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Everything posted by MisfitSpazz01

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!


    I'm gonna make you a thread later if no one else does (I wasn't sure if I'd be stepping on someone's toes who's known you longer if I created one right now).




    Eat a damn cupcake! :D

  2. Today has not been great. Work is super stressed, because the guy who hasn't been doing his job (he's tried to pawn a large portion off to me) found out that five students aren't starting who we thought would start (what did he expect would happen if he wasn't doing his job?).


    Anyhow, now everyone is crazy stressed. There are also other issues. Today is a bad day. Ugg. :supersad:


    On the plus side - I'm actually feeling good today! I've got alot accomplished, and I think I may have enough money to last me until my next check. I'm also doing my taxes this week, and I should get some sort of return.


    Flector is ok. I think it just takes care of pain in the specific area you put the patch on - it's topical. It probably wouldn't do anything special for someone who didn't have specific, targeted pain. But it helps my neck a bit, which is nice. My shoulder still feels like shit.


    I probably won't get more than 10,000.00 just because workers comp laws are super strict. But shit - this has been going on forever, and it will affect my work and my life forever. My quality of life really does seriously suffer. I'll find out the verdict after May 12 - May 12 I'm meeting with the review doctor in California, hired by the insurance company. His verdict will determine alot in regards to how much the insurance company pays out. At this point, I'm so low on cash, I might agree to anything as long as it was over ten grand.


    YAY for Montreal! I should get into watching hockey - I know a lot of people who love it.


    You are beating me on weight loss! I have had no gain, but maybe only a pound of loss. Damnit!


    Maybe it helps that you haven't been drinking when Montreal has been playing? :chuckle: I hope Montreal goes all the way - you won't be drinking for awhile. :D


    I'll write more later. I gotta skeedaddle.

  3. It's Flector. I didn't want anything addictive or that would mess with my head. I don't know what my sleep medicine will be, but that's not addictive either. I want my mind clear, because obviously, I have amazing things to do in my life - like force feed people in Labrador, Newfoundland Twinkies.

  4. :mad: You best be writing me a long one!


    You will not eat a single carrot. Damnit, do I have to come up there and force feed you a Twinkie? I'll do it, too. *shakes fist in your general direction*


    I'm not sure if it's Fentanyl. It's something that starts with an F. I just read about Fentanyl on the web, and I don't think that's it (although I'll check when I get home). Mine is a patch about 6x4 inches, and it's a gel that sticks to your skin (with a bandage top so clothes don't get messy). You can only use one every 12 hours. I do know that you have to dispose of it properly so children don't get anywhere near it, and that it doesn't have a bad reaction with Aleve. :D That's all I know right now. It only semi-worked. It mostly was nice for my neck. I need to wear them every day.


    I read this giant post by super geeks arguing over whether the universe was physical or not, and it depended on what your definition of physical was.


    Lawsuit is for my shoulder - it's workers comp. I'll be lucky if I get over $10,000.00, even though it's a life-time of pain, very little use of my left arm (I can type, and that's pretty much it), and the pain greatly increases when I regularly use my left arm (like at work, for instance). Basically, it's a lifelong condition, and $10,000.00 isn't even enough to cover my future medical expenses. Super lame.


    Throw the dice again - I'm totally worth it! :D

  5. How about you pay for me to come up there, and then I'll buy you some non-soup dinner! :D


    Hmmm - we have different ideas about love. I also sort-of agree, and sort-of disagree about people. I know there are superficial people, who put on acts for different people. But, I also think there are plenty of people who are always themselves regardless of who they're around. For instance, I really don't think I'm a different person around different people. I think that's the reason why I don't get along with people from all walks of life. :LOL: I will do things like try not to swear as often as norml around my parents out of respect for their religion, but respect for people I care about is a huge part of who I am, so I don't think that is acting any differently than I normally would act. I also think core personalities remain the same no matter what - even with the superficial people. Anyhow, I act the same everywhere, and it doesn't serve me well - I actually wish I could be a buttkisser, because it would serve me better at work.


    All that said, I also think it's possible to love what you know of someone, and that part of love is sort of just jumping in, and just deciding to love everything about someone, or at least deal with it. But that's part of my loyalty thing.


