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Ahhhh. OOOH My grandma emailed me her recipie for bread and butter pudding last night <3 All your talk of it has made me want to eat a bowl full of it and throw up afterwards :D


That test was a bastardo! I have a feeling that I've failed that one royally. *hugs back*


Ah possibly... Hmmm we shall see. I am really tempted, especially as this feud with mother escalated to the extreme this morning. Bwaha.


To sit on the floor with cusions, tea and Being and Nothingness. :happy: Love it.


Bah! Lazy workman. They're brilliant! I really want one, but I have a tesco value fleece which is worth a thousand bathrobes and was only 200kr.


He does :( He's not parisian ghetto enough for me. It's the only french I've spoken since leaving school. :happy:

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Oh that's sounds like Blitish fun awright! :LOL: Make some and share it in your flat later! :happy: Mmmhmm.


Awwwww *hugs again* Evil them for having you do tests this early on...what was it like, what kind of questions etc?


Then you could get political asylum since you fear repressals in your home country :LOL:


Mmmmm I need some cushions...or a Lazyboy! oh how I want a Lazyboy, too bad they're so horribly big! :(


I snuck out of the place at 11 since he still hadn't showed up and went shopping with Lisa! :happy:



Perfect afternoon: tea, nice cup and an awesome unofficial Smiths record! Mmmmmmmmmhm. So, in two days I've spent 740 kr on tea apparel :LOL: (£52)


But the fragile French could be nice too...like Luke, or maybe Indochine :happy:

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Absolutly! It's my night to cook tonight too, this could be a plan... Mmmm.


We have a test every two weeks which apparently go towards our end of year classification :stunned: uh oh. They were translations into Russian, saying whether it took на, в or о, whether the ending was ии or е and then putting sentences into prepositional/translating them into English.


Oh what a good idea! She's not speaking to me now, rather than me not speaking to her. Mother-daughter relations are just the best in the world. :happy:


Get yourself to the Swedish equivilant of Primark :D I pimped my bedroom with cushions and fleece throws for under 270kr :D


I'm impressed at your teaness! It's more British than mine :D


Mmmmmmm Indochine.

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To sit on the floor with cusions, tea and Being and Nothingness. :happy: Love it.


You most certainly need Morocco. Cussions.. grr.

And loads of kinds of cookies and I hate them all.


*eating knäckebröd and drinking tea again*

I think I'll make it a tradition


Oh what a good idea! She's not speaking to me now, rather than me not speaking to her. Mother-daughter relations are just the best in the world.


Tell me you're being ironic. Relation between my mother and I = Pure freaking hell.


But I don't hate her.. I mean, she is my mum.


At th emoment I'm just pissed at her. But I'm goooing to Franz Ferdinand =D

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...så byter vi plats? :D


Nooo Feta give me Livarot anyday. Or le Pong innit.


Argh just realised I've lost my last Livestrong bracelet today :'( Ordered some new ones though, since I still stand by the fact that we were some in the first ones in Sweden to get them, and I'm in le business so I deserve it innit :D *defends self violently* :LOL:


Mmmmmmmmmm teeeeeeee, 's ridiculous, I'll never have to eat again. *is mesmerised by the flowers* So pretty! :happy: They go right together with my white Topshop gloves :happy:


Haha glöm det, Pelle. Du kan dock ta min plats när jag troligne flyttar till New York eller England. Stuuuddeeeerraaa utomlands :) Men jag menade att jag kan visa dig affären nästa gång du kommer, om du vågar tillbringa 5 minuter med mig dvs.


That Russian guy in my chemistryclass said he'd teach me Russian. But he thinks it's unnecessary, because if you just happen to pronounce something wrong, they'll laugh at you. I don't care. I WANNA LEARN.

And someone else's learning me how to play the piano (I almost wrote how to do the piano.. weird).

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Apparently (according to Dave) we're all going to this Arabic place in Rusholme to smoke something fruity on our Russian night out now which involves sitting on the floor. Mmm. Actually, I cooked Moroccan tonight... halal meat and everything. Bismahla.


Ironic as the day I was born my dear, sweet Mona.


Mothers are just a pain in the arse. Eeeh Franz. So... samey. :happy:

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Absolutly! It's my night to cook tonight too, this could be a plan... Mmmm.


