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Everything posted by MUSESTL

  1. Banana bread is really good but I'll have to try it with chocolate chips. Pumpkin pie is really good as well :happy:


    Hopefully I will like them as much as I like AP US History this year. I think it will be too, at least that's what everyone is saying :chuckle:. That is very true, it just isn't my thing :LOL: (to put it lightly). So can I, at leat we are equal when it comes to embarrassing moments. True! That probably makes it a little better. I'll try to figure it out, but there are so many things I want to/have to take that I'm not sure :(. Yeah, but a little boring :chuckle:. That is cool!. Nope, I haven't heard of it :(. Must only be Canadian/British. But if it's a chocolate factory then it must be amazing! :awesome:. I haven't heard of any of those things, actually :$. That will be awesome! I'm sure people will love your cupcakes :happy:. Okay, that'll be fun! I got totally ahead of myself, Lolla is next weekend, not this weekend :facepalm: Whoops! That just shows how excited I am for it. I'm sure you'll have an amazing time there and meet lots of cool people. With so many students, there's a better chance of meeting cool people

    I know, it set the mood perfectly. Ah, and by "home" I meant "him." That's so embarrassing! :$

    The Jets just signed their best receiver to a 5 year deal! And back to baseball for a second, the Cardinals traded for a good starting pitcher, which we really needed


    That would be easier to do, I think. Oh, that makes sense that they are all in the same category then. I will read more of them! Well I'm glad it does :chuckle:. Those both sound right for you, do you think they are? He's one of my favorites! Here's a really funny scene with him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TcGEcKjSu4. Some of it doesn't make sense at first, but the stuff that doesn't make sense isn't important to the funny part. Hope you enjoy it. Who'd you get?

  2. We do a lot in the fall. It's delicious! :happy:


    I really think I will. I'm looking forward to those classes, as well as some other. Not taking any science classes though :awesome::chuckle:. :LOL: I do stuff like that all the time too! That doesn't mean you're not smart though. When we were reading Hamlet for school, about a scene or two in, I asked who the main character was :facepalm:. That was really embarrassing as well! I'd love to take AP Econ, but I don't know if I'll be able to fit it into my schedule. That will be really awesome to see those places. I'm mostly German and Irish, though I'm not sure who's from where :facepalm:. It would be really cool to see Nottingham, I don't know what Cadbury is though :$. That's not that bad! We are driving out on Thursday and coming back on Sunday. So excited for the show :D. I've had four or five dreams about Lollapalooza in the last week. Yes, I'm looking forward to it. I think that's why I'd rather have a smaller school. You won't!

    I loved how they included that also! I also loved the shot of Hogwarts in the fog with the Dementors and Snape standing over the students. She does a very good job of delivering it, as well. :chuckle: You really love home!

    I can't! Ah, I'm so happy about this! I love football :happy:


    For some of them an example would have been really helpful. Or if it was "rank on a scale of 1-5" or something like that, like you said. I think I took this awhile ago and got INFJ. I'm not really sure if it's accurate or not :unsure:. It sure sounds good though :chuckle:. Just did it again and I got ENFJ - "the teacher" I think that's quite accurate actually! I got President Bartlett! :awesome:. He's such a great character

  3. Do you ever bake pumpkin bread?


    I've heard AP Gov won't be too hard, but AP Euro is really challenging. I think I'll love it though :happy:. Nah, I'm sure you could do it! You're very, very smart. Yep, at least two. I might take AP Statistics or AP Economics. That sounds awesome! I bet you're going to have an amazing time. Do you know what sights you're going to see? Oh no! Well, actually since I'll be in Chicago (:musesign:) I might not have my computer either. Nothing after Lolla, just relaxing for the last few weeks before school. Wow! That is a ton of people. Most of the schools I'm interested in have about 5,000 undergraduate students. That's really great, so you won't get lost! :chuckle:. :LOL: Any other summer but this one, of course! Reading is much more important than school. Good! :happy:

    It was really well done, and really sad/emotional. That was really sad, but again they did it very, very well. That line is so funny! Really? I forgot that bit :$. I know, I loved that part in the book.

    My dad and I were very happy to hear the news!