    There are arguments for and against the universe being physical or nonphysical (or metaphysical). So maybe we should just blend God and the universe into one, and start worshiping space. :D Frankly, though, I just prefer not to worship anything. Woot for laziness! :dance:


    YOU MUST EAT A CUPCAKE! Or a pie, or a cake, or an eclair, or something! Come on! It's your birthday! Celebrate good times, come on!


    Don't give up on Qatar if you'd like to go. You might also look into going to Dubai.


    I got new medication for my shoulder today! Woot! And some for sleeping. I didn't want anything addictive, or that would make me walk around and talk to people without realizing it. He said the sleep medication he was giving me wouldn't do anything like that, but might give me cotton mouth. Whatevs - I can drink water, just as long as I get a good night's sleep, I'll be ok. And the pain medicine is in patch form, and it helps a bit with the sensitivity of my shoulder, and with my neck a bit (but the interior pain is still there). I'm wondering whether or not I could get medicinal marijuana if I move back to CA - I hear that it helps with nerve pain. I don't know if I'd want it, because I really am not into drugs, but at the same time, I'm really, really sick of being in pain every single second of the day.


    YAY for being debt free! :dance: If I settle my lawsuit this year, I might be debt free too. Of course, spending that money on debt is depressing, but being debt-free is not depressing, so maybe it'll cancel itself out, and I'll just be ___________.


    Write me back, foo!

  6. This will just be a short letter - I'm proctoring another 4 hour exam (two hours into it).


    This is disheatening. :(



    I was friends with Shane when we were teenagers. I feel horrible for Sarah - she's only able to visit with Shane (her bf) and Josh for a few minutes each day - otherwise, she's in solitary.


    40 job applications isn't enough around here. It is in CA, and probably in Canada - but in Utah, I might get one person writing me back. Jobs around here literally get hundreds of resumes for one job, and I know of people who just start deleting after the first 50, w/o even reading them.


    Why do you try to isolate yourself?


    I'm sorry to hear about your dad.


    Just got a request to stop typing.


    Later! :)

  7. I ended up applying mostly to jobs around here (around 40 of them, between UT and the Bay Area, CA). I'll start applying to Canadian jobs this week. Is there any chance the type of job I'm after would provide relocation costs? Otherwise, I'd have to take out a loan - I doubt any bank would allow that. D'oh! :facepalm: No no, I'll figure it out. Canada would be nice, especially Alberta or BC (still close to home, but I'm assuming much friendlier, cleaner, and more naturey).


    You hit it on the nose - America is just capitalistic, and healthcare is viewed not as a right, but as a way for corporations to make bank. However, at this point it's just shameful that we don't have a universal healthcare system. To be so powerful a nation and not look after our own just makes us look really stupid, I think. Thankfully, Obama seems to be sorting it out (ableit slowly).


    How can you not believe in love? What? Take that back! Ok, but seriously - why not? Well, I guess it all depends on what your definition of love is. My definition of love is loyalty first and foremost, then compatability, friendship, and sexual attraction (although I think that can wane in and out). I guess I should say I believe in loyalty above all else - and the person I'll "love" will be the person I'm most loyal to (who is hopefully most loyal to me as well). Honestly, I wish arranged marriages were more the norm, cuz I'd be totally up for that! Like I said, as long as the two involved in the relationship determine to be loyal to one another above all and anyone else, then the relationship will work.


    I have a very strong view of loyalty (as you can tell), and my own definition of it as well, and I'm extremely strict about it. I even have grades of loyalty - every relationship of mine is catagorized in my head (sort of like filing cabinets, but they're floating heads, one on top of the other), and I know instantly who I would chose above another, and who I would fling on a fucking fire if it meant helping someone else out. Those I have 100% loyalty to have heads floating beside one another, and because they have loyalty towards me as well, I know there would be no conflict in not having to chose one over the other - and if it really came down to it, I would create a situational loyalty number, explaining why I sided with one over the other, and I know they would understand (there's only two people I'm 100% loyal to, so it's not really a big deal). Then there are people who are higher than the loyalty scale (I think of them as existing on another plane), and those consist of two people - Miranda, and a friend of mine who passed away (I'm still not over that and often mistakingly refer to her as present tense).


    Hmm..ok, got a bit carried away writing about my loyalty thing. :embarrassed:


    Well, I'm glad you were saving the two children from the sex ring! Have you seen Taken lately, or something? (I loved that movie! Every year a movie should be made of Liam Neeson kicking ass!)


