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Status Updates posted by SarahSwan

  1. That was the first time i heard Animals live too! It was nice to meet you. I'll see you in GA next time...right? :)

  2. Hello!!!! Thank you for the wonderful bracelet! I love how Muse inspires so much creativity in all of us. I will try to find your boat and write more later. (My daughter wants use of computer! Ha ha!)

  3. Hi there, I'm one of the new ones on the Oldies thread, and I see that you are from the Atlanta area! I'm not there now, but that is my "home". My parents live in the Northlake area, and I also lived in Decatur and then Roswell. I miss my hometown, my friends, the restaurants, and the culture, but I'm thankful to be living in the country now. Well, I just wanted to say "Hi"...

  4. Hello, I was wondering if my name could be changed to "Mind Bombed"...because I just don't want "Mom" to be in there anymore! I'm "Mom" everywhere else in my life...on here I'd like to be just "Mind Bombed". Thanks! :)

  5. I just saw your post on the Columbus thread...I, too, would like to try to get to another show! Maybe Raleigh...my parents live in Atlanta, and I truly was planning to go down towards the end of October.... But maybe Charlottesville is closer. Maybe if tix are cheap at the last minute, we can both take is "little" trip down there! Hey, let's also check if any radio stations are having contests!

  6. Hi Marjaana,


    We wrote to each other a few months ago...that I had been in Finland for Kaustinen and also Raakyla (i don't know how to type the dots!) music festivals...a long time ago, in 1995. And I see you play violin! I do, too! That's actually why I was in Finland. I attended a "Volunteer Work Camp" with other musicians. We taught each other music from our countries and then performed at the folk music festival in Raakyla, and around the area. Helsinki was the 1st place I ever went outside of the U.S.


    I see that you changed your name... If it is easy, can you tell me how you did that? I would like to be just "Mind Bomb"; in real-life I'm ALWAYS "Mom"...Mom Mom Mom Mommy Mommy Mommy! At least on .mu I'd like to just be ME! LOL!

  7. ChandraMuse and I are having a 99-days-left extravaganza (well, I pilgrimage to Muse Elementary to take a fun picture!). After I have my coffee, I'll figure out when 99-days-left will be, and maybe even mapquest how to get to that school, and let you know, in case you want to go, too. It will be cool to meet .mu-ers in person!

  8. I see you are from Finland! I'm from the US but Finland was the 1st country I went to outside of North America. I went in 1995 to attend the Kaustinen Festival and the Kihaus Festival (in Raakyla...i don't know how to type the dots over the a's). Altogether, I spent a month in your country...from Helsinki to Rovaniemi!

  9. Hi there, Resistance(plug-in-katie)88!

  10. The spinning thing as you enter the space exhibit! YES! They'd love that!:D Also, all those switches and knobs in the (i think it's a) submarine (not the one that only 1 person fits in, but the one that you can walk into but still only a few can fit.)


    I have been on this forum way too much...but it's so cool to be with others who understand how I'm feeling! But I can't be on this much every day 'til November...I need to show some restraint...and get some cooking done!:LOL:

  11. Hey Lora, I am still learning how to navigate these forums and message pages...a few days ago I posted a response to your message on MY page, but I think I'm supposed to put it HERE. duh. So here it is...copied and pasted! (Oh, and I also posted one to Gretchen...but really I wish it could go to both of you at the same time...'cause I think you would also find my COSI-MUSE fantasy funny, as well! " : )


    Cool! Where are your seats for Cincinnati? Mine is in Section 128. For the Detroit show, I lined up at 4:30pm because that's when the parking lot opened, and there was nowhere nearby to park and walk to the stadium. There were about 150 people already there....not bad! I ended up with a spot right in the center, about 6 people back from the barricade...it was awesome!!!! I hadn't been to a concert for many MANY years (except taking the girls to see Miley Cyrus) so I read these forums to learn what to do, and what to expect. So for Columbus, I guess it depends on those things: what time parking lot opens, or if there's a place to park somewhere else, etc. Also, I'll be keeping an eye on this forum to see when others are going to line up. I think that even if it's raining or snowing, I'm gonna want to get there early enough for a chance to be wwwwaaaaayyyyy up in front! Whew, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!


