Mr. ORANGE Posted June 7, 2012 Posted June 7, 2012 Thread for gig attendees Thanks L. Is anyone coming to Prague and needs a couchsurfing ? And my band rehersal room is 10 minutes walk from the Arena, so we can jam afterwards, even sleep over there :-) Čau, ještě jsme řešili s Rajče, nevíte někdo jak bude fungovat ta sazka rezervace pro členy hodinu před předprodejem ? Jak jsem pochopil, tak není totiž jistý, že získáme každej ty lístky přes automaticky...Díky...
endru Posted June 8, 2012 Posted June 8, 2012 Thanks L. Is anyone coming to Prague and needs a couchsurfing ? And my band rehersal room is 10 minutes walk from the Arena, so we can jam afterwards, even sleep over there :-) Čau, ještě jsme řešili s Rajče, nevíte někdo jak bude fungovat ta sazka rezervace pro členy hodinu před předprodejem ? Jak jsem pochopil, tak není totiž jistý, že získáme každej ty lístky přes automaticky...Díky... Ahoj, taky by mi zajímalo, jak to bude s tou hodinou před přes Sazku.. Snad ještě zveřejní nějaký info. Ale chápu to správně, že ta žádost podaná do 10.6. a "losování" o lístky je něco jinýho než ta možnost koupit to přes Sazku hoďku před 10 hod. 14.6. Díky
Rajce Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 Ahoj, taky by mi zajímalo, jak to bude s tou hodinou před přes Sazku.. Snad ještě zveřejní nějaký info. Ale chápu to správně, že ta žádost podaná do 10.6. a "losování" o lístky je něco jinýho než ta možnost koupit to přes Sazku hoďku před 10 hod. 14.6. Díky Doufám, že to tak bude...nerad bych přišel o lístky k podiu
L. Posted June 10, 2012 Author Posted June 10, 2012 Please remember this is the main section of the board so English only. Thanks
Rajce Posted June 10, 2012 Posted June 10, 2012 Please remember this is the main section of the board so English only. Thanks Sorry for that
apocalypso Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 Thanks L. Is anyone coming to Prague and needs a couchsurfing ? And my band rehersal room is 10 minutes walk from the Arena, so we can jam afterwards, even sleep over there :-) Čau, ještě jsme řešili s Rajče, nevíte někdo jak bude fungovat ta sazka rezervace pro členy hodinu před předprodejem ? Jak jsem pochopil, tak není totiž jistý, že získáme každej ty lístky přes automaticky...Díky... Hi, yeah me and my friend have the same problem... We have NO IDEA what does that reservation mean! My friend asked Sazka about it and this is what they replied: "Je nám líto, bohužel ohledně předprodeje vstupenek pro fanklub nemáme žádné informace. Tento předprodej si řeší fanklub sám. On by Vám měl předat informaci jak se dostanete k předrezervaci vstupenek od 9. hod do 10. hod." TRANSLATION: "We are sorry but unfortunately we do not have any information about the ticket reservation for the members of Muse fanclub. The fanclub alone deals with the advance booking. They should give you the information about how to get to the pre-sale tickets from 9AM to 10AM." So, what do you think? What should we do?
Rajce Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 Hi, yeah me and my friend have the same problem... We have NO IDEA what does that reservation mean! My friend asked Sazka about it and this is what they replied: "Je nám líto, bohužel ohledně předprodeje vstupenek pro fanklub nemáme žádné informace. Tento předprodej si řeší fanklub sám. On by Vám měl předat informaci jak se dostanete k předrezervaci vstupenek od 9. hod do 10. hod." TRANSLATION: "We are sorry but unfortunately we do not have any information about the ticket reservation for the members of Muse fanclub. The fanclub alone deals with the advance booking. They should give you the information about how to get to the pre-sale tickets from 9AM to 10AM." So, what do you think? What should we do? I got the same answer... But I think there should be enough tickets for everyone
endru Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 I got the same answer... But I think there should be enough tickets for everyone I´m confused too, but I agree with Rajce - there should be enought tickets. For example, standing tickets to the concert of Coldplay, RHCHP aren´t sold out, only Foo fighters is full. This years is rich of good concert in our country!
