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Chinese Musers Thread

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Shanghai Musers listen up!:)

January MuseCN Shanghai fans gettogether!

Wanna have great fun singing Muse Karaoke?Come join us on MuseCN.net,Chinese Muse site!


详情请见 details linky here:


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it's been auto cropped mate!

but still scared my mate cos i was accessing here on mobile phone,the sig got kinda big size:lol



aw...scared the hell out of ur mate...sorry mate;):p:LOL: (matt's bum look bigger on phone..lmao:LOL:)

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Shanghai Musers listen up!:)

January MuseCN Shanghai fans gettogether!

Wanna have great fun singing Muse Karaoke?Come join us on MuseCN.net,Chinese Muse site!


详情请见 details linky here:



This should be fun...I'm sure:yesey::happy:

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How long did it take you? :eek: In China the net was nearly four times faster than here. :stunned:


is it so?

I never realize how fast it can be i just reckon it is already very slow comparing to lots of other developed contries,ehh.


btw i was just back from a Club8+Pelle Carlberg gig,really nice Swedish aritists and bands!

here're photos:D


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is it so?

I never realize how fast it can be i just reckon it is already very slow comparing to lots of other developed contries,ehh.


btw i was just back from a Club8+Pelle Carlberg gig,really nice Swedish aritists and bands!

here're photos:D



Wow you had a Club 8/Pelle Carlberg gig in China? *dies*


Why do they always come to China, Japan and Singapore but never to the Philippines? :( i wish they had a bigger fanbase here.


anyway, sorry to intrude, i'm just dropping by. ;)

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Wow you had a Club 8/Pelle Carlberg gig in China? *dies*


Why do they always come to China, Japan and Singapore but never to the Philippines? :( i wish they had a bigger fanbase here.


anyway, sorry to intrude, i'm just dropping by. ;)


oh it's okay good to see you here in China thread:D

yea i guess that's because Club8 loves BeijingShanghai and Pelle loves Hong Kong,so they come here more often than going to other places.:happy:

anyway,they're touring Asia so i guess you still have good chances to catch them!

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