    I got a bunch of tickets,some GA and some seats, in case my husband, kids, or any friends, would want to go. I do have 2 friends from Parkersburgh, WV, that will be coming, but don't know if they'll want the seat tickets or GA.


    My 10-year old daughter, Antonia, is slowly turning into a Muse fan. Last night she and I watched YouTube videos of Matt going nuts...there was one of him swinging his guitar around by the strap and then he let it go up in the air, and it landed on Dom. I'm laughing now just writing about it! Antonia likes stuff like that. So if she wants to go, I have a great seat ticket for her...section 106. And my husband would want a seat, too, if he comes.


    What is a board shirt?! Sounds fun! And I'm up for an "older" Muser gathering anytime!



  12. OK, just for the record, I'm re-posting the message I meant for YOU here on YOUR page!


    Hello! I can't imagine a Muse concert without a GA, especially for the last show of a huge tour (unless they add more). I'm afraid the chairs are gonna be swept to the sides by fans losing control (and by that, I mean ALL of the fans!). Sounds dangerous. But you'll have an awesome time, you know it!! And your husband can watch Rachael.


    I saw your post about backstage passes! That's great! : ) I was already thinking...."if I were Matt, Chris, and Dom, and visiting Columbus and Cincinnati...where would I go before the concert?" All I can think of is COSI...you know, fun science-oriented toys... I have this fantasy of meeting up with them in that Poseiden underwater dimly-lit exhibit.... But alas, I will be spending the day in line, unable to visit the museum. I want to put a giggly face-icon here, but can't figure out how to do that. : ) But Cincinnati, I can be a tourist there....just don't know where to go.



  13. Hi Gretchen, I'm still learning about how these forums and messages work. I responded to your message on my page, but it doesn't show up here on your page, so does this site send you a notification letting you know I responded? Or should I have responded by posting the message here on your page?



  14. Hello! I can't imagine a Muse concert without a GA, especially for the last show of a huge tour (unless they add more). I'm afraid the chairs are gonna be swept to the sides by fans losing control (and by that, I mean ALL of the fans!). Sounds dangerous. But you'll have an awesome time, you know it!! And your husband can watch Rachael.


    I saw your post about backstage passes! That's great! : ) I was already thinking...."if I were Matt, Chris, and Dom, and visiting Columbus and Cincinnati...where would I go before the concert?" All I can think of is COSI...you know, fun science-oriented toys... I have this fantasy of meeting up with them in that Poseiden underwater dimly-lit exhibit.... But alas, I will be spending the day in line, unable to visit the museum. I want to put a giggly face-icon here, but can't figure out how to do that. : ) But Cincinnati, I can be a tourist there....just don't know where to go.



  15. Cool! Where are your seats for Cincinnati? Mine is in Section 128. For the Detroit show, I lined up at 4:30pm because that's when the parking lot opened, and there was nowhere nearby to park and walk to the stadium. There were about 150 people already there....not bad! I ended up with a spot right in the center, about 6 people back from the barricade...it was awesome!!!! I hadn't been to a concert for many MANY years (except taking the girls to see Miley Cyrus) so I read these forums to learn what to do, and what to expect. So for Columbus, I guess it depends on those things: what time parking lot opens, or if there's a place to park somewhere else, etc. Also, I'll be keeping an eye on this forum to see when others are going to line up. I think that even if it's raining or snowing, I'm gonna want to get there early enough for a chance to be wwwwaaaaayyyyy up in front! Whew, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!


    I got a bunch of tickets,some GA and some seats, in case my husband, kids, or any friends, would want to go. I do have 2 friends from Parkersburgh, WV, that will be coming, but don't know if they'll want the seat tickets or GA.


    My 10-year old daughter, Antonia, is slowly turning into a Muse fan. Last night she and I watched YouTube videos of Matt going nuts...there was one of him swinging his guitar around by the strap and then he let it go up in the air, and it landed on Dom. I'm laughing now just writing about it! Antonia likes stuff like that. So if she wants to go, I have a great seat ticket for her...section 106. And my husband would want a seat, too, if he comes.


    What is a board shirt?! Sounds fun! And I'm up for an "older" Muser gathering anytime!



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