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Everything posted by Chidorifool101

  1. WE ALL ARE CONNECTED!! I have the same problems as everyone currently talking on this thread. I'm too shy in human, I'm a ranter on the computer, I NEVER say, "I LOVE YOU" to ANYONE. Seriously.. not even my mum, Fasha, or sister I personally hate hugs, except today my friend hugged me 'cause she was moving away and it was her last day at school... And other than that, I just hug relatives or give them a pat on the shoulder saying, "Yeah.." But, I shall say it here: I LOVE YOU MUSERSSS. AND MUSE, 'CAUSE YOU ALL ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL PEOPLE I EVER KNEW.
  2. Well I love them all in SO many different ways, but when I first saw a picture of Muse, it was indeed, the Domster :awesome::LOL:

    And then, when I became obsessed with Muse, I had more reasons to Love Dommeh instead of just his amazingly beautiful, pretty looks :3

  3. OMG JARED!!! HE'S F-ING EVERYWHERE!! Seriously... Ah, I always look strange in pictures... LIKE DOM THOUGH. We're like brothers but even closer, as Spongebob says
  4. Well I'm dying of school this week although it had just begun :supersad:

    MARCH BREAK?! I don't have a March break :( I have an April break though :awesome:

  5. What's the magazine say 'bout lil' Bellamy-kun? There was a magazine at my cousins which had Bella and EdwardO ( ) on the cover, but had Matt and Kate inside. You should've saw my sister and me. WE WERE GOING CRAZY FANGIRL STYLE!! And when we almost attempted stealing, my grandmum caught us But my sister did steal the same mag at our hair salon
  6. I would help and give you links but I need to get to bed. I have.. school tomorrow :fear::LOL:

  7. Well, if I was his girlfriend/wife ( :awesome: ) I'd probably tell him in a day or two of getting to know eachother, that I am lactose intolerant. He'd probably divorce me or dump me though D;

    So, I'd. . . give him another hug to ask him for me to stay :LOL:

  8. I'd smash the food in his face though :awesome:

    But that'd be somewhat mean.. well actually, it'd be just plain out mean D:

    So.. I'd make him feel better with a hug, which I barely give out hugs ;)

  9. Well they have a bit of instruments in them, but I still consider them somewhat acapella.. Uh the rest are on Youtube and I sort of just kept finding them as I went from one video on the side, if you get what I mean, and another from the side... :$:LOL:

    Hopefully that helped somewhat.. 'cause I can't exactly explain :happy:

  10. There's actually a lot of acapellas for Muse suddenly. All my sister could find was Starlight and Assassin.. and I found the rest :awesome:

  11. Nope. It's horrible!! D:

    I feel bad for Dom though if I was his girlfriend... or wife :awesome:

    He'd take me on a romantic date, because it just has to be romantic, and he'll make us pasta with CHEESE sauce.. Well.. Mac&Cheese :LOL:

    That'd be just :noey:

  12. I don't understand why they don't just take the screamo out. In my opinion the song would be a whole lot better if they did ;)

    I know, it's beautiful!! It feels like Matt is right next to you singing it in your ear :awesome:

    I love the Plug In Baby one too :D

  13. Thank you people who love my random outburstsss It just comes galloping up my nose, fights through the stuffynessszss, sings Knights of Cydonia, and BOOM!! I has a
  14. I've never had brie either :eek::LOL:

    I actually can't eat cheese or anything dairy anymore 'cause I'm lactose intolerant :supersad:

    I can still sort of eat pizza though... ;)

  15. MWAHAHAH :awesome:

    You know, it's actually fun to listen to Slipknot knowing Dom made fun of them. I'm listening to a acapella of 'Pschosocial." :LOL:

  16. Yeah same here.. double post Uh.. Yes I love CAPS LOCKKKK. IT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A CHINESE UNICORN SWIVELLING THROUGH A BEARD And yeah, my nose was driving me crazy ALL day, but thank you anyway
  17. Yup.

    Anything I'm obsessed with, I'd do anything for. . . I'd actually be smothered in cheese just so Dom can take a glance at lil' ol' me :awesome:

    He LOVES cheese :LOL:

  18. Hahah :LOL:

    Yeah, I'm not quite sure if it was actually them or not, 'cause trust me, if it were them, like for REAL, I'd jump out of the bus window and slither my way into the car with them :phu::awesome:

  19. And I doubt they'll come to this small town I live in, although I have a belief that I saw Matt and Kate in the car they have when I was on my bus ride home :awesome:

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