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Everything posted by VictoriousRepercussions




    I hope this isn't super anti-climatic and you will be like... "Oh god, must abort mission" and just never talk to me again. If you do I will cyber smack you, and you know how much that hurts!








    HEHEHEHE 38%... this better work XD

  2. I am in two plays at the moment, but I have like no role in one of them. :chuckle:


    I have made it, and it is now being uploaded 10% uploaded as we converse. It is REALLY lame, just so you know. You better enjoy. :LOL:


    What are you up to?!

  3. My day was pretty good thanks! I just got back from rehersal, and am going to make your video now so you should feel super special because you>homework.



    How are you?!

  4. Poems...... Again


    Save me!

  5. Karma was a great person, she shall remain eternally missed and within our twisted souls. Amen.


    ANYWAHAAYSDGS.... ... .... .... You adore them? YAY :D


    Yeah, the graphics were amazing, but for me it is the story behind it that makes a movie special. Blue naked people are pretty epic though, so that was a plus about that flick.


    I grew up in a neighbourhood of boys, so basically everything little boys obsessed over, I did. I was the biggest tomboy EVER! I lived in baggy shirts, basketball shorts and converse. :LOL: the good old days. The movie looked too bad to even attempt to watch so yeah, I skipped.


    Dairy Queen oreo icecream cake is my downfall. I could eat a whole cake to myself most likely. I love pumpkin pie sooooo much.


    Yeah, I hope I don't scare you off/ make you awkwardly stare at the screen unable to comprehend what you will witnessed out of utter shock, and not in a good way. We shall see tomorrow. Muahahahaha


    Blah, I need to sleep but I have yet to finish my Cold War homework which I forgot about. :facepalm:


    Have fun reading about Ol' Harry PoPo


    Night night, don't let the dragon rape you out of spite. :happy:

  6. Karma sluts itself out on the slums of downtown.

    :chuckle: I am sorry, I am just a very metaphorical person, I guess. I will try to refrain from the constant metaphor usage though, just for you! :p


    Avatar should have won best movie... for monkeys that is. It was so simple, yet the graphics were epic. In no way am I bashing the graphic artists who designed the movie, it is just the fact the plot was severely lacking which sort of took away from it all for me. *fistpump*


    Dragonball wooo wooo! Back pain is a total bitch though. I would totally love to kick its ass at the moment.


    Sounds fun! Well the cake part that is, because I adore cake. If I didn't have a fast metabolism I would weigh about 889 pounds, and that is no hyperbole.


    Video will be up tomorrow :happy: I am going to make you a very swell one that shall be random and dorky... JUST LIKE ME :cool:


    Vhatcha up to?

  7. Oh sorry about the whole confiscation incident. :chuckle: Karma is a mega bitch, it is like it always has a metaphorical period.


    The boob came brings a lot of painful fun, which is always a plus?


    Yeah, my back got worse after I sat in my desk hunched over doing homework, but I have this old man back heat pack thing which is helping it feel better. :LOL: Back injuries are so elderly.


    I hope you had fun wherever you were until 10ish :p


    Talk to you then :happy:

  8. Math was so bad today. I have officially been late to 3 classes which means I have a 4 hour friday detention next week. :mad: The system is so stupid and annoying. I don't think I deserve a detention for being 2 minutes late to a few classes in a week. I am super pissed at the moment.


    My day has been going rather slowly. Words cannot explain the immense level of fatigue I have been dealing with all day. The only highlight of my day was my mates and I playing "boob punch". The name pretty much explains it all. You run around trying to protect your boobs while punching others. Our level of maturity is rather miniscule, but it keeps our lunches fun. :chuckle:


    My back is feeling sore, but a little better. Thanks for asking :happy:


    How are you doing?

  9. Oh man was I ever tired! :chuckle:


    Have a good day at school :)

  10. I was totally "juk lawlzing" with you silly goose!


    Yeah, It might actually be really crazy. I am so insane, honestly the internet does not even begin to show my true insanity. *twitch* It's :awesome: ... Although it might scare you :(


    Carnavas is really awesome and uber repeatable! Yeah, I am always sick... screw my lack of immune system. It's like I have aids or something. I am jealous of your health, because I am getting so tired of constantly having something wrong with my messed up body.


