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Status Updates posted by MUSESTL

  1. That must have been really frightening! At least it's over now. I feel bad for the police who had to be down there, and their families. They must have been so nervous. That's so great that people volunteered, hopefully it'll show the world that Vancouver is still a great city! Because I know it is :yesey:

    That doesn't make any sense, why would people want to do that? Hopefully the rest of the city is so outraged that it will force the courts to be stricter, but I know what you mean


    I know! I'm glad


    They won tonight though! One of our best players (Matt Holliday) is finally back from the disabled list and he had a home run tonight to give us the lead in the eight inning! A bunch of players wore knee high socks to try and break the slum :chuckle:

    Well hopefully Vancouver will win next time! Even though I feel like the people would have started the riot even if the Canucks had won, if that was their intention. Have you ever heard of Kieth Tkachuk? I'm sure you have, he was a pretty well known hockey player for the Blues. I went to his final game last year, and everyone was chanting his name, it was so cool :happy:.

    Oh actually I think I have heard his name! Probably just on the practice roster

    Well he looks great! We have a player known for that too, but he missed some really important catches in the last game of the season which would've put us in the playoffs :noey:. Awesome! He must be amazing


    Not sure what I should change it to though! Hm

  2. Yeah I'm really glad you didn't! Wow, that's crazy. The live stream was pretty crazy, there was one point where people started charging at the cops with a fence. Then the feed cut out :noey:. Aw I really hope they're okay! Poor Bruins fans :(. I still have respect for Vancouver!

    That's crazy that people would actually have that intention. It's one thing to be really upset and do something dumb, but to actually plan it out is beyond me


    Yep! Class is over and I have a good portion of my essays done :awesome:


    :happy: I think so too


    It's a really sucky feeling. Right now the Cardinals are on a seven game losing streak :noey:. So I'm starting to feel like that every time they lose again. Hopefully they will get back on track soon though. They need to

    That's a good thing to do! I hope so, and I hope no matter how they do that there are no riots this time. I hope they don't retire yet! That would be bad. I haven't heard of him, but hopefully he turns out well for you guys. That's a good start at least. Those are some awesome plays! Number 19 had a lot of great catches and Geroy looks really good!

    It would

    I think so too :chuckle:. That's so cool!


    I like it! You should diffidently keep it. I have it pretty much since I made an account here :LOL:

  3. Thank goodness! I was getting really worried. Yeah, I stayed up really late last night watching the live stream they had from the helicopter online. I hope everyone is okay, especially the police and any Bruins fans that were in the area :(


    :awesome: It's a very good thing


    It's not sappy, don't worry. I'm sappy all the time anyway, so it's okay. I do really care about them and I'm going to be going home a lot. Thank you! :happy:




    It really sucks, having that feeling. You've invested so much time and energy into rooting for them and to have it all collapse is just terrible. Look what sports have done to us :LOL:

    That's true! That's a good way to look at it. And I'm sure they'll be in contention again next year, so you have that to look forward to. They aren't going to lose any good players are they? I really hope they win next year, they deserve it. Good! At least that's positive

    People should just stop living in the wildfire areas though. I mean a lot of the time you can't predict that, but I feel like sometimes you can

    I hope so! Yes that would be so great. That's just an amazing nickname I think. One of the best on'es I've heard. :LOL: It was probably St. Louis! If I recall correctly, there's one building that has a top that kind of looks like it, but the main part of the building doesn't. Good :happy:


    Geroy Simon would be perfect! I should probably change mine too, seeing as it's June :chuckle:

  4. Aw I know! :(. I'm sorry! And the riots, I hope you're alright!. :(. I know how it feels to lose games like this, I'm sorry


    Thank you! I am glad to be getting it done now, so the start of the year will be a lot more relaxed. It's only two more nights too, thankfully


    Well I'm glad you understand! It's a little embarrassing that I get homesick so easily though. I kind of wanted to be close to home but there aren't a lot of good options for schools around here, except for Washington University, but that's better than some Ivy League schools so it'd be almost impossible for me to get into. Thank you, I think so too :happy:


    :awesome: Looking at the website makes me even more excited


    Aw, I feel bad responding to this part now. I'm sorry again that they lost. Agh I know the feeling you're probably having right now, kind of emptiness. And then you think it's dumb that you're this upset about a sports team. At least that's what I felt when the Jets lost in the AFC Championship game. Maybe you don't feel the same though. Did the Lions win at least?

