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Everything posted by VictoriousRepercussions

  1. That sounds like a more than a fair trade. :chuckle:

  2. Not too much, American person. Doing some science I never got around to yesterday. :chuckle:

  3. Hey there Canada hater, how goes it?

  4. Oh right and sleep tight Creeper McSexy Pants

    ;) Have some super creepy dreams :kiss: I know I will.

  5. Ooooo Have fun! I hope to have purchased GA to Anaheim by the time I am next talking to you :happy:


    Yes, glorious is soooo underrated. So sick!

  6. I am so excited, and can't wait! :D


    So do you think I should just wait for ticketmaster? Or is ticketmaster presale at 10 tomorrow?

    Gah, the stress of tickets.


    Science does suck. Next year basically all my classes are history related. Philosophy, Human Geography, European History, Law, Physics (BLAH), Math (BBKJFG), and then Spanish language and culture studies.Besides Math and Physics it should be enjoyable.


    You should just tell them off, and put them in their place. :chuckle:

    At the moment I am reading a stupid book called shoeless joe for school :facepalm: along with re-reading The Stand by Stephan King and NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR! That book is so mesmerizing. I first read it when I was in grade six... and the plot and wording was so complex I actually had to read it with a dictionary by my side...:LOL: since you know it really isn't a book meant for 11 year olds. Any good books you suggest? I have read so many but I seem to get in a chain of re-reading... I need something else to add to my list of books I am obsessed with.


    My family is all British so I have no choice but to love Dr. Who. Nobody in North America seems to get it... but I just can't get enough!!!!


    That is how I felt when I first came to the school I am at now, but lucky for me, I met a few core people who are actually friggin awesome. When I had english class on Monday I got stuck with a sub who made us have seating assignments in alphabetical order. IT SUCKED. I was next to these twins who are the sluttiest girls in the school. Honestly everyone knows them for the abnormally large size of their breasts, rather than their personalities (or lack there of). :chuckle: For some reasons they joined the AP class, and they are just lost. Listening to them trying to understand the class discussions was a hoot.



  7. It is going to be a blast! Is there a password for concertmap tickets btw? I want to make sure I can get GA and am so paranoid!


    I hate bio as well but chem is the worst for me... it drives me insane! Volleyball isn't gay, it's awesome! :)


    Your friends seem like jerks sometimes hey? You should read some lunch, and just ignore the ridicule. It is such a nice was to unwind during the middle of the day. :happy:


    Oh and Dr. Who is freaking awesome!!!! Gah, I adore it so very much.


    Group projects suck! I hate them... especially when the teachers assigns who with. :facepalm: I always seem to get the stupid bimbo.



    I re-read it in a monotone voice and rofled my way through it. :LOL: It was great.




  8. Yeah, I pulled an Obama on your asses. Oh and about the profile picture, he is actually my best friend disguised as a Zombie... Even I am unsure, but just let it go. :chuckle:

  9. Yaaaaay :happy:


    So itinerary... I am dragging my mother along with me since she has friends down there. hehehehe

    I am so excited dfshkdfshjkdhjfkshjdfhjdfsjhfhjhjfhjdksfhjkdsfjhkdsfhjkdjh


    ^ sorry for the random outburst.


    How did you think you did on the test? Was it crazy hard? YAY VOLLEYBALL!!!!!! :D


    Ok so you want to know everything?


    It started off with me taking a showering and the hot water running out due to my brother and mother both showering before me and taking far too long. I had to have a freezing cold shower and that just put me in a fickle mood. I then became hungry and decided I should probably eat and made myself a bagel with devonshire cream and jelly. It was delicious and in some ways compensated for the shit rendition of a shower I endured. After that I looked outside and realized it was raining. I also realized that I was going to be late for school so I quickly put on my uniform and went out the door, sans jacket/umbrella. When I got to school 8 minutes later, I was soaking wet and late to class. I had planning class. If you don't know what planning is, it is this stupid waste of a course the province of british columbia instituted to teach us about sex and university. It's pointless and a waste of everyones time. Next block was choir, and we sang this old finnish song that this group Rajaton sang. I personally hate it because the alto line is terrible. Being an alto sucks sometimes... :facepalm: (Getting bored yet? :LOL:) I then had break and had an apple juice along with some grapes. I listened to the Gorillaz and creepily thought about how you went to the concert. After that was Spanish class. I slept. hehehehe! Now, after this was math class which consisted of me listening to music and pretending to pay attention... My math teachers voice makes me fall asleep instantaneously... I then had good old lunch break... and for some reason, was not in the mood for social interaction and decided to go read in the library. Hmph, I am not sure why that was, but it was relaxing. Last block was science and that was boring. I had rehersal for 30 minutes after school for the play I am in, then walked home and napped for 40 minutes then woke up and did some work. Now if you made it this far in reading, I salute you. NOW TELL ME YOURS IN DETAIL.