    Thanks for finding that! Some of the questions were kind of hard to answer without context, so I'm not sure if my result will be totally accurate. I got ENFP. How about you? :chuckle: Awesome! Oh! I thought I've told you about it :$. It's about the President and a lot of his staff and the things they deal with on a daily basis



  4. It will be worth it, I think. That does seem like a safe area, plus you could talk about your chocolate chip cookies and the other things you bake! And maybe find some new recipes


    I'm excited to take AP US Government! I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot in that class. AP European History will also be really cool I imagine. Oh right, we talked about this before. Do you have anything planned before Reading? How many students attend UBC? I'm sure you'll get it all figured out though and it'll feel like home in no time!. Oh, that makes sense. Schools for specific fields in America are called vocational colleges. Yeah, it is really early but I think I have just enough time left to enjoy summer and not get too bored. I over analyze in life too, not just in books :chuckle:. Good! Be sure you tell me what you think

    Snape is a great character. My sister cried during his memories. Dobby is awesome! His speech thing at the end of Deathly Hallows pt 1 is amazing. That scene gave me goosebumps all three times I've seen it. I love it :happy:. He shows some humanity in the end, just like Dudley does. I'm sad they left that part out of the first movie (when he says bye to Harry) though it is in the deleted scenes. :chuckle: Just a bit

    I know so am I! Football! :dance:

    If you find a good site, I'd love to take one and compare with you. I do that too! I do it for all my favorite TV shows, like the West Wing


    :LOL: It must really be scary then!

  5. Yeah I felt that way too. I just started posting :chuckle:. Don't feel you have to though!


    I want to see all my friends again and I kind of miss learning stuff :chuckle:. Not that I dislike summer, of course. Yeah, that happens to me too! Oh, well that's pretty late! And you've got Reading to look forward to also :D. Well that'll be good, to learn how to get around the campus and stuff like that. Yep, the names are used interchangeably for the most part. Technically, university is when a school has both graduate and undergraduate students attending, but I'm not sure how many people (outside the schools themselves) actually pay attention to that distinction. August 23rd I think. Sometime around then. Students do over analyze also :chuckle:, which causes us to stress out too much I think. I hope you get a chance to read it or watch the movie

    My dad's favorite character is probably Ron and my mom loves Snape. My sister's is Draco or Sirius and mine is probably Hermione. Is Draco your favorite? I know! I also loved when the giant stone soldiers came down. That was awesome. Very healthy :LOL:. That's true, that don't really go into how he isn't a bad person in the movies. :LOL: I can tell!

    Glad to hear it :chuckle:


    I'm so happy! I think they unofficially agree two nights ago and yesterday morning is when the players officially agreed on the deal that the owners had agreed on a few days ago

    I guess not! I love the board :happy:. I do occasionally, though it's hard to find good ones online, I think. Good! That's good to hear


    I'll have to watch it sometime! I'm glad you liked it

  6. It's very different over there :chuckle:


    I'm kind of looking forward to school now. It was good to have a break but now I'm almost ready to go back. When does college start for you?

    Don't worry, I do the same thing :LOL:. Exactly! It's nice just to be able to read it. Sometimes I feel like teachers find symbolism in things that the authors didn't even intend to do :rolleyes:. Symbolism can be interesting though. It's really sad and hard to read at the start, but it gets really good and intense

    Yep! We all talk about it a lot. My dad actually read the first few books to my sister and me before we were old enough to read them on our own. Oh cool! So our parents did the same thing, that's awesome. That was a great scene! My mom cheered at that too :chuckle:. Nope, I do add some salt though. Do you? I know I certainly would!

    Don't worry about it! Yes :mad:. :LOL:

    Yeah I know what you mean, losing streaks like that always get harder to break out of because the team keeps getting more frustrated and less confident. I still have faith though!

    I know! :party:. It's such great news that they finally agreed! I wore my Jets shirt today in honor of the season being back on :chuckle:

    Like my best friend who loves Muse as much as I do isn't on here and doesn't show much interest at all. Different personalities I guess. Even though he and I are really similar :chuckle:. I'm glad he liked it! That's a perfect bit to show him, I think. I hope he likes more of their stuff. It's really nice :happy:. Not a big deal! Saint Louis is basically in the middle of the country and Cape Cod is as far east as you can get. I know! :awesome:


    I'm glad too! :chuckle:. Oh, was that good? I've heard it was scary. Awesome!