Rajce Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 I´m confused too, but I agree with Rajce - there should be enought tickets. For example, standing tickets to the concert of Coldplay, RHCHP isn´t sold out, only Foo fighters is full. This years is rich of good concert in our country! RHCP, FF, Metallica and Coldplay made me believe that muse would come and it happened
endru Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 RHCP, FF, Metallica and Coldplay made me believe that muse would come and it happened Excellent estimate I looked forward to a new album, but I didn´t realise or hope that they could really come finally and plan a trip to our neighbor - Germany... Well, we should get tickets and enjoy it, we deserve it!
Mr. ORANGE Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 And what is that nonsense some people told me about buying tickets in front of the stage ? I know it's Prague's O2 arena policy but there's no special zone on the map (link below) and there was no option of booking other than general "standing" tickets online...Does anyone know something about it ? I really want to be in front of the stage !
Rajce Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 And what is that nonsense some people told me about buying tickets in front of the stage ? I know it's Prague's O2 arena policy but there's no special zone on the map (link below) and there was no option of booking other than general "standing" tickets online...Does anyone know something about it ? I really want to be in front of the stage ! "Dobrý den V případě koncertu Muse bude v prodeji pouze jeden sektor k stání. Plocha nebude rozdělena na stání u podia a stání." So there is only one standing sector.
Mr. ORANGE Posted June 11, 2012 Posted June 11, 2012 "Dobrý den V případě koncertu Muse bude v prodeji pouze jeden sektor k stání. Plocha nebude rozdělena na stání u podia a stání." So there is only one standing sector. !!!!!!!!!!! THX !!! You've saved me from premature death...COOL
Rajce Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 If you don't know, here also is a Czech thread, where we can talk in czech
smallbear Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Got tickets for Prague and really pleased - always wanted to visit (Feeling less pissed off that we couldn't get tickets to see Muse in London ) Would welcome recommendations for decent hotels in sightseeing areas so we can make a week of it....and what should we visit?? Thanks:p
Mr. ORANGE Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Got tickets for Prague and really pleased - always wanted to visit (Feeling less pissed off that we couldn't get tickets to see Muse in London ) Would welcome recommendations for decent hotels in sightseeing areas so we can make a week of it....and what should we visit?? Thanks:p You're a lucky guy - I still haven't got that confirmation email... :-( And how old are you and what kind of "fun" you seek ? There are tons of sights in Prague - everything basically in the centre...
dekza Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 shit! looking forward to this gig!! finally in prague!
HAARP61 Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Hi there, I'm from Australia and don't speak any Czech. I tried to buy a ticket for the Prague gig, and received a certificate that said this: ZAPLACENÍ VSTUPENKY INTERNETOVÁ REZERVACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Číslo rezervace: 152015297967 Cena celkem: 1 290 Kč Platnost rezervace: 15.6.2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Název Začátek představení Sektor Řada Místo Cena Muse 22.11.2012 20:00 Stání 1 290 Kč _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezervaci vstupenek vyzvedněte na jakémkoliv prodejním místě SAZKA sázková kancelár, a.s., v České republice, tj. u jakéhokoliv on-line terminálu ve sběrnách SAZKA sázková kancelár, nejpozději do 23.59 hod. dne platnosti rezervace. Prodejní místa SAZKA sázková kancelár, a.s. (cca 6 500 prodejních míst v ČR) Umístění on-line terminálů SAZKA sázková kancelár: Česká pošta, trafiky, tabák, sázková služba, hypermarkety, čerpací stanice aj. Na prodejním místě předejte obsluze on-line terminálu: ° vstupenkový tiket s vyplněným číslem rezervace (tiket je u prodejců k dispozici, vezměte jej a v dolní polovině tiketu označte kolonku „Existující rezervace“, vepište a zaškrtejte dvanáctimístné číslo rezervace), nebo ° vytištěné potvrzení rezervace s čárovým kódem. Ihned po převzetí vstupenky zkontrolujte správnost vytištěných údajů. Vezměte, prosíme, na vědomí, že zakoupenou vstupenku nelze vrátit, ani vyměnit,v případě ztráty náhradní vstupenku nelze poskytnout. Ticketing SAZKA sázk Please, can someone tell me what this means? And is there a message on Szaka's website about the concert being cancelled? Thanks, guys, for your help.
