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Awwww poor thing you *hugs* :( At least you can laugh at me when I do my Russian Phonetics hexam on Thursday and you'll be home chilling with some Zubrówka and writing an essay :D Mmmmm and apple juice...I can picture the taste sensation now...mmm...


Sounds like party! :D You almost went to Blackpool? Wow! That's Saturday night fun dedication innit! So Saturdays in Manchester no good? Should be, with the city being quite big and all? That sucks though, but whenever there's an American around, you're always up for fun innit :LOL:


5 weeks!? :eek: 'S nothing that! Mmm Christmas trees...haven't had one since I was like...12 :$ Watch it with the Dutchy booze Rhiân...you don't want to be in the paper dancing on a table at the German Institution wearing clogs. A year since you did the interview? Boy don't they grow up fast *sheds wee tear* :D

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*hugs back* Academic essays are so hard. I can't help but feel I've plagerised everything even though I've not used any outside source :'( OH THE FEAR. Aspects of a ballad my arse. Sodding grrs. PLUS I'm really irate (more irate than communist night) at the ruddy muser children thinking they know all. Stress and essays just don't mix *pops*


Saturdays here are total balls! Every other night of the week is fantastic... but saturdays just.. suck. Ah well. At least we have Martha Wainwright next saturday :D :D <3 Americans more than Jesus.


39 days! :D Haha you've just given me an idea for the Goethe Institut lecture next week.. bwahaha :D Yep.. this time (ish) last year I had my interview then went to the Christmas Market with Mr. Daveadam afterwards... where's me life going? :stunned:


*stabs Dr. Philpotts' essay* 661 words to go.

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Ab initio academic essays are all about copying dear, don't worry :) Aspects though? Fun, but oh how I hate them most times! What ballad?

Irateness at the Board? I'll have to check things out! :LOL:


Well if the rest of the nights are fine I guess I'll let you off :happy: Good day for Zubrówka and apple juice then innit :D Ooooh concert, nice! :happy: I just realised I missed Antony in Stockholm, I wouldn't have made it though, because of le ruddy uni, but anyways :'(


39 dagar...mmm...and government money in 10 days! (9 in 20 minutes) You're doing a German dance on the table? :D

You'll have to invite him to the Market again and relive your youth! I think it's time for us to put some Broder Daniel on innit :LOL: *hasn't heard them in aaages* Hope you've heard them? First choice for angsty Swedish 17 year olds everywhere! <3


Insured my place today too :D

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This is a German one though. On Eichendorff's Waldgespräch. They're well anti plagerism though. You really would get strung out, chopped up and served in the refectory's meatballs if they caught you. Irateness wherelse? Haha.


Mmmm such a good combination. If only I hadn't run out of applejuice sharing my discovery with the flat. :'( Ooooh does that mean 'Tone's on tour again? *loves the fact that Humanities Lime Grove is nextdoor to the Academy/Students' Union so gigging is... literally a hop skip and a jump away*


Wooo! I don't get any government money until the 19th Jan. :indiff: I think I may. :D

Haha yeah.. only this time I hope he doesn't nick a quid off me and then pay me back with an expired Pound Note :LOL: Broder Daniel? Nope, never heard of them. HOWEVER I found some Swedish singing Dutch guy on MyTunes yesterday morning :D


Woah insurance? I'm yet to get that, cause we live in the highest band... so I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope Allah will protect my property for free, rather than for £200 that Endesleigh want.

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Oh right! *is completely ignorant of most things German* :$ Well I didn't exactly mean plagiarism, but there's only so much pioneer work you can come up with when you first start uni right? All things have been done before sadly, or that's at least how I feel it...


Oh shit! Try it with tap water! :D Rum and mineral water is the greatest, I'm guessing the same combination but with wódka would be just lovely! Mmmhm. I don't know if he's touring, but that really makes sense since he wouldn't be playing Stockholm only...ooh did he play the Academy the last time in Britain too? We have like 4 miles to the place where we catch our concerts :indiff: 'S fun to walk drunk though :D


19th Jan!? I thought you had monthly donations like us? He sounds like quite the clever chap indeed :LOL:

I sent you the angstiest song ever on le Mail du Gay, they have some better songs, but this is so...mmm feels like I'm 17 again! :LOL: Swedish singing Dutch guy? Cornelis Vreeswijk? Thomas Andersson Wij (or whatever his name is)?


200 quid? Us Swedish students get it cheaper...like £50-60? Mmmhm. I hope I didn't mishear anything over the phone though :LOL:

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Shocking! It's a thing that everyone needs to know! Ah tis a good point. I'm just wishing now I'd made more notes on Canonicity and intertextuality, rather than just sitting there looking at Philpotts giggling cause he looks like Buzz Lightyear.


