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Everything posted by JimboMansonMB-1

  1. Moot Prodigies (Prodigi?) are the best. Definitely have GAS'd for one....because I'm a dickhead
  2. You must be a really great salesperson in real life, do you work at a shop? There's nothing antagonistic about this post; yours on the other hand was pretty rude and dismissive, especially seeing as you don't know anything about me or my experience with vintage guitars aside from the fact that I don't like CBS-era Fenders as much as pre-CBS Fenders. Right, I should've clarified I meant '70s Fenders. I should also clarify that they're not bad guitars: I've played some '70s Strats and a late '65 Jaguar that blew me away.
  3. Trudat, but there is a ceiling to their value. Never gonna reach pre-CBS prices. As for the prices of everything going up relatively (ie a '62 Strat that's $25k will cost $50k in 10 years, therefore a '75 Strat that's worth $3k today will be worth $6k in 10 years) I really don't think it's going to happen--IMO, the ridiculous prices on the vintage market are going to be coming to an end in the near future. That, or I'm totally wrong and the world will throw off it's economic funk and everything will be '50s again
  4. They'll pay $25k for a 1954 Les Paul Goldtop or $1,000,000 for a 1959 Les Paul Standard because they're historic and sound amazing, but $15k for a CBS-era Strat just isn't gonna happen.
  5. Hate to burst your bubble, but a '75 probably won't ever appreciate that much. I'd hang onto it for now because the vintage market is pretty deflated at the moment, once the economy starts revving back up it might be worth around $5k. Still a nice return, depending on what you paid for it.
  6. Oh yeah? Check out Ken McKay http://www.destroyallguitars.com/mckaynewarrivals Or for something vintage-flavored, but more unique and badass, the Gustavsson Bluesmaster: http://www.destroyallguitars.com/gustavsson
  7. Nice! For a sec I thought that was the Johnny Marr one.... Looks like it's been modded with that idea though. How do you like the Jag, and how does it compare to the Jazzie?
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