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Now, Naughtica, we have aritual for all new members. You have to kill an animal, dance with it, then solemnly swear you love the Russian language.

And be prepared for discussions about Sweden, languages and alcohol. =)


Kidding, welcome!




Jag ska använda en "approach" vad gäller syner på human nature. Jag tänkte ta Sartre men min lärare tyckte att jag borde a något som är exakt motsatt det jag förstår bäst och det jag tror själv. Så..ska jag ta Nietzche (eller hur man nu stavar det)? Elle rkanske Freud? Han är ju inspirerad av Nietzche.


Hjälp? Marx har jag tagit en gång..för lätt. Ibn Rushd är för mkt vad jag också tycker och Plato är utnyttjad.

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I've tried everything. It's cause my cough's really bad at night time, it makes sleeping impossible. I was in the middle of the most delicious slumber ever, until, yes, you guessed it... the fire alarm went off.


Ah coconut's nice, I can't remember what other shapes the stuff comes in now.


Tis what you get from sweat shop labour. Inconcistency. I swear, if this were the DDR there'd be women writing letters of complaint left right and centre. Ah the hunt for the evasive size 12. Everyone in the world is a size 12.


No problem! Just wait till I've uploaded the Nachala CD. I'll have to send you some of that. It's just too funny. *hugs back* haha yes! Those Russkiis trying to break into the capitalist market by doing what commies do best - making a rip off of american/canadian produce.


Nachala's great. It's hardback! Look how well he's integrated with the other kiddies on the shelf:




My language shelf is so reduced and naked now :'(

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Now, Naughtica, we have aritual for all new members. You have to kill an animal, dance with it, then solemnly swear you love the Russian language.

And be prepared for discussions about Sweden, languages and alcohol. =)


Kidding, welcome!




Jag ska använda en "approach" vad gäller syner på human nature. Jag tänkte ta Sartre men min lärare tyckte att jag borde a något som är exakt motsatt det jag förstår bäst och det jag tror själv. Så..ska jag ta Nietzche (eller hur man nu stavar det)? Elle rkanske Freud? Han är ju inspirerad av Nietzche.


Hjälp? Marx har jag tagit en gång..för lätt. Ibn Rushd är för mkt vad jag också tycker och Plato är utnyttjad.

bork bork bork Nietzsche.


Bork. I can do Nietzsche. Bork.

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I've tried everything. It's cause my cough's really bad at night time, it makes sleeping impossible. I was in the middle of the most delicious slumber ever, until, yes, you guessed it... the fire alarm went off.


Ah coconut's nice, I can't remember what other shapes the stuff comes in now.


Tis what you get from sweat shop labour. Inconcistency. I swear, if this were the DDR there'd be women writing letters of complaint left right and centre. Ah the hunt for the evasive size 12. Everyone in the world is a size 12.


No problem! Just wait till I've uploaded the Nachala CD. I'll have to send you some of that. It's just too funny. *hugs back* haha yes! Those Russkiis trying to break into the capitalist market by doing what commies do best - making a rip off of american/canadian produce.


Nachala's great. It's hardback! Look how well he's integrated with the other kiddies on the shelf:




My language shelf is so reduced and naked now :'(


That sucks. Don't you have Noskapin or something similar in Blitain, works like a charm when I'm annually trying to cough my lungs up. :happy: Let's hope it'll be better tonight :happy:


:LOL: Mmm so true. Bloody 12's. And curse Coq Sportif for not selling shoes in 8½ until December or January or something! Arrrrgh! I neeeeeed Coq Soprtif to live. Fascists.


Nachala CD mmmm :LOL: 'Меня зовут Майкл, я гомосексуалный!' :D And, a hardcover language course!? What's this world coming too? Poor shelf though. You'd have to spice it up with some gigantic Swedish dictionaries :happy: Or get some mahoosive book on aspect pairs...mmmm aspect pairs...I've only found small books on them though. Maybe it's because they're stupid.

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Now, Naughtica, we have aritual for all new members. You have to kill an animal, dance with it, then solemnly swear you love the Russian language.

And be prepared for discussions about Sweden, languages and alcohol. =)


Kidding, welcome!




