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Now that teapot is truly lovely. *makes tea*


I just had a shower. I had to get rid of all the black color I got from my jeans.. Now. First, I have to put on clothes, then, I'll make some tea. I wonder if I have cookies..


I love The English Shop! I found one last Friday, now I'm addicted to the place. They have Walkers and Dairy and millions of types of sprinkles!



I'm thinking about trying some of the gross stuff. Like that Christmas Pudding.. Seriously, it looks like.. yeah.


*edit* Fucking hell, I'm moody. Last night I was truly pissed until I got home from school. Now I feel okay. I think the water in my shower combined with the messageboard has a good effect on me. Maybe should try more often?


*Be back in 10 min* *edit, or 15 min.*

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Pelle, just cause we're rubbish, doesn't mean we're not taught properly :D Much as I'm the bane of their existance with my Georgian accent :D


That pot is a work of art. Very Mrs Bucket. :LOL:


Tea and Hobnobs Mona dear. Hobnobs. Sprinkles? As a brit I'm confused...


Christmas pudding is divine! With Birds Custard. Mmmm. It's a pain in the arse if you find the 5p and nearly choke though.


The cure for being moody is... The body shop. Mmmm.

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Now that teapot is truly lovely. *makes tea*


I just had a shower. I had to get rid of all the black color I got from my jeans.. Now. First, I have to put on clothes, then, I'll make some tea. I wonder if I have cookies..


I love The English Shop! I found one last Friday, now I'm addicted to the place. They have Walkers and Dairy and millions of types of sprinkles!



I'm thinking about trying some of the gross stuff. Like that Christmas Pudding.. Seriously, it looks like.. yeah.


*edit* Fucking hell, I'm moody. Last night I was truly pissed until I got home from school. Now I feel okay. I think the water in my shower combined with the messageboard has a good effect on me. Maybe should try more often?


*Be back in 10 min* *edit, or 15 min.*


My calves are all blue from jeans+shaved legs+body butter :LOL:


English Shop!? What the...where the...? :confused: Try Bread and Butter pudding! Mmmm heaven


Try what? Drinking or showering? :D

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Pelle, just cause we're rubbish, doesn't mean we're not taught properly :D Much as I'm the bane of their existance with my Georgian accent :D


That pot is a work of art. Very Mrs Bucket. :LOL:


Tea and Hobnobs Mona dear. Hobnobs. Sprinkles? As a brit I'm confused...


Christmas pudding is divine! With Birds Custard. Mmmm. It's a pain in the arse if you find the 5p and nearly choke though.


The cure for being moody is... The body shop. Mmmm.


:LOL::LOL::LOL: I want a Georgian accent too :D Lucky sod y'are.


Mrs Who? And yes it's fabulous! Now, for like 0.5 litres of water, would 1 tip suffice? Or two just in case?


Is Christmas Pudding the one you hang from the ceiling for half a century? :confused:


Mmmmm body shop, whatcheget? :happy:

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:LOL::LOL::LOL: I want a Georgian accent too :D Lucky sod y'are.


Mrs Who? And yes it's fabulous! Now, for like 0.5 litres of water, would 1 tip suffice? Or two just in case?


Is Christmas Pudding the one you hang from the ceiling for half a century? :confused:


Mmmmm body shop, whatcheget? :happy:

:happy: *smug* Ya Iosefovna.


That pot looks like a one bag tea pot. Did I send you Assam bags too? Or just Earl Grey? OooOOH put an earl grey and PG bag in there together. Mmm.


Erm... no? It's the one you have on christmas day with a 5p baked into it...


Nowt today! Save for a loyalties card :D

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:LOL: So does your being named a Georgian mean you pronounce unstressed o's like o? :D 'Khoorooshooooo' :LOL: My teachers always make fun of Georgians and south Rusks like poor Gorbachov (Ghhhhorbachov :LOL: )


Nope, no Assam, saw that in the tea shop today, I remember you mentioning it before...I'll try it! Earl Grey and PG? Will try in a sec :happy:


Oh right :$:LOL: 's just that they had some cakes hanging form the ceiling at the posh hotel where Lisa worked. Mmmmoney :D


Loyalties card :LOL: They bloody owe me that too :D

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Pelle, just cause we're rubbish, doesn't mean we're not taught properly :D Much as I'm the bane of their existance with my Georgian accent :D


That pot is a work of art. Very Mrs Bucket. :LOL:


Tea and Hobnobs Mona dear. Hobnobs. Sprinkles? As a brit I'm confused...


Christmas pudding is divine! With Birds Custard. Mmmm. It's a pain in the arse if you find the 5p and nearly choke though.


The cure for being moody is... The body shop. Mmmm.


Hobnobs.. I actually looked for them but couldn't find. I'll look for them again :)


Divine? Believe that did not look divine.


Body shop.. *runs to*

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My calves are all blue from jeans+shaved legs+body butter :LOL:


English Shop!? What the...where the...? :confused: Try Bread and Butter pudding! Mmmm heaven


Try what? Drinking or showering? :D


The English Shop, in Saluhallarna, Medborgarplatsen, Södermalm, Stockholm, Sverige, Europa.. :happy: Bread & Butter *antecknar*



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My calves are all blue from jeans+shaved legs+body butter :LOL:


English Shop!? What the...where the...? :confused: Try Bread and Butter pudding! Mmmm heaven


Try what? Drinking or showering? :D


The English Shop, in Saluhallarna, Medborgarplatsen, Södermalm, Stockholm, Sverige, Europa.. :happy: Bread & Butter *antecknar*


Both. Don't get me wrong, I do take showers. But I should combine tha with board and tea after.

