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Everything posted by knightofcydonia

  1. Aww you must be so happy to be on winter break :happy:.

    :awesome:CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance::D:happy: I am so happy for you!!! That's awesome!!! Wow, amazing news!! Good for you :happy:


    All of them have been going pretty well, thankfully. I don't know when it happened, but I was pretty happy when I noticed it (even if it was, well, defacing school property :chuckle:). Bio was good too, overall! There were a few questions I had to make an educated guess on but it was good. And our teacher made everyone cookies for when we were done! Math was yesterday, and that was way easier than the midterms.

    I've got just one more, physics, on Monday! Then freedom! Yeah I guess it makes sense teachers would want to do that. I'm so glad you're done for now though! That sounds like a lot of fun :awesome:. So you ski? Or do you snowboard?


    :LOL: That's pretty funny! Yeah the specifically St. Louis stuff happens later in the episode. I've seen 3 or 4, still really enjoying them!


    I know! Me too! They're almost closer to 40 than to 30 :eek:


    I'm sure the money won't go to waste.


    I see! Do you know which ones you're doing yet? I'm glad :happy:. :D I bet you are, I'm really happy for you too!! You should feel really proud! No problem :happy: I knew you could do it!


    Awesome! :stunned: 4 yards? Wow... 4... wow! Good for them :yesey:. They've really got a chance! And it seems they've got a lot of momentum right now, which is really important.


    And did you know about this? http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kate-hudsons-fiance-matt-bellamy-wears-a-plastic-bag-over-head-2011212 Oh Matt...


    Have you seen the movie "Network"?

  2. If there was one near you would you try to go?



    Yeah I really think it's going to be Shane. They better not kill off Daryl or Glenn! I really can't see them doing the though; the Merle/Daryl thing is just getting started, and Glenn... well they won't kill him off.



    I thought it was amazingly well done. Very dark and depressing, but I enjoyed it, it that's the right word to use. Really gets you thinking about human nature... actually I wonder if that's the point of the show, especially given the name "Black Mirror"

    I watched episode two as well. All the different episodes must be short stories that are unrelated, because this didn't have anything to do with the first episode. I think they are all just meant to be thought-provoking!


    :LOL: Indeed!


    I should check that out! Haven't yet :eek:

  3. Yeah I see what you mean, I can definitely see them doing that. I think a lot of people would want to see it as well.


    I'm glad! You haven't been to one of the events yet right?


    :eek: Yes, yes I think so. I didn't know that he said that! Interesting :shifty:...


    I watched part 1 so far and I loved it! I'll watch the rest of the episode tonight - right now I'm just taking a quick break from studying.


    George Takei is awesome :awesome::LOL:

  4. Yes that'll be very interesting! They would air it, right? I mean they might not. Yeah probably.


    :chuckle: Ahh well you know a whole lot more about UFC! And anyways football is kinda my limit when it comes to sports. Hockey too I guess. Ask me anything about other sports and I don't know anything :p


    Yes I think so!


    Yes :eek:. It would be a great season finale! And his mental state is going to have 6 episodes or so to degrade, and I think that would be the right amount of time. So I think it'll be this season...


    Dark and disturbing? I actually LOVE dark and disturbing :shifty:. I'll definitely watch it, thanks for letting me know about it! I'm glad it's a new show so there's not a lot of catching up, which is what I seem to be doing a lot of these days :chuckle:

  5. I think my Chem exam went really well! I'm happy with how it went! Also - and I noticed this after I sat down - someone had written MUSE on the desk I wrote the exam on, so I think that was a good sign :LOL:. At least it put me in a good mood for writing the exam! English was on Friday, and it went okay. I'm sure I'll pass :p. Next is Bio on Wednesday, which should be okay too.

    In terms of break, really it's been a weird combination of both hard work and complete relaxation. In the days before an exam it's all intense studying and not leaving my room the entire day, and then after the exam, just totally chilling and reading comics and graphic novels, etc :awesome:. How's your last bit of school going?


    :LOL: Okay! I look forward to hearing about it! Yeah I really like it! I think it's so cool it's filmed in Vancouver. So far the house and the hostel are what I've recognized, but I'm sure I'll recognize more in more episodes. Yeah that makes sense - they're certainly not Vancouver


    :LOL: I think he's 34 now...


    :(:(:( Aww no! I'm sorry to hear that! Mmm I see what you're saying about the money you would've spent on him. Maybe in the long run it'll be better then


    Two more in the rest of the school year, then? I understand that you'd feel that way; it's a pretty special part of your high school experience, I'm guessing. It's how I felt about the orchestras I was in and concerts as well. :awesome: Oh wow I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU! :dance: That's so cool! Aww man! Good luck! Not that you'll need it though :happy:


    Ahh I see what you're saying.


