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Oh god. The funniest Landeskunde ever. Sadly if I tell you all about Steve and I just sat there trying so hard not to wee our pants laughing, it won't make any sense unless you meet the Despots.


Of course! Eta slyeva, eta sprava! I'll take a picture once I've cleaned my bathroom! Having to whizz through... the esteemed Dutch guest is arriving on Saturday :D


Ooh beyoodiful! Quite the thesbian then? Tell me you had the roll as the baboushka in Rotkäpchen... *crosses fingers*


Ahhh nederlands <3


FUCK. Looks like I've missed the Russian Society thing.

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Oh god. The funniest Landeskunde ever. Sadly if I tell you all about Steve and I just sat there trying so hard not to wee our pants laughing, it won't make any sense unless you meet the Despots.


Of course! Eta slyeva, eta sprava! I'll take a picture once I've cleaned my bathroom! Having to whizz through... the esteemed Dutch guest is arriving on Saturday :D


Ooh beyoodiful! Quite the thesbian then? Tell me you had the roll as the baboushka in Rotkäpchen... *crosses fingers*


Ahhh nederlands <3


FUCK. Looks like I've missed the Russian Society thing.


:LOL: Glad you enjoyed it then :D


Ooooooh spaffing shoes :LOL: I should get a silver marker pen out too <3 Mmmmhm. I wouldn't need another hexam I tells ye! Ooh Dutch guest! Leonie? Is she fuelling the lakrits addiction? :D


I was the wolf, the singing, manlyly gay wolf :D


I Jönkökökököping now, had a big robbery here today (front page on http://www.aftonbladet.se woo :D) Dad's still in France, should be showing up tomorrow, and he's told me I really should be expecting some nice calva! <3


Mmm Emule *goes on downloading spree*


:LOL: Коммуниcтический Блэкпул!

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Oh god, it was so funny. You know when you sit there, and you know if the lecturer makes eye contact with you, you'll just end up laughing loudly and uncontrolably... then the way he stood whilst writing on the board... :LOL: :LOL: *is crying with laughter thinking of it now*


:D they really need a wash though. Yep! I think she's fueling the Stroop addiction instead :D


:LOL: brilliant! Being animals in plays is so much better than a real part. :D *was the donkey in the Kindergarten nativity* :D


Ooooh! Was it you trying to get money to fuel your body shop/tea addiction? Ooh in France? Veeery nice! Calva? Lucky you!


Ooh, check your gmail, I sent a couple of songs earlier :D


Da! If only...

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:LOL::LOL: Oh God, I hate those lectures :LOL: and they always seem to treat something serious dunney...I'm too afraid to laugh at Irina though :stunned:


Pah, washes are overrated, dip them in body butter :D Mmm stroops


OI! The animals are always the most important innit! Especially donkeys :D Real part, pah :D


You'd think so but no, I have a Lund alibi :D I'm guessing the calva's not for me though, I'm just hoping he gets here before I return home (I said home :stunned: ) so I can steal it.


Will do fanks :happy:

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I know! There he was going on about the German political system.. and there was me and Steve sat there, passing notes, smirking and then having to.. just not look for fear of exploding. :LOL: Fuck. I can't actually talk about it without giggling. My Sprachprak will be difficult on Tuesday :LOL:


Mmm dirty and greasy. :happy:


Too right! Almost as good as when we got to be trees in our primary school performance of Three Billy Goats Gruff. :D


Ha! That's what they all say. "erm, yes ossifer, I was in Lund, studying..." Oh god... it's scary when you say that :stunned: Like now.. Manchester's home and Blackpool's... 'my mum's house' We're growing up Pelle :stunned:



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:LOL: It's really bad if he's got one of those really piercing looks that just... :LOL: Oh God! You'll have to speak into the wall on Tuesday then :D


Trees! :LOL: Now that's class :happy: Standing ovations I presume? I can't for the life of me remember what I played in that! Argh! Mmm kindergarten <3


It's really, really horrible! 'S the same thing when I get aroused by a lamp store or a new tea pot! :eek: 'Oooh I need some blue to balance out the red', and 'Oooh gardenias' (yes I'm getting some next week :D) Not growing up though...we're...errrr *can't think of another word* :'(


Ahahaha, incest ukuleles! :LOL::LOL: Does it get any better? :D

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:LOL: Yes. :LOL: Ahh Tospots <3


Very Brechtian. Speaking trees, innit. :D Aw those were the days.