Jag ska använda en "approach" vad gäller syner på human nature. Jag tänkte ta Sartre men min lärare tyckte att jag borde a något som är exakt motsatt det jag förstår bäst och det jag tror själv. Så..ska jag ta Nietzche (eller hur man nu stavar det)? Elle rkanske Freud? Han är ju inspirerad av Nietzche.


Hjälp? Marx har jag tagit en gång..för lätt. Ibn Rushd är för mkt vad jag också tycker och Plato är utnyttjad.



Tja, vad vet jag? Det finns en bra populärvetenskaplig filosofibok av Lars Bergström som diskuterar mot massa saker och tar upp vanliga filosofiska företeelser.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, som jag precis beställt en bok av, var existensialist från början, men jag har för mig att han började kritisera några av Sartres idéer senare. Nu är ju teoretisk filosofi inte mitt huvudämne... :D Hur komplicerat kan det bli i ettan?

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Why the fuck am I at the Museboard when I need to be studying palataliserade apikopostdentaler? :'( *dies* 'S a nice tradition in the area I live in to scream out your angst at 23.00 before an exam round October when everyone's got exams all the time. Only an hour and 6 minutes left, then I'll scream meself dead!

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You name it, I've tried it. I've spent it must be near on £30 on cold and flu remedies this fortnight. :'( I may have to give up and go to the doc torrrrrrrr. Here's hoping :) Never heard of Noskapin though. It sounds herbal.


Aww. The pain of being a half size. I've just given up trying to find 5½ and now I go for 6. Or seven if I really liked the shoes lots and lots but they didn't have any in my size, so I now have to wear about 3 pairs of socks.. but the shoes are CROCHET!


It has a map on the inside cover and everything! I have me mini Swedish dictionary I spent my last Kronor on at Arlanda, it's really hard to get good 'minority' language dictionaries here. Ah well. Another excuse for a holiday I think. *saves air miles and doesn't go for an upgrade* Ah aspect pairs. One day... one day.


*rolls up in a ball laughing at the gay rusk-american narrator on Nachala*

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Why the fuck am I at the Museboard when I need to be studying palataliserade apikopostdentaler? :'( *dies* 'S a nice tradition in the area I live in to scream out your angst at 23.00 before an exam round October when everyone's got exams all the time. Only an hour and 6 minutes left, then I'll scream meself dead!

Cause phonetics is so, so, so, so horrid. That's why.


That's a nice tradition! Much nicer than setting off fire alarms. *hugs*


Exams in October though? You poor thing! *hugs again*

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You name it, I've tried it. I've spent it must be near on £30 on cold and flu remedies this fortnight. :'( I may have to give up and go to the doc torrrrrrrr. Here's hoping :) Never heard of Noskapin though. It sounds herbal.


Aww. The pain of being a half size. I've just given up trying to find 5½ and now I go for 6. Or seven if I really liked the shoes lots and lots but they didn't have any in my size, so I now have to wear about 3 pairs of socks.. but the shoes are CROCHET!


It has a map on the inside cover and everything! I have me mini Swedish dictionary I spent my last Kronor on at Arlanda, it's really hard to get good 'minority' language dictionaries here. Ah well. Another excuse for a holiday I think. *saves air miles and doesn't go for an upgrade* Ah aspect pairs. One day... one day.


*rolls up in a ball laughing at the gay rusk-american narrator on Nachala*


Awwwwwww. Go see the doctor then. Noskapin is not herbal, 's very much a nice medicinal drug. Mmm. Maybe you have an English equivalent or something.


3 pairs of socks :LOL: I was *this* close to buying 10's the other day, but there's no way in hell that's going to work. Errr. Maybe buying sneakers in autumn/winter isn't very ideal :D


Mmmmap! Nice! I'd quite like a Soviet Russian language course with vocab like тракторист, колхоз, Новая Экономическая Политика or something equally spaffing :LOL: Mmm I could have a look here if you want :happy:


Cause phonetics is so, so, so, so horrid. That's why.