I'm thinking of trying it with hot chocolate... hmmm... I shall look into it. Mmmm. S'only 2 miles to the union from 'ere. <3 Manchester being small. He played Academy 3 last time, which is TINY and where Martha is next week I think :D <3 Martha.


Nope, 3 lump payments. S'alright though, cause I'll get nearly 2 grand just before the easter vacation... so a trip to Russia and old Sverige is definately in the pipeline :D


Woah nearly 10 minutes of Swedish angst <3 Beautiful. Aw man Pulp have just come on the iTunes shuffle. PULP! <3 Not listened to them in years! Vreeswijk! That's him! He looks like he should have a Balalaika. :D


Only cause we live in the Ghetto. Had I stayed in my FY4 postcode, it would've been £58. :D

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:LOL::LOL: Haha it's his fault if he doesn't like your essay then!


Mmm hot chocolate! I was thinking the other day of doing rum and said drink...should be nice...or vodka...

2 miles? 'S nothing that! I think I quite like ms Wainwright's mother, though I've only heard her once or something. Mmm.


2 grand! Par-tay innit! :D Damn you'll have follow some strict discipline then? We only have to survive for 30 days till the next payment, mmm. Mmmm Russia. Mmmm Sweden. :happy: We'll have to get together and paint eggs :D


Innit just great! Pulp! 'Something Changed' may officially be the best song ever!! Almost got me killed crossing the street t'other day (much like Super Trouper did, but this was a larger street :D ) Vreeswijk is all-Swede, in fact, he's better at Swedish than any Swede! Sent you a song about the old chief of police in Stockholm...actually just got up off the floor from physically falling from my chair giggling uncontrollably at this beautiful song! :LOL: He was probably the most famous singer/songwriter in Sweden! And balalaika ooh yes. If he wouldn't be Swedish he'd soo be a Rusk <3


:LOL: I see

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Bis zu infinity und weiter!


Rum goes with anything. It's why my grandma always cooks with it haha.


Well, yes, discipline is very big.. but dad's been shipping me a few quid to cover the rent so far and I have an overdraft facility... so *touch wood* I shouldn't go too far into the red :D Egg painting? AMAZING :D Not done that for years.


:LOL: I love the fact that my housemates are thick as pig poo. I stole a sign from the laundrette, saying "the university holds no responsibility for items of clothing lost or damaged in this laundrette" and crossed out the latter and substituted it for kitchen. After affixing it to the door t'kitchen, I've just heard them going on about it and taking it seriously. :LOL: :LOL:


:LOL: Ah Pulp. One day, I'll understand the humour in that song. One day. <3


I've sent you some Martha Mummy, check yer gaymail!

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What the hell just happened, a person called with whom I've been wanting to speak for ages, and she does it now at 1 when I'm half-dead from the last days' sleep depravation :confused:


She cooks with rum? :D Haha! Cool nain innit. Mmm boiled cherries, sugar and rum...Jan's father passed away the other day and we always used to eat that, with the small game of 'ojdå' where you'd put some mashed up cherries in your bowl, some vanilla ice cream, and then pour on rum until it gets embarassing. Il faut a pretty steady hand not do be ojdå'd by le crowd :D


How nice of him :happy: I haven't painted eggs for ages either...mmm. I'm thoroughly crap at it though :D mmmm Swedish Christian Easter songs though...mmm the good old choir days!


Aahaahaaahaa class :LOL::LOL: Time for you to start stealing their stuff/throw away dirty dishes thorugh the window :D


No need to understand <3 'S too beautiful for thinking.


Ooh fanks! I've been meaning to get some record off Amazon since I heard some songs they did in French t'other day! She's got a beautiful voice!


I really should go to bed...since I have to study the blardy phonetics tomorrow argh! I'll probably go looking for a cardigan with Lisa though, should be fun. And since she got up at 12.30 today she's probably on a huge guilt trip so we'll get out at like 10 tomorrow :D

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Haha s'what we women do best, innit :LOL:


You should try her christmas puddings. Sweet jaysus. *shakes head* Killer. Aw poor Jan, send him my condolancies (only, send them spelt correctly.) That game sounds confusing, yet rather delicious. :D


I feel bad being one of those studentkas supported by daddy... but when it means I have money spare for Zubrówka from Oddbins, I'm happy. :D


The best eggs were the one you hardboiled before painting, rather than blowing the insides out. Then foolishly leaving them on the radiator to dry and making them go rotten/stink the house out :D


Haha yes! <3 them. So simple.


Ahh so Mon'réal. <3 <3 I have a couple of Rufus/Martha songs with them I'll send in a sec.


Haha I slept through phonetics/grammar and translation/sprachprak today. Superb. Ahhh sounds superb! I want a sister like Lisa :'(

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Innit :happy:


Mmm pudding. I'll be asking Lisa if she'll make me some to honour your nain then :D I will. The game is very delicious indeed :D We'll have to try it sometime!