Erm, Pelle dear, do be careful with your wording there :LOL: :LOL: I know what you mean though. I got excited when buying toilet cleaner the other day. Nah, definately not growing up... I had to phone my mum up whilst in Sainsburys earlier to ask her about buying lightbulbs. Then she phoned me back and we apologised and the feud's over. WHICH SUCKS.


:D The Uke orchestra are really something quite spectacular. <3

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I love your teachers' names <3 <3 <3


Indeed. Mmmm I miss it. The love letters. The 'getting the big play room after lunch'. Mmmm. Uni's really crap in comparison innit :LOL:


Piss off :p 'S true though indeed. :D Awww feud's over? You could flee abroad anyways, just tell her you're too happy together and you'll have to cut les apron strings <3 Swede asylum in no time.


Indeed :D


Woah! Using that liquorice you sent me as a straw makes the water taste so nice!


:eek::stunned: You've figured out the Swedishest of Secrets! *hands passport* Välkommen! Vi fortsätter på svenska nu så du kan lämna alla otäcka engelsmän bakom dig!



Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey mistah Tambouriiiine Maaaaan!


Argh I'll have to be up early tomorrow for the open day thingie in school! Argh

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All teachers have the right to be called anything BUT their surname. It's the law.


:'( those were the days. The home corner (which looking back, at an all girls school where you could play in a toy kitchen... were we being primed for housewifedom?) carpet time... lego... painting... :'(


Well.. whatever floats your boat :LOL: WOO! Asyl!


YESSSSS!!!! :D :D :D It's hard getting the knack to make it strawable though... Mmmm.


I'm not sleeeeeeeepy <3


Ah you'll love it. Are you being a wolf again? :D

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Ooooh no, maybe ruddy German teachers, but Bolsheviks nyet! :D Though my conversation teacher's last name is Müller. Errr. Not very Bolshie is it :indiff:


Primed for living with your soon-to-be Arab husband in Rusholme with his 7 other wives :happy: Mmmm lego. Mmmm eating sand. Mmm eating rowanberries. Mmm redcurrants. Mmm kissing while teachers not looking :D


:$ Mmmm asyl. Mmmm segregation.


´'S very hard it is, but oh so rewarding! Other ways of eating snören: tie one around your finger until it goes red/blue, eat off finger, rinse, repeat. Alternatively, stuff loads in mouth and chew. Or, twirl the snören together to make solid blocks to be eaten with much joy. Mmm. *Wants snören*


I got up at 7.30 today :'(


No, I'll just sneak in oozing 'I know more Rusk than you so sod off' :D

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Müller? That's VERY Bolshie! After all, it does mean farmer... or Müll is... rubbish... Ahem.


Absolutly! Actually, I'm just listening to Rusholme Ruffians... It's quite cool thinking "ooh I live (near) there".


Mmm. The best way.


Innit! Especially when the water goes all murkey and snören flavour. The best thing to do is hold it in both hands and spin it round so it gets longer and thinner :D It's good stuff is that snören, thank your sister. :D Mmmm I should've got some strawberry bootlaces in Sainsburys earlier.


Woah. I got up at like.. 2 :$ Shocking.


Ahh the best way to be :D I'm really looking forward to going into school to pick up my A Level certificates, cause apparently school has started to do Russian now and I want to shout at Jenko for not offering it when I was there/offer to come back as a teacher when I graduate :LOL:

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Noo! :LOL: That's a good explanation though :D


:happy: *jealous* *or maybe not* *just a wee bit* *plays bassline on bass still in Lund*


That's violent innit! :D I'm out of ideas though, so that might be nice anyway :happy: She will be thanked. :D Strawberry bootlace? Mmmm.


You ruffian you. At least you can sleep all day tomorrow too can't ye? I bet it's karma for all the crap I shoved on me flat mates t'other day :D I'm forever condemned to the early birds' nest innit.


