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Status Updates posted by HeavenlyAlchemy

  1. Hey S,


    I'm great thanks! Now at least. I had a bit of struggle the past two weeks (maybe a little longer *laugh*). Wow, you're moving out? A new job? Many many changes going on there. Yeah lots going on here too. Soooooo relating to you. When I saw the Muse T-shirt contest I thought of you. :) yeah, how is the class going? Are you still doing cards and all?


    Hey Sally, sorry about that, you were innocently playing, and you know I love to play, usually. I just have this thing about protecting people, no matter what. And in kidding when it gets to picking on someone (though that isn't what you were doing at all, I think I had seen a bit too much of the bashing from others) I go into logical mode, joke mode or protective warrior mode (If I haven't worked out enough to get all my excessive energy out). Haha I see where you are coming from and hear you completely. Not knowing Matt or Kate I don't know what is right or wrong for either of them. Any thoughts of mine on the two of them would be based on public image, gossip (and if anyone has seen the movie "Gossip" it can turn out very badly) and projection of self which really would be a skewed view of things in my mind.


    Yep, the tickets just arrived in the mail, it's hard to believe so much time has gone by, it seemed forever away. How much has changed, yet stayed the same. Are you excited?


    Aww, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Take it easy, a bit of honey/lemon tea works wonders on a soar throat. Ginger for the stomach is nice too.


    things are good, I've been a bit relaxed this summer and have worked on things here and there.


    Asta pasta,



  2. Hey you! :D


    I hear you about being able to spend more time here. It's a lovely place to be! So many amazing people, interesting ideas and conversations.


    And about you, what's been going on in your world? Lately things have been a bit interesting, but nothing really notable to share! Sadly. :D Awww *blush*..why thank you for what you said about the way I write. Gosh, more flattery...if I'm not careful my head may start expanding and I may start floating to the stratosphere. Though I'm sure without that I'm full enough of hot air for that already. ;P I write a bit, though mostly to friends and such. I used to mess about a bit, but everything put down is from the heart of that moment and now when ever thought imprints paper or screen it is for interaction. Which is all the better in my mind. What do you think?


    By the way, the way you bring emotions out and connection in your writing is enjoyed here! You truly are adorable!


    Just thought about it...maybe that's what was up with the head of the Red Queen in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. ;P Teehee No big heads here, though honest flattery is always enjoyed, and a good piss take too if needed...or a slap back to reality works well too. haha.


    I completely hear you! So what did you end up doing during your vacation? I'm guessing you are in school, am i right? How are your first days back? BTW, if you were able to do what ever on vacation what would you do? (And it isn't limited to one thing...what would your perfect vacation be?) :)


    P.S. No worries! But thank you for saying that, I am sorry too it took so long for my response. Oh what sort of job are you looking for? Have you found one?


    Ahhh, it's been a pleasure meeting you as well. :) Glad to know your lovely being!

  3. *Teehee* I can so so so relate, I can't tell you how many times I've done that! I'm great thanks! How are you? I'm guessing you are on your adventure at the moment. Enjoy! Woooooo! Looking forward to the stories! :D

  4. Hey S!


    Sorry about yesterday...please forgive?



  5. Hey S!


    I'm great! Projects are going (off and on) *grin* It is summer so kind of enjoying as well!


    I know the time has just flown hasn't it? telemedia sounds wonderful! Just seems a perfect fit for you! glad you are continuing with t-shirt design and the greeting cards, they seem great ways to create! If you get a site up send a link.


    Ohhhh! Niiiiccceeee! do tell! You fancy him, st least a smidge, always helps! ;)


    Oh yeah! The pub or that place with the jukebox sound great, I'm in, I've heard both places are pretty decent. Muse or no Muse it'll be a good time. Awww, sorry but I don't hate on Kate or anyone else really. There is enough hate in the world. Let's spread some love!. :) it seems that they enjoy each other and enjoyment is to be appreciated where ever it is found. We can agree to disagree on this though. :D


    Missed ya! glad to see you back!



  6. Tee hee! I do that allll the time! So completely understandable! :D Sometimes I think I respond and think the other person is off enjoying then check and see that I haven't responded at all, or my response has been too long and I thought it sent and move on not paying attention to the message from Doris letting me know that I have to cut my wordiness to fit within the limit!