  10. Yeah, I will just force people to get to know me....... and hope for the best they don't hate me ? :chuckle:


    Anyways, How was your day sir?

  11. Well I think I might go to both! If I am down there, I might as well ya know? Except for the Staples Center, I will know ABSOLUTELY nobody... :S I guess I will probs know some from the forum by the time September rolls around but STILL hhahahaha

    this is so crazy of me, my god! XD

  12. And am I allowed to come with you????? *acts all cute and innocent*

  13. Ok so I want to get a ticket for the California concert!!!! Are you aiming for GA? Because if you aren't and then I am there.. I would by there all by myself :'( that would be sad.

    BOOOO therefore I need you.

  14. I am going to attempt to sleep now :)


    Gooooooodnight :happy: I wish you the best of dreams!

  15. Well at least it allowed you a bit more study time? That sounds like my Chem teacher. He is a nut job who wreaks of old man, smokes and cheap cologne. Mmmmmmmmmm. I cannot help but still laugh at "That's what she said" jokes TO THIS DAY. I mean I know it's old... but still so very funny.


    She is a total bitch. She feels this false sense of self-worth. Nobody at my school likes her yet she walks around like she owns the joint. There are so many Twilight fans at my school... I love to scoff at them behind their stupid little backs. My god, I am coming off as such a bitchy grouch today. SORRY! It was just one of those days where nothing seems to go your way.



    I have done both but I had way worse injuries from my Paintballing experience. Almost lost an eye.


    Am I manly now? hehehe


    Now with the knowledge that our minds are connected, this gives us further reasons to join together and rule the world. I think we need to come up with a cool cliche code name for our plans. Any ideas?


    Rush is awesome! My bass is the Geddy Lee Signature Fender Jazz... mmm it's the sexiest bass out there. Arcarde fire is awesome as well! Oooooo and who can forget our Beiber. Oh OH oh hidahoFSHGDSJKH So I was in HMV and there was a Justin Beiber poster next to the Resistance Poster... and these little girls were posing next to the JB so I run up and start humping the Muse poster and ask my friend to take a pic. thought I had to exclaim that little story. You must think I am crazy now........ Oh well, better that you know the truth.


    I want to possibly head down to USC for school... are you staying in the area? If so, BOO YEAH.

  16. Lucky bum, and I am certain you will succeed for you have my luck. It seems to work on everyone but myself... go figures. I am quite content with my new name. Long, but lovely. (hehe that is most definitely what she said)


    People's ideas of music are so berserk. I just :facepalm: and walk away nowadays. Today a bitch in my class was like "Are you listening to that Emo music you always rave about?" ... and I had a terrible day so I couldn't put up with shit and just said "Better than the shit you listen to so if I were you I would shut up" and then put in my headphones again and jammed out to Exo-Politics. I was a sass master today. I hate being grumpy, but she should not have messed with me.


    I have been shot with a paint ball gun? Erm.. Don't know if that counts. :chuckle:


    Okay... This is weirdly creepy and unbelievable. I have always always always said that Con-Science was going to be the music played when the world was coming to an end. AHHH I feel as if you're in my mind. You're like Criss Angel, but not.


    The xx live was pure epicness! If they ever come to California you have to go. They are really awesome live!!!! Yeah, I have actually been lucky enough to see tons of acts, but am greedy and must see more. Muhahahahaha


    Now this Canadian rock bands oxymoron nonsense was rude but I shall let it sleep because I am in a mood of forgiving...

    Next time I will send my army of Rancors out to tear you into little mcsexy pieces.