    The hangover was so overhyped. Funny, but not to the extent people give it credit for. I Love You, Man is so great. I have watched it so many times, and always remains super funny. Avatar was nothing special for me. Once you get past the "Ooooo pretty 3D things" facade, you are left with a Pocahontas Version 2.0 with very little respectable plot. That is just my opinion though. :chuckle: How about you? Oh and I liked the Hurt Locker but I don't think it should have won best picture.


    I probably sounded very n00bish when I posted in banter because that is how I roll. :cool:


    That site is providing a lot of entertainment! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


    Anyways, I need sleep because I feel like a piece of diluted shit.


    Goodnight Hectator :kiss:

  11. I am the most provocative dancer on the scene, of course. (slut)


    Now I am going to really have to make an effort! This shall be a fun task at hand :D :D :D :D I am going to have to impress now, because anti-climatic situations are lame. I am a queen and all, so therefore I must exceed all expectations. :chuckle:


    Andrew Bird is amazing! All I listened to throughout my exam studying period last year actually. That treated me well, because I got a stomach flu the day of exams and couldn't write them until a week later. I am always sick... FML




    Of course I air bass in public... Why wouldn't I? :chuckle: I am the epitome of all that is ridiculous.


    Animal puns are so ace, although I am failing to come up with any new ones. *puts on thinking cap*

  12. I do DANCE! Lord knows how I pull off what is known to be one of the things which requires the most grace. :facepalm:


    It's so adorable! I rofled the whole way through with joy. :chuckle: Oh, and I will make one for you very soon. Muahahaha


    Well that is awesome that he is getting to live life to the fullest! The xx and Andrew Bird... can... not...get....over....the.... level...of crazy...ass....epic...NESS!!!!...!..!.1..1.1>>>>.fsdhjkf


    Air guitaring to Hyper Music is the best! Although, I never air guitar, I air Bass. :chuckle: People always look at me funny.


    I am glad your day was good! You are such a pun-master. Teach me your ways!

  13. I am the worlds biggest klutz... It is pathetic. :chuckle:




    :LOL: :LOL: Your url would have pussy in it.


    I am so sorry about your friend, but the concert sounds so amazing! Andrew Bird + XX is one of the best possible combos!


    My day was pretty shitty but better now that I am done all my work and shit. I am feeling kind of sick though, which is rather unnerving because I can't afford illness in my life again. How was yours!?

  14. I am just a walking disaster! I was walking to school and slipped on the evil dewy grass from hell. Luckily no one saw my embarrassing fall. The doctor is making me attend physio, because my back was already suffering from minor scoliosis. :( Anyways, how are you doing?

  15. Hey :)


    Soooo math is way worse than usual today. Who knew such things were plausible. Oh and i hurt my back and have to head to the doctor afterschool! Fml

  16. How can I not have disgusting dreams when I just witnessed that ridiculous Poke-Porn?!


    I was misty for Halloween, and now it makes me feel much dirtier for choosing to be her. :chuckle:


    GOOODNIGHT HECTATOR! Have a nice sleep. :happy:


    nice = twisted

  17. They deserve a taste of their own twisted medicine. Those guys can always dish it out but never take it. Such low-life morons. Let's pop a cap in their ass.


    Yes! Laker ftw! When I was in NY I saw them play, and life was complete.


    Yeah buyawife.com has helped me through some tough times. Awwww yeeee that albino can suck my metaphorical dick.


    I AM WAITING PATIENTLY :p Waiting for a sign... of full recovery.


    Aw shucks, this proposition sounds completely DELIGHTFUL! It sort of sounds like the most orgasmic plan that I could ever imagine. :O BEST EVER


    Andrew is not embarrassing at all! Patricia is far worse. :chuckle:


    Oh yeah, and today we read one all about green rain. I honestly could not find any symbolism within it... I think the author was just completely trippin' on something, because it was effed up.


    Yeah I am quite the trooper. You are obviously the better man in this situation, I am just going to be the more over-worked man. Yeah each school has their fair share of d-bags and losers... T'is life.