  7. :happy::kiss:

    Oh well, I'm starting to meet some more people which is good. Good that I won't be the only one :chuckle:. Won't feel like as much of an outcast


    If not, at least I'll still be working on plays

    So do I :LOL:. I'm going to try not to skim with this book that I'm reading right now. So do I, probably because I don't need to worry about being tested on it or having to write an essay on it. Good! I bet you'll really enjoy it

    My parents like Harry Potter almost as much as my sister and I do, so they were really into it also. It would be pretty confusing I imagine. They did such a good job :happy:. I think so too! Popcorn is delicious. I would love to hear more about that. My friend said that it'd be really cool if they had an uncut version that was like completely true to the book and was really, really long. That's be so much work though :LOL:. Me either!

    I'm glad you're cheering for the Cardinals! That makes me happy. The Brewers are from Milwaukee, so you've already been paying attention to them. The Pirates are from Pittsburgh

    Next week hopefully, since the team you're playing also has no wins. :(. I'll be cheering for him


    :chuckle: I bet you were glad to be done. I wonder what makes certain people come to the boards and others not, even if they like Muse the same amount. There is a lot to talk about! That's :awesome:. I'm sure they'll love it. It was actually pretty cool and windy today. Yes, Cape Cod is on the coast and Saint Louis is in the middle of the country. Not sure if that's what you meant though :$. Yeah, that's true. I'm so excited though!


    I'm glad everything went well! Aw, well it'll go down soon :(. Ice cream and smoothies are the best part of wisdom teeth being removed. That's a good movie!


    :happy: Thanks!

  8. I've been looking forward to you coming back all week, actually :chuckle:

    Especially since it seems like they're all friends and I'm that new kid trying to butt in on the conversation. The new kid with Muse in his username too :LOL:. Glad to hear it


    I hope it does, but I won't be able to find out until the school year starts probably. I'll just have to hope

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who does that! I haven't read a novel that's not been for school in awhile, so I'm looking forward to getting to read a lot more of this soon. He's a really talented writer. The movie of A Time to Kill is also really good. Ah, that makes sense. I'm glad you're enjoying it though. That's probably it

    Yes, they loved it! I loved it too, such a great movie. I still get chills at certain parts, they did such a good job. :chuckle: Well that's very important too! That's odd that they would cut him :shifty:, but I'm sure I'll see him in deleted scenes when the DVD comes out. I want to watch it again!

    We both did really well :happy:. I'm very glad. Yeah, but it'd be hard to have waited any longer, so I think it's understandable

    That was pretty scary! Yeah, it was tough to watch. I'm glad that your watching them! The Brewers are doing pretty well, so are the Pirates. Thanks for your sympathy :chuckle:

    I'm sure you will! Just off to a tough start. Has not been a good few months for Vancouver sports :noey:. I hope he improves. Well that should increase your chances at least. Maybe the leagues didn't want to see too similar


    That would be the best! Oh well

    I'm glad you got a standing ovation! That's so cool, must have made you feel really good. That's great! Tell them to come on the boards! I love finding people who like Muse. I do love that song :happy:. I love finding Musers. That is really funny

    So am I! Very happy about that. Yeah, it's kind of hot here, but not as hot as it is in Saint Louis. The water is really nice though. I really liked it. I'm so excited! Going to be so great. I think they will too


    Oh no! I hope everything goes well and I hope it doesn't hurt too much


    Also, while you were gone someone made me a Love Boat! http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=84014. If you would like to post, I would be very happy. It's a sinking boat

  9. Hi!! :party::D:kiss:. I'm so glad you're back!

    :LOL: I hope not. Thank you! Banter isn't as hostile as I expected, but I still feel a tad bit out of my comfort zone. That would be great :chuckle:


    I probably will end up trying out for it. I love debating, and since there are a lot of things I care about, I'll hopefully be able to be pretty good at it

    So that just ends up taking way more time :LOL:. I think I have. I just started another book (that's like three or four I'm reading right now :facepalm:) called The Runaway Jury by John Grisham. He writes great courtroom dramas. A Time to Kill is one of my favorites. How are you liking it this time around? Wonder why they went with Philosopher though

