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Posts posted by Silentgod86

  1. I find it odd that this forum died, even with the bizarre move to Invision. It Had they stuck with UBB the forum would at least would be viable as an archive. Considering the forum has been around for nigh on 25 years, it's a bit sad  to see it go, unarchived as if it never happened.  I guess this is punishment for the fanbase not buying enough £130 boxsets with increasingly diminished value for money.

    Pretty miserable that it's been replaced by  Reddit  which is basically for people who can't understand how to use search engines.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/13/2023 at 5:46 PM, That Little Animal said:

    Hmmmm. Swapping Verona for Liberation is not a good move. 

    But Thought Contagion and Behold The Glove are locked in the setlist .... Sigh ....

  3. On 12/24/2022 at 7:02 PM, sharky said:

    Once again, no Christmas present this Year.

    As I have told You all, multiple times, Muse Management do not care about Us the Fans.

    Happy enough though, taking their Wages off the back of Three very talented Musicians.

    Not prepared to put the work in for the Fan Base.

    It's simply about making Money now,  us Fans are simply 'cash cows' to them.

    Can We have the early Muse Management Team from 1998-2004 back, please!.

    Happy Christmas to the Muse Fans, Sharky.

    Hate to be an ass but there were no Christmas presents from Muse.mu (was it .net back then?) between 1998 and 2004. The earliest I can remember was 2007/2008 with a live video of Fury if I remember correctly.

  4. That was a nice Google search with copy and paste.

    Suppose you can't delete this thread, so I'll repeat what I posted yesterday. Apparently Liberation is about BLM however the lyrics talk about owning the air and wanting to commit violence. Considering BLM spawned from a black man being suffocated to death, the systematic suppression of Black people in America and innocent black people being brutally murdered by police on a regular basis, it's utterly tone deaf. Liberation's lyrics conjure up in non-ambiguous terms, imagery of protestors violently bringing down power structures which in 2022 is going to remind people of the January 6th attacks more than BLM, because black people are the victims of political violence more than they are the perpetrators. 

    Am I saying Matt Bellamy should be cancelled? No. Do I think he meant harm by the lyric? No. Do I think as a rich English white person, he may not understand the nuances of the situation faced by black people in this US and possibly is not in the best position to write a lyric that captures a moment of which he is not part of? Totally. Does it make me less of a Muse fan to treat Matt's lyrics as a work of artistic expression worthy of serious and honest analysis and criticism? No.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't think music critics should be blamed if the lyrics are ambiguous. If Matt has to repeatedly clarify his personal stances in response to criticism of lyrics he's written, perhaps that's on him for using right wing lexicon. If someone like Zane Lowe, someone who's followed their career from the beginning and his interviews are part of every album's release cycle, thinks the lyrics are pretty bloody ambiguous and can be easily co-opted by right wing groups, it's hard to argue that it's down to a lack of research or pre-existing hostility towards the band. Matt writes sloppy lyrics, this is nothing new but seeing mental gymnastics like "well you'd understand if you read this article and watched these five interviews"  really just emphasises how ambiguous they really are. Great art speaks for itself.

    • Haha 1
  6. Interesting interview this:


    Nice to see Zane ask the questions we've been discussing in this thread (raising these issues does not mean you hate the band). Matt comes off a bit naïve and optimistic perhaps, hoping for both sides to come together without outrightly denouncing them.  It's a balancing act, not quite sure if Muse is the band to bridge the political divide.

  7. 51 minutes ago, Xav said:

    So I finally got the confirmation my bundle of the new album has been shipped... today.

    5-7 days expected for Europe (I'm from Belgium). So that makes perfect sense when pre-ordering the album on Muse official website and getting it delivered 1 week after its freaking release in the worst case. This is the 2nd time they do this and I can't find a right reason to better thank loyal fans.

    Why can't we at least get a digital version to download on the day of release so we can listen to this new album in decent conditions, instead of listening to it on a streaming app ?
    And why can't they somehow manage to ship them so us, fans who preordered months ago the album, get the album on the day of release ? I chose to buy directly from their website so I believe this is somehow to their advantage as well, instead of buying it on Amazon or even in a local store. I guess by doing this they get a higher margin on the sale price probably. And still, this is the "thank you" we get in exchange ? Why... ?

    Might arrive earlier, mine arrived yesterday but I only got the shipping email today so you might not have to wait too long.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, That Little Animal said:

    I feel like they may have beaten me into submission when it comes to the cringe factor. Either this album is way less cringey than the last two (apart from the title track), or I’ve finally become immune/deaf to it. 

    Now I know the first line of my fanfic:

    "Take off your clothes and come in my cave"

    Cringe has always been intrinsic to the Muse experience.

  9. 13 minutes ago, That Little Animal said:

    The vocal delivery and diction contributes a lot to the cringe factor post-Resistance for me as well, and it's a lot better on this album. It makes it sound more sincere despite the lyrics. It's not as constipated, faux-urgent or broadway-esque. For example, musically, the verses in Euphoria are pretty much identical to Thought Contagion, but the delivery is so much less embarrassing. (This may be a bad example since TC has the absolute worst lyrics so anything is less cringey than that one.)

    Perfectly showcased by the delivery of:


    Electronically erased
    By your


    (but I love it!)

  10. What I like about the album is that there seems to be a genuine sincerity to lyrics. There's usually a filter where they seem to moulded into what Muse should sound like, a bit abstract. The song writing on WOTP is a bit more streamlined and a bit clearer what Matt is intending with the lyrics. Still cringey though but that's been there from the start and it wouldn't be a muse without a fair bit of cringe. 

    Not sure where I would rank the album, recentcy bias, maybe 5th or 6th after the first 4 or 5 albums respectively.

  11. Really liking Verona which feels like what Simulation Theory should have sounded like: Muse integrating Synthwave into their style rather than apeing what other Synthwave bands had done (Darkside > Algorithm).

    Euphoria sounds like another go at writing Revolt, quick and poppy in the style of the first Killers Album. Definitely the less offensive track of the Revolt, Get Up and Fight and Euphorbia trilogy.


  12. I think it's a consequence of Matt's persona in the Naughts  was all about the conspiracy theories. Back then, you could just attribute them to Matt being a bit weird and cookie. Weird, misguided but ultimately harmless back then (admittedly I do know some who has dramatically for the worse by the same conspiracies). But when you look at it today, you see the alt right use conspiracy to prey on people's fears and to channel it into culture wars and direct physical action against people and institutions, it has becomes dangerous and volatile. 

    It's nice to see Matt admit he was wrong and was a bit of an idiot. We could all do with with humility and reflecting on our past actions from time to time.

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