    I know, it's really sad. I hope everyone is okay, even if their homes are destroyed

    :chuckle: I know! We have some good receivers, but we our best two had a lot of injuries this year. We'll be back though. It's alright, most people don't. For awhile I thought the CN Tower was in Vancouver :facepalm:. I think so, not sure of the actual numbers though.

  5. They are going pretty well. I've got one essay pretty much done, and that's the essay on the Common Application that a lot of colleges accept. Next I'm going to start working on the applications for specific schools I'm interested in that don't take only the Common App. It's kind of stressful, but I'm glad to be getting it out of the way so early


    I know! I'm kind of nervous about being so far away from home though, because I get homesick pretty easily :(:$. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough and have a great time. It will be worth it, I think


    I'm really glad that I'm so certain American is where I want to go. My friend's brother is in law school there and he says that he loves it, which makes me even more excited and confident about it. It's going to be a lot more stressful once I also have school work to deal with though. Oh well, no mater what I'm going to be just fine


    But if you guys win tonight, then Boston will never have won on the road either, so that will even out. Plus people can speculate all they want about who is actually the better team, buy you guys will be the ones with the Stanley Cup! (hopefully). So you've decided to watch the hockey game and not go to the football game? Yep, the West is prone to wildfires (there are huge ones in Arizona right now), The west coast has lots of earthquakes, midwest has tornadoes and blizzards, the south has hurricanes, as does the east coast

    :awesome: I love that nickname

    (another football video :chuckle:). I'm not sure actually. I'd say one third to one half


    :LOL: That's so funny

  6. Sorry it's so late! Been a busy day


    :happy: You're welcome! I hope it does, I'm pretty excited to be going to college and being able to study stuff that I'm interested in. Thank you! That makes me happy



    Yes, it was American and Georgetown and a few other schools. I did! I really liked it back then and I like it even more now. Well thank you! I hope it does. It's all very stressful though


    I know, that has to be rough :noey:. At least the next game is back in Vancouver, that will give you guys the advantage. :LOL: I wonder! That'd be really funny. I think you guys can pull it off though, you've been so strong at home. Ohh, that's even farther east than we are. That does make sense though. I know, but everywhere in the US is prone to some kind of disaster, with the exception of the North East for the most part

    They really did. Not really, but back when the Rams had an amazing offense (1999-2001) they were called the "Greatest Show on Turf" because we had an indoor turf stadium :chuckle:


    It really could have! :chuckle:. Oh, well at least it didn't happen at the same time! That's funny that you still remember it though

  7. Congratulations! I get that it's really bittersweet, but I'm still really happy for you! And a little bit jealous :chuckle:. Yeah, but the actors do a lot of hard work and I could never be in front of so many people performing like that. Thank you! :happy:. I'm a lot better at analyzing books and stuff as a whole, not specific passages or poems


    :happy: Yes, really. It makes me happy that you're interested in stuff that I talk about!. I think it will be too :yesey:

    Yep! It'll be interesting trying to figure out what my back-ups will be though. Because I don't want them to be too far below what I'd like, but I also want to be pretty certain that I'll be able to get into them


    It's not looking so good for you guys right now :(. Is it really? I remember that was a huge game. My mom's friend is from Vancouver and she said that absolutely everyone is going crazy. I', really pulling for you guys!. Aw, well hopefully they can pull of a comeback tonight! So two potentially bad things that could happen to football. Crossing my fingers that everything works out the right way. Is Ottawa towards the mid/east part of Canada? Because then that would make sense. I know, it's really scary :(

    I know, I think the whole country was rooting for them in that Super Bowl. It was really great that they won, they deserved it. Who Dat indeed!


    :chuckle: Well at least it tasted good! Did you put it on strawberries in the same incident?

  8. I'm sure you'll do well! Was this your last assignment besides exams? Your last day is tomorrow, right? That must be an awesome feeling! Thank you! It seems to be a pretty underappreciated job sometimes :rolleyes:. I love it though. Aw, thank you again! :happy:. Yeah, exactly. I can't see that stuff when I read a poem. To me a dead plant is a dead plant :LOL:. I know, isn't it really cool? I've got no idea what the symbolism would be though


    That means a lot that you did that! I know, it has a great campus and is in such a good location

    It is a lot of work, a lot more than I would like it to be. Maybe I won't have to apply to that many since I'm pretty certain I want to go to American, just a few others in case I don't get into American. Well I appreciate that!