    That's a great thing to do on a free night. I saw it for the third time a few days ago with my parents. That must've been a great place to watch a movie! Was he really? I didn't see him either. Hm, maybe I'll have to watch it a fourth time! :chuckle:

    Okay, thank you. :dance: Great job! I'm so happy for you :happy:. That's awesome! I'm glad you found out though

    I was so shocked when the talked to me :$. It was a bad series, we played terribly in all three of those games. It was like we didn't really want to win. We're still battling for first place this year though. There are four teams close to the top of the division

    Oh no! :(. I'm really sorry, you guys will win soon! Oh no, that's the worst. I'd be really upset with him, but I'd also feel really, really bad for him. I hope you guys can recover as soon as possible. Oh, I see. Wonder why it's not the same


    I'd get to meet Muse, do something I love for a living, and see tons of Muse shows! Not sure what could be better than that. And if you were their sound engineer, it would be even better! Then the five of us really could hang out :LOL:

    :kiss:. You're welcome! I'm so glad you had a good time. Wow, that must have been exhausting but probably really good practice. That's awesome! We saw seals yesterday too

    Well, we are in Cape Cod now (on the east coast, part Massachusetts). We're spending a lot of time on the beach and today we went biking which was great. We've also taken some boat rides and eaten at some great places. Before we can here we were in Boston looking at colleges. I saw Tufts University, which I loved. I'm good though, excited for Lollapalooza :awesome:

  10. I know you won't be back for a few days but :kiss:, I miss you! So I've started posting in Banter recently. I feel like it's turned me into an awful person :facepalm::LOL:. I feel like one of the few in Banter who still likes Muse. Hope you're having a good time! Talk to you soon

  11. One of my good friends does it and he's been trying to get me to do it so I figure I might as well as long as it won't interfere with working on plays

    I feel bad for doing it sometimes, which makes me read it over again so I end up actually taking longer to read it :facepalm:. I'm not sure actually, because I only just got into them. Well I hope you get to! Reading is great. Yeah, that makes more sense actually. I do think Sorcerer is a better name, but that's only my opinion

    Will you get to soon?

    You're welcome! Did you just take AP Calc? I forgot :$

    They must have had a great time too! Did they surprise you? Or were they asking other people questions so you knew that they were there? That was sad though :(

    I hope they turn it around also. Well maybe the team will underestimate the Lions and the Lions will be able to win. I hope you guys can get that sorted out. It's not his fault if he has no time. Well I think he has a right to be mad, I would be too. Yep, ours is 40. I see. Our field is 100 yards from endzone to endzone


    I would love that so much! Plus I'd probably get free Muse tickets out of it :awesome:. Not until schools starts probably

    Well have a great time! :happy: Bye! Miss you :kiss:

  12. Oh well, it's okay. I think I'm alright. I might join our school's debate team this upcoming year if I have time for it

    I skim sometimes too, so don't worry about it! Sometimes I just feel like I'm not moving fast enough so I'll just skim it over. I am, they are fascinating. Well you all are lucky then! That would make sense I guess. I can see jumper, because some Americans wouldn't know what that was, but I'm sure most people know what a philosopher is

    I bet you will too, there are lots of small details

    Oh no! Well I'll still be crossing my fingers for you when you do get your scores back. I'm sure you did well though

    I'm strangely proud of them! You shouldn't, it probably looks amazing :awesome:. That's funny that you thought of that! Very sweet though :happy:. I love it. Oh yes, that does fit. Good choice

    That's really unfortunate :(. Wow that is a bad combination. Having a good offensive line is the key to a good offense. So you all only get three downs? We have four in the NFL


    I would love to talk to their light designer. I bet it would be so cool to work on that though. Thank you! Yes I'll be doing it next year too

    So this might be my last message to you for a week. Have fun at camp! I'm sure you will enjoy it. I'll miss you and I'll talk to you soon


    You're welcome, I hope they do play both of those. Very lucky :chuckle:

  13. I completely agree. I also like a nice debate every now and then

    Well that works our well. I don't read as fast as my sister does but I do tend to read relatively fast. One is about 50 important political ideas, and it gives the history and current state of them. The other is about the National Security Agency. Yes, I have two books I have to read over the summer. One is for my English class and one is for my AP European history class. I'm not sure why it's called the Sorcerer's Stone...:shifty:

    It's spanned our entire childhood. I laughed at that both times :LOL:

    It was still amazing to see it again, I noticed some stuff that I didn't before and it was just generally awesome to see it again

    I hope it comes soon! I'll be crossing my fingers for you

    Really crazy, they must be diehard fans (with nothing better to do :chuckle:). That's weird that it's purple now, but I'm sure it still looks awesome. I bet I wouldn't have been able to do any better! Well good, that's so cool that you were on the radio! What a coincidence. I do remember that. Well that's awesome! It's a very good song for sports games. That's good

    Oh no! I'm sorry! That's not a good sign :(. What was the problem? Defense or offense or both?


    Yes they really do! :musesign:. I'm not sure really, because they can't have someone change the lights every second, it just goes too fast. They might have some way of adjusting how quickly the lights change. Like with the 8 minute riff-fest in LA after Stockholm Syndrome, did they plan to play all those riffs? I think they said it was spontaneous, but if you watch it they have lights for every riff. Maybe they just have a database and when they start to play a riff they can choose the light scheme for it. I don't know if any of that makes sense . I had to do some really precise stuff for one of the plays, so I know how hard it is.

    So when do you leave tomorrow?


    I think that's true too!


    You're welcome! One of the people on the board talked to Dom and he said it will probably be played at the upcoming gigs and Dead Star might be played at R/L!

  14. Well I suppose that is true too, I love class discussions a bit too much :chuckle:. I think so too, now that you mention it

    My sister is reading the Chamber of Secrets right now. She reads books so quickly too. I have a book about the Secret Service (the unit that protects the President) that I really want to read as well as several books I've got about politics. And my reading for school, of course. Is it called the Philosopher's Stone in Canada? It's called the Sorcerer's Stone in the States

    Really! That's funny. It's exactly like Star Wars, except even more so since there have been seven books. I'm glad they put both of those scenes in. McGonagall is awesome! Did you notice how Ron and Hermione only grabbed one fang from the Basilisk but they somehow ended up having three or four? :chuckle:

    The audience was not as good as the one at the premiere. There was a bit of clapping at certain moments, but nothing like the first night

    I think you're right, it's about 10 dollars. That's understandable! I hope you can find out soon

    I can't believe people had been there since 8:30! That's amazing! Even if it's hard to wash off, at least it looks cool. You might have to do a little explaining though :chuckle:. Were you nervous when they were asking you questions? It's funny that you got interviewed, since we were just talking about being interviewed. I'm sure you still gave good answers though!


    It looks really cool. Though all their songs have great light shows. I imagine theres probably a person who presses a button to start the light scheme for a specific song, and then all the light changes for that song are preprogrammed. Whoever is in control would have to time the start perfectly though. Thanks :LOL:


    yes, that's what I was thinking as well. Although I was more into the World Cup than the Olympics

    :happy: Thanks


    They played it once in 2008 at Royal Albert Hall and then played it at all three Russia/Ukraine shows

  15. I can see how that would happen, but I find that when quite people do say stuff (like during class) they tend to say more important things than the people like me who go on and on. Well thank you, hopefully my loudness pays off in the end. She has been baking for a very long time. I want to read the books again since it actually has been awhile since I've read them but I have several other books I want to read. So true! I might watch Prisoner of Azkaban sometime soon

    It feels like of like the end of our childhood, since we all grew up with the books and movies. People cheered when Ms Weasley said "not my daughter, you bitch" and at a few other times. I loved when McGonagall called Filtch a blithering idiot :chuckle:. I got goosebumps when those stone soldiers drop down and started marching. I actually just got home, the one we saw tonight started at 11:30 :facepalm:. We saw it so late because my friend was out of town and his plane landed at 10:30

    You can call too, right? Just in case they don't get there soon

    Yeah, so am I! Everything came together very well. Wow, that's crazy that people had been there for so long. I'm glad your seats were good. We had a great time. The Dark Mark :awesome:, that's a very good idea and a good way to be different from everyone else. Well it sounds like you guys had fun too! I loved every minute of it. Wow, that's cool! What did the people ask you?



