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Everything posted by Deve2k

  1. No but I didn't even realise that this was a thing that was happening Does anyone feel like giving me all their shirts? Some of them look pretty awesome!
  2. How rude! Having been stood right in front of him for 3 gigs now, I can say that he always looks really happy when he's shaking hands and focusing on the crowd during a song and stuff, so at least he's enjoying it, even if some of us aren't
  3. Did Brad Pitt actually appear in the end or was I just asleep for that or something? I had to leave after Richard Cheese (I've actually started looking forward to that bit at the end of a gig now ) to catch a bus and I didn't even think about there being other stuff afterwards. I just assumed that Brad Pitt was too embarrassed by the fact that the crowd cheered louder for Muse than for him in the 2 hours before the gig started so he never turned up
  4. I'm in a queue...no idea if it's THE queue though Are there multiple queues??
  5. I'm probably going to get there around 5pm...No idea what the queues are going to be like lol Whoever gets there first should let us know how many people are there!
  6. TM actually posted us tickets that looked like that once The barcodes still worked though so that was lucky I guess You're going anyway, just meet the person there and hand them the ticket
  7. I got it pretty much instantly...As long as it's showing up on your TM account you should be okay, though, because that's where you print your tickets from.
  8. They'll probably show some of the premiere stuff in the 2 hour gap like people walking on the red carpet and whatever else happens at these things I think 5 songs is a bit ambitious...With extended riffs AND a break for fish and chips, I only see them playing one, maybe one and a half songs
  9. I'm 98% sure The ticketmaster page said it was 18+ but I can't even seem to find that any more for some reason
  10. I think that might just be to make sure everyone is over 18, rather than to make sure the person bought the tickets themselves.
  11. If I can't use mine (I'm planning to) I'm just going to give them away...Kinda rude to sell them, really. Humans
  12. I know that I rarely got Muse-based email before I went and messed around with my account settings on here last week and ended up signing up for the mailing list (which I thought I was already on??) through a form in there...Maybe they have multiple mailing lists or something ridiculous like that
  13. I'm going to try and get tickets for this but I kinda half hope that I don't get them at the same time as being really excited because I know that if I go I'm probably going to fail out of university I really need to stop and sort out my priorities but yk I don't think I can resist possible free Muse tickets
  14. Oh dear, board neglect :LOL:


    We just got tickets for Leeds festival to see Muse and I remembered to come back! :p


    :chuckle: It's my birthday tomorrow, BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! :D

  15. How far ahead is China?

  16. I don't like taxis. >.< But okay :LOL:


    What in the heck are you doing still online at this time? :O

  17. Yeah but we kinda need a vague sort of plan for getting there and back before we buy the tickets :LOL: But that's a start I guess...

  18. I wouldn't have been able to afford tickets in December anyway lol so that's alright...no idea how we're going to get there or anything...can you drive yet? :LOL:

  19. We don't want day tickets do we? :\

  20. Okey dokey smokey! I know Martin wants to go and Scott says he does but it depends on the cost. Do you know how much it will be? Also we need to get there :LOL:

  21. Aaaahhhh! I forgot to click on here for ages! I've missed the Museboards :LOL:


    So...did you see Harry Potter? :p


    Oh and Merry Christmas...and Happy New Year! (Has it already happened for you? It has, right? :chuckle:)

  22. I'm way ahead of you xD I have 3 people who want to go already! When is Leeds, anyway? :p

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