's only one cathegory and that is you, if, that is, you use your free will, in what you think is a sensible way.


Hello I'm Mona. I will not explain anything else.




Still a cathegory. Taoism... when will I get out of this?

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