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The Roomsistance!


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Well, loving muse so much (as musicians! :p) and having the best artwork ever made in the universe (i'm talking about The Resistance cover ;)) I had to do something... So... I made a little (BIG) poster out of it to make my room awesome :D So here you go:



And... The room...



Also... Check out the Making of! :LOL:

(if anyone knows how to embed YT videos, please tell me... I can never get it to work XD)


Well I made it using "The Rasterbator", an awesome program!!! (and the other black poster too!) you can find a link in my video's description.


Well 35 A4 papaers and 4 hours of work, but it was worth it ;)


Hope you like it! Cheers :)

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WOW great work I wish I could do something like this but with the OoS and Absolution cover


Yeah! I was thinking the OOS cover but i did this. I maybe do a smaller OOS next to my desk!


P.S.: WE WANT MUSE IN GREECE!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

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Yeah! I was thinking the OOS cover but i did this. I maybe do a smaller OOS next to my desk!


P.S.: WE WANT MUSE IN GREECE!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D


Well every muse album cover is a work of art so you should do them all if you can and want ;)


P.S. since you are new here you can find more greek musers ;)http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=286&page=120

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