That's a nice tradition! Much nicer than setting off fire alarms. *hugs*


Exams in October though? You poor thing! *hugs again*


So true :'( And yes, a really nice tradition indeed. Stupid fucking exams! I hate hate hate hate hate them! Aaaaargh! *hugs back* *hugs back again*


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Ah It'll probably be like Night Nurse. That stuff is the daddy, only the chemist had none. Only Day Nurse... and what use is cough syrup if it doesn't make you drowsy?!


Size 10?! Think of all the socks you'd have to wear with those! Nope, it's boots and shoes season now... except in Schuh. That shop is the best shoeshop in the world <3 Haha that'd be grand! Ooh you could? If you could just get an ISBN or something that'd be beautiful! :happy: ta!


:'( Phonetics. Aside from the mini pronunciation epiphanies, what is it good for?

Aww. They do suck. I have a phonetics one in January. Thankfully, the first year of uni here doesn't go towards your overall degree classification... so woo! They'll soon be over though :D Chin up! Be a Mancunian, set off your block's fire alarm causing mass evacuation. :D

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Exactly, drugs are meant to inebriate :D


It's crap it is, I hate boots and everything about it, because if I ever had to wear boots it would be like admitting it's winter, and it's never ever winter, it's summer, summer, summer, summer! Aaaargh! Hence it'll be nice walking in 30 cm thick wet snow with low sneakers :D I'll do me best, I'm sure we have loads round here somewhere.


How can you not be graded? Aaargh I want to do a 4 year thingie too! Aaaaaargh! *panicks* It will be over soon yes, but until I open my first pivo tomorrow I'll be shaking with angst and fear :'( Mass evacuation sounds a blast :LOL: although my house is so backwards so I'd be suprised if we had a common fire alarm :D Only 12 minutes till I can start yelling :LOL: Already opened my window, pushed my chin into an underbite and sang This Charming Man twice, now it's more of a tear-jerking falsetto along with Patti Smith! Little blue shooooooes that waaaalk across the skyyyyyyy!

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You know two codeine last night didn't even touch the drowsy surface. I was so disappointed.


Boots are great if you can find them to fit. It seems anyone with a shape to their calves can't get boots to fit. Even Sarah and she's so, so, so skinny. Haha yes. Best thing is walking through Manchester puddles in sneakers, as your jeans become sodden up to the knees. But you refuse to admit your feet are wet. No wonder I have flu...


Well, we are graded. If we get less than a third, I think we have to re-sit. *is aiming for a 2:1.* mmm but the overall grade of the first year doesn't go towards your bachelors cause basically it's just like an A Level re-cap. (it may be different for Russian though.)


How long's your course?


Ahh give it a go. Spray aerosol everywhere and smoke underneath the detectors. Boom. 64 pissed off students stood outside in the rain. :D


5 minutes to go now! Beyooodiful. *wants a shouty tradition*

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Tja, vad vet jag? Det finns en bra populärvetenskaplig filosofibok av Lars Bergström som diskuterar mot massa saker och tar upp vanliga filosofiska företeelser.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, som jag precis beställt en bok av, var existensialist från början, men jag har för mig att han började kritisera några av Sartres idéer senare. Nu är ju teoretisk filosofi inte mitt huvudämne... :D Hur komplicerat kan det bli i ettan?


Väldigt komplicerat. Men det är mitt favoritämne, faktiskt. Jag är i princip den enda som kan börja "bråka" med läraren om saker. Kanske för att jag faktiskt förstår vad han säger. Men du vet inte något speciellt om Nietzsche?

I think I'll chose his theories.. Easier to argue against.

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Väldigt komplicerat. Men det är mitt favoritämne, faktiskt. Jag är i princip den enda som kan börja "bråka" med läraren om saker. Kanske för att jag faktiskt förstår vad han säger. Men du vet inte något speciellt om Nietzsche?

I think I'll chose his theories.. Easier to argue against.

Easy to argue against Nietzsche's theories? No way! Granted he was probably indirectly responsible for the Hollocaust, but he pretty much had everything sussed about human nature, cynical as he was. That's the beauty I think.

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Why you never know. I might even agree with Nietzsche but when it comes ot religion..then it is easy to argue.

But of course, I have to read more about him.

Now c-r-a-p. I have a chemtest tomorrow and I haven't studied. Why will my teacher kill me?


Doesn't matter.

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You know two codeine last night didn't even touch the drowsy surface. I was so disappointed.