    Yeah, I really like our global domination plans... like a lot. :chuckle:





    grade 10 represent woo wooo

  17. Oh I thought you said you did! My test went relatively well thanks, but I think there were some minor silly mistakes. I just came back on as you sent your message. So you likeey the username? :chuckle:


    I should probably go do homework though actually.... :facepalm:

  18. Goodnight!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, and you do well on your bio exam!


    Talk to you later :)

  19. Gah, I hate crappy music.


    I hate people who have no good reasoning for hating a band. I mean I can hate on MCR and back it up but then they will come back with "Muse sucks because they sound like really hyper versions of Radiohead"... :facepalm: and I am just thinking "...No you're completely wrong and come off sounding like a moron but okay...." GRRRRRRRR. And yeah, I play bass. I love it very much so, I do. :chuckle:


    Sketchy areas can be fun as long as you're not getting shot and stuff ... :\


    We will change the world, one ipod at a time. Now we must some how get the governments on our sides... I think it is time to pull out some MK ULTRA.


    We will take over the world, basically. If people don't like it, they can face the wrath of our immense power. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAH


    I adore the xx! I saw them live and have been listening to them daily every since. You have probably already heard of some of these bands but Matt and Kim, The Mars Volta, Menomena, Portugal. The Man, Said the Whale (AWESOME LOCAL VANCOUVER BAND), Tegan and Sarah, Hollerado, Alcoholic Faith Mission and a bunch others which if you wish, I could tell you about. Are you into really really indie bands? If so, I have some awesome little bands which are just making it out on the music scene.


    Our conversations are ridiculous, but fun. I am glad I met you on these boards... writing these evil plans of global domination are really entertaining.


    I have given up on studying for my chemistry exam... I am going to hope for the best and see if my guesses do me well. :chuckle: Oh, and I am watching HAARP now.


    Um in Canada we don't have that sophomore senior junior nonsense. I am grade 10, so does that make me a junior?

    How about you? what grade are you in?

  20. Disturbing is the way to go nowadays. :p


    Well now, if they listen to MCR they should shut their mouths...:facepalm: I mean, who are they to talk? hahahahahaha Do you need me to come down there and beat them with my bass guitar? :ninja:

    I mean what? Just talk it out peacefully.


    Buses can be super sketch depending on the area and if you're in a bad one... Oh boy, are you in for a treat. Today I was on the bus going home after a super fun project I am doing for school, and this man was beside me asking me if he could borrow my flag. Now, I had this GIANT Canadian flag for this school project. The point of the project was to interview people and ask what they thought it meant to be Canadian. My friend and I went to an area known for it's loons and asked away. We could some funny responses as well as some really scary ones. For example "Being a Canadian means to be scared. Be scared folks...... I am coming after you ALLLLL" ... and then he just BOOKS it out of there on his rusty bike. :facepalm:


    Our plans are so ingenious. We should keep them hush hush so the government doesn't steal them.


    Hmmm well your intellect intimidates me so that balances out and makes us idiots? :LOL: or complete geniuses... Let's go with option B?



    The random hoohah was in correlation to the Canada video I am doing for school. I was picking out some choices for the background music. There was the xx in there though because I took a break to eat some nacho chips.



    Your reply was not lacking... Hell, look at the length of our replys. If anyone claims such replys are lacking I will beat them to the ground.


    That is the second brutal and violent comment made in this message. Maybe I am in a subconscious aggressive mood... Probably because I have a chem test on shit I don't even know due to missing almost a month of school from mono.


  21. AAHHAH OH GOD. :chuckle:


    My friends mock the hell out of me but I just make some sarcastic remark and it shuts them up generally. Going onto boards is such a great way to meet people. Music is such a big part of peoples lives that fans of the same genres in a lot of cases get along better.


    You should have seen where I was going through yesterday to get to this record store. :LOL: the bus was filled with some real crazies, who undoubtably had not showered for months.


    The answer to world peace is Hoodoo possibly? Get all the leaders together for a Muse orgy. Who needs to trick the world into believing in Zeta's when you have a cheaper more efficient option right here.


    I really am an odd ball, but a smart one you must admit! People can "wtf" all my want but I am making money so who am I to care XD


    Well I love Muse loads, and going down to California for a few days would be awesome. I may be insane but I wouldn't have it any other way. :chuckle:


    I am waiting patiently. I'll wait for a sign... that you have added me as a friend, that is. hehehe

  22. Dirty Jokes! Dirty Jokes! Bring on the dirty jokes!!!! :chuckle:


    I have a few friends who share similar ish music styles. I wish I had a few who completely felt the same why I do about bands, because that would be so epic. Are any of your friends on the forums? Or... not so much?