    I think Mormons believe God is a physical being - at least that's what I learned. So I guess that's different than the spirit being, in which case Jesus wouldn't have an orientation. Although, I do think he shagged a few ladies. Why wouldn't he? He relied on them for food and shelter (Mary - not a whore - was a wealthy woman who often paid for his shelter and food, and they spent so much time together, I'm thinking he probably ate a little more than just her food). There were a lot of prophets at that time, many claiming to be the son of god - I wonder if Jesus would be totally shocked if he came back to life and realized what an effect he had on the world. :chuckle: Of course, that's with the assumption that he's not the son of god, otherwise, I'm guessing he already knows of his effect. :D


    Have a cupcake at least! Your birthday is on the 30th, right? Nine more days, special friend! Than you enter the big two three. Not that big, actually...


    Are the Canadiens the same as the Canucks (as far as hockey teams go)? Because I saw those green men the other day, and thought it was absolutely hilarious! :chuckle:


    I can't stand reality TV like The Hills, or those rehab shows. But I do like Project Runway a lot, and I also like "Shear Genius." It's just so ridiculous. There was one I watched last year about dog groomers competing to win a dog grooming mobile truck and $100,000.00. It was seriously hilarious how serious they were about cutting a dog's hair. I'm not even that serious about cutting my own hair. The cattiness is fantastic! :D


    This week is suckage for me. I have about 8 dollars in my wallet, and ten in the bank, and I've got to make that last until Friday. That's only two days, I realize, but it's only enough to really buy food for one night. So tonight M has a frozen pizza with her name on it, and I've got a small bowl of soup. Plus, I'll have to get some more gas tomorrow. Ugg. So it'll be soup for two nights. When I get my paycheck on Friday, I'm heading to Target and buying whatever their cheapest frozen meals are, and living off those from now on. On the plus side, I should lose weight. On the minus side, losing weight through starvation and cardboard meals is not good. :(


    Ok - this letter is long enough. I hope your week is going well! :D And next time, I'll try to be a little more cheerful in my letter.


    PS - There there, don't cry over Qatar. What if you hated living there anyhow? Have you been looking for higher paying jobs around Canada?

  8. *taps foot impatiently*


    Ahemm....Where's my letter back, buddy?!?!


  9. I have looked at that job website you sent me, I've refreshed my resume a bit, and I'll be applying this weekend! :D I've already applied for a few other jobs here in SLC as well. I haven't heard back, and I probably won't (the job climate is rough here), but I'm just going to keep trying. My current job isn't bad, and I'm totally trained now (I can't believe I've had it for over two months now), but it pays like crap and they keep changing things around. Now they're hiring a second assistant for the pre-nursing (I'm the assistant for nursing), and we have to share an office. I know that sounds snotty, but it just REALLY bugs me.


    You can have any x-files like dream I have. I don't want them. I want love, sex, and happy dreams only. Nothing creepy. I'm way too paranoid and imaginative to have bad, creepy, or weird dreams!


    There are really uneducated stupid people in the US (as there are everywhere). I think the Republicans got used to having whatever they wanted under George W. Bush, and now they're just acting like little brats because we have a Democratic President (and a black one at that!). I can't believe some of the crazy bipartisan politics going on right now. We need healthcare - in a country like the US, it's shameful that we haven't had universal healthcare.


    Ha - planned summer lovin'? Good for you! I thought you only had sex with people you loved? Maybe I got that wrong. Either way, your summer sounds like it'll be fun. :D


    That's a good sign that the people from Qatar are calling your boss! But if you move to Qatar, you and I could never meet! At least not for like, three years! That's ok - in three years maybe I'll be slimmer. :)


    "Our" Lord and Saviour? Hmmm.... :p Why couldn't he have been gay? Ok, ok - let's compromise: he was bi! :chuckle: (Besides, are you sure that was a beard, and not just errant pubes from the 12 disciples?)


    I think banana bread/muffins/cake - whatever - would taste best with a cream cheese frosting. Then again, cream cheese frosting is my favorite frosting on anything! Now I'm hungry for banana bread and yummy, yummy cream cheese frosting! Ohhh - what about a banana and chocolate swirled cake with cream cheese frosting? :stongue:


    I'm glad your days have been relaxing. :happy: Hopefully your weekend is, as well. My week is still a big fucking blah. Ugg. I hope that it gets better. I really, really hope that next week is at least average. This whole week has just been crappy.


