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Status Updates posted by Strangeseas

  1. Well I am more like this guy most time. :supersad:




  2. I like this board. :yesey: As long as you understand that your own opinion has not to be the opinion of someone else, it´s a cool place. :LOL:

    Edit: You like arguing with Sippe, I see. :fancy::p

  3. Würdest du mich verstehen, wenn ich auf deutsch weiterschreiben würde. :p

    If you don´t understand this sentence, use Google translator. :LOL:

    Actually I think, most Germans speak good enough English to write on this Board. They are just lazy or think Muse Main and Banter is just some kind of madness :ninja: or hell :supersad: Maybe they are just shy, They are not bad people. :happy:

    I thought it was obvious that I´m German, because of my location. :stunned:

  4. Now you are friend of mine. That´s why. :phu::p

    No, you know what. A lot of people in the German Muser Thread think, that they´re ignored in Muse Main. But that´s not true. :(

    Then they say these people, are No-lifers, because they are not part of Muse Main or Banter. Pretty much Troll logic. :supersad:

  5. I think the first band I liked was The Killers.(I still like them :LOL:) But then I got into Muse. I saw a video of Plug in Baby at Wembley and thought it was amazing. Yeah life has some crazy moments. Actually I was born in Russia. (Crazy Russian Family :p ) But if you got some really good friends, you endure your downs and enjoy the ups. :happy:

    Maybe you like Aereogramme (they splitted sadly, but there is a new band called the Unwinding Hours ). They make lovely and sentimental ( if it´s the right word? ) music.

  6. Your whole life is a drama, maybe that´s why you like Muse. :p I like Muse because of their sheer OTT-ness. They just don´t care, about other opinions. I think that shows their strength as a band. It is great. :happy:

  7. I don´t wanna go off topic in this thread anymore. So I write you here, if it ´s ok. It is just fun. I think I am a normal muser like you. Yeah if being a Muser is considered normal? :$ I just don´t get why some users take this board too serious and start beefs, so I make some other comments. :LOL:

  8. Hey LiT, sorry if you felt attacked by me. I know I am a little bitch. :$ I did not call you cunt, because you are one, but cause it was a Muse meme. :LOL: I thought after five years on this Board, you understand this kind of insider or I am just dumb and did not think about the consequences of my writing. Like you I was I was disappointed by the preview, but I think it will turn out great. I hope so :happy: Let us just enjoy Muse. :D

  9. But now you are loved here. :awesome: Basically this is the only place I can talk about Muse , because I was getting on my friend´s nerves with muse talk :LOL:

  10. Arnold, Your name is Hannah, right? :shifty:

    You know I was a horrible lurker the past two months. The Board such a fun place, if you don't take it too serious. I had to register. :D

  11. :supersad: Hello :awesome: You are my first friend on Muse Board. Thank You
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