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Posts posted by Destroya

  1. Seeming as I am doing pretty well at predicting setlists as of late, would love to see this as a By Request/rarity tour setlist:


    1) What's He Building + Dead Star

    2) Bliss

    3) Sunburn

    4) Yes Please/Agitated

    5) The Groove

    6) MK Ultra/Unnatural Selection

    7) Forced In (instrumental version just as a vocal break for Matt)

    8) Butterflies and Hurricanes

    9) Assassin

    10) Small Print

    11) Fury

    12) Glorious

    13) Cave (Original guitar + piano version)

    14) Prelude + Survival

    15) Sign O' The Times/Lies

    16) Micro Cuts

    17) New Born/Space Dementia


    18) Futurism

    19) Map of the Problematique

    20) Eternally Missed


    21) Showbiz

    22) Muscle Museum

    23) Stockholm Syndrome

  2. I'd love a tour like this in Europe, if there were a way to get tickets to the 'die-hard' fans in a better way than tickets sell usually. I'm afraid the touting will be through the roof unless actual ID'ing will go on.


    Pretty sure we were requested for ID at the Psycho shows (I just handed mine over with my card to get in quicker).

  3. Wish they could play this many venues (of course Bullet are nowhere near as big as Muse but this gave everyone an opportunity to get tickets)




    Remember that the Psycho tour only had about 6 dates.


    Edit: The tickets to this tour were around £25 each.

  4. So really all I'm saying is a rare album track wont necessarily be lost on all but hardcore fans.


    Know exactly what you mean, one of my flatmates (one of the two awesome ones) from last year knew Assassin (and the rest of BHaR), but didn't really know any of the other tracks. Some big tracks he didn't know, surprisingly Stockholm.


    Someone else I know (that saw them at the last Manch gig I went to) had only heard CE once before the gig and had never heard Darkshines despite saying Muse are their favourite band.

  5. There's no way this is real what the fuck?


    Edit: So they actually played Furutism and Agitated then? Next time I see them they'll bash out Showbiz, Assassin and Muscle Museum. Already predicted Dead Star, Fury and Citizen Erased from previous gigs!

  6. Or if I was to make the album, it would follow some order like this (using two singles from each album, the second disc consists of b-sides and deep cuts (there may be some controversial choices :LOL:):


    --DISC 1--

    1) Uno

    2) New Born

    3) Bliss

    4) Cave

    5) Survival

    6) Butterflies and Hurricanes

    7) Map of the Problematique

    8) The Handler

    9) Exogenesis Part 1

    10) Reapers

    11) Uprising

    12) Panic Station

    13) Dead Star

    14) Knights of Cydonia

    15) Stockholm Syndrome


    --DISC 2--

    1) Take a Bow

    2) Futurism

    3) Assassin (GOB)

    4) Showbiz

    5) Spiral Static

    6) Crying Shame

    7) The Small Print

    8) Fury

    9) MK Ultra

    10) Animals

    11) Eternally Missed

    12) Hyper Chondriac Music

    13) Sign O' The Times (Prince Cover)

    14) Glorious

    15) Citizen Erased

  7. No, it will be pointless unless you want to introduce fans to older tracks. Plus it will be less likely that rarities and b-sides will be played at future tours. If anything the only compilation album they need is a selection of B-Sides post OOS era (or all of them over a couple of discs just to be super epic).

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