    At Wembley they had some really cool lights to go along with MK Ultra. I can't get over how complicated it must be to get those all programed right. (I'm such a nerd when it comes to this stuff :chuckle:). Maybe that's because it's a little bland :chuckle:. That is very interesting...:shifty:


    So I'm going to feel kind of bad if the US wins. I'm not into soccer at all, but last year during the World Cup I got really excited about it. It probably has more to do with patriotism than the sport, but it was still fun. That's an awesome name for a team!

    No don't worry about it! It's okay to say that you don't want to do it. I'll be thinking about you!


    Me too! Today, my mom showed me a newspaper article about dictators and it was called Megalomania, so I told her that was a Muse song and went on to explain how they played it at a concert recently for only the second time since 2002. She didn't seem very interested :LOL:



  16. Made you very nostalgic, I bet! Well, shyness and quietness aren't bad things at all. I'm too loud :rolleyes:. My mom makes lots of baked goods all the time. Even more than me. Yes, I had seen it several times before but not in awhile. As in not in a few months :chuckle:. I loved it :happy:

    So amazing! :awesome:. I loved every minute of it. I was really sad too when it ended, but goodness was it great. I loved all the people cheering in the audience as well. And I'm seeing it again tonight! I can't get over how great it was, the whole experience and not just the movie

    It made me really happy. Well I hope you get yours soon!

    We got there at 9 and were the first people in line, so everything worked out well! We waited for three hours, playing Scrabble on iPhones and such. What did you guys do to pass the time?


    I will, whenever I get the chance to. :happy: You're so welcome

    During the riffs I imagine lots of color, maybe because of the lights that go with it on live shows that I've seen in videos. Guiding Light is pale blue to kind of grey for me. Well that's a good sign that it's right for you!


    I feel like USA doesn't deserve it as much since the majority of people (myself included) don't care about soccer a lot of the time. That would be great for us, but Japan deserves it more I think. I'll probably still be rooting for the US though

    :happy: Aw that's great to hear. Well I'm sorry that you're not very excited for it and I'm also sorry that you're missing your camping trip! Aw well it'll be okay, I will miss you though!


    Maybe :LOL:


    I bet you'll say some pretty funny things!

  17. I'm glad that he could dig it up :chuckle:. I bet it was so great to watch. Aw, were you shy when you were younger? That would make sense, I'm sure it was still great though. I love cookies so much and brownies. I'm so excited, but kind of sad too actually. I loved it! I stayed up way too late to watch it but it was worth it. The 6th is great too! That is really funny! I really hope we both have a good time

    Thanks! I was really excited and surprised, especially about Lit. I'm so glad though :happy:

    Okay, well you're in line now so I hope you're have a good time. :LOL: Being crazy is okay


    Thank you, it's okay though. I'll try again when the chance arises. I'll put more effort into my application as well. Don't worry about saying thank you too much, it makes me happy :happy:. I'm diffidently here for you

    We kind of agree on lots of these things actually! MK Ultra is purple/blue also with some flashes of organeish/red. I'm not sure what USoE is though. I'm glad that your dad agrees with you! That makes a lot of sense actually, and is probably a pretty good explanation. Thanks for showing me that


    So am I!

    Well good luck to Japan. I'm sure it would be more important to the Japanese than to the Americans if they won, with everything that's happened to Japan. :( I'll talk to you as soon as you get back. Why do you wish you were staying?

    :LOL: Not at all


    Oh well, we tried


    You might :chuckle:. Be sure to ask your mom what you say

  18. Alright, I'm sure he'll be totally surprised when you ask! They are great, especially just after they come out of the oven. That's great! I absolutely cannot wait! It's going to be so epic. I'm actually watching the 5th movie right now :chuckle:. Yeah, that would make sense. It'll probably be ending for me when yours is starting. Thanks, you too!

    I did, yesterday. I got a 5 on AP US and a 4 on AP Lit :happy:. I'm so happy with my scores!

    We are planning on getting there three hours before it opens. Hopefully that's not too late :unsure:


    I just found out today: didn't get it :(. Oh well, it was worth a shot. It is :chuckle:. You're going to be just fine, you're so nice and awesome :yesey:

    That is why it's my favorite album. Showbiz is just very dark in general. Uprising I think is red and black, besides that I'm not sure. Resistance might be green/blue. :LOL: That must be a funny argument! Math is certainly red though. That is weird, I wonder how the colors are assigned!