endru Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Hi there, I'm from Australia and don't speak any Czech. I tried to buy a ticket for the Prague gig, and received a certificate that said this: ZAPLACENÍ VSTUPENKY INTERNETOVÁ REZERVACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Číslo rezervace: 152015297967 Cena celkem: 1 290 Kč Platnost rezervace: 15.6.2012 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Název Začátek představení Sektor Řada Místo Cena Muse 22.11.2012 20:00 Stání 1 290 Kč _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezervaci vstupenek vyzvedněte na jakémkoliv prodejním místě SAZKA sázková kancelár, a.s., v České republice, tj. u jakéhokoliv on-line terminálu ve sběrnách SAZKA sázková kancelár, nejpozději do 23.59 hod. dne platnosti rezervace. Prodejní místa SAZKA sázková kancelár, a.s. (cca 6 500 prodejních míst v ČR) Umístění on-line terminálů SAZKA sázková kancelár: Česká pošta, trafiky, tabák, sázková služba, hypermarkety, čerpací stanice aj. Na prodejním místě předejte obsluze on-line terminálu: ° vstupenkový tiket s vyplněným číslem rezervace (tiket je u prodejců k dispozici, vezměte jej a v dolní polovině tiketu označte kolonku „Existující rezervace“, vepište a zaškrtejte dvanáctimístné číslo rezervace), nebo ° vytištěné potvrzení rezervace s čárovým kódem. Ihned po převzetí vstupenky zkontrolujte správnost vytištěných údajů. Vezměte, prosíme, na vědomí, že zakoupenou vstupenku nelze vrátit, ani vyměnit,v případě ztráty náhradní vstupenku nelze poskytnout. Ticketing SAZKA sázk Please, can someone tell me what this means? And is there a message on Szaka's website about the concert being cancelled? Thanks, guys, for your help. Hello, I don´t speak English very well, but I´ll try it to explain. You became a confirmation about successfull reservation. With this paper with EAN code we go to place (newsstand, shops), where Sazka have a terminal (for printing tickets). Sazka is a betting company and they also sell the tickets. But this terminals are only in the Czech Republic I think.. And the reservation is valid only to the end of the next day. BUT I found this note on Sazka´s website: "Orders from abroad: Orders from abroad by e-mail at - payment of reservations by banking transfer, tickets will be sent by registered mail. Orders are accepted up to 35 calendar days prior to the event."
HAARP61 Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Hello, I don´t speak English very well, but I´ll try it to explain. You became a confirmation about successfull reservation. With this paper with EAN code we go to place (newsstand, shops), where Sazka have a terminal (for printing tickets). Sazka is a betting company and they also sell the tickets. But this terminals are only in the Czech Republic I think.. And the reservation is valid only to the end of the next day. BUT I found this note on Sazka´s website: "Orders from abroad: Orders from abroad by e-mail at - payment of reservations by banking transfer, tickets will be sent by registered mail. Orders are accepted up to 35 calendar days prior to the event." Thank you so so much!! I will email them then. Thanks again! And btw, your English is VERY good, and A LOT better than my Czech (none)!!
endru Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 Thank you so so much!! I will email them then. Thanks again! And btw, your English is VERY good, and A LOT better than my Czech (none)!! Not at all! I liked to help you. Good luck by buying the ticket and enjoy Prague and the concert of course
Rajce Posted June 14, 2012 Posted June 14, 2012 I just got my ticket, I am so excited right now BTW here is the official facebook event
bjhNr Posted June 23, 2012 Posted June 23, 2012 they don't accept credit cards, only bank transters my girlfriend made the reservation, it's registered with her name but i will be the one making the money transfer, does it matter? they told me to indicate my reservation # as variable symbol of my payment? what's that?
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