    That would have been so great! Oh well, I'm sure you'll get another opportunity to have that mentioned in front of hundreds of people!


    Either way, I'm sure everyone in Vancouver will be really happy! And I will be too. That'd be great if they could, but probably hard to do on short notice. I know, I just wish they could just agree on something! Agh. I'm going to be so bummed if there's no NFL. Also, the Rams might be moving to Los Angeles :(. That'd be awful. That makes sense, public schools are less likely to close here too, but they do sometimes. It was intense, thankfully there weren't any tornadoes though. This is a video of the tornado that hit the town in Missouri in May


    You're welcome! :happy:


    :LOL: How did you find that out? What happened?

  9. :LOL: I'm sure it was at least better than you think! Well you've got musical talent, at least. Only thing I've got is my tech/lighting abilities. Like in class teachers always say stuff like "here the dying plant actually symbolizes the author's long lost mother" and I just feel like...how did you know that? I really like Empire of Lights http://emuseum2.guggenheim.org/media/full/76.2553.102_ph_web.jpg


    I know, that's part of the reason I love it so much! It has a really great campus too

    Hm didn't realize that. Usually people here apply to around 8-12 schools, unless you're just planning on going to the University of Missouri (or whatever state university for the state you're in). It's going to be a ton of work though

    Thanks :happy: I really am too. Yes so do I! It was a highlight of the exam for sure

    :chuckle: That's so funny! I wish they had said that outloud, I bet a lot of people would have laughed! That's really funny.


    That'd be really impressive, but I think it'd be cooler to win in front of the hometown. That would be so perfect. I hope you all can beat them this year! Not really, a judge ruled on the side of the players, but then it was appealed and overturned. It gets pretty bad some days. Really? Storms don't usually cancel it, unless power goes out. Though the other day we had to stay inside well past the time class ended because there was hail and wind was knocking down huge branches


    :happy: Good luck!

  10. :LOL: I'm sure it was better than I could do. I have no artistic talent :noey:. Most of the time I have trouble understanding what poems mean, other than just what they say on the surface, you know? That's a really powerful poem, especially in the way it's read in that movie. When he said "I thought that love would last forever" I thought of Neutron Star Collision :facepalm:

    Oh did I say poems, I meant paintings


    At least, I think that's what I'm going to do. Of course I could change my mind by November. Yep, DC! :awesome:. It'd be a great place, and they have great political and law programs

    You have to fill out your personal info and all that, then any activities you do and any community service and stuff, then your SAT/ACT scores and then there are one or two essay questions you have to answer. Then when you send that in, you also send in your school grades and such

    Thanks, I feel really good about it! Went a lot better than I was planning. There was a passage about the the Milky Way and it said starlight several times and I underlined it :chuckle:

    I think I will


    Well hopefully the Canucks win! Having them win and getting to see the game would be so cool! I hope you get to. I saw! Congrats! :awesome::party::dance:. Oh I see. Well lucky for you they didn't get Pryor then. Yeah I still have hope though! Yeah, it gets pretty bad. We missed school for 5 days because of snow this winter, and one storm caused us to miss three in a row


    Cake and cookies are delicious

    That would be so perfect! I really hope it happens

  11. :happy: No problem. Well you've almost graduated, so it's understandable! Are you a good painter? I have read that poem before, it's good but you're right, really dark. I'm not really a poetry person but I do really like "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and I like "The Road Not Taken." Very popular poems I know, but it's a start. And speaking of painting, do you have a favorite one?


    Yes! Several times I've fallen asleep at the computer and woken up and not realized at all what happened :facepalm:. Grades for our final trimester came out today! I did pretty well :happy:. I'm thinking now that I might apply early decision to American University in November, meaning if I get in, I'll have to go there :awesome:

    It would be pretty awesome! No don't worry, it's a class run out of our school for writing essays for college applications

    Even though I am free for the most part :chuckle:. I'm not sure, actually. But thinking about you definitely made the test better! :happy:

    Well I'll try to watch them at some point, I'm sure they're pretty good!