    It's going to be very important in the World Series (hopefully we can make it).

    I want to watch as much of it as I can. Oh :(, I assume you won't have your computer for that time? I'm sure you'll have an amazing time though and I'll talk to you as soon as you get back. I'll be happy for you if Japan wins!

    Yeah, I agree! I think you'd need pump-up lyrics


    Good! I can't think of anymore lyrics that work though :facepalm:. I tried though


    It wasn't that terrible, just don't try to eat any solid foods for awhile. Don't rush it and everything will be okay. :chuckle: That part is funny

  19. I hope that you can find them! Awesome! I love snacking on cookies, it's probably unhealthy though :chuckle:. You're right! So are you a Harry Potter fan? I'm going to see the midnight premiere on Thursday/Friday. I'm so excited! (Or did I mention this to you already?). Also did you get your AP scores back?


    I spend a lot of time on here, so I often lurk. Although occasionally I post in Banter, like in the Most Recent Movie you've watched thread. :happy: I feel kind of honored, actually :chuckle:. I hope everything works out too

    There are so many good songs that make up for the not-so-great ones. Yep, all Showbiz are blue for me as well, with a lot of black. That would make sense! For me, math is also red, science is yellow, english is green and history doesn't have a color.


    Our catcher, Yadier Molina, also had a hit! Yes, that's right; so the national league has home-field advantage in the world series :awesome:

    I'm excited for it! Hopefully I'll get to watch it. Will you be watching it? And I assume you'll be rooting for Japan

    Recess is creepy, so is Ruled by Secrecy


    I hope it does. :LOL: I will be victorious :musesign:


    Oh no! I had mine taken out last year, I only had two though. Good luck!

  20. I hope you can find them! Well maybe if you get to watch them you can see. That would be really cool to see. It really is. Awesome! I hope they taste good. I didn't get a chance to tonight :(


    They are pretty funny to lurk in though :chuckle:. You're so welcome. I'm glad that you were comfortable enough to tell me. Yeah, I can't even imagine how tough that would have been, and I think it's totally okay that you haven't told anyone other than you're family yet. I'm sure eventually you will be able to. You're welcome :happy:

    I love that album, right now it's probably my favorite, despite having a few songs that I don't care for that much like Exo-Politics and Soldier's Poem. I do sort of, but I mostly think of them with the album colors. Not always though. Exogenesis for me is green and blackish but the rest are mostly based on the album. How about you? :awesome:. I think it's one of the hardest Muse songs to like


    Well, most players only get to bat once so that everyone can get a chance to hit, but one of our players did get a hit! It was Berkman, actually :happy:. That is a very creepy sounding song, but you're right, the end of eternally missed is even scarier


    If she takes pictures of Muse for me then I will certainly take pictures of Eminem. It's only fair. Oh yes, I have to beat her! I think I can

  21. It would be a good laugh though! I'm glad :happy:. Well that probably makes more sense, but in the original there are several characters pretending to be other characters. And most of the names end in "io." No one knows what he looks like either, as far as I know. Yep, the cookies I'm going to make have cinnamon in them! :LOL Perfect timing!


    Seriously! There are some weird threads out there :chuckle:. You're so welcome! I'm glad that I could be here for you. You can alwaysalwaysalways talk to me :happy:. :kiss: Thank you! Yeah, I get that it could be really, really hard. Do you think you're going to tell them soon? I'm so glad that you're happy!

    Both of our lists are pretty BHaR-heavy. I like that list a lot! All of those songs are in my top 25 probably, besides Micro Cuts. For some reason I just can't get into that song


    The games starting now! He really did! :LOL: But the two or three Muse fans in the crowd would go crazy


    I cannot wait, at all. It's going to be so amazing, for both of us. It was really scary but thankfully it was very short. Maybe I'll have my sister take them :shifty:.

  22. That would be fun to see! Also a little embarrassing, I bet :chuckle:. Well it's fun that you went along with it. I hope so too, it's really complex though. Really, I didn't know all of that. Well that's really interesting. Probably these chocolate-chocolate chip cookies that have cool spices in them and such :happy:. How about you?