    New rules, those'll be interesting to find out! Okay, I get it now. I really really hope it works out for the Jets.


    http://board.muse.mu/advent.php is where it's at if you're interested. Some of them I don't really get, but I did really like number 3 :LOL: - just, oh Matt! 5 and 7 too

  6. I really hope you get that email!

    Yeah with the cannon? :( I'm really glad no one was hurt.


    Yeah :awesome: I'm glad it got so many people watching! But I don't think it's anywhere near the Super Bowl, for example. Something like 111 million once, I think :eek:. Almost four times the population of Canada...

    Yes they really should :LOL: I'm sure there have been some worthy ones recently!


    :happy: No problem!


    I won't say unless you want me to :p


    Ahh yeah I see what you mean, he certainly is that kind of villain!



    In the comic, Shane was going crazy over seeing Lori and Rick together because he wanted her so much. So he ran into the woods, and Rick followed, and then he held Rick to gunpoint and it was pretty clear he was insane. Carl had followed them too, and when he saw Shane almost shoot Rick, he shot Shane in the neck ("DON'T HURT MY DADDY!" or something like that). So I'm thinking that this is also the kind of end that Shane will face in the TV show, considering that now Carl has learnt how to shoot/has a gun, and Shane is getting increasingly more mentally unstable (in my opinion). Also in the comic Shane's death comes back into the story later in an important way, which they would also want to fit into the show.

    I do think that it won't happen for a while, because Shane is a great villain for the moment, as you said.


  7. I know you're busy, there's nothing you can do about that! Don't worry, and no apologies :happy:. I hope you're okay otherwise! Thanks, everything is going pretty well! I'm actually off school now, just have final exams these days. First one is Thursday, which is Chemistry :shifty:


    By the way, I watched the Criminal Minds episode! I saw the Arch, which was so cool :LOL:. Did you recognize anywhere else by any chance?

    I also watched a few episodes of Psych, and I love it! I'm going to watch more episodes. I can definitely tell it was filmed in Vancouver :chuckle:. For one thing, I don't know if you remember but in the very first episode, there's that huge yellow/orange house that the really wealthy people, the McCallum family I think, had? Well I pass by that house sometimes and always think of how big it is :LOL:. I think it's called Casa Mia. Also the outside of the police department is actually a hostel near a beach called Jericho Beach :awesome:

    The bird's eye views of "Vancouver" though are not of Vancouver; they must be the actual city Psych's based in.


    Last thing: Happy birthday to DOM!!! :awesome::LOL::party::happy::dom:

  8. When do you find out about the wait list tickets? Do you know?


    This year's, the one I was at :happy:. About 5 million watched the whole thing from start to finish I think.

    No problem! I laugh everytime I see it :LOL:. Yes, that part was funny! I think number 2 was the worst. Apparently she did it for comedy, but... :facepalm:


    :awesome: Good! And best of luck!!!


    If it goes with the comics, then I know who the father is.


    Yeah, February 12, is it?

    It seems like they've changed quite a bit so far. So I almost really don't know what to expect when it comes to a lot of storylines!

    For one thing, Sophia never went missing in the first place in the comic. I hope Merle comes back too. But man was he awful!


    (don't read unless you've read volume 1. Shane-related)

    Shane should be dead by now. Carl should have killed him by now. Well, one thing is that in the comic Carl had learnt how to shoot a gun before he killed Shane, so since Carl only just learnt how to, I can see him killing Shane still in the near future. Especially since Shane's getting more and more violent/out of control, people are growing more suspicious of him (i.e. Dale), and I really can't see him sticking around the group for much longer. Hmmm :shifty:


    Less than a month! :awesome::dance:

  9. :LOL:. Well I'd be really flustered and red (I blush sooo easily) and be like "OH MY I am such a huge fan you guys are awesome thank you for an awesome show I mean you guys are so cool and -" I'd just repeat myself and I wouldn't be able to stop talking :facepalm:


    :p Ahh, I see :chuckle:


    I know this'll sound really small, but about 11 million people in Canada watched the Grey Cup at some point in the game... a third of the entire population :chuckle:

    By the way, can't remember if I showed you this but:

    The good stuff starts at about 1:18


    DO IT :awesome:. You have to! If you don't you'll regret not trying!


    Yes :awesome: I finished it today! (Well... yesterday, considering it's past 2 in the morning... anyways :p)

    What an ending... jeez. Also...