    :phu: I can hate life if I want to! I do what I want!


    Alright, alright. I'm going to finish watching Project Runway, shower, then get in bed. Tomorrow is Friday, and that is something to look forward to! This week is already looking up! :D


    Have a great weekend! *kisses*

  10. Today has been rotten.


    Do you know anyone who's hiring? Seriously?


    I still have my job (no threat there), but I'm also still paid bad, and I desperately need money.




    Anyhow - bad dreams last night - I worked at some testing facility, and some chick kept coming by to see if we had "samples of all DNA from the 1930's" - then everyone left, but I stayed behind to secure the building, and then the locks were all damaged, and there was no way to shut everything off, and I knew she was coming back to kill me. lol - just weird. Then I woke up (she looked like Michelle Trachtenberg, or however you spell that last name).


    Healthcare should be free. People in the US say Canadian healthcare is bad, only because they're Republicans and they don't want healthcare here - it's scare tactics and fear mongering. Like when they said the Obama healthcare had squadruns that would kill your grandparents for being too old. Seriously - so lame. And unfortunently, a lot of dumb people believe it.


    Being rich doesn't make up for being a doughy asshole. But whatever. I have standards. I shouldn't have standards - then I could go find some rich fuck who would be willing to pay for everything. Damn me and my morals! :D


    You wouldn't dissapoint anyone. But I do get what you mean. I type a lot, and I talk to myself a lot, but I don't talk out loud that much (unless I really get to know someone and I'm comfortable around them). I also just do quiet things like watch tv and movies, read books, go on the internet, or sleep. lol - so I'm about as much fun as watching paint dry. But I still have had some good experiences meeting people from online. It just depends, I guess. Sometimes you hit it off with someone, and sometimes you don't.


    Is Qatar still in the mix? I thought they never called? Are there more jobs that you've applied for?


    I never liked vampires until the Twilight series. I hated them, in fact. I'm convinced they don't really exist, but I'm also dead scared of them, which then convinces me they must be real, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to be scared of. D'oh! :facepalm:


    I have fantasies way too much. I shouldn't - then I could perhaps stop hoping things turn out better, and just get used to the way things are. That would work better for my life. I'm 30 and I can tell that absolutely nothing better is on the horizon than what I've already got.


    If man was created in "his" image, then Jesus was at least a little gay. :p


    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. :supersad:


    I haven't had banana cake, but I imagine it's close to banana bread, which is nummy! :D You should get the pie recipe from your mom, so you can make it whenever you want.


    Ok - time for me to go work some more, and hate life some more, and all that good stuff.

  11. Oh - here's M. :D






    Also, here's one I did of a gay Jesus:





    And here's one of me and M from 2005:




  12. I've seen you - you're photogenic. You're just harder on yourself than anyone else is on you.


    The culteral aspect is nice! You might like an assless horizon! Give assless a chance! :p Honestly though, I've never seen assless chaps in SF. In the normal shopping district and tourist districts (outside of Haight/Ashbury) there just isn't that stuff. Maybe some drag queens every now and then. And once some guy pissed off the top of a building and the businessmen just kept walking like it was nothing (I ducked under an eave) - but that stuff hardly ever happens. Whatever - you're going to CA - so just deal with it! Forced vacation!


    I have no idea how much health insurance will cost yet. There's like, a four stage process - the first one, which has been implemented, is that no health insurance can deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, health insurance can't keep someone from signing up due to pre-existing conditions, and health insurance has to allow children to stay on parent's insurance up to the age of 23. These are all good things! I can't believe there are assholes out there who are pissed at this stuff. I can guarantee you - anyone who has been dumped from their insurance because they got cancer isn't against Obamacare! It's the selfish bastards who have no problem getting health insurance, that don't care whether or not their neighbor can get health insurance.


    Hmmm - well, Shrek was more for adults, and it was a little more sassy. It wasn't really for kids under the age of 13 or 14 (in my opinion). Monsters Inc. was good for younger kids, so in that way, How to Train Your Dragon is similar. This is a kid's movie - there aren't language issues or adult jokes. Also, the dragons were really cool to look at - sort of the perfect mix of scary and cute. Really, you should check it out. :D


    Capone wasn't sexy. And he probably had gonorrhea because of the prison sex. :p From what I remember, Capone looked very, very doughy.


