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Posts posted by Destroya

  1. True but maybe im not making myself clear :LOL:


    Coldplay and U2 are considered rock, where does that leave Muse? Are Drones and Absolution metal albums?


    To be honest Reapers is a metal song, or at least heavily influenced by the genre.

  2. And if you wish to do experimental or classical styles there are modules for that. One of the second year modules allows you to record a string quartet or brass instruments and practically combine the two.


    Uni hosts the HMCF which is happening now, basically a load of crazy experimental and contemporary classical musicians playing their compositions.

  3. That looks pretty impressive. I sometimes wish they had a better music program (in the way of tech) here. The only real music course I ever took was the standard introductory one. It was mostly vocabulary from what I remember.


    And when you say you're studying tech and pop music, do they let you focus on different genres for your study?


    The 'pop' in the course title pretty much refers to anything that isn't experimental or classical. So yeah, I've made electronic, metal and rock tracks for my coursework.

  4. There's loads of courses, the tech courses are probably the most generous in lending out equipment and rooms. I'm studying tech and pop music which gives me awesome access to the studios. There's also the standard music courses, but I don't think those give you access to the studios. And if you're more technically minded there are the production courses which are run by the computing and engineering department (one of the lecturers recently played Bloodstock with his band Kill II This). http://www.hud.ac.uk/courses/supporting/mtech/

  5. Now i want to go to a uni that lends out pedals. But ikr, the radio interference is pretty prominent. How do you like the sub settings?


    Not just pedals, but zvex pedals.


    Sub settings are pretty cool, pedal is absolutely insane. Isn't the exact same version that matt uses, but you can still get the squeals he gets before the live versions of PIB.


    James, you should see what else our uni lets me use :facemelt: There aren't many other pedals but there's lots of sexy guitars, basses, synths and also studios we can use.

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