    Rick or Shane's baby?


    Aww we've got to wait until February...

    Looks like the next half of the season is more action-packed!

    Do you know what's going to happen next according to the comic or is it all a surprise for you? :D

  10. Yes me too :happy:. No I don't! But I will definitely check it out! Sounds awesome :LOL:

    :D Hoping for the same next year too!

    Yeah for Canada, that's a lot of people!


    :awesome: That's awesome! It really sounds like you've got an amazing theatre company (I don't know what you call it; in our high school our group was called Theatre Company) at your school, and I'm sure you're proud to be a part of it! :LOL: Sounds interesting!


    Hmm I see. Your second string wouldn't be good enough yet to take his place then? I wonder too. Well actually he was in the NFL before he came to the Lions, but for years he was kept on the sidelines or on the practice roster and he considered giving up football. He's not that young - 27 or 28 I think. Salaries in the NHL are as well

    Aww to lose someone who does both positions well is really harsh! Yeah it is sad...

    :happy: I'm sure he has!


    I see... I really hope they can do it! Ohhh so NFL is like MLB in which there are wildcard spots you can get? So the winners of each division go on and then the wildcard teams go on as well?


    I thought it was amazing too! No problem :happy:


    By the way, have you been checking the Advent Calendar? :chuckle:

  11. Yeah! And there were no riots this time. The city really benefited overall :happy:

    Well, we are both really happy :LOL:.

    The average viewing number was 4.6 million people (fourth-most watched ever), and overall about 11 million people watched it. I know that'll seem small to you but 11 million is about 1 in 3 Canadians :chuckle:


    Cool! I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much :happy:. :LOL: You didn't mention that, but that is REALLY cool! He's an amazing actor :awesome:


    I hope so too :happy:. Ohhh, really now :shifty::LOL:. I think a fair number, not a lot, try. Very few actually get a starting position though. There's the thing... you could be a star quarterback like Lulay, make about $100,000, and then move to the NFL where you'd probably be a third-string and make $700,000 a year.

    Aww that's too bad when you lose kick returners, in any way :(. If I remember correctly, the first play of the first game played by CFL teams this year was a run in for a touchdown! Or one of the very first games. :chuckle: I think so. Yeah :( I feel really bad for him. The same thing happened to another Winnipeg player, receiver Milt Stegall, who set the record for most career touchdowns (137 or something) but he never won either. Another really classy guy too, and he was Geroy Simon's mentor! There's always a losing side...

    I am so happy for him! :awesome: What a way to win your first World Series Championship! :happy:


    Really! So they definitely have to win their next 5 games, or do they still have a chance if they lose one? I really hope they can!!


    I hope you like it too, if you haven't watched it yet!


    :chuckle: Exactly!


    We watched this in bio class today, pretty cool!



  12. I would DEFINITELY make a fool of myself! :LOL:


    Oh, I guess I was confusing :$ I meant I like not having to wait but for some reason I like waiting for them more! Maybe because of the extra suspense and the fact that know one else knows what the episode will be about either


    I guess I'm not that surprised :chuckle: the Canadian Football League isn't really watched in the States.

    Oh you saw we won! YEAH :dance::awesome::happy: thanks! I'm still really happy about it :LOL: it was so amazing to be there!!!

    Yeah :LOL: there were over 54,000 people at the game and most of them of course were Lions fans, so it was crazy and LOUD

    :chuckle: I couldn't resist!

  13. Yes I am :LOL: still!

    It is amazing! Such a great feeling, it really felt like all of Canada was there and watching :LOL:. Yeah it's crazy how that happened, and awesome! :happy:


    Nice :happy:. Is that the comedy with Einstein and Picasso you're talking about? I'm glad you enjoyed it! It really sounds like a great past few days for you :happy:. That's really cool!


    Yes, he's definitely got an amazing future in the CFL! Assuming he stays and doesn't try to go to the NFL that is, but he's said he loves it here so he really wants to stay. I am very happy about this for sure! Well I'm glad you're happy now too :LOL:

    :yesey:. I'm really lucky to have gone. He was so close to breaking almost every return, but didn't this game. He was on the Lions from 2005 to 2009; his name's Buck Pierce so people used to say "a Buck is worth four quarters!". We traded him because he couldn't stay healthy. I have to say that yes I did feel bad for Winnipeg, as happy I am about the Lions. Specifically because there's a player on Winnipeg, Doug Brown, who's an amazing player and person, really respected, and is retiring this year. Unfortunately, since pretty much his whole career's been with Winnipeg and they are the team who's gone the longest without a Grey Cup (over 20 years), he's never won the Cup :(. I really feel bad for him, because that's every football player's dream and he especially deserved it.