    I don't know how people meet others either. That's why I haven't been on a date in forever. Actually - come to think of it - most of my dates in the last umm...15 years :embarassed: has been guys that I met online. Most of them were local though, or at least close enough. I'm just not outgoing, and I look like a slob, and I'm a bit of a recluse. So no man-lovin' for me. :supersad:


    Native American vampires - I can't give away my fantasies - too embarassing. But basically, kinda like Twilight vampires (yes, I'm a twihard), but Native American, and sticking to a more traditional native life. And then there are a looootttttt of very yummy fantasies afterward (actually, not sex, believe it or not - just all the tension and flirting and stuff, that leads up to that). I usually fall asleep thinking about it. And that is enough of that!


    What kind of fantasies do you usually have? :)


    I haven't read Nicholas Nickleby, but I should. I need to just create a list of classic novels and read whatever is on the list that I haven't already. You know - strive to be well-read and all that. I read Lolita already, although I don't remember a huge amount. Eventually, a lot of books tend to blend together. I also imagine the stories so well, that sometimes I think a book I read was really a movie I watched, until I realize that they never made that book into a movie. But I haven't really read anything good in awhile (I don't consider the Twilight books to be "good"), and I think my mind starts to atrophy a bit if I don't read.


    A shampoo massage would be very nice! M tries to pretend that she can't wash her hair correctly so I'll shampoo her hair for her! And I am a tremendous baker and cooker! So I'll make you yummy things. What's your favorite kind of cake or pie?


    Goodnight for real! I hope you're dreaming sweetly!

  13. I agree - lets trade portions of each other's lives. I'll get your paycheck, and in exchange, I'll make and ship you cakes. :D Deal? Deal!


    Healthcare isn't going to harm the country. I'm an Obama supporter and a Democrat, and those fools at the party were pissing me off.


    You should start typing up fake news stories about how homosexuality and mental retardation have striking brain pattern similarities. :D Just kidding, of course.


    SF may be the "gay capital" of the world, or whatever, but not 4 out of every 5 people are gay. If you go to the Haight/Ashbury area (I've only been there once) you do see more flamboyant people. I mostly go to the awesome museums, sight-seeing, to the opera/theatre, and shopping. Those places aren't flamboyant. And there aren't guys walking around in assless chaps everywhere. :p


    The dragon movie really was cute. It wasn't amazing, but the dragons were adorable, and it was good storytelling, and as far as animated kids movies go, it's my favorite since the first Shrek.


    I would have raped Capone. Just because.


    Give me pictures, and I will wash your hair and give you a shampoo massage. I will also mix you up some vodka shampoo, which makes hair shiny and soft. In addition, I will bake you multiple cakes and pies. In exchange, I require photos, stomach rubbing (when I've got cramps), and a ticket to Labrador, because the cakes and pies aren't being cooked in my tiny kitchen!


    I wish I was in your timezone! I've got 3 1/2 hours left of work. :( But I've got five things crossed off my to-do list, and I can work on one thing for the rest of the day, so at least today won't be hectic. Seriously - I need to find me that rich husband though. Just sitting around, being fat and lazy, is apparently not enough to attract the rich dudes. Who'd have thunk it?


    Sweet dreams! I have been dreaming of native american vampires lately. :D It's like Edward Cullen met sexy manliness and they had a baby, which became my handsome non-sparkly warrior husband! Woot!


    What book are you reading now? Have any good recommendations?

  14. My weekend was somewhat exciting.


    1) I saw "How to Tame Your Dragon". You do this with tights, but in the movie, the kid did it with love and a fish. :p (It is a good movie, and I recommend it if you want some kid-type animated fair). Oops - it's called "How to Train Your Dragon" instead.

    2) I saw "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" - Horrible movie. Even Miranda didn't like it (and she loved the books).

    3) I went to a party where old people were talking about how Obamacare would bankrup the nation and is the worst thing that has ever been done. I had to leave that party quickly, hence the reason M and I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

    4) I went to lunch with two of my friends! One came in from California for a couple days.

    5) I went to dinner with my dad and M.

    6) I got cake!!!! (It was my dad's birthday on Friday.)


    The cake was obviously the best part. :D Actually, the dragon movie was good too.


