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Chinese Musers Thread

Life must hate me

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可是我想MUSE有一点不公平. 他们只去大城市, 可是我在中国的时间, 他们没来. 我住在美国, 在COLUMBUS, OHIO, 他们也不去. 看着想我永远也不会看到MUSE了. :(


My Chinese (reading and writing) isn't the best...

I think Muse (tour at least) isn't very fair. I mean, they only go to huge cities, and when I'm in China, they never come!!! I live in the U.S. of A., in Columbus, OH, and they NEVER go there! Looks like I'll never see muse...*depressed*


I feel sorry for you.

you were not lucky to be in HK when MUSE came to tour in China, nor when they were in cities where u dont live in the US


but I guess that's just the way it is that MUSE always tour in huge cities.Maybe it isn't about fairness. It's normal all over the commercial world .

Since you're in the US, next time u may try to find ways to see them in the nearby cities.

Just like me , even though I'm not in HK, but that day i went there to see them anyway.


by the way, your Chinese is ok. We can understand you ;)

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Why do people hate other bands? on this i mean. (this is the only place i can ask questions, because elsewhere, i get yelled at and sometimes cussed at.)




and muse's photos are...eh. not very dramatic. they're more about music than image.

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Why do people hate other bands? on this i mean. (this is the only place i can ask questions, because elsewhere, i get yelled at and sometimes cussed at.)




and muse's photos are...eh. not very dramatic. they're more about music than image.


uh-ah. You see how many photogenic thread here on Muse board? For young girls their images>>>>>>music. good music seems like a bonus lol


Of course I get what you mean,it's their music that matters after all

people can like or hate, dont take it to your heart though, if people are being childish then let them be!

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我有选听一点Unclosed Desire

我不喜欢,也不认为它对我来说会是grower - 我的意思就是说当年supermassive black hole出来的时候,我是不知有多惊愕. 那时候我还说they had a change,a bad one,然后很多人开始也接受不了SMBH,结果后来都喜欢上了,现场也非常火热,很可惜我到现在还是喜欢不上这首歌,即使看过了现场也一样




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说实话新碟里到目前为止还是只有这两只已公布的单曲才让我听了或早或迟地觉得,it's Muse.其他的虽然说30秒试听不能说明什么问题,不过这第一印象都不大好……

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