    Tell me how it goes! Good luck! ESPN was talking about the CFL today, how Terrel (sp?) Pryor from Ohio State decided he wasn't going to go to the Roughriders (is that a team?), I think. Well I hope the Lions get some of the prospects, if there is no NFL. It was such a good game to watch! Yeah it's really hot :noey:. They're not terrible, but there are a few days where the high temp is like 15 and some other days with almost a foot of snow

    Yeah it's really sad :(

    I'm sure I'd love it! Oh well, just knowing they won is great. They will, certainly. :happy:


    Oh awesome! Those are always fun :yesey:

  12. Don't worry about it! I'm just glad to talk to you :happy:. How'd the project go? What was it?


    :LOL: I've always thought about what I look like when I sleep, even if I'm not sleepwalking, so that would be interesting to see. But also a little boring I bet :chuckle:...unless something exciting happens. That's true, such a good movie. Yes, I'm so exciting. After the ACT tomorrow and my class next week, I'll be totally free from school related stuff at least. Also I forgot to mention on the SAT Subject test of Literature there was a passage on Japanese Canadian immigrants and I thought of you! I want to see the original now

    :LOL: Yes it was. What other stuff does Takeabow19 do?


    I think I will :chuckle:


    As long as everything goes as it should. Yes! I love the feeling too. It was so exciting last year when the Rams beat the Patriots (one of the best teams in the league) in an exhibition game. We all started to realize then that we might actually have a shot. It's really awful. There are always a few days where it gets to be over 100 though, so we're just waiting for that. Saint Louis gets the extremes of weather

    Yep, the third Thursday in November. And what I find odd/sad/dumb about Thanksgiving is that the first Thanksgiving was supposedly a meal between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, when people were first coming to America. And then look how we treated them :noey::(

    Well if I ever come to Vancouver again, we should watch it! I know how you feel, I was 5 when the Rams won the Super Bowl and I barely remember any of it. :happy: I'm really glad you don't. Okay good! And same goes to you. :awesome: We're doing really now actually


    :awesome: I hope they go well!

  13. It would be pretty funny as long as everyone was fine :chuckle:. So weird to think about, your body doing something without you in control :shifty:. I know! It was perfect, the way Matt's yelling started right when, for lack of a better phrase, all hell broke loose. Okay! I'll have to watch the original as soon as possible. So many things I should do :rolleyes:. I thought it was pretty good, but again I haven't seen the original. It was scary enough I think. :happy: Thanks. Really? I'm not so sure

    :LOL: It was pretty good though. I have no idea :chuckle:



    I'm not doing much of anything for the ACT though, so I can't quite use that. I guess I could blame work though


    I hope it does too! It probably will :awesome:. That's pretty weird actually. It's so hot in St. Louis right now. It was about 99 and humid today, and it will be for about the next week :noey:. We have such temperamental weather. Oh, right, I remember that now!

    That sounds like such an amazing playoff run! That would have been so cool (and scary) to have watched live. Oh I feel so bad for that guy :(. That's so terrible, he probably thinks about it every day now. Thanks for watching it! Just tell me if my videos are annoying you. it was so amazing, such a perfect play :happy:


    It will, I know it

  14. Oh well, I remembered most of it I think


    :LOL: Yes very very. Me either. Though if it was just something small I might not be able to restrain myself :chuckle:. (I'm terrible :$). It is creepy! But I guess since it's the subconscious it's not really you. That's so cool that they used that song :happy:. I guess it was pretty good, I just imagine the original is much better. I just watched the Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Have you seen that? Well thanks :happy:. I do like them! What do you think of the Hills Have Eyes movies?

    Okay here we go...:LOL: That was pretty funny, but a little....uh....odd :chuckle:

    Which is why I think they'll keep doing it for a long long time


    Well you have an excuse, you're still in school. I don't have any :facepalm:


    Sounds a lot like Sam Bradford! Hopefully they'll both become really good. November is the only month you get snow? Hm, we rarely get snow in November, though we did this year on Thanksgiving, which was really cool

    That's the most exciting way to win a game! Or at least, one of the most. This is from the Jets most recent season. It was tied with only 20 seconds left in overtime, and if overtime ends with a tie, the game is a tie (there's no second overtime) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jqYRebZfjk. I'm sure you guys will be able to come back though! :chuckle: I bet not



    Well that is good to hear! I hope it all goes well

  15. Nooo I was about halfway through the post and then I accidently clicked back and it all erased :(. Let's see if I can remember it all again


    Sounds like a good life goal :LOL:. It would be really funny, but a little sad. I think your subconscious would know, because it can walk on its own and stuff. Really? *looks up* SHRINKING UNIVERSE. That's so cool! Someone on the production team must be a big Muse fan, to think of that song. I love Shaun of the Dead but I've only seen the remake of Dawn of the Dead. I've seen none of the other ones :facepalm:. Maybe I can't call myself a fan of horror movies. Can you send me the link?