Boots are great if you can find them to fit. It seems anyone with a shape to their calves can't get boots to fit. Even Sarah and she's so, so, so skinny. Haha yes. Best thing is walking through Manchester puddles in sneakers, as your jeans become sodden up to the knees. But you refuse to admit your feet are wet. No wonder I have flu...


Well, we are graded. If we get less than a third, I think we have to re-sit. *is aiming for a 2:1.* mmm but the overall grade of the first year doesn't go towards your bachelors cause basically it's just like an A Level re-cap. (it may be different for Russian though.)


How long's your course?


Ahh give it a go. Spray aerosol everywhere and smoke underneath the detectors. Boom. 64 pissed off students stood outside in the rain. :D


5 minutes to go now! Beyooodiful. *wants a shouty tradition*


Awwww Rhiân's getting tolerant :LOL:


Mmmmmm sneakers in Mancunian puddles...some day :happy: Strange thing it's hardly rained here yet, and if I'm lucky it won't probably snow down here, so I can hold on to me rank old shoes till I get my filthy hands on some black Coq Sportifs mmmm.


:confused: I still don't get your education system ... :LOL: I don't know how long mine is, maybe 50 years, depends how fast I become rich and how long they'll let me stay :D A-course officially ends sometime in January, then B, C, D and so on.


:LOL: A tempting prospect indeed, but tache lady probably hates me as it is already, so I'll give it a rest :happy:


Mmmmm sore throat now :LOL: Such a great feeling of companionship with all the other poor students here :happy:

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Why you never know. I might even agree with Nietzsche but when it comes ot religion..then it is easy to argue.

But of course, I have to read more about him.

Now c-r-a-p. I have a chemtest tomorrow and I haven't studied. Why will my teacher kill me?


Doesn't matter.


I would help you if I could, but all I can think about now is phonetics and how my entire future hangs on this piss-poor excuse for a test!


Fuck chemistry, I did and still got a VG in Kemi A (!) and G in Kemi B! Haha! :D


I don't want to sleep, sleeping means I have to get up tomorrow, test is 10-14 which means I'll be up at dawn yet again! To ease my angst I'm sending you a Rusk song against your will Rhiân :D

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Me the junkie. Whoops.


Haha you aint had trenchfoot till you've had a mancunian puddle tucked away in your shoe for the busride home. :D


I don't get it either... I'll explain in a sec.. I'm on a Nietzsche bender in my word pad for the little 'un :happy: (not that it makes any sense to anyone except me)


Ah well, if you do visit here, you'll probably experience it first hand, so you'll know just the right time to do it to piss her off royally.


Haha beautiful! Have a läkerol. They're great for throats. :D


Mmm warm apple juice from Lidl.

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I would help you if I could, but all I can think about now is phonetics and how my entire future hangs on this piss-poor excuse for a test!


Fuck chemistry, I did and still got a VG in Kemi A (!) and G in Kemi B! Haha! :D


I don't want to sleep, sleeping means I have to get up tomorrow, test is 10-14 which means I'll be up at dawn yet again! To ease my angst I'm sending you a Rusk song against your will Rhiân :D


Chem A should burn in hell. Hopefully, I'll get a VG. I suck at Chem. Physics is my strong side.

Tack, men du borde nog dätta igång med din fonetik Pelle. Now..Get on with it! :p

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Me the junkie. Whoops.


Haha you aint had trenchfoot till you've had a mancunian puddle tucked away in your shoe for the busride home. :D


I don't get it either... I'll explain in a sec.. I'm on a Nietzsche bender in my word pad for the little 'un :happy: (not that it makes any sense to anyone except me)


Ah well, if you do visit here, you'll probably experience it first hand, so you'll know just the right time to do it to piss her off royally.


Haha beautiful! Have a läkerol. They're great for throats. :D


Mmm warm apple juice from Lidl.


'S why we love you :D


Trenchfoot :LOL::LOL: *dies* I can imagine that yes. Mmmm. I'll have to come to Manc during monsoon season then, not that it's hard to miss but anyway :D Mmmm arrange me a grand fire alarm for my arrival. I'd be very much impressed :LOL:


Awww fankies :D *huuugs* Apple juice mmmm...haven't had that in aaaaaages!