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*Wants to live in Stockholm* :'(


Peach is nice, try the Papaya too...and Passion Fruit. Mmmm.


Mmmmmmmmmmmmhm PG and Earl Grey is now officially the best thing ever, all categories :happy: *hugs the wonderful provider of tea* :happy:


*lives in Stockholm* :happy:


Säg till nästa gång du kommer så..


Mmmm Feta. Jag är hungrig. Och ost är alltid gott.

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...så byter vi plats? :D


Nooo Feta give me Livarot anyday. Or le Pong innit.


Argh just realised I've lost my last Livestrong bracelet today :'( Ordered some new ones though, since I still stand by the fact that we were some in the first ones in Sweden to get them, and I'm in le business so I deserve it innit :D *defends self violently* :LOL:


Mmmmmmmmmm teeeeeeee, 's ridiculous, I'll never have to eat again. *is mesmerised by the flowers* So pretty! :happy: They go right together with my white Topshop gloves :happy:

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I'm out now though :'( Next step, eating stuff to go with it. Hmmm.


:happy: 'S nice that. I'd quite like a dialect (like I do with every language) but seemingly there are like...none in Russian, proper dialects that is, the Georgianness has more to do with the gh'ing of g's and okan'e and all that...it sucks. How can a humongously large country like Russia not have proper dialects? I want a Krasnojarsk one :LOL: Though I wonder what my phonetics teacher meant when I pronounced жесть Northern like...hmm. Mmmm 's one of my favourite words, with the beautiful diphtongised e. Mmmmhm.


Doooooo it dooooooo it! Swedes have tea now y'know :D And apparently it won't snow much, if any, uptil like January, and even then it probably won't be much. :happy: You could always stop in at Riga on the way innit :D

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Zut alors! Best thing to go with tea is either toast and jam, biscuits or saussage mash and beans. Mmm.


It is weird really, especially with the fact that the Mother country borders China, Mongolia and god knows wherelse. Mmm northern. Ahh I love the ть sound. Mmm. It's so much fun to pronounce, like ы sound which I can now do :D


If my mum's still being a wanker next week, I'll book a flight over and spend ALL of my christmas holiday abroad :D Although I really need to see other places than Stockholm. Riga could be done on a weekend trip easily anyway. Mmm.


I've moved the furniture around in my room :D It looks so much better now. :D

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Right, I'd just have to get me a toaster, maybe I'll get one next month or something :happy: Mmm and that violet jam I've yet to buy :happy: Sausage and tea sounds strange but awfully nice!


There is no letter quite as beautiful as сь though mmmmmmm. Oooh congrats on passing the ы Test of Life :D 'S a bitch to произносит that. Mmmhm.


:LOL: Do that! That'd teach her not to wrong you again! Don't do Göteborg though even if it might sound like a grand idea at first. 'S just not good enough. Göteborgians are stooopid! Copenhagen is nice but Danish.


Oooh crafty, me I could never do that now since I'm afraid I'd knock something off my shelves errr.


I would like to make some more tea but I have to be able to sleep since I have to sit up at 7 waiting for the fucking people doing maintenance even though I know deep inside they'll show up at 15.

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Saussage, mash, beans and onion gravy... steaming hot cup of tea. Proper northern working class meal of joy that.


Mmmm. 'pasiba! Just to pass the Prepositional Case test tomorrow now... Think I'll get up early and revise that one.


You know it's so, so tempting. I'll have to think though. Can I face cold Sverige after three weeks of tropical paradise? I'll have to visit Yernshurping to see if it's as bad as you claim. :LOL:


Ahh give it a whizz. You may discover so much more floor space :D


Make some Horlicks then :D That stuff sends you straight to sleep. Mmm. Ah workmen. Gotta love 'em. I had a great conversation with our oven man at 8am on a saturday as I was the only comrade awake. :rolleyes:

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Saussage, mash, beans and onion gravy... steaming hot cup of tea. Proper northern working class meal of joy that.


Mmmm. 'pasiba! Just to pass the Prepositional Case test tomorrow now... Think I'll get up early and revise that one.


You know it's so, so tempting. I'll have to think though. Can I face cold Sverige after three weeks of tropical paradise? I'll have to visit Yernshurping to see if it's as bad as you claim. :LOL:


Ahh give it a whizz. You may discover so much more floor space :D


Make some Horlicks then :D That stuff sends you straight to sleep. Mmm. Ah workmen. Gotta love 'em. I had a great conversation with our oven man at 8am on a saturday as I was the only comrade awake. :rolleyes:


Mmmmm I'll have to try that after a hard day's reading kitchen sink books :D


Ooooh prepositional case! Good luck! *hugs*


Course you can, just put on your largest winter coat in Ghana, wear it all the time and there'll be no difference between the countries :happy: Maybe alcohol prices though.

You do that :LOL: There's almost no place to go out for drinks though and all that jazz :happy: Mmmm Yernshurping.


Pah floor space, who needs floor space when one has tea :happy:


Maybe I should! I'll go rummage through the tea shop one of these days, if I can allow meself to spend anything after le pot :LOL:


I got up at 6.50, he's still not here the bastard. I want to take a shower damn him! Ooooh have you seen the white bathrobes at le Shop de Top? Mmmm like 550 kr for the softest, bestest and comfiest one ever. 's ridiculous!

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Raphael really does sound like James Blunt.




He doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't doesn't, he sounds Freeeench! :'( :'( :'( :'( He sounds cute too! James Blunt sounds like a nasal horse. I honestly think Raphael has a beautiful pronunciation and voice :$


:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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