    And that was the rundown on my weekend. Ooohhhhh! And I actually went to sleep all nights before 1am. Crazysauce! Oh, and on Friday I called my boss, "Crazyface," which is what I call a lot of people - and I'm still wondering if she thought that was weird.


    Anyhoo - SF isn't that gay, crazyface. There are tons of people who live there, and a huge business district - plus, they have the Neiman Marcus and Saks and all that. :D Walnut Creek is really good for shopping too, though. We could go both places! And Alcatraz isn't gay! It was home to Al Capone for awhile (although he may have had gay sex while imprisoned...).


    I made an awesome photo of Miranda as a gorilla using Photoshop. :D I thought I had it on Facebook, but no dice. I'll send it to you later tonight though - it shows how hilarious and cruel my photoshop skills are, all at the same time. :chuckle:


    Yay for whatever team it is you like! Wait - is it actually called The Canadiens? If so, you guys need to work on some more original names.


    I'm hungry and my uterus hurts. Give me food and rub mah belly! :happy:

  15. Me?! Guilt you? Perish the thought!


    I'll check out the two you mentioned on YouTube. Check out History of the World Part I (but only if you like Mel Brooks) and then try to tell me that it's not good to be tha king! :D


    Ha! If I had photoshop still, I'd make you up some lovely fliers for your erotic dancing/maid exchange plan.


    California is terrific - but ONLY the Northern part (they should be two states, really - socal and norcal, and norcal would rule, because socal has no water without us). I grew up there and only moved to UT two and a half years ago, and I'd like to get back to CA if I can't get to the Pac NW or Canada sooner. I'm an East Bay girl (Oakland, Berkeley, Walnut Creek), but San Francisco isn't horrible. You won't catch on fire, and if you're in an earthquake, you'll be ok. :) I was in the quake of '89 and the Oakland Hills fire of '91, and it was no thang! You should come visit me there! I'll take you to Ghirardelli Square, and Alcatraz, and Telegraph Ave. - and all the really good shopping in SF and Walnut Creek. :D You'll have to bring a few changes of tights, you'll get so excited! :chuckle:


    Talk to you Monday! Have a good weekend. For every beer you drink, you should also make yourself drink a glass of water, or eat an apple, or something. :)

  16. Your messages are getting responded to so quickly since I'm still proctoring this exam. That, and I love you, and would never, ever, make you wait for a message, for say, like, an entire week. I also, would, however, put many, many, many commas into two sentences, just for fun.


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't want to get used to the idea of lifelong work! I'd rather get used to the idea of intermittant vacations and forget about what's in between them!


    I know - I need to keep my metabolism going. I STILL need to go shopping. Tomorrow, I'm all about Whole Foods. Granny smith apples, goat cheese, wheat crackers, carrots, and yogurt. Then I'll eat in small doses throughout the day (plus my regular dinner) and hopefully I'll take off some more weight. I've forgotten to weigh myself again, so I'll try and do that tomorrow. I'm trying to stick to my goal of five pounds a month! Gotta get on this, so I can get this (points to my fat ass) off.


    I'm feeling all awesome about my YouTube videos, because people seem to like them, and I've gotten some good ratings and comments. :D


    By the way - I would die without internet and TV at home. No wonder you drink. :p Have you seen 1) The Princess Bride and 2) History of the World Part I? If I have to watch both of your sad movies, you need to watch two of my funny movies (but not two that you've already seen).


    How to Train Your Dragon is an animated movie aimed more at kids, but I think it'll be entertaining enough for my dad to like it. But maybe - just maybe (if I play my cards right), I can get them to go see Alice in Wonderland instead! Yes! Plan on!


    It sounds like we're work twins, and cleaning twins. As in, we both work in educational institutions, and we both seriously need to hire maids. I used to have a maid, until I was let go of my last job and became poor. D'oh!


    In the summer I'll head to California for a week. Nothing exciting, but I will get to see my friends! :D If I can swing it, I'll convince my parents that they really really want to take M and I up to Yellowstone (my favorite place) on a family vacation. But the chances of that are probably nil.


    Proctoring over - gotta go!

  17. I thought you didn't love me anymore. :supersad:


    I get what you mean about pension, social security, blahblahblah. :( Still slightly suicidal when I think about it though!


    I am generally still doing dinner. I haven't eaten breakfast all week - d'oh! My daughter has been with my parents at their condo (it's her spring break), and without her, I tend to sleep in longer than I should, which leaves no time for breaky.


