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Everything posted by Meisver

  1. Of course not. Like Muse will stand up to fight. Nor are they politically involved. To everyone their own opinion.
  2. Because of the music. Verona is not so inspirational but rhymes well on another word.
  3. Well I prefer Rave On, to be honest. Hope Verona is like Yes Please.
  4. Just yesterday I was searching for Verona, as anagram, but still think it should be Rave On, or it's a classical piano thing inspired by Vienna.... Now that would be something... But I hope it is a post apocalyptic punk version of Nature 1.
  5. As long as the drum solo is done with actual bones, I'm in for that.
  6. Getting new kind of kick vibes, but make meeeeeee aaaaaah, make me scream your dreams!
  7. https://wontstanddown.muse.mu/api/v1/catalogue/new/ Let's goooooo
  8. Chill! The anagram has changed. Think you're getting way overboard with your own assumptions/fears. Good luck!
  9. On r/: https://www.reddit.com/r/Muse/comments/tbccak/track_title_anagrams_have_been_found_in_the_json/ So while this is just a matter of days I guess, it is so much fun to get totally lost in this.
  10. Maybe this has already been deciphered by someone, but then I missed it. For weeks I'm trying to find out what the meaning is of that new sort of logo or emblem. Anyone a suggestion?
  11. Well, they sure have an active content manager for their Socials.
  12. Ik heb geen stem meer. Het is een Crossover Muse zoals we dit al tijden niet gehoord hebben. Ik ben zo blij. ik had veel flashbacks van de early days trouwens, maar kan dat nog niet echt plaatsen. Wat fijn dat je er nog bent DJ.
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