We have a test every two weeks which apparently go towards our end of year classification :stunned: uh oh. They were translations into Russian, saying whether it took на, в or о, whether the ending was ии or е and then putting sentences into prepositional/translating them into English.


Oh what a good idea! She's not speaking to me now, rather than me not speaking to her. Mother-daughter relations are just the best in the world. :happy:


Get yourself to the Swedish equivilant of Primark :D I pimped my bedroom with cushions and fleece throws for under 270kr :D


I'm impressed at your teaness! It's more British than mine :D


Mmmmmmm Indochine.



Soo? What'd you do? :happy:


Shit, even I have a hard time with в and на! I like words where you can swallow the ending though mmmm


Awwww make 'er some Swedish coffee an' all will be reet :happy:


Oooh cheap :D I could do with that now. If I can break away from my bourgeois lifestyle I've set out on <3


Why thank you :D I'm getting the same cup but with peonies on it soon, for les guests :D


Mmmm gin and tonic :happy: (You've got to do some rum and tonic though, 's heaven it is.)

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Haha glöm det, Pelle. Du kan dock ta min plats när jag troligne flyttar till New York eller England. Stuuuddeeeerraaa utomlands :) Men jag menade att jag kan visa dig affären nästa gång du kommer, om du vågar tillbringa 5 minuter med mig dvs.


That Russian guy in my chemistryclass said he'd teach me Russian. But he thinks it's unnecessary, because if you just happen to pronounce something wrong, they'll laugh at you. I don't care. I WANNA LEARN.

And someone else's learning me how to play the piano (I almost wrote how to do the piano.. weird).


Vågar och vågar :D


Look at Rhiân, she seems proud of her Georgianity, so it doesn'a really matter :D Just say 'Minjä z'vout Monoj' (Yes all the cool kids use the instrumental case when saying their names :D Hear that Rhiânom?) Mmm piano.

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I cooked couscous with herbs and lemon, then made some spicy beef to go with it.. as all I have is.. couscous, beef, curry powder and herbs. The lemon was that left over from the gin :D I'll make the pudding another day.


Ahhh yes.


Haha she don't drink coffee... so I'm forever doomed to feud. :D


Ahh beautiful :D Mmm gin.

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Vågar och vågar :D


Look at Rhiân, she seems proud of her Georgianity, so it doesn'a really matter :D Just say 'Minjä z'vout Monoj' (Yes all the cool kids use the instrumental case when saying their names :D Hear that Rhiânom?) Mmm piano.

It's only cause I get to sound really stupid when I talk to Russians... but then, I'll prove them wrong when I'm quoting Dostoyevsky and Pushkin in every day conversation about carrots and stuff. JUST YOU WAIT. *cackles*


Haha I like the instrumental idea. Very... narcissistic.

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I cooked couscous with herbs and lemon, then made some spicy beef to go with it.. as all I have is.. couscous, beef, curry powder and herbs. The lemon was that left over from the gin :D I'll make the pudding another day.


Ahhh yes.


Haha she don't drink coffee... so I'm forever doomed to feud. :D


Ahh beautiful :D Mmm gin.


Mmmmmmmm that sounds ahabsolutely wonderful! Mmmm and lemon with couscous...the description and the smell from the kitchen made me realise I haven't eaten anything all day :$


Knäckebröd then? With violet honey? :D


It's only cause I get to sound really stupid when I talk to Russians... but then, I'll prove them wrong when I'm quoting Dostoyevsky and Pushkin in every day conversation about carrots and stuff. JUST YOU WAIT. *cackles*


Haha I like the instrumental idea. Very... narcissistic.


Carrots? :LOL:


In fact it's very Chekhov as well :happy: I'd neeeever say Меня зовут Пелле (Or Пеллэ or Пэллэ or however the hell my name's written in Rusk)

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It went down quite well :D I'm officially the gourmet chef of the flat. *smug* :happy: All day?! You must eat something or you'll die!


Leave me to my feud! It's fun. I don't have the annoyance of texts and phonecalls every five bloody minutes now :D


Well, maybe not carrots... borsch recipies or something.