    I refused to get hustled! I went to Craigslist and posted a "Wanted - Muse Tickets" ad, and tons of people responded. I got tickets at-cost and M and I went this past Monday. It was awesomesauce - you can see the entire show on my YouTube (I recorded using my Flip Ultra HD) at http://www.youtube.com/MisfitSpazz01 - the sound came out really good. We were nearer the back for the seats, so no up close shots, but a good view of what the entire stage production looks like (really awesome light shows, etc.).


    Work isn't as bad as it was before, but there are still little things. One guy is trying to make it seem like he does WAYYY more work than he really does, and we've caught him in the lies now (he doesn't know it yet). He keeps trying to pawn his work off to me, and I'm worried he'll try to blame me when his stuff doesn't get done (I'm keeping meticulous records though). Also, this is the first semester that the nursing program has been going on (so far it's just "pre-nursing" the real first nursing start is in august), and things have just been nutty trying to get it all together. There was no prep work done to start this - it's all from scratch. Every form I create has to go through a giant approval process, and often it'll get approved, then unapproved, then I fix it, then approved again, then unapproved, then I fix it, then they decide the first version was the best afterall, etc. Sucks. Also, there's a shitstorm brewing when the students find out there won't be a january nursing start (a lot of them were planning on it), and instead those who don't get in this august, will have to wait a year until next august.


    Enough with work stuff though - it's boring if you're not here. Actually, even here it's boring. (I'll change jobs with you - my parents owned a roofing company, so I'm used to the tar and gravel fumes!)


    I'm not going to Alice afterall - my friend went on a last minute trip to California. :( No adult time for me. Another friend is in town though, so maybe tomorrow I'll get an adult-time lunch! Tonight I'm going to see the dragon movie with M and my dad - it's his birthday. And we're going out to dinner, so it's another free dinner night. Woot! The other day they bought me a burrito! :awesome:


    My mom also cleaned my apartment, and didn't yell at me over the pizza boxes I hadn't thrown out. Free food and free cleaning are two things I'm very happy about!


    I haven't gotten into hockey, but I should. Burly guys beating one another up sounds better than basketball, and football is just borrrrrrinnnggggg (same with soccer).


    I still haven't sent back my Netflix, so I haven't gotten Wristcutters, but I will do that this weekend. I'm not sure about What Dreams May Come though - sad movies aren't my thing. :( I prefer comedies. *sigh* This has been an interesting week, in a bad way. Two people I know died - one a family friend, and one is a childhood friend's mom, and then my good friend's dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. My friend is Josie, and she passed away in 2004, so this is really upsetting - her family can't get a break (I realize I often still refer to Josie in the present - she's the one death I've never gotten over.)


    Ugg - ok, so comedies and magical dragon movies it is! :D


    I'm really obsessed with Revolve Clothing - they get new stuff in every two to three days, and I can't help but think about what I would get if I could. :D Same with Shopbop. Are there any good clothing websites you regularly frequent? I can add them to my obsession. :)


    At your job, do you get all the student breaks off as well - like three weeks over xmas, and a couple weeks between spring and summer sessions, and then summer and fall sessions? Do you have any summer plans?

  18. I like "Through our bleeding, we will be victorious" but I always think of periods when I see/hear it. It should be a feminist woman chant.
  19. I can't chose between albums, because they're all equal in terms of how many songs I like from each. Both AFI and Muse are two of the very few bands who have great albums - as in, every song is at worst listenable, and at best great . Usually bands come out with albums, and maybe two or three of the songs are good (and sometimes only one ). My favorite songs (at the moment) are: AFI - Dancing Through Sunday Muse - New Born It really is hard to choose though.
  20. Hey everyone. I'm Eliza, and I've been into AFI for years now - I'm from Oakland, CA, so I've known about AFI since the Gilman days. I've always been a huge fan (although not huge enough to try and stalk any members). I once was blasting AFI in my car, driving down Ashby Ave., only to notice someone chuckling from the passenger seat of the convertable next to me - turned to see who was laughing at me, and it was Davey. D'oh! (I once saw Chris Isaac in New York, and he was laughing at me too - of course, I was dressed up all goth at the time, but still...) I've been a fan of Muse for awhile now too, although I didn't know it. I was driving around SLC one day a few months ago, and Uprising came on the radio. I Shazamed it on my iPhone, and looked up Muse on YouTube when I got home. Turns out that years earlier I remember hearing Hysteria on LIVE 105, and loved them then, but was too lazy to figure out who the band was. MUFI forever!
  21. Waiting for me at home? Hell - that chocolate egg was waiting for me in my office desk. :D I don't leave chocolate to chance - I hunt for it, capture it, kill it, and ingest it before it can get away.


