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Everything posted by MuseHolic111

  1. Thank you! I wish the same for you too! (:

  2. Yeah, horse shows are nice, but I would choose Muse too! oh my god, Muse are coming to Finland again next summer!!! I will try to get tickets :) I just hope it's not in the same week as my confirmation camp :/

  3. Christmas always makes me happy! I hope you do well in your exams! We have a swedish exam tomorrow, and finnish on Wednesday. Heavy snow hasn't affected my school life, but maybe it does in the northern part of Finland? :D Our snow melted away already...

    Yes, the Helsinki Horse Show is every year. I have been there three times now. It's always nice to be there and see the pro riders do their thing, you know? And the Ex president of Finland I saw was Tarja Halonen . I was a few meters away, we were just leaving and she was walking around and looking at some paintings. Someone from our company just whispered to my ear "It's Tarja Halonen, It's Tarja Halonen!". I'm impressed that you know Martti Ahtisaari, many foreigners don't know that much about Finland!

  4. I know :D Yes, I enjoyed it very much actually! :) Yeah it snowed, but it's melted already :/ Skyfall was BRILLIANT :D You should see it :)

  5. Oh yay! You have to tell me how it was! :D I know, Christmas is so near! How is the weather in England? In here it is getting colder, and we have snow already! The coldest has been in Lapland (the northern part of Finland), in the night the temperature has gone all the way down to -20c in there! :stunned: I live in the southeast part of Finland, the coldest for us has been about -10c. But I checked the newspaper and it says that next week should be a bit warmer. +5 at the warmest. And school starts again tomorrow.... I don't like it! I did enjoy our Autumn Holiday though! We went to Helsinki International Horse Show and It was fun! I even saw the ex president of Finland! :D

  6. It's okay! I'm doing pretty good except that we had our autumn holiday last week and tomorrow school starts again :indiff:. But It snowed on Friday, so now the ground is white with snow! :happy: And today I'm going to see '007 - Skyfall', I'm excited! How are you doing?

  7. Yes it is! Oh, but that's only a week more than for me. Oh yeah! The gig is so close for you! :D Don't worry, they won't cancel it (or will they :eek:??). No, they won't! It's going to be amazing. I'm so excited too! :D But I will have to wait two more months... But time is flying! :happy:

  8. I think it came out here on the 29th, but I had ordered it from muse.mu :)

  9. Yes I am! I got it on the 27th of september, a day to remember! :D

  10. I know, I quite like it too. Not as good as Supremacy though! :D I can't wait, we have only 2 weeks of school left until autumn holiday :happy:

  11. My favorites are Supremacy (perfect for a James Bond movie!) and Animals. They are just amazing! And Panic Station is catchy! Yeah, Big Freeze is nice. Yeah, Big Freeze is really nice! I'm glad that it is inspiring you!:)

  12. I got it last thursday :)

  13. Me too! :happy: And Animals :)

  14. Supremacy is my favorite from The 2nd Law :)

  15. My favorite is Citizen Erased, definitely! It's just too beautiful! What is yours?

  16. I love rain sometimes, it's lovely to read a good book, make some hot chocolate and just lay under a blanket and watch the rain :) <3 But sometimes it ruins the day! :LOL:

  17. Well thank you :) Ewelina is beautiful too! :happy:

  18. It came to me yesterday :)

  19. My name is sara, and yours? I got my copy of The 2nd Law yesterday! :D

  20. My name is sara, and yours? I got my copy of The 2nd Law yesterday! :D

  21. Did you order it from muse.mu or are you going to buy it when it comes out?

  22. Oh nice :D My copy of The 2nd Law arrived today!!!!!!! I'm so happy! :happy::awesome:

  23. Yeah, but it's so hard to resist the temptation :D But I want it to be special, when I listen to the album for the first time :)

  24. Oh nice :) My hobbies are Riding and playing the piano, I also sometimes play a little bit of guitar at home :)

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