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Everything posted by MrPsycho

  1. agreed, i listend with great headphones Dead Inside and Psycho, specially, and it's amazing, you can tell the diference, I think it's worth listen this album in HQ and with great headphones In fact, I didn't listen Reapers or Mercy, but I watched, and listened, the making of a few times, and it's amazing, again with good headphones, the bass sounds brilliant, Mutt might torture the boys repeating takes over and over, but I thinks is going to be worth it.
  2. And I'm glad is hapenning, I said that I wouldn't listen live version from the new songs until I get to listen first from the studio. Despite the hype I have for the album, I want to listen the songs properly, so no, I didn't listen either Reapers or Mercy yet.
  3. and so we finally have some wind instrument. Great fart. Epic song. Citizen Erased doesn't have fart on it. just saying
  4. agreed, it's been a month since DI and I'm not very hyped right now, and an Instagram clip and days later a new song (Reapers, Mercy, Defector) could up the hype to ridiculous level.
  5. I agree with you guys, despite how badly I want to listen the new album I think it won't leak, I remember clear the deal with T2L and I think it will be the same with this album, the band might stream a week before or five days before.. ...what I don't know if it will be seven or five days before the album release in Australia (June 5) or worldwide (June 8) And about another single, or song released, I really don't know Blur and Mumfor & Sons released 3 o 4 songs before the album release, this month we have a few gigs and such, so... who knows
  6. Fabripav you positive this is the speech? I mean, they used before, are they gonna 'recycle' and add some music to this speech, or it might be a different speech?
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