    Yes! Traveling! Have a wonderful time! Sounds absolutely lovely, enjoy to the fullest, and I'm looking forward to amazing stories! :D

  7. *grin* Ah! Flattery Flattery....what to do??!! ;) *laugh* You are quite clever, and such a pleasure to see when logged in. *grin*


    It's been awhile...hmmm..which enjoyable evening should be shared? Or best to keep guesses of enjoyment to the imagination? *tee hee* The little devil in me keeps to the imagination...but in all truth I've forgotten! Though last night I watched a show of stardust sprinkling night sky with magic. Stunning!


    Vacation! Always a love! How have you enjoyed your vacation? Adventures abound? Sipping tropical drinks on a beach? Exploring trails just found? A combination of the above? In anything vacation is always to be enjoyed! Still vacationing?


    Oh! Formalities forgotten in the joy of new friendship! :D Hello lovely new friend, I'm Tonya and you are?

  8. Flattery will get you everywhere! :D So thank you, and the same to you! Always a blast to have new interesting friends.


    Ahh...this fine day has created a truly enjoyable evening! And with you. how are things in your lovely part of the world?

  9. Hello there new friend! *grin*

  10. Hello there new friend! :) I know right! :chuckle: Either that or they could have planned it that way all the time to get a chuckle. I bet they have a street cam right at that spot to catch people's reactions...those that notice things like that. they sit in front of the viewer at that time of day with refreshments and get a good laugh. :LOL: Every time I need a laugh I look at that photo!

  11. Whoops! I really need to be checked for ADHD I missed your message! D'oh! No doubt, Julies gathering sounded like a blast...in more ways than one! :D


    Really fireworks are illegal there? They are here as well, though they have lifted some restrictions. Have you had a good weekend?

  12. Hello new friend to you too. *grin*


    Now, a compilation of the thread in a story post would be absolute! Bril thought there. Just reading sections has me in tears...in the best way possible!

  13. Wheew! Thanks for understanding. :) But still it's no excuse for me to do that. I have to pay better attention. Cause I've enjoyed what you have to say. And I'd hate to miss out on meeting a great person!

  14. Pretty much the same, there is much to be said for low key. :) And as much to be said for a gathering too I guess.:D

  15. Hey!


    Just responding from the add 3 words thread. Yes! *laugh* That's why I love the thread. It's hilarious!

    Nice to meet you by the way! *grin*

  16. Hi! I feel so bad that I didn't see your response on juju's thread last time I was there! I don't know how that slipped by. I feel like such a goofo...which I am but still. That was completely unintentional! Please forgive.


    It's nice to meet you by the way.

  17. *laugh*! No worries! And no rush, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond this time. How was your holiday?

  18. Thanks for understanding! And your being OK with long posts & messages. Aww, thank you! *blush* You seem to be one of them yourself!

  19. Hey you!!! *big hug and smile*


    Yesssss! So far summer is great! Though Disney and Universal would make things complete! Sweet! What sort of things do you guys like to do? Disney and Universal are right next to each other and I think they have a discount for purchasing tickets to both. There is a Disney concourse/shopping area that I think is called Downtown Disney...it's free and they usually have bands and entertainers doing shows there. You guys are going to have a blast! How long will you be there?

  20. Hey!


    Sorry it's taking a bit to respond. I will I promise! I seem to have taken on juggling 20 things at the moment when 10 or 12 would have worked perfectly.


    Really appreciated your well thought out response and want to give it the proper time..


    There are so many great people on here, Julie is one of the best!

  21. No Worries! There was a lot written in that post. Sometimes I can ramble on a bit!


    Yep we'll keep the boat a-floating. It looks like there are a few that do. Good thing.

  22. Hey S!


    Wow! World Cup, a wild ride, yeah! :)


    Things are fantabulous, thanks for asking! How about with you? I sadly have not touched a blog in the longest time, or any of the social media places! I have been sooooo lazy on-line! A lot going on otherwise. I guess not so much lazy as busy...at least that's what I would like to think. :) Sounds the same there. I've moved forward on one of the projects, and started a class too, and a couple of other little things. Aww, there will be other things for you to get excited about after the World Cup S! :)


    Oh, Knight & Day! How was it? A good way to spend a few hours and agree about Uprising 100%.


    See you!


  23. Hey you!! Long time no see! :)


    Enjoying life! How about you? What's been going on in your world?

  24. Hey you!


    I thought I responded to your last message...but I didn't. Sorry! How are the early mornings going? How did your parents enjoy Spain? Hopefully things went smoothly watching the younger sibs, that can be a fun experience. :D


    How's your summer going?

  25. So glad to hear you had a blast! Patterns & skull Tees FTW! Have to love birthday prezzies!


    Haha! Humidity, have to love what it does to the skin though!! What's been going on in your world?


    Yesssss! Zelda! Ha, my fave evah!

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