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Status Updates posted by MuseHolic111

  1. You have a donkey and horses? That's awesome! I have a horse too! :)

  2. Thank you! Patrick is the love of my life <3 :D

  3. The trust that you create with a horse is probably my favorite thing about riding, and horses. They give you so much! :) On ninth grade we have ten days of work experience, but you can divide it into two, so you can be 5 days on two places. On 8th grade its 5 days and on 7th grade its three days. I know, working at a stable is really hard! Especially cleaning stalls! I think I'll be okay :) Oh, poor you :( I got money from collecting and selling strawberries in the summer, so I decided to buy it, and the rest I'm saving for when we (Hopefully) go to London.

  4. Brr... I Don't like the coldness :D yeah, Tantta is fine now.I usally am able to avoid roads, except When i go for a longer hack. But before, When we were at a different stable, there was a curvy road. I was hacking on that road and a car came from a curve about 80km/h and didn't slow down, I was so scared but fortunately nothing bad happened. Our school started on the 14th of August, it sucks. We have a new physics and maths teacher and she is russian so it's really difficult to understand her :D Oh, are you enjoying working at the equestrian center? I'm probably going to do my work experience at a riding school on the 9th grade. Out next work experience is in february. I' going to do it in a kindergarten. I love gymkhana, unfortunately I can't do i with Tantta, she is just too wild! I have finally ordered a copy of The 2nd Law with the DVD from muse.mu! :D It should arrive on the 1st of october. It comes on sale in finland on the 28th of september but I don't mind getting mine a few days later, atleast I will get the DVD :D

  5. Wow 32c?! :eek: This morning it was 5c here, which is weird because the weather changed from 17c to 5c (in the mornings) in a couple of days! I went to a jumping lesson for the first time in 5 weeks with Tantta on last sunday, it was really nice :) Yeah the riding camp was excellent! I was just reading your blog and I was really impressed with the post you wrote about horses, I think it was titled "Respect Your Blessings" and I have to admit, it brought a tear in my eye :') It was beautiful, you have Talent with writing!

  6. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter, there was a boy from New Zealand staying at my friends home and he didn't speak finnish at all. We can now start trotting with Tantta, but only a little bit at a time, it will be a looong time before we can start jumping and competing again. Oh how I miss both :D Oh I hope that you can arrange the interview so that it fits your schedule:) Ugh it's so hot in here... I'm attending a riding camp with Anni this week, we arrived here today, We will ride two hours each day and it's gonna be close 30c tomorrow :s

  7. You could come here as an exchange student! :awesome: Spain is lovely, because it's so warm. I loooove warm places :happy: Tantta's leg is getting better, but we can't trot with her yet, she did have something in her bone membrane (?), she has been only walking for two weeks now, and we have to keep that up for atleast another week, and then maybe have a vet come check her. Oh nice! Enjoy your holiday! Mine will end in less than a month :/ Our work experience is divided into three, on 7th grade it is 3 days, on 8th grade it's 5 and on 9th grade it's 10 days :)

  8. Oh yay! Yeah, the gig in Helsinki is on that day, fortunately it's inside because I'm guessing it will be about -20c then :D Mum rode Tantta on one lesson on the camp, after that, our riding teachers horse kicked her in her back leg on the field. She is getting better now but her leg was very swollen and it still has a small "hole" in it. Mum is taking her to the clinic tomorrow to see if she has injuries in her bone. We will hopefully be able to start riding her next week. I'm going to our old riding teachers house for two weeks to pick strawberries and see Limppu, so I will take Tantta with me :) Oh, our holiday started on the 2nd of june and lasts until the 14th of august. How long is your holiday?

  9. Ooh nice job! What gig are you going to? Aww, Win must love it so much that he gets all excited :D Me and Tantta are doing pretty good, she is getting calmer and easier to ride, my mum is at a training camp with her now so I'm hoping that she learns some good training tips from the trainer :) Oh and Has your holiday started or are you still in school?

  10. yes, he is really boring, and confusing :s WE GOT THE TICKETS! :awesome: They're seated though, but I don't mind :) Mom was trying to get the tickets through the internet, but the site was so crowded that she couldn't get through! Luckily my dad got them from a ticket service point at a mall. The show on the 9th went pretty well, we were third out of 23 riders :) And we also had a competition last friday, in the first class (80cm) we were 8th and they gave prices to the best 7 :/ In the second class (90cm) Tantta refused to jump on the first obstacle, wich is weird because she usually never refuses. But after that she was like a dream! :) How is Win doing by the way?

