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Status Updates posted by sventington

  1. And a happy new year to you as well!

  2. Ok. I believe you need to have a job and you need a letter from the employer stating you're coming over for temporary work. I might be mistaken though. My roommate Roxanne has had issues with immigration in the past. Perhaps there is a travel visa as well. Anyhow I hope the process goes smoothly. Labrador wouldn't be a good place for you to come even if you wanted to as we have quite the housing crisis on our hands at the moment.

  3. Ok. I believe you need to have a job and you need a letter from the employer stating you're coming over for temporary work. I might be mistaken though.

  4. What kind of visa?

  5. well it doesn't seem to be the friendliest of places anymore, so I don't blame you.


  7. Sounds good, but keep in mind that the initial pages have the dreams as he wrote and drew them, and being an Italian man he wrote them in his native language. The translation for each is in a different section of the book, but it's easy enough to navigate.

  8. I am glad you dig it! Fellini is a fantastic director, always focused on the surreal. It is nice to get some insight into his mind. I have only read the first dream so far as the book is so cumbersome, but I dug it.

  9. Probably the World According to Garp, although Junkie and Mirror in the Mirror and The Punic Wars would follow closely behind.

  10. Few months? More like years. I can only manage about 10 books per year on average, although 2011 has seen me get through 16 for some reason.

  11. rereading sucks. I never reread anything anymore. I have about 50 books in queue in my room right now waiting to be read. GLORIOUUUS. And I ordered 4 more today.

  12. You will have to read them slow and savour the English, you shan't be receiving another shipment until next Christmas.

  13. You will read it and you will like it.


    Catch 22 is a great book as well. Funny and sad and non linear and deep at times.


    As for Bret Easton Ellis, you should probably start with his first book Less than Zero, and then work your way up.

  14. I wasn't able to put my name on what I sent your way, but you will know it. Just remember the word HEAVY.

  15. oh yes. The next shipment will please you much more. Much much more :D

  16. I think it didn't all ship together. What showed up?

  17. Fair enough, I fully understand tight budgets.

  18. It is far more historically accurate, all of the names are written as they would have been spoken, there are many more troops and buildings and local wonders, the rebels are set up differently...it just...


    I loved Rome. Don't get me wrong. But this modification...I have no words. It's as if the Rome I have been playing for over a year was just an early, early demo. They did a remarkable job. Plus: the mod is free as long as you have the game! Right now I believe you can get all the Total War games minus shogan for a combined price of less than $20. It's worth it just for Europa Barborarum in my opinion.

  19. This is sven. I have a question for you.


    Have you ever played the Europa Barbarorum mod for Rome: Total War? It is...absolutely astounding.

  20. Should the world be radiated so, I fear it would blind both the guilty and the innocent. What right have we to pursue our fullfilment when its arrival would would be felt by the uninitiated as a kind of divine wrath?


    No, we must resist these base urges, and in our suffering know that our pain is just. Love sometimes can only safely crystallize as the perpetual wound of unending seperation.

  21. Your advances are both sudden and overwhelming...yet not entirely unwelcome. I now must take some time to compose myself before facing the world!

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