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Status Updates posted by MuseHolic111

  1. Aww :( It's always sad to see horses go. It was really hard for me, when we sold Limppu. I still miss her. She has been my favourite pony since I was 7, and she still is. It's now over -20 again so I can't really train with Tantta now :indiff: oh and I had a dream one night, that you came to finland :D It was fun! And you brought Winston with you! :LOL:

  2. I'm lazy too! :LOL: I rode Tantta yesterday and today. But now it's -20c again :indiff: -10 would be ok. By the way, how are you and Win doing?

  3. Well it kind of hurts their lungs. It's the same with humans. If you go out of breath, it gets a little bit hard to breath. It kind of stings. Luckily tomorrow should be only -10c :awesome:

  4. Haha! I guess we finns are used to the coldness. Although it could be a little bit warmer. At first i thought this winter was going to be warm but i guess it isn't :D We cant really ride horses now that it's so cold because it isn't really good for their lungs. The horses are gonna be hyper when we they can be ridden normally :LOL:

  5. You should move to finland haha! Although its really cold in here now. I was hacking out with Tantta yessterday and it was -24c. And in the night it can drop to even under -30c. It's a little bit too cold :D yeah it was a little bit weird when Sami (my brother) moved out. I sometimes still miss him but I'm quite used to him living in another town. We do visit him usually once a month or he comes here. My sister lives in the same town as Sami now. I'm the only child at home :D

  6. My brother is 22, soon 23. I'm not sure how long he ha been playing, but he's still been playing for a long time. I spend 30 hours a week in school.

  7. I don't find myself really good :LOL: I take some time to learn to play a song fluently.But it does also kind of depend on the song. I have an electric guitar too! I want an acoustic one.You're lucky! My brother could also teach me to play guitar but he lives in a different town nowadays. :indiff: But, getting back to the school thing, i'm just interested, how many hours of school do you have per week?:p

  8. people can be so annoying when they spoil everything! :supersad: Oh and I play piano and i'm trying to learn to play guitar, I really suck at it! :p But piano is my "main instrument". I've been playing piano for about 4 and a half years. At first I wasn't so keen on it, but then I started with my current teacher, and now i love playing! :) Do you play any instruments?

  9. Well for me friday is probably the worst. OR wednesday. On wednesday (from 8am to 3pm) we have health education, math, two hours of PE, finnish, swedish (:vomit::LOL:) and last we have music. I do like music but it's not that fun with the whole class because the boys are so loud and they just fool around with the instruments :noey: Monday is probably the best because it's so easy: 3 hours of home economics, two hours of visual arts and one hour of math. Thursday is good too but only because i have optional music then :awesome: There are only 6 of us in optional music.

  10. It was fun! I'm totally going to try swimming with tantta next summer! Ugh... I don't want to go to school today :| We have physics, geography, history and two hours of finnish :noey:

  11. I have tried swimming with Limppu when we still had her. She didn't really like it :LOL: The lake wasn't so deep so she just kind of walked in the water. I sometimes got her to even to swim a little bit, but she just headed to land as fast as she could :LOL: I haven't really been able to ride on a beach either. I've always swam with Limppu in a regular lake.

  12. I hate sleeping when its hot too! My room is probably the hottest room in our house. The last time I went swimming was in P.E in school last autumn. I hate that the pools are always so dirty. I wa at a waterpark last summer, and got a rash from the pool! :eek: -.- aargh, I hate mosquitoes too! Btw have you ever tried swimming with a horse?

  13. My back doesn't usually hurt (luckily) But the muscles in my back do axche sometimes when i come from the stable. Well if you can't stand above 15c, going to the sauna would probably be a nightmare for you :LOL: But I do get how you feel. It's horrible when it's like 20c and you have to go riding :noey: I'm always sweating after 15 minutes :LOL: I'm still kind of hoping that we will have a warm summer though. It's nice because I can go to my friends summer cottage and just swim all day. :happy:


    ^I just posted that message as a visitor meassage for myself... TWICE :facepalm:

  14. Well it mostly affects my posture. It can be a curve in the spine but your spine can also grow awry. I guess it just came when I grew up. My cousin has scoliosis too so i guess I'm kind of born with it :) You are a Twin?(Muse reference :awesome:!) Nice! Wow! Did your head hurt when you were upside down? My head starts to hurt whenever I'm upside down. We have a lot of snow here, I love it! :awesome: And it's getting colder too! Right now it's -12 degrees (celsius) outside. Usually at this time of the year it's more like -25 but this winter has been really warm!

  15. Yeah, maybe I'll find something good to drink. If I don't, I'll just eat some berries from the freezer :LOL: You need to get someone to massage your shoulders:D My shoulders ache often. Maybe I should use a backpack for school instead of a shoulder bag.. And i do have scoliosis so maybe that would help. But I was wondering, do you have snow now ? I remember asking you earlier but you didn't have it then.

  16. It was just flat work, but because one of the riding school's horses was a bit sick, I had to ride Tantta. She was a bit wild :LOL: It was quite a struggle to get to calm dwon afte canter. Ugh I feel like i'm getting ill, but I don't have fever so I guess I'll have to go to school tomorrrow. Unless... :shifty:




    :LOL: I think I'm going.

  17. You must have had fun :happy: I haven't ridden Tantta since last sunday :eek: My mom is now on a weekend camp at the stable that Tantta is in. I'll go on a lesson there tomoropw and I'll be riding one of the riding school's horses, should be interesting since i've only been riding Tantta since october and before that I only mostly rode Limppu for about 2 years :chuckle:

  18. I've fallen from a buck too! :D I hate it, when they don't listen! It's annoying when you get frustrated but you still have to keep calm and just ride the horse as good as you can. But it sure is :awesome: when a little "slower" horses get a fast day! Limppu was really slow, but when she had one those faster days.... I sometimes fell off on those days! :LOL:

  19. Wow! That's :awesome:! She is really annoying to ride when she is hyper :-D she just tends to run around and not really listen to me when she has one of those days :LOL: I'm lucky she doesn't buck or do anything stupid like that. She just goes really fast! :)

  20. I've been to a few lessons, and Tantta has calmed down a little bit. But she was vaccinated yesterday so we can't really ride her for a few days (She should not sweat). Damn, she is gonna be crazy :D By the way, I'm watching Conan, and Andy (Richter) was talking about something (I wasn't really listening) and all of a sudden he said Stockholm Syndrome and I freaked out :D:awesome:

  21. How are you and Win doing? Have you made any progress? :--)

  22. Hihii :)))) oot ihana ja sopivasti lihava!Se rimmaa :awesome: Yöllä on hauskaa :D ja tulee kivoja kuvia :D BULL :DDDD Reidet... Takareidet :D ja kynnet meni pilalle, tai ainaki se yks miun EPIC FAIL :supersad:

  23. Ah okey! Thanks :))

  24. I have flocccinaucinihilipilification written on huge letters on my english notebook.What was that interview's name again? I forgot :p My best friend gets some of my musey things, they are his favourite band now, she's liked them for a long time, but now they got to the top on her list :dance:

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