:LOL: Do that, sounds like a grand plan! Just remember to bring your Commie memorabilia to be really convincing and you'll be hired in no time. Remember to to get me an official invitation to le school as a self-proclaimed expert in Rusk. <3


I'm going, going, going, going to bed! I should, should, should, should! *twirls hair* *doesn't want to leave the Ronettes* *for every kiss you give me, I'll give you threeeeeee*

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Bwahaha. Don't be jealous of Rusholme... yes the curries are good, yes the Islamic Times is free but no, it's not nice. Strawberry bootlace is like the snören but strawberry (washingupliquid) flavour :D


Nah man! Up at 9 to be at the airport at 11! Hostess with the mostess including airport pickup here :D


Ah yes! I may find the Russian teacher and try to structure a sentence with clever use of accusative and prepositional if I go in... THEN kick Jenko's ass. I'm sure they'd welcome you with open arms.. and then force you to join the choir/teach Swedish to snotty 12 year olds :D


G'niiiiight dear!

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I see :happy: After all, the song was written by a middle class boy, so I guess he saw things my way :D Oooh we have strawberry snören here too. Mmm. And caramel.


Say hi to her for me if you visit le Board during le visit :happy: Hope you're having a great time :happy:


Sounds like a plan alright. Throw in some genitive plural there too mmm. I'd love to teach Swedish to snotty 12 year olds though :LOL:


Had to play guitar and sing at the open day thingie today too, since my teacher was so hysterical over me even being there. No sign of the most beautiful of people though. *le sigh* *is in lurve even more*


Mein papa brought home the bestest calvados today, brewed by some old guy in Normandie...mmmm so fabulous, though I reckon he won't give me any :D Mum bought me a Swedishly famous cook book though, 'Vår kokbok' which translates to 'Our Cook book'. Bit commie innit :LOL:

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Indeed. Good old Mr. Morrissey. We were trying to determine why he's celebate the other night - Claire wouldn't accept my theory of "well he clearly wasn't getting any, so said he was celebate so he wouldn't get laughed at."


We're having a rather good time! She's left me today to go to an English lecture, then the lucky cow's off to the Fatherland on a visit <3 Ah the fun you can have in Manchester. :D:happy:


Aww :happy: I love it when teachers are like that! Did you wow them?


Mmmm Calvados. The Christmas Market starts on the 18th... time for the annual Glühwein und Bonbon shop here :D I tell you what is good - liquorice flavour booze. I think I shall make it a rule that each house guest brings an exciting flavour poison :D


That cookbook sounds superb :happy:

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Today has been great. I woke up too late, went to school, did my maths test, went home, got my concert tickets, made lunch (Pasta with oliv-oil, feta, olives, salt and pepper and kokt kycklingkorv).


Now all I've been doing is..nothing! Lovely.. :)

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Spot on innit! :D Silly Claire.


Mmm Fatherland...you didn't follow? Watch out so she doesn't rustle your sheep :D What did you get up to then? Evening out on le Mile?


Don't we all! I very much wowed them :D


Mmmm Christmas, can't wait! Mmmmmhm. I'll have to get meself some candles, and pepparkakor, and mmm. Josh Groban 24/7! Mmm and glögg!


Wat anders! :LOL: I'll tell you wat anders, Koskenkorva liquorice shots from Funland...mmm...effective... :D I like it when it doesn't taste of l'alcool at all. Mmm. Recipe for disaster though <3 House rule noted. :D


Cook book is lovely yes...mmm pictures.


So you're going to le concert Mona? Mmmmm kycklingkorv? Willy's halal innit? :D


Noooooooooël! Noooooooooëëëëëëëël! Oooooooh niiiight! Oh niiiiiiiiight diviiiiiiine! *Is planning to start a Slavonic Institution choir*

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I couldn't follow :( For love of essay deadlines on Friday :( Essays which I still haven't started... :$


Well, we went out with all intentions pointing towards ©anal Street, which was rubbish, then various other places, which were rubbish so we nearly went to Blackpool for a good night out and the trains weren't running, so we came home drinking beers on the way... then ended up locked in Burger King after hours... telling Americans the German word for whore... It was bizare! Plus we learned that Saturday is not a good night out in Manchester. :LOL:


Ahh well done :happy:


It's only 5 or so weeks until Christmas :D :D I need to coerce the flat into donating some moolah so we can have a tree in the living area bit. :happy: That Drop Shot looks as though it could lead to hellish disasters... we shall see.


Ahhh Christmas <3 The Germanic Christmas Market in Manchester starts on Thursday :D Which means... it's nearly a year ago that I had my interview at the department :stunned:

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