    Those are great clothes! I'm jealous! I espeacilly love the skirt. It reminds me of this:



    I love those (you can wear them high-waisted or low-waisted). If I had the body, I'd get them in every color. My friend wears skirts like that, with leggings and without, and it's just soooo easy. She always looks pulled together, because they always look cute, even with t-shirts.


    Are you trying to make me suicidal with that "working all their lives" comment? WTF. That's horrible. The only reason to work is to survive, and the only reason to save is in hopes of having a retirement one day. My god - working my whole life in an office? I think I'll pass. That means it's either an early death for me, or a husband who has money. I'm thinking I'll only be left with the first option. :chuckle:


    Buy Honey Bunches of Oats and eat that at home. It's what I usually eat when I want something sweet (and I didn't give-in to the chocolate aisles at Target). I still need to go grocery shopping. I have to hit Whole Foods sometime this week/weekend.


    No luck yet with the tickets. Someone had two in a good section, but wanted way more than they paid for them - what a jerk. :(


    My job has become stressful - as in, everyone around here is stressed to the max, and no one is happy. I think tomorrow will be better - Fridays are always better (and my parents are coming into town, so I get a free dinner at a restaurant, as well). Woot!


    What do you have planned for the weekend? Anything fun?


    Have you seen Alice in Wonderland yet? I'm going to see it next weekend with a friend. Finally - I get adult fun time! :D

  22. I don't know if I'll get to see Muse now. :( I was going to purchase tickets from Musebay, but the lady hasn't gotten back to me. And Ticketmaster is only selling tickets behind the stage now (wtf?!), and I won't buy that since it says "View Obstructed." I tried Craigslist - if no one responds to me on there (for a decent price), then M and I won't be going. So I'm a bit depressed over that. :supersad:


    Work is boring.


    I don't know - 30 is old. If I was 30 and in a well-established career, and had good savings, etc., then I wouldn't be too concerned. But this recession has basically forced me to start over. So I don't think a ranch will work - especially because a good-sized ranch (and good horses to breed) would cost in the millions. Maybe I should adopt your Golden Retriever stance (except I'd make mine a German Shepherd).


    Pictures pictures pictures! I'm bored and pictures of clothes will give me something to do! Think of the children! (In this scenario, children = me.)


    Leggings that don't look like jeans would be tough. I was just trying to think of any I've seen recently, and failed. Do you want ones that look more like slacks? I think I saw a pair called "Tux Leggings" the other day, that were more like the material/look of a tuxedo pant (but obviously tight, like leggings).


    How're things going for you? I hope you don't get drunk every night - you don't want to develope a habit there.


    I have a Cadbury Cream Egg - and despite the fat, I am going to eat it! Woot! :awesome:

  23. If you're seeing the below message twice - sorry about that. I didn't see it on your message board, but it was on mine. D'oh! I think I posted to myself again...


    You can purchase bison meat online. It sounds odd, but you can purchase it in bulk (it freezes well - like normal beef) so it's cheaper than purchasing individual steaks. Man - I totally want bison stroganoff now.


    I WANT drunken letters! Candid and dumb sound right up my alley! :D


    Hmm...I like your idea of fate. I'll have to think about that further.


    Ha - all I really want out of life is a husband, kids, and travel. :D Home is where you put your hat, and all that. Actually, if I were to get all crazy with my wishin' - I'd want a husband, another two to three kids, travel, and a ranch - specifically a horse ranch where I bred and trained Spanish Andalusians. :D My life sucks because I have very little of that, and I'm 30. Ugg. 30. Although my one awesome kid is pretty good. :D I'm doing a lot of these smiley faces in this paragraph :D :D :D


    Send photos of all your clothing goodies!


    Happy dreamin' tonight (lay off the beer and you might get something good!).

  24. M and I are going to the Muse show on April 5!!! WOOOTTTTTTT!!!! I'm so excited!!! WHEEEEEE!!!!



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