Hmmmm I think I'm going to bed or else I will be reaaally pissed off at myself in the morning. Mmm.


Lycka till på kemiprovet Mona, kom ihåg att skriva in formler i miniräknaren innan provet så du kan fuska sådär lite grann :D

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Why you never know. I might even agree with Nietzsche but when it comes ot religion..then it is easy to argue.

But of course, I have to read more about him.

Now c-r-a-p. I have a chemtest tomorrow and I haven't studied. Why will my teacher kill me?


Doesn't matter.

Depends how you take it though. Nietzsche (if my memory serves me correctly) was, in his early days quite religious. (I think his father was a pastor) but, like some he became disillusioned with it. Y'know, think that over cited Marx "religion is the opium of the masses" crap. I think it's in the Birth of Tragedy (don't ever read that. For a start the translation is piss poor...) he said


Christianity was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life's nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in "another" or "better" life.


So again, linking with the marxism thing. That drudgery, daily routine, things which we don't like to live for but have to can somehow be 'glossed over' by this thing which is better, like a common goal to strive towards. The 'better life' doesn't have to be religion.. it could be a new car or something. Y'know, something to work towards. He, like Marx just tried to expose the flaws in religion, the mindless worshiping things like that. I mean, ask a christian why they go to church, and I reckon 9 out of ten times they come out with some clichéd phrase about jesus making their life worthwile, but not actually thinking about the meaning of religion to them. My personal opinion is that Nietzsche just wanted to show, perhaps the hypocracy of it all?


I actually have a word document on Nietzsche quotations, if you're interested...


Uebermensch/Will to power, I explained on MSN, and here are some good quotations to go with:


I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: you still have chaos in yourselves.


The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.


Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth...


^^ I like particularly, cause I think it places more emphasis on man, rather than deity in how the world is turning out. The whole 'god is dead' thing i thought could possibly symbolise how we've been left to make our own mistakes, our own life choices and not take the easy option of blaming something we don't know whether is there or not. The taking away sin with him 'dying' is like humanity having a fresh start.


Man is something that shall be overcome


My idea is that every specific body strives to become master over all space and to extend its force (--its will to power) and to thrust back all that resists its extension.


I really could do with a few more hours to think about this, some brandy and some sleep... then I could dig out the old essays I wrote when I went through my huge Nietzsche phase back in 2003/04.

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'S why we love you :D


Trenchfoot :LOL::LOL: *dies* I can imagine that yes. Mmmm. I'll have to come to Manc during monsoon season then, not that it's hard to miss but anyway :D Mmmm arrange me a grand fire alarm for my arrival. I'd be very much impressed :LOL:


Awww fankies :D *huuugs* Apple juice mmmm...haven't had that in aaaaaages!


Hmmmm I think I'm going to bed or else I will be reaaally pissed off at myself in the morning. Mmm.


Lycka till på kemiprovet Mona, kom ihåg att skriva in formler i miniräknaren innan provet så du kan fuska sådär lite grann :D

That Red Army Choir... AMAZING! *puts it on repeat*


Haha with more average rainfall than Edinburgh, you'd be hard pushed to find a dry day here. Actually, it's not rained for about 3 hours now. A record? I think so. :happy:


Oh I'm sure an alarm could be arranged, steam from the damn shower sets the bugger off.


G'night me dear. Sleep well *kram*

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Innit just gleeeeat! Mmmmmm. I just cringe at the thought that Marc Almond just butchered it though err. Seems he didn't quite get it's about fast tanks and not some poetic romantic crap :D


Mmmm rain. :happy: It was wet when I stepped outside today, but I haven't seen any rain... :confused: Strange it is.


Also, all hail the phonetics master :D Took 20 minutes to complete even though we could sit until 14.00. :rolleyes: Hope I didn't do too many stupid mistakes, though we did start discussing the test outside of the room, and I think the ones left in there overheard us :LOL: Whoops.


How d'the kemiprov go Momanona? Hohahoha jojagog hohadode goglolömomtot hohuror kokulol dodetot äror atotot poproratota rorövovarorsospoproråkoketot :LOL: Did I get that right? :D

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