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Franz Ferdinand are awesome..Kaiser Chiefs are quite good,as well as the Klaxons,The Enemy are ok..some of few names to check out...and the new Radiohead album

Ok.*shuts up now* listen to the arctic monkeys first


i've seen the new Radiohead album, thought of buying that, if i can save money. i'm not a hardcore fan of Radiohead anyway. and i love Franz Ferdinand! of course! i think we could be good friends, hehe. and it's not really my intention to be invaded by British people, i swear! :LOL: anyway, are you british? :LOL: i like the bands that you mentioned. i love indie! i'm not feeling the Taking Back Sunday kind of bands, sorry if there is a fan. :(

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i've seen the new Radiohead album, thought of buying that, if i can save money. i'm not a hardcore fan of Radiohead anyway. and i love Franz Ferdinand! of course! i think we could be good friends, hehe. and it's not really my intention to be invaded by British people, i swear! :LOL anyway, are you british? :LOL i like the bands that you mentioned. i love indie! i'm not feeling the Taking Back Sunday kind of bands, sorry if there is a fan.


Radiohead is one of my favorite bands really!

Oh cool..I didn't knew you like Franz Ferdinand!hehe.

I consider anyone that I talked to here or any other forum as my friend..even if I don't see them:p You are already my friend!:D

Not my intention too..but gotta love British bands.:yesey:

:eek:Me...?British...?:stunned:what made yu say that:LOL: I wish I was:LOL: (right...that maybe unpatriotic..but oh well:rolleyes: dont think anyone can blame me having said that:erm: )


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okay achi why are you still awake? at least i'm doing a project! :)


:p I normally sleep 3 am on weekdays...and about 4 am..5 am on weekends.:p

got nothing to do:p I'm da only one awake:LOL:


ooh project..nice! Thank God I'm done with that:D

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that's a joke. ;) and yes, you'll be patriotic if you're a brit! haha.


:rolleyes:I was thinking at first..if it was a normal question or a joke...settled for the first one:$:LOL:



(Man Utd lost to Portsmouth while ago:( )

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(Man Utd lost to Portsmouth while ago


that's not my type of sports, but my sister is. so i get to watch football sometimes. uhuh, maybe we can all be neighbors in Britain soon. ;) ahh, tsktsk not a good idea. Philippines I love! :D i dislike English in other sports! so i better not to. hehe.

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that's not my type of sports, but my sister is. so i get to watch football sometimes. uhuh, maybe we can all be neighbors in Britain soon. ;) ahh, tsktsk not a good idea. Philippines I love! :D i dislike English in other sports! so i better not to. hehe.


Hehe..There's a good side and down side on most things really!

I love the Philippines too..but meh..politicians are just killing me:mad:

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I love the Philippines too..but meh..politicians are just killing me


yeah yeah yeah, the only thing that could make me happy in the news today is the showbiz update, haha, no no no just kidding, the world news actually, and the Mark Logan part, hehe kapamilya. anyway Bb. Pilipinas a while ago is hilarious! damnit, you people should've watched it! there's a funny part!!!

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i've seen the new Radiohead album, thought of buying that, if i can save money. i'm not a hardcore fan of Radiohead anyway. and i love Franz Ferdinand! of course! i think we could be good friends, hehe. and it's not really my intention to be invaded by British people, i swear! :LOL: anyway, are you british? :LOL: i like the bands that you mentioned. i love indie! i'm not feeling the Taking Back Sunday kind of bands, sorry if there is a fan. :(


Their albums out here already? I got their album thru net when they asked the fans to pay them any amount..of course being a poor that I am I paid nothing. :LOL: I like FF too...goodness Nick ftw! *melts* Í can safely say that every friigin girls love Brits. *swoons* I like their accents a lot. :D

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Hello there. Tae. Ang tagal na naman di nakakapost.