    I'm sure they'll make music for as long as they can, they seem to really enjoy it


    :LOL: Don't worry me either


    How good is your quarterback? If theirs is old maybe you guys can become the best team pretty soon. What's the weather like in Vancouver then. That's good he was on your team the whole time! Loyalty :yesey:. 99! The NFL is only on it's 45th Super Bowl, though before that there were NFL championships, which was for when the AFL and the NFL were too different leagues. Now their two conferences in the same league, except they're the AFC and the NFC. Sorry about the loss, that must've been a tough one :(. That's so cool though! Especially that the pizza company changed it's name


    :happy: Thank you!

    Well good luck with all those! I'm sure you'll do really well. Hopefully you're feeling less stressed now, because it's almost over

  16. If only you had! :LOL:. I just worry that if I do it I might trip or fall or something. And that would be really bad, especially since there's no way to control it. 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later are two of my favorite horror movies :yesey:. Off the top of my head I can't think of any other really good horror movies, actually. I love them too. I should watch Blair Witch Project, I've heard a lot about it. I've seen a few of them, they're pretty funny


    I wonder how long they're going to be making music for. I hope it is a really long time. I can't imagine them being old though :chuckle:


    So am I, which is why I think I should reread at least part of the book


    Oh wow! Are they going to be just as good again this year? I would be very happy for you. You said the Grey Cup is in November? 25 years! Wow. When did the CFL start? I didn't get to watch any of it :(, but I will try to next game. I'm sure it'll be more and more




    Nope, you're right, it's Saturday

    Oh you're pretty close! So after that are you going to have exams everyday, or just some days? And will you be trying for a scholarship?

  17. I wonder how/why it happens. Horror movies tend to be funnier than scarier sometimes, I think it just depends on what mood you're in when you decide to watch them. I've never seen the Blair Witch Project, but from what I've heard it sounds pretty good

    :happy: Thank you

    Yes that's true for sure, I think. And Muse are one of the greats bands :yesey: and will continue to be



    :chuckle: Ah well, I'm sure I've forgotten some things too


    Oh that's good to hear! Glad it's doing well. Yeah, I see what you mean. Who would you say is the best team, at least in recent years? I hope the Canucks win also! That would be a great year for Vancouver, if the Lions and the Canucks won

    I think he will play at least for a few more years. Congratulations! I'm so glad that they've won again. Well I'm sure you still had a good time. Whoa that's incredible :awesome:


    My mistake, I just looked it up and it was approximately 111 million viewers, with 162 million watching at least part of the game. Still, a huge amount of people


    :chuckle: Well I guess that's good then


    I am very close, finally. When does school end for you, again?

  18. That would make more sense, I think. Yes true, I could have done it some other time without knowing. That's kind of scary to think about. :LOL: Good point! Ah, Paranormal Activity. That movie made me laugh a lot. It was kind of scary though

    I think I can do that :D

    Yeah that's true. They wouldn't be Muse without any of them, if that makes sense

    I would do everything I could to watch it


    I remembered it then though :yesey:


    Oh I see. That must've been a hard loss for the CFL. Glad it's still going strong though. Oh wow! Are they the best team in the CFL? That sounds like a pretty good resume. Well that seems like a good omen. I hope it works it out that way

    Yep, he is. He's on the Colts now, and is still just as good. Quite an incredible player, really. I hope so! They won! :awesome::happy:. Did you get to go?


    I see what you're saying. I think over 150 million people watched the Super Bowl this year, so that should show it


    :happy:. :LOL: Hopefully no one gave you any weird stares :chuckle:.


    You're welcome

    I think it'll go pretty well, and yes all that studying will help I bet

  19. I've sleepwalked once (or is it sleptwalked?). I was maybe 8 and we were on vacation and I stood up, took all the sheets off the bed and laid back down on the floor :LOL:. That was the only time I think

    I will! It'll be interesting trying to get them home though :chuckle:

    Yes it would! Poor Dom though. He can't sing, doesn't play any other instruments and doesn't contribute much to the writing of the music, as far as I know :(

    That's true, I just hope it wouldn't be during school. Though I would leave class to watch Muse


    I totally forgot that as well, until I asked someone about it after the movie. I probably should