    Yeah :awesome: go Cardinals and Lions!!!!


    That's great! Wow four touchdowns, that's really awesome! So close yet so far away :(


    :awesome: Thanks, I'll check it out soon! I'll let you know when I've watched it :chuckle:


    Yeah it is. See that's so strange to me :LOL:


    :dance: Hopefully you will get more and more soon!

  14. Thanks!!! YES WE WON! 34 - 23!!! I cannot explain how happy I am right now :LOL: it was just awesome... WOW :happy:

    Yeah everyone was honking their car horns, it was all over the radio, a lot of buildings all have orange lights up right now :LOL:. Thanks! YES THE GREY CUP! It couldn't have been more perfect, really. To be at the Grey Cup at home is one thing... to have your home team in it is another... and to win it as well is just UNBELIEVABLE. AHH! :LOL:


    That's awesome :happy:. I'm really glad you got to spend Thanksgiving with them! How many times have you been to New York? Aww you're welcome! :happy:


    Yeah congratulations to them! Lulay also won MVP for the game today! People are calling it the greatest turnaround in CFL history. No 0 - 5 team has ever won the Grey Cup before.

    :happy: Thanks! Yeah it was completely sold out. Just looking around that first moment you enter... the seats were packed to the very back of the stadium. And it was LOUD whenever Winnipeg had the ball! It was really nice too seeing fans from every team in the CFL there, all watching the same game. And knowing that it's the most watched sports game in Canada every year, that was so cool! Aww man the first play even, THE FIRST PLAY, our kickoff returner almost returned it all the way for a touchdown, he was so close to not being tackled! And we were 31 - 9 at one point. It was such a good game. Winnipeg never quit fighting, I really applaud them and their quarterback (he used to be a Lion, too! He's a great person) and eventually pulled it to 31 - 23! But they just ran out of time, and so all we needed was a field goal near the end to put them out of reach of winning. So yeah final score was 34 - 23. It was so cool seeing the Trophy Presentation, with Royal Canadian Mounties bringing in the Cup :LOL:

    Hey, congrats to both the Cardinals and the Lions! Both won their respective championships in 2006 AND 2011 :dance:


    I hope you can watch it soon then! Do you know what the name of the episode is? I'd really like to watch it too! It would be cool to see St. Louis :awesome:. Yeah I'm sure they'll put in a shot of the Arch!


    Yeah that's right! I guess we have to be very inclusive of our French-Canadian side. To be honest I can't imagine thinking of a cheque as a check :LOL:. We also write things like centre, do you write center?


    Very close to snowing for you guys :awesome:


    :LOL: It's just weird how all of a sudden I love it. Maybe because I've found enough time to be singing it out loud and air-drumming it when I'm alone at home :shifty:...


    Whoa I didn't realize that! Yeah you would've known a lot of the players, and with the announcers talking about them too... that's so cool :awesome:

  15. AHHH! I'm off to the Grey Cup now!!!! :dance::awesome::eek::happy:

    Talk to you tonight, hopefully!! And hopefully I'll be in a good mood :LOL:

  16. And the bloopers too :awesome:


    That's true, I think it would be. So cool! :happy:. I think I would be at a loss for words though and completely embarrass myself in my chance to talk to them :LOL:


    No worries!

    :LOL: I see what you mean.


    Aww the final season? Well I hope you are able to catch up entirely before the fifth season starts! As much as it's nice not having to wait for new episodes, I do think I prefer watching the new episodes as they come.


    You might know that the CFL Grey Cup Final is tomorrow :awesome: I'm so excited! I've got a ticket and the BC Lions are playing :dance:

  17. Welcome back! Aww no :chuckle:. Are you back in St. Louis now? How was your Thanksgiving? Don't worry about it at all! As you know I'm always happy to talk to you :happy:. I missed you too!


    :awesome: Lulay won the Most Outstanding Player Award over Calvillo, and our kicker got Most Outstanding Special Teams Player! The last time the Lions were in the Grey Cup was 2006, which they won. (Maybe I didn't! :chuckle:). Yes it was really moving. :happy: It makes me happy too! It was, and I think it became a franchise record for longest rushing touchdown in a playoff game too!

    I am UNEXPLAINABLY excited! :LOL: SOO excited! Thank you!!! I really believe this is the year! And Winnipeg will have a sold-out BC Place Stadium to deal with :D aww man I am so looking forward to this!


    Cool, I wonder where from!

