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TPi awards: Vote for Muse's crew


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Hi Musers!


The TPi awards have nominated several of Muse's crew this year. Would be awesome to show our appreciation for the work they do by leaving a vote for them.


Please go to http://www.tpiawards.com/vote-now/ and choose the following names in these categories. The other categories is up to you as I don't know whether there's anyone working for Muse nominated in these.


1. Tour Manager of The Year

Glen Rowe

(Dominic Anderson is also Tour Manager but sadly not nominated!)


2. Production Manager of The Year

Steve Iredale


6. Favourite Sound Rental Company

Skan PA

(A suggestion; A company they use)


7. Front of House Engineer of The Year

Marc Carolan


10. Favourite Rehearsal Facility


(A suggestion: This is Glen Rowe's company. If you like him and have no other option...)


13. Lighting Designer of The Year

Oli Metcalfe


16. Set Designer of The Year

Oli Metcalfe


19. Favourite Trucking Company

Stage Truck

(Again a suggestion; just a company Muse uses as you might all know from the silver trucks)


25. The Des Fallon Video Visionary Award

Oli Metcalfe

(Boy, Oli does a lot! I would've expected Tom Kirk to be here but as he's not nominated...)


26. Live Production of The Year Award

Download 2015

(Suggestion again; they played Download Festival so that's why.)


Thanks for voting! Next year after the tour we should get them all nominated!


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