    I had no idea that CFL teams were in America! And so recently too. Why'd they leave? Is that the most recent time the Lions won? :chuckle: That's really cool. Yeah, it was. Adam Vinatieri. One of the best kickers in the NFL. He also hit a game winning field goal in the 2003/2004 Super Bowl. He also holds the records for most field goals in a Super Bowl for one's career and most field goals in the playoffs for one's career. Very soon :awesome:. Whoa that'd be great! I hope you get to. It'd be so much fun with all those other people there too


    Is your brother a big athlete? Football is so huge in America, it's kind of ridiculous



    That's so awesome though, I was smiling like an idiot at my computer screen when I read that :$. It makes me so happy. I know! :D


    It's alright! I know you've been busy

    Thank you, so am I. I'm not as stressed about the ACT though. I'm not going to spend that much time preparing for it

  20. :happy:


    :chuckle: That would be very interesting, though. I can see why you'd have wanted to do that. Really? That's so weird. I wonder if that's common. :LOL:. Do you sleepwalk a lot?

    Hm, good point. Potential flaw in the plan

    I hope so :yesey:

    It did. I also figured Starlight would be something for the casual fan while Glorious would make all of us go absolutely crazy. I always picture that too! Glorious is such a good song :awesome:. I wonder what time they'd do it at


    I think so too. I totally forgot that :facepalm:. Maybe I should read the book again before the movie comes out


    But at least it would be something. And I'd have a team to root for too. It was on a last second field goal, which made it a lot worse. A 47 yarder, if I recall correctly. We'll be back though :yesey:. It is really cool! Oh awesome. I'm excited for the game tonight!


    My sister plays lacrosse, and I've seen a few of her games and they're entertaining enough, but I can't see it becoming too big of a spectator sport. I hope so too. Maybe Tampa Bay. Rugby is not big in America at all



    Yay! :happy:

    Oh my gosh congratulations! That's so awesome to hear! I bet you were so happy :party::dance:. And that's awesome too! :awesome:. I'm so happy for you


    I took the SAT Subject Tests today in Math, History and Literature. Lit was hard, math was okay and history was pretty alrightish (:chuckle:). So hopefully I did well on those!

  21. Okay good! Thanks :happy:


    I totally agree. It's really cool. I don't feel physical pain in my dreams, but I certainly feel emotional pain. Do you?

    I'll get more somehow! Ah, I see

    Hm. Well I don't know where they got that from then. It doesn't sound that different from anything else though, so I guess that makes sense

    That makes sense! Thank you. Well they better have everything ready too go then! I think they should play Starlight and Glorious in space, as those would be pretty fitting. And I love them :D. I guess they'd film it an air it here? :chuckle: It's great that it's so interested

    20 million a seat!? Goodness. So that's 80 million just for Matt, Chris, Dom and Morgan, and then with all their equipment and stuff. That'd be ridiculous


    He is a hero! And I'm sure they'll include that, as everyone in the audience would live it. I can see that. He shows a lot of sympathy in the seventh when Voldemort is torturing that one teacher at the Malfoy mansion


    I think it'd be sensible for the networks to air them, as people will want to watch some football. It was an amazing game. Yeah, that Super bowl was a bummer :(. I have the same birthday as my mom, so it was a present for both of us. Oh wow that's really expensive :noey:. Hopefully I'll get to watch some of it again! Yes that looked like a really tough game


    Yeah, salary caps for rookies are one thing causing the lock out. I hope so too! I don't even know if there is a professional lacrosse league in the US. It is getting bigger though

    :awesome: Great timing! I'm glad you got it! :happy:




    Don't worry about it! Have fun, I'll talk to you soon

  22. Okay I won't, thanks. I just didn't want you to see that I had been online and hadn't responded and think that I was ignoring you or something


    Yeah it was really pretty bad :(

    My sister got a bunch of posters of Eminem for her birthday. Now she has more Eminem posters than I have Muse posters. This cannot be. Anyway, she is my only sibling. Do you have any others?

    We'll just have to see I guess :awesome:. Several people on the board mentioned it, but I don't know how to find out if it's true or not

    Oh wow. Why would they only be able to be up there for 6 minutes? I'm sorry that I know absolutely nothing about this. That's so cool that you have it all figured out though


    :happy: I'm glad!