No! Don't be ashamed! We deserve all the money we get! Especially when it's for a noble cause innit <3 Mmmmmm wódka.


:LOL: I like the first part of that but errrr. We'll have to catch a Sunday service at church too, mmmm Swedish Easter psalms, beaten only by the Advent ones. Mmmhm.


Got your songs but le Mail won't let me download, I'll have it sorted in a sec, cheers! :happy:


She's great! Went to buy a black cardigan today, also came home with too many scented candles, store-bought ginger bread and a gardenia for le window!




Noooooooo Rusk Phonetics tomorrow!

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I trust no drinking game with you AT ALL. Especially after the "oh let's drink the swedish way"


Ah now you put it like that... :D To buy an iPod or not... :LOL:


Oh eghads, I remember easter services. Bloody vicars smearing ash all over your face and waving palm crosses about. :indiff:


I'm loving the candles! So beautiful! Ahhhhh. :happy:


Edit: Why is there no milk in your tea? What are you? Foregin? :rolleyes:

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We'll do better the second time :D Besides, ojdå is a noble game of humiliation, not drunkenness :D


Aaaaatta girl! :D Me and Lisa have worked out quite the nice system, she buys something she doesn't need (beautiful dress/kimono on TopShop today) for 600 kr, I buy something I don't need (scented candles and a bloody cardigan, and things to put candles on. And a bag of 50 tealights. And some matches. Aaand I got my rent check, and phone bill today!), we laugh at each other and then moan over a cuppa. Get it? :D


Nooooo our services are sooo nice and friendly with candles and all...mmm I still miss my days in the choir...I should take it up again :happy:


Ain't they just! My room smells of roooooses :happy: I'm afraid I'll kill my gardenia in days though :$


I can't afford milk you silly ffwl! :LOL: Naw I don't like Skåne milk, plus it won't fit in the fridge, so I have a proper excuse :D I admit it's miles better though, but English tea is so much better than Swedish so it's even, even without milk it's heaven on earth.


I doooooooon't want to study! I won't pass this fucking test since he'll probably only include questions I can't answer for my life :'(

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Ah fair enough. I'm slightly upset at how quickly we're ploughing through this 700ml of Zubby. It'll soon be weg. I've just been re-reading my travel diary and the exploits of Malcolm. Awww. I hope he's still in Sweden. :happy:


Ah that theory sounds great :D Just like I've spent £500 this month and the £446 rent is due on the 20th. :'( Such is the life of studyentka spending.


Aww they sound all nice and catholic.


You should! I signed up to our choir in Freshers' week, but I'm yet to actually be arsed to go.


Mmm Roses.


BUT MILK IS CHEEP AND NECESSARY! :'( I'll bring a pint of Tesco's best out next time. English tea is the best in the world, and no fool can question its position in society.


Aww I'll swap phonetics for this Lorelei essay.. you only have to finish the 250 words off... Plus Phonetics is great <3

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And you've had it one day? :D What to be done with you my dear? Mmmmmmmalcolm. Yes I hope he pops in one day so I can bear his love-child <3 I hope I got an assault insurance too t'other day :LOL:


Such is the glorious life of us indeed. That's a ridiculous amount of money for the rent though :eek: You deserve excessive spending more than me then :D I sooooo got hooked on a Francis Francis coffee machine too! (Though I've wanted one since I first tasted coffee) But at 5000 kr I'm guessing I'll be sticking to tea.


They are nice and very non-Cafflick :happy: Mmmm Swedish priests...I love them really, if they'd clean out amongst the gay-bashers. Mmmhm. How else would Mackie and I be able to have the church wedding of his dreams?


Gooooo! I still haven't heard from anyone regarding my idea of starting an Institution choir...bastards. Is it like a вообще choir for the entire uni?


The smell gets stronger by the minute...mmm...I'll try the vanilla ones tomorrow, if I survive the exam that is. Mmmmmm ginger bread. Mmmmm. Mmmm even more. *passes jar to Rhiân*


I know! :( I should get my own fridge in the room, only for tea things :happy: Mmm Tesco's :D


I'd swap anyday :rolleyes: *Puts off studying*


HER'SHUM BOYS HER'SHUM BOYS! *loves ruffian choirs*

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Hej, how're you guys?


Jag mår skit.



Mi lärare tipsademig om "Tao Te Ching" eller liknande. Taoism. Mycket fina verser. Jag läste lite. I like it.


My thoughts can be explained by Nietzsche and whatever you read in Tao Te Ching, so far.

I think the exact same things without ever putting them into action.

Now I will.

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I learned something very useful - vodka bars and their drinks called Razzputin, Russky Chambulis and Russian Fruit Salad may be (at the time) "an essential part of being a Russian student" but when followed by A WHOLE BOTTLE OF ZUBROWKA between three of us and a pancake mix, the essential part of the Russkii Iiiiiizeeeek is actually... learning case endings. Not self pickling.

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