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Status Updates posted by MuseHolic111

  1. Yes we do drink tea, but not nearly as much as you in England. We finns drink coffee kind of in the same way as you drink tea ;) One thing that I wouldn't miss about finland would be the weather for now.You can't go anywhere without almost falling down (:awesome:) becausr All the snow started to melt when it was like +5c, but now when the temperature has dropped again, the ground is covered in ice. I was taking a quite wild horse to the stable today and he got spooked by a door and started jumping on the icy yard. I was just standing there with my flat-bottomed shoes, struggling to stay up :chuckle:

  2. Argh! I want to come to England :D Although I would miss a lot of finnish things, like finnish candy and rye bread... CE is too good to be true :awesome: Great, now I have 'Can't take my eyes off you' stuck in my head."You're just too good to be trueeee..."

  3. I wish it could be that warm in here, It's now -10c again. :indiff: Dead Star is :awesome:! For me it's Citizen Erased, I can't even describe the feeling I get from the last 2 minutes.

  4. I LOVE spring and summer :D The are lovely after a cold, dark winter. If it's a warm summer, (like last summer) the temperature is usually 20-30c. Oh and I don't know if i've already asked you this, but what is your favorite Muse song?

  5. Waiting is always the worst! Ahh, I'm feeling so good today, spring is definitely on it's way! The sun is shining and the temperature is slowly starting to go over 0! :dance:

  6. Only six months to go! :D Oh god I can't wait! :chuckle:

  7. Yeah, we have a holiday from school. But school starts again on monday. We totally deserved the award :awesome: I think that Jared Leto won sexiest male. It would have been nice if muse had won 'Best Live' or something because we could have gotten an interview and maybe some more information on the new album.

  8. Ugh, i hate chemistry! Luckily I'm on 'Skiing Holiday' now :dance: Yeah, I've been riding pretty actively, except this week because my sister came home, she has been riding all week! Anyway, I suppose you heard that we won 'most dedicated fans' and Matt was 'Hero of the year' at the NME Awards? :awesome:

  9. Yeah, and I think that he also produced Terra Nova (the tv show) wich I love! :D So how are you and Win ddoing? Have you been riding him lately?

  10. You have to see it! I cried a lot! :LOL: It was a very well made movie, probably the best horse movie i've ever seen:)

  11. I haven't had musey dreams in a long time either. :( I don't really read fanfiction. :D I'm goig to say the same thing that Anni just told you: You need to see War Horse! :D One of the most (if not even the most) touching films i've ever seen!

  12. I don't really like skiing, but it was OK because i got to ski with my friends. The ski route is right next to our school, on the other side of the road :D After tje skiing we watched a fiinnish movie called 'Napapiirin Sankarit' (Lapland Odyssey). And the next nigh I had another dream where you came to Finland :eek::chuckle: And we watched 'Lapland Odyssey' :LOL:

  13. 17c?!!?!? :eek: That's just unbelievable! :chuckle: ugh, we have a skiing day at school today, we have to ski 10 kilometres! :noey: I wish I could just stay home and sleep. I WISH I COOUULD! :chuckle:

  14. Yeah, they're good movies, but I like the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy more :). I'm really getting fed up with the weather in Finland! When we were skiing in school today, It was really sunny and lovely, but when I went to the stable to ride Tantta, it was snowing really hard amd the wind was really cold and fast. It was like a mini snowstorm :LOL: And I had to ride outside because the riding school had lessons in the riding hall. Luckily its only -8c now :dance:

  15. Yeah, they're good movies, but I like the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy better. I'm really getting fed up with the weather in Finland! When we were skiing in school today, It was really sunny and lovely, but when I went to the stable to ride Tantta, it was snowing really hard amd the wind was really cold and fast! And I had to ride outside because the riding school had lessons in the riding hall. Luckily its only -8c now :dance:

  16. I'm not really a fan of Tom Cruise. I don't hate him, but I haven't really watched his movies. My favourite actors are probably Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, Gary Oldman, Johnny Depp and some others but any names aren't popping into my mind right now :D

  17. Haha! I thought of seeing it tonight with my sister but we ended up watching a finnish comedy show called 'Putous' and Conan :DI would have wanted to see the finnish actor in mission impossible :LOL:

  18. Oh, we are allowed to use phones etc. But not during class, only during breaks. The finnish test was pretty easy, we had to read a short story and answer some questions about it. In history we had to write a "letter" about movin to America in the late 1800. We had have a new last name so I made mine Bellamy :chuckle: Have you seen the new Mission Impossible yet? Was it good?

  19. Yeah. I'm at lunch now with Anni ;) She sends you greetings! We have a finnish test today an englosh test next week :/ But now I 've got to go, I'm gonna be late! I'll write more soon!

  20. That would be nice! My flu was over quite quickly though :erm: I'm now enjoying ice-cream in the city :p Liquorice-lemon ice-cream, strawberry soft ice-cream and white chocolate :awesome:

  21. Yeah flu sucks. My fever fever went up to 39.3! But I didn't get the chance to watch any Muse DVD's because I was too tired to get them from my room :LOL:

  22. It's now only -6 in here! :awesome: Our holiday starts in two weeks. We call it "skiing holiday". But I won't be going to school tomorrow anyway, I've got the flu, my dad has had it since thursday. I guess I'm just going to watch muse dvd's all day long tomorrow :p

  23. Reindeer is nice, Especially with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam.And no it's not endangered :D There's a lot of them in Lapland. Ice swimming IS really cold :LOL: I've tried it once when I was little, I ran straight to the sauna! How cold is it in England now?

  24. Well, kind of rituals, not any spiritism or anything :LOL: Just kind of habits like going to the sauna and then rolling in the snow or going ice swimming, ice fishing. Going to the summer cottage etc. Oh and eating reindeer :LOL:

  25. Yeah you did actually! Everyone speaks finnish in my dreams, it's weird :err: You should come to Finland! But on summer, it's too cold now :D It would be cool, I would teach you all our weird rituals :LOL:

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