    Score! I was hoping I had your approval. :LOL:


    Yeah these conversations are super lengthy, but in the most epic way possible. :D

  18. Are you kidding me? Those inconsiderate douchebags. Stuff like that makes me so mad, I can't even begin to explain it. That poor girl! Who do they think they are? I mean, they get no gain out of it. That is so ridiculously terrible.


    Oh dear. FOB? really?! My school basketball use to pump up to all that mainstream crap, and it would actually make me MAD which would help me play better. :chuckle:


    Oh right, I need to get on purchasing some fingerless gloves. A bimbo however? Already purchased. I am glad you are my cyber-defender :chuckle:


    I SHOULD follow your lead, but am in such a twisted sleeping pattern this year, I have given up. This whole year has been one massive "I give up." Isn't that great?... :facepalm:


    Okay, now you are are being crazy. If I could ever ever ever manage to be 1/10th of amazingness of Regina and Karen, I would die with joy.


    Psht, middle names are just middle names. No need for a shovel to the head here. :p


    Get ready for a rhyme.


    The cold war, what a bore.



    I am in 3 AP's next year, which should get interesting. :erm: I am kind of scared shitless. Oh, I am probably making my school sound worst than most. I don't just hate Canada, I hate everywhere... .... :D Nah, I am actually a rather loving person. Just sometimes it gets a little annoying when you have to learn about the groups of Canadian natives EVERY GOD DAMN YEAR! hfdfdshjkfhkjf


    Well no generally "honours" classes are called Pre-AP, but just for socials they created this Socials 10/11 for kids that are eager for different AP history classes and such. EAGER BEAVER, I AM. :cool:

    Spelling things with a "u" is the way to go. In Canada, they let you spell it either way, because we evidently don't care about any form of national identity, unlike you American folk. :chuckle:


    Yeah, except some kids actually can struggle, and I get that. But those lazy bums who could be doing fine... They are just annoying. Plain annoying.



  19. Lazy ass smokers.... -______-


    You guys are so ace! Your coach is just further reassuring your :awesome:ness :chuckle:


    It has actually been WAY over a month without any physical activity now. It is sort of really frackin' lame.


    Yeah, that flaming skull is a real turn on for all the fella's. If my Harley doesn't gettem, this will. :rolleyes: Oh, and no way in hell is that albino ever touching me again. If he does, it will be rape and you MUST call the police.


    I thought I should mention this reply is very late due to my unplanned nap I took part in from 7 to now.


    Me? Beautiful. You sure are a jokester Mr. McSexyPants, aren't cha?

    Yeah, trouble is my middle name. Just kidding, it's Patricia.


    I AM DOING COLD WAR AS WELL! Although I am in a grade 11 history class. Because Canadians need to learn ALL about our "extensive Canadian history" in grade 10, I took a class which is Grade 10/11 all in one year, to get those over with. Canada's history is basically just about the natives and how they were pissed and how we were like less hostile Americans throughout the stages of defining proper government. Gooood frickin' times.


    HIGH FIVE FOR HONOURS KIDS! This little 10/11 thing going is the "honours" class for this year, which is super :awesome:.


    I don't get kids who fail socials. Read the text book, and you should be fine... :facepalm:

  20. At least you're working out. Due to my mono, I was unable to workout so now walking up long flights of stairs is quite the daunting task. :chuckle: Once I get back into my routine I should hopefully get back into shape quickly. If not, I will be very upset. :( My day was mediocre at best, but thank you for asking. I got this stupid airbrush tattoo at spring fair of a flaming skull on my neck but it looks like this deformed hickey. I had my school year book photos, so that should turn out just swell. :facepalm: Oh and then in english class I got accused of eating because I had a mint and got kicked out of class for the last 20 minutes. I failed to complete my socials homework, but lucky for me my Socials teacher = high rolling boss and let it go. How was your day and dinner? :happy:

  21. I just got back from rehearsal. We ran... LINES that is. :chuckle:

    I hope you had fun at practice, and you better talk to me when you're back from all that hard work.

  22. Ps: Thank god school is over soooooooon

  23. Because my stupid ipod touch double sent my message!!!


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