  11. Woah, that sounds hard! Our grades go from 4 (Fail) To 10 (excellent), but it cant go under 4 (like 4-) or over 10 (like 10+). I think Matt is easier to understand than our teacher :D But that's because Matt talks about things i'm intrested to hear. My holiday has started nicely, I'm at a summer cottage with my cousin now. We went swimming, the water was 13c :D Oh and Greetings from Nea! (My cousin ;))

  12. It's not very close.Ow, what was your physics exam about? Physics IS hard, especially with our teacher, he talks so fast that I sometimes can't understand him. :LOL: Do your ratings go from F to A or 4 to 10? And how long a your summer holiday? Ours is from the second of June to the 14th of August. :)

  13. Oh, how did your physics GCSE go? All of my exams went better than expected :) I'm so proud of them for carrying the torch :awesome: Now we have only 6 days of school left! :dance: But I'm kind of shocked, there was a quite tragic event in Finland. A young man (18) got to the roof of a store and started shooting people that were coming from a restaurant. 2 died and 6 were injured :(

  14. Wow, our holiday starts on the 2nd of june :awesome: But we still have atleast 4 exams, math, religion, physics and history. I hate all of those subjects :noey: Aaarghh! I wish I atleast had the new muse album to cheer me up, I can't wait!

  15. Wow.. You are weird! JUST KIDDING! :D I sometimes love the rain. It's nice to wrap yourself inside a blanket and read a good book :) When does summer holiday start for you?

  16. No, unfortunately, not in Lake Como :p So I guess you like rain? :D It has been quite warm and dry in here, although today it was raining, ugh! :D

  17. Yeah, I was at school. We made some great food in home economics so it wasn't so bad:) Wow! Winter is late for you :p In here it's now 16c in the sun:awesome: But my mum is in Italy now, and it's over 20c in there. *jealous*

  18. Mine too! But i also love MK Jam :) I'm not sure if i have enabled my emaill :DI was at a jumping competition with Tanta for the first time on sunday. She was crazy! :LOL: We went to two classes, 70cm and 80cm. We were fifth in the 80cm class and they gave rosettes to the fastest four, we lost by under a second! :p

  19. Helsinki is the capital of Finland :D Helsinki Jam :awesome: I'll follow you, im @Screenaged :)

  20. Hey, are you on twitter? I'd like to follow you! :D

  21. I read and listen news about her, and I go to Helsinki International Horse Show almost every year to see her :) It's awesome to be cheering with the finnish audience and being nervous for her :D Woah! It's always "scary" when horses get loose and run away. I was walking with Limppu (our old pony, eh) in the woods and she was quite wild, and suddenly she just pulled the line from my hands and just ran away :LOL: I just ran after her and saw my mom walking with her in the stable yard. Limppu was freaked out, she was just turning her head around and neighing :D

  22. It takes me 20-30 minutes. It's not that hard because there are not alot of uphills on the way. Wow That must have been nice! GO Win! :D I loooove Bohemian Rhapsody! :awesome: I was at Horses-2012 Fair with Anni :) There were breed introductions, shops, stallion introductions, "Riding School Olympics" and a Demo by Nina Fagerström, she is a finnish rider, and she competes in show jumping on the top of the world! It was nice :) Me and Tantta had a little accident yesterday. I was taking her out, when the stirrup got caught in the doorhandle! It really scared me, but luckily I got it off. Tantta was freaked out too! I had to change the saddle because now the stirrup won't hold on to a metal thingy that holds it :p

  23. I hate cycling in the rain! :indiff: I was cycling to the stable with Anni once and it was raining and very windy. We were prepared and wore our raincoats and everything. Then, when we were halfway there, the sun came out :p Its about 5.6km from my home to the stable. So there and back its 11.2km :) What have you been doing this weekend?

  24. I have a hate-love relationship with rain. :LOL: Sometimes I hate it (like now, because I wish all the snow would melt and it would be warm), but sometimes I just love it! It's lovely to just sit inside and read a book and listen to the rain. Or when you're at a summer cottage and go swimming in the lake during the rain :happy:

  25. I hate the weather :LOL: Although last thursday it was 7c! :awesome: Physics is so complicated and difficult! :D We were calculating how much energy a matter needs to turn from liquid to steam, from solid to liquid, or something like that :D

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