    Banter is frightening :chuckle:. Well that is a very important post! Oh I see! I'm really glad that you told me. Well I think that's really cool actually :happy:. Don't worry about not telling a lot of people, I'm sure that would be really hard to do. Is your family supportive? If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you. (You can email or PM if that would make you more comfortable). It is great. I should do a new list! Probably (not in order) Uprising, Hoodoo, Starlight, Map of the Problematique, Citizen Erased, Dead Star, Plug in Baby, Knights of Cydonia, MK Ultra and Stockholm Syndrome with Hysteria, Take a Bow and Resistance as honorable mentions. How about you? It's a blast! Yep, it was pretty crazy


    I am too! One of the players, Lance Berkman, is pretty old and had a bad year last year so a lot of people wrote him off but he made the All-Star game this year! :awesome:. :LOL: 40,000 people would be looking at each other like :wtf:. And then two people would be like "I know that song!" :chuckle:


    I think that's true too! I hope you get too also. I could not be more excited. I had a dream it was cancelled :eek:. I probably won't be taking that many pictures, because I'll be too busy watching the gig! I will bring a camera though

  23. That's so cool that you guys decided to do that just for fun! I would never have thought of anything like that. That's a tough play to do, too with all the people pretending to be other people and what not. Some people don't even think he existed so that adds to the mystery. Me too! Though we probably have a bunch of leftover cookies from the last time


    I post in Gigs and Tours and Songs and Releases the most probably. Not really at all in banter. What do you talk about in banter. I love this forum :happy:. You should check it out! The first setlists I posted were just awful, but I think I post some pretty good ones now. A weeks or two ago there was a big argument in that thread that resulted in Sippe and Frakkles (if you know who they are) getting banned. So that was exciting :LOL:


    Three of our players were selected to the All-Star game! I'm going to try to watch some if I can. I have in the past for the most part. Yes that's a good point. Which would mean most of Origin isn't a possibility, since a lot of those lyrics make no sense :chuckle:

    That's great to hear :happy:


    Well getting Muse merchandise is worth it! I have a Muse pen and a Muse keychain, as well as posters and t-shirts and a sweatshirt :$. Oh, that makes sense! I hope you can get close though. Well my parents got tickets to the VIP Lounge thing, so they can stay up there, but my sister and I are going to try to get close to the barrier for Muse and Eminem. I just hope you can leave the VIP area

  24. It's good that you enjoyed it! I'm surprised that they put it on in grade five because it can be interpreted as being very sexist. I am not a very good actor either :chuckle:. I agree, Shakespeare's plays are very thought-provoking, even today, which is something really incredible to think, that issues he touched on back then are still relevant now. So do I :chuckle:


    Lots of people are lurkers, so it's alright! Oh, I see. What kind of stuff do you post on? Is it like Muse-related stuff or otherwise? I post all the time, probably too much. I think I'm in the top ten posters on several threads :$. I think I post most often in the "Your Perfect Muse Setlist" thread. I love it, for some reason :chuckle:. I feel like I'm always telling people about Muse


    I don't think he is. He had another good game today and we won again. Now it's time for the All-Star Break so there won't be any actual games for several days :(. I'd want some singing in it also, so that one would be tough to figure out

    I'm sure his yelling was justified! That would be very annoying


    Good! I hope you can get lots of stuff. 26, awesome! I'm so excited. Are you going to try to get barrier for Reading?

  25. :LOL: Did you enjoy being in it? I think it's a really good play. It seems like it's really sexist, but I think Shakespeare meant it as a satire. I wrote an essay on that actually. It's a really good musical. Ah awesome! :chuckle: I do too


    Sounds like the right plan. Do you post often? (on the board in general I mean, not just the Lolz thread). Because I don't see you post that much. Maybe I'm just unobservant though :$. Some are really good but some are :facepalm:. I pointed out to my friend that it was Muse though. I didn't realize that Starlight was in the credits for that! :awesome:. I would have been too


    It isn't bothering him really, he hit a homerun last night! I was thinking Knights of Cydonia also, but then I wasn't sure what part of the song. Maybe right when the riff kicks in?

    It's really annoying and resulted in me yelling at the TV quite often :LOL:. Yeah that would be frustrating


    Will you get one at Reading? I hope you do. I'm really excited! Less than a month until Muse!

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