Hi there, -mistress-. I'm guio. haha. :LOL:

Achi, nice to see you around again. :p

So may nakapanood pala ng M5 ah. Nice. :yesey: How was it?

too sabaw to read past posts. finals namin this week.

And btw, Arctic Monkeys rock! :LOL:

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Hello there. Tae. Ang tagal na naman di nakakapost.

Hi there, -mistress-. I'm guio. haha. :LOL:

Achi, nice to see you around again. :p

So may nakapanood pala ng M5 ah. Nice. :yesey: How was it?

too sabaw to read past posts. finals namin this week.

And btw, Arctic Monkeys rock! :LOL:


:LOL:Guio..hello! *waves*:p

Hehe.aral ng mabuti:) Good luck!:happy:

Arctic Monkeys FTW!:happy:

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yeah yeah yeah, the only thing that could make me happy in the news today is the showbiz update, haha, no no no just kidding, the world news actually, and the Mark Logan part, hehe kapamilya. anyway Bb. Pilipinas a while ago is hilarious! damnit, you people should've watched it! there's a funny part!!!


LOLZ on Philippine Television;) 2 networks fighting for supremacy all over the nation is rubbish:erm: And Philippine politics is completely bollocks!:indiff: meh meh meh. I don't watch beauty contests to be honest:LOL: World news is nice..yiha!It's good to have cable 'round..you got lots of choices :eyebrows::LOL:

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:LOL: No...I meant that as a joke to Audrey:p:LOL:


:D I never get tire out of listening to Muse:happy: :musesign:

Franz Ferdinand are awesome..Kaiser Chiefs are quite good,as well as the Klaxons,The Enemy are ok..some of few names to check out...and the new Radiohead album :eyebrows:

Ok.*shuts up now* listen to the arctic monkeys first:D


YES! SOMEONE MENTIONED THE KAISERS! YAAAAAAY. They're a fun band and they're really great liiiive! Plus very down to earth. 8)

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I'm not sure which of you guys went to the Incubus concert (basta alam ko meron!) INCUBUS NEVER FAILS TO SATISFY THE CROOOOOOWD. And I'm happy they played many songs from the old albums. AND CIRCLES (my favorite incubus song) was part of the encore. woooooooooooow. Plus aqueous transmission for the final soooooooong! ahhhhhhhh~

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I wasn't able to go :( There's an emergency at home yesterday. How's the crowd? Setlist and pics please?


awww...:( that shucks. hope everything's alrite.


yes, setlist and pics? did anyone get to meet 'em back stage?


i hope they'll play aqueous transmission in KL too.

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YES! SOMEONE MENTIONED THE KAISERS! YAAAAAAY. They're a fun band and they're really great liiiive! Plus very down to earth. 8)


:yesey: got their albums :happy:

MTV showed their Rock Am Ring 2007 performance few months ago:D



I'm not sure which of you guys went to the Incubus concert (basta alam ko meron!) INCUBUS NEVER FAILS TO SATISFY THE CROOOOOOWD. And I'm happy they played many songs from the old albums. AND CIRCLES (my favorite incubus song) was part of the encore. woooooooooooow. Plus aqueous transmission for the final soooooooong! ahhhhhhhh~


yay..great to hear you enjoyed!:happy:

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:yesey: got their albums :happy:

MTV showed their Rock Am Ring 2007 performance few months ago:D


yep! saw that too and I was shrieking at the tv the entire time. :D


a number of foreign acts are visiting the country. when will the brits come? :p

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Oh nice to know that. I'm happy for you. Are there other big bands playing at the festival?


Thanks! :D well, The Roots are playing there as well as John Legend, George Clinton and some other bands that i don't know. A lot of great local bands are playing too. what did u do with ur Incubus tix, Audrey? I like ur sig btw!


yep! saw that too and I was shrieking at the tv the entire time. :D


a number of foreign acts are visiting the country. when will the brits come? :p


Soon, i hope. ;):D

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