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  1. Sick of this fucking website, me fucking asking questions and just keeps getting fucking locked. Maybe it is the fucking fans but i'm fucking sick of my fucking threads getting locked when i fucking what to fucking know. No one is no fucking help so i'm fucking sick of this.
  2. Not sure but can you get them here? http://www.warnerchappell.com/composer-songs/BELLAMY+MATTHEW+JAMES+%28CA%29 No drone stuff yet but can you buy them?
  3. Yes i would but them days are behind now with the new game not having full band anymore,
  4. Final songs are announced and there is no f$#@ing muse. I f$%#ing want muse in the f%#@ing game. I guess we only have F#@$ing guitar hero left but it will be on GH F$#^ing TV most likely. I found out that muse has been in every f@!&ing main guitar hero game.
  5. Not sure if this has been done but i want to know what people think is the best song in a simple vote.
  6. Hi, i was wondering when they will be coming out?
  7. What is bloody wrong with the ending, i like heavy metal and i like the ending. I'm sure people really like the heavy bit in the song but i think it was nice bit and i really like the slow part.
  8. On the video it says - Can't monetize video Monetized by claimant But with Undisclosed Desires you can earn money but you don't get all the money.
  9. But with the other muse videos i have they get money off my video.
  10. Hi, so most muse songs are ok when you upload videos with a muse song in it but for the globalist it is blocked worldwide.
  11. I read somewhere that Muse will go to the other main city's but not Adelade.
  12. Hi, i believe Muse is coming to Australia next year and i was wondering what songs they will play?
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