Ah Chekhov. Ahh thick books. I'd go with Поле with my Georgian accent I reckon.. PLUS it has that very.. collective farm ring to it :LOL: :LOL:

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I'm sure you are! And I'm so sure you're so, so much better than anyone in my flat since all they make smells like catfood. We need a gourmet chef here! So get yerself over le Nordsjön now! :happy: Nah don't know...I like feeling thin :LOL: Maybe I'll have something if I pass out eventually :D


Right then :D:LOL:


Mmmm borsch :happy: That'd work in any context I reckon. :happy:


Поле! :LOL::LOL: :LOL: It's very kolkhozy yes, I might use that :happy:


Ja, jaaaag äääääär käääääääääääär i den fuuuuuuuuuuuulaste flickan i väääärlden! <3

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Actually, the Nigerian girl cooks some pretty good smelling foods... Ah I'll gourmet chef any day :happy: I'll teach you how to make proper tea too. Mmm. Have tea and biscuits. Mmm.


haha I vote you introduce yourself to your Olga with Я Поле in your next class. :D


Mmmm Abba so loud... and hot chocolate. What a perfect Wednesday evening.

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Apparently (according to Dave) we're all going to this Arabic place in Rusholme to smoke something fruity on our Russian night out now which involves sitting on the floor. Mmm. Actually, I cooked Moroccan tonight... halal meat and everything. Bismahla.


Ironic as the day I was born my dear, sweet Mona.


Mothers are just a pain in the arse. Eeeh Franz. So... samey. :happy:


Smoke something fruity? Arabic? Then it must be Chicha that you're going to smoke. Lovely.. but careful or you'll choke. Mmmm chicha.. makes me want to go back to Egypt.


Yes, but I prefer to have it like this. It would be very odd if I all of a sudden got along with my mum. Almost scary.. Haha yes, Franz. Not your style maybe, but a concert is a concert so..what the hell. :happy:

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Vågar och vågar :D


Look at Rhiân, she seems proud of her Georgianity, so it doesn'a really matter :D Just say 'Minjä z'vout Monoj' (Yes all the cool kids use the instrumental case when saying their names :D Hear that Rhiânom?) Mmm piano.


Yes, I know. That's why I want to learn Russian anyway.. I wrote that.

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Smoke something fruity? Arabic? Then it must be Chicha that you're going to smoke. Lovely.. but careful or you'll choke. Mmmm chicha.. makes me want to go back to Egypt.


Yes, but I prefer to have it like this. It would be very odd if I all of a sudden got along with my mum. Almost scary.. Haha yes, Franz. Not your style maybe, but a concert is a concert so..what the hell. :happy:

That's the stuff. I won't be smoking any anyway. I choke enough when my flatmates light up. *poor lungs*


Oooh Pelle! Tack! I didn't have that Fields song.. :D I found a load on Mytunes this afternoon so I abused the system and downloaded them all :D 33 tracks!

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Actually, the Nigerian girl cooks some pretty good smelling foods... Ah I'll gourmet chef any day :happy: I'll teach you how to make proper tea too. Mmm. Have tea and biscuits. Mmm.


haha I vote you introduce yourself to your Olga with Я Поле in your next class. :D


Mmmm Abba so loud... and hot chocolate. What a perfect Wednesday evening.


I bet she does! Does she listen to highlife? :D Mmmm tea, yer do that! I'll clearly have to learn when the tea bags're supposed to come out and all that...develop a sixth British sense innit :D


If only the classes weren't individual! :D I could dress up in a Stalin moustache though. Mmmhm.


Sounds the perfectest ever! I'm going on a wee Gaymailing spree sorry :$ But Wutheling Heights are in there :D You don't happen to have Be My Baby with some girl-group do you?

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Oooh the gaymailing spree is most heartily welcomed! Thanks! I don't I'm afraid... I've got some disney songs if you want those... or... John Rutter...


Mmm Stalin moustache. So Gerogian.


She doesn't listen to highlife... but some really bad stuff...


Disney, how capitalist of you Rhiân! :D God I hate pseudo-communists, my hands are shaking from obstinacy :LOL:


Mmmmmhm yes :happy: *grows one*


Berate her for that and make her listen to Orchestra Baobab all day long :D

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