    That was so sad. But the scene before where he goes "Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only wanted to maim or...seriously injure" is so awesome! I was pretty sad when he died though :(. I wish they had done that too, that was a good touch in the book. :chuckle: I understand why Snape, Draco I'm no so sure about


    They'd hopefully air them on Sundays, because then I would get to watch. I went to the NFC Championship Game (basically the semi-finals) when the Rams were in it during the 2001/2002 season. It was on my birthday so my parents took me as a birthday present and it was so much fun! So loud, you're right. Probably my favorite birthday present :happy:. Are you going to any of the Stanley Cup games? I was able to watch some tonight and they won! :party::awesome::D:happy::dance:

    Alright, I'll be sure to keep that in mind :LOL:


    There are some ridiculous contracts in the NFL. The Rams gave Sam Bradford a 10 million dollar a year deal for 5 or 6 years before he had ever played a game! He's going to be great, but it's really over the top. I've only been to one Jets game in New York, it was great though. NFL is the most popular in America, then MLB then NBA and then NHL

    I'm glad I could help! That's awesome that you got it right. I bet your team was surprised that you knew that. That sounds like a fun club too!


    :chuckle::happy: I liked it

  23. Sorry it's so late getting back to you. I could only be on for a bit earlier and I didn't have time to reply :(


    :chuckle:. I also had a really sad one about Muse. It was short but basically I was watching the news and they reported that Chris had died :(. I have no idea why I dreamed that

    Well that makes me feel better. She's also 15. Quite the coincidence :awesome:

    That'd be really cool! I think he might just be dismissing it so people don't start freaking out. I think he might be writing a couple of songs, like you said. Someone on the board said he wrote Easily. Not sure if that's true or not, but Easily is pretty awesome :yesey:. I wonder how playing in space would work, exactly. You'd probably have a better idea than me, since you like physics so much


    Dom is more talented than he get credit for, I think. I never listen to the remixes either, but Popcorn is good and Prague isn't as bad as everyone says

    I really like Dobby :chuckle: and I think the movies did a great job of portraying the Dersleys. What about you?


    If it does happen, maybe they'll air CFL here! What day of the week are CFL games? I'd be rooting for the Lions! I hope you get to go. That'd be so much fun, especially if the Lions were in it


    Oh, I didn't know the rosters had to be half Canadian. Also maybe money draws some players to the NFL, not just because of salaries, but also endorsements and stuff like that. And because football is bigger in America, I think

  24. I had another one where Muse were playing a show at my school, and one of the lights stopped working, so in the middle of Hysteria I walked on stage to fix the light. After the song Dom walked over to me like "what the hell are you doing?" so I told him and he just nodded and walked away :chuckle:

    :LOL: That's pretty funny. How old is your brother? I forgot :$

    I will of course

    Whoa! That's awesome. Can I see the links? That'd be so interesting if Chris wrote some of the songs. With his songwriting and Matt's chords, we could be in business! :chuckle:. I'm not sure how the space thing would work, but it'd be so cool


    :awesome: That is really awesome! Some great drumming. Popcorn is a pretty fun song, I think. I wish they had done more b-sides for The Resistance

    I'm not sure which my favorite is. Probably the 3rd


    Ah that must have been bad. I really hope they get it all worked out. I have confidence that they will, though that could be misplaced confidence, since I really have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. That makes sense. I hope you get to and hopefully the Lions are playing!


    Does the NFL take a lot of the talented CFL players?


    Thanks! :happy:

  25. I had a dream about Muse last night that I forgot to mention. So you and I were at this gig somewhere and we were on the barrier, and during the encore I hopped the barrier and started talking to Matt and told him to play Hoodoo. So they did, but then they closed with I Belong to You :wtf:. And I bunch of my friends who don't even like Muse were there, and they were holding candles like it was a vigil for someone. And then somehow my dad showed up and said they should've closed with New Born. Weird dream

    I'm thinking he'll start to again. They didn't play New Born once in the Russian gigs


    I've never seen that but I'll watch it soon. I really like the drumming in Hoodoo and Apocalypse Please. His drumming at the end of Knights live is usually good too

    I don't mind spending the extra money though. They've made the movies worth it :D


    I'm hoping they'll make the playoffs this year. Basically the players and owners can't agree on anything so the owners have locked out the players and if it continues there won't be a season next year. It'd be really bad, for a lot of people. I'd miss the NFL so much. Oh, I didn't know it's in November. Will you be going to it? :happy:


    That would have been awesome if he had gone to the Jets, though staying in BC would have been better for you I imagine


    Yeah, I don't know why I did. I guess theres a chance I could do really well, which would be :awesome:

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