    :chuckle: Criminal Minds is my high school physics teacher's favourite show. I want to watch that episode!


    Yep, we write "colour"! And we also write "honour", "favourite", "savour" etc. We write "cheque" - for you it's "check", right? As in money-related


    :awesome: I hope you do! That would be exciting :happy:. Yes that's how I'm looking at it right now


    :LOL: I really have no idea. No clue!


    Aww :(. It sounds like they put in a lot of effort though! Lots of touchdowns! I'm glad it was on TV for you to watch, and wow really big to be on TV :awesome:

  18. I've heard a few by Asking Alexandria, some good songs but mostly I'm neutral. Hollywood Undead... I do actually like Young (I play it on Rock Band :chuckle:) but not their other songs.


    :awesome: They are! Oh that's cool :happy:


    I wonder what their though process was in making the film. Oh, let's turn the dad into a horse, but now he's just some glue :LOL: I love it!


    I hope you find out soon! Ahh that's a plan :chuckle:. Meeting them would be... would be... unexplainably awesome :yesey:


    Thanks! :awesome: I am very interested!

    Just to be on set and around everyone else, in a Star Trek uniform, and, well, to be able to say I was in the movie... that's more than enough for me!

    Ahh well, I did see the movie and the questions shouldn't be too bad. Of course there's always the internet.


    ... aww I just did the questions and it's only open to US residents :(


    How many seasons are there? There are so many shows/movies I'm looking forward to, it feels like

  19. That's okay! No rush :happy:. I hope you're having a great time in New York!!! :awesome:

    Happy early Thanksgiving, too! :happy:

  20. What are the other bands that you're going to see, that you don't like?


    I still think Letter From a Thief is my favourite (I'm playing it a whole lot :LOL:), but of the ones you gave me I'd say The Clincher. Or Humanoid!

    Another of song I'm loving is Well Enough Alone :awesome:


    Yeah :p

    They have to! A follow up to that film :LOL:


    Aww :(. I really hope you can get a ticket! I'll be crossing my fingers! Thanks, yeah I'm glad we did too.

    That would be great :eek:. I'm sure it won't be their last, as well :happy:

  21. YES! :awesome::dance::D:party: Thanks!!! I'm so happy right now! AHH! Can't wait for the Grey Cup... I can't wait :eek:. Ahh well this game... it was a really meaningful in that one of the Lions trainers who has been with the Lions for decades just lost his son Dylan (he was my age!) in a car accident last week, so the game was dedicated to him. When Geroy Simon got his touchdown, the first of the game, he gave the ball straight to the trainer, who wrote Dylan on it... It was really touching. In terms of the rest of the game, oh my we played well! We won 40-23, as you probably saw (by the way, so cool you looked up the game :happy:). At one point we scored two touchdowns in under three minutes to make it 20-3 and the game really went downhill from there for Edmonton. Lulay was amazing, 20-27 passes and even ran a 61-yard touchdown! It was such an exciting game!

    Winnipeg won the Eastern Final today too. THEY ARE GOING DOWN NEXT WEEK :fear::LOL:


    I wonder if there was a Canadian in your class by any chance :chuckle:

    They're good books. I'm glad too! It was a while ago, so I don't really remember... I think a chapter or two. Oh, no problem :D


    :( Really. No one likes to lose :(

    Yes! It is quite interesting! An example of those differences we're talking about between the Canadian and American language

    Like how you say "favorite" but I say "favourite"... I bet we could find lots of examples :chuckle:


    Yeah that's a good way to put it! And now all the snow is all gone, I wish it would come back! Ahh well, it's the only term of English I have to take... I heard people were late too but no one came after me


    :happy: Thanks again! I'm so lucky I get to watch the Lions play the Grey Cup at home next week! One week...


    That's for sure!

    This is really random, but I've found myself listening to a lot of Guiding Light recently :chuckle:

  22. I know :eek:. But there will always be someone...


    :awesome: Have fun! It'll be worth it :D


    I really liked all of them! :awesome:


    Yeah... just wow :facepalm:. It's almost like a guilty pleasure, watching it, for me. They just go all out!

    :LOL: WOW that's random!


    You're welcome :happy:. Not many people seem to know about it! Awesome that it debuts in your city, cool! I hope you can get tickets! Yeah they're pretty expensive, but it'll be a great night.

    Yes I bought my ticket! I'm going with two friends, and we're all huge physics/science nerds so we're so psyched about it :LOL:. Considering Jamie and Adam have never done a show in Vancouver before, so probably won't be back anytime soon, I couldn't pass the opportunity!

    I love Mythbusters so much :LOL:

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