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Anyone wants to help a Muser to be in Reading and make his dream come true?


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Hi, im a huge Muse fan, im from Argentina, and my dream is to be in Reading because in my opinon OoS is the best album in history of music, and this is our last chance to be there with Muse playing it. Im a 4th year Engineering student, and i have holydays in July and August, anyone in GB could help me to find a job in July to have some money to be able to be in Reading Festival? I can wash dishes, work as a bricklayer or work in a mine i dont care, i would just do anything for Muse. If anyone can help me to do this, i will be thankful my whole life. Thanks for at least reading this!

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You will need to make sure you have a working visa if you plan on doing any work whilst over here. If you have that, try looking at au pair websites, you might find someone who can give you accommodation as well as a job. Other than that, there's quite a lot of people unemployed over here already struggling to find work so it might be tough.

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