    In Vancouver we have this little thing called playland which is basically 1/30th the size of disney and far more ghetto. It's swell. hahahaha


    Hoodoo is like one giant massive orgasm. Nuff said. :chuckle:


    Ok so tickets come out next week? I MUST GO!!!! Now as for how I have recieved $3000...:ninja:


    Nah, just kidding. I actually got this money from purchasing some seed stock awhile back and now the company is being bought, so I put in $100 and am getting $3000 back. It is a sweet deal.


    I now have it set in my mind that I am coming, so I AM COMING. I am so excited!!!!


    PS: add me at VictoriaBellamy for last.fm

    (typical right?)

  23. Oh, well that's not disappointing or anything.... .... ... hahahaha


    It was a really epic day and luckily I dragged my friend out for the trip with me. I just love the atmosphere of record stores. So different for your local HMV or whatever hey? Like the people at the record stores actually know and care about music. You sound like quite a baller, constantly being surrounded by the finer things in life.


    Okay so I wish I lived in California so you could take me............ I am so jealous of you ahahhahah

    Why couldn't my uncle work at Disneyland :'(


    Yeah Dead Baby jokes are pretty bad... but entertaining nonetheless.


    Hoodoo makes me cry too! I don't believe you're the same... this is great. The lyrics are so awe-inspiring. One of my favourites for sure! Oh, and I am going to re-get last.fm NOW.


    Oh my god, and are they not coming up to Canada?????

    I do not know how I am going to work this out. Although next month I receive about 3000, so technically I could pay for it. omgomgoomgmogmogmogmogmo I have a lot of thinking/planning to do.

    If I go, I am going with you I hope you realize. Since none of my friends would be willing to come down.



  24. You're not god?... Well you fooled me sir.


    My day was so amazing. It started off by going to this crazy asian store filled with thousands upon thousands of band posters. I got a pink floyd "where you were here" poster along with the strokes logo to give as a gift to my friend who is an avid strokes fan. I then got lost in my own city, due to my inability to comprehend downtown public transit. After a bit of asking around I found out that the Record store I had in mind to take a visit to was a 45 minute bus ride away. I had never been to a record store other than a relatively close one, but I was looking for an adventure I guess. I get there it is is just CRAZY! There were some local bands playing inside the store, booze and weed everywhere and then ONE family with little children. :chuckle: it was a funny site, and the parents were making the kids plug their noses. When I got in the store it was pure madness. It was packed!!! The first thing I find is some Pink Floyd, then some Beatles and then I see it... the entire Resistance album on vinyl. I came pretty late in the day, so I made an assumption that the limited edition Exogenesis must have been sold out... I also forgot that the whole cover was pure black, with almost invisible writing exclaiming muse on the bottom. I pick it up... look closer, and there it is. I screamed for joy and this old man beside me is like "what have you got there" and I was like... EXOGENESIS!!!!!!!!!!! and he just stood there rather shocked at my intense enthusiasm. I then went and got some free buttons and stickers and proceeded on my way back home. On the bus, I went and showed everyone my new exogenesis on vinyl. People thought I was crazy (with good reason) and some people nodded except for one man who was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I was looking for this all fucking day! Where did you get it" I told him, and then he told me he looked there and couldn't find it. I was so lucky, because the record store I went to only received 3 copies. Sorry about that rant of my day, It just excites me so much.

    Oh yeah, and it has uprising and resistance live. Ahhhh I am in love.


    You go to disney land that often? Oh boy, now I am really jealous!


    They can't take our world over if we resist so Viva La Resistance De Muse is correct! OH SO CORRECT!


    I am glad I made you feel nauseous. :chuckle: I think I do that to a lot of people.


    I no longer use last.fm because my old computer couldn't handle such things. It slowed it down, like there was no tomorrow... Maybe I should re-get it?!


    Yeah, his interviews are rather intimidating. :ninja:


    We could just make the world suck our metaphorical dicks? That ought to bring them to their knees.



    bah beep boo bap beep ba boop



    I wanna come down so badly... It would be so epic. The concert WAS great but Jared Leto is a massive jerk.

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