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Status Updates posted by MisfitSpazz01

  1. Ack! In Draw Something I thought I was drawing "single." Really, I was supposed to be drawing Potato. :LOL: Sorry about that.

  2. No more cancer! Two months and the scan was totally clear. And my doctor says that there's at least an 85% chance it won't come back. :awesome:

  3. :awesome: Dinosaurs are cool. When I was unemployed for awhile, I volunteered as a fossil preparator at the Museum of Natural History. I was covered in prehistoric dinosaur dust every day. :)
  4. Damnit Melon, you've exceeded your PM storage space again. :) I can't get on Facebook when I'm at work.

  5. Just in case you want it, the recipe is embarrassingly easy. There's more to the original recipe - something about grapes, but this is how I make it:


    Girard's Champagne Salad Dressing

    Curry powder




    Mix the dressing (maybe 1/4 cup for one large chicken breast) and curry together (however much curry you want in it - I put in a lot). Marinate cut up chicken in mixture. Cook chicken. Cook rice (separately). Mix chicken and rice together to coat rice with curry mixture.


    Really easy, cheap, and I really like it - then again, I love curry powder. :happy:


    You can tell I'm a gourmet. :LOL:

  6. I don't have your email. :( Find me on Facebook! :)


    I just wanted to let you know - my scan was mostly clean (just a bit lit up near my tonsils). They expect the radiation to take care of anything left. Basically, after radiation, I'll be cancer free! :dance:

  7. It's fantastic! Much clearer and more concise than the previous one. Good luck in finding a job!

  8. Obviously, your love for me has faded into bleak nothingness. :phu:

  9. These "It says nothing of it in your profile, how could I possibly know" excuses don't work, buddy!


    Actually, I always change or eliminate my b-day from my profiles. For instance, on Facebook, the day before my birthday I change it so it says my birthday isn't until September, and then the day after my birthday, I change the date back to July. I like to avoid my birthdays. But, unfortunently, no matter how much I avoid them, they just keep on happening. I am now Old + 1.


    Anyhoo - it was July 3. And not knowing is still no excuse! :p


    Write me sometime this week, or I will shake my fist and flick my thumb in your general direction! :phu:

  10. *ahem* Not only have I not recieved a response, but you didn't wish me a happy birthday. :supersad:

  11. I was wondering where you were! I didn't see you in the girly thread. I hope you're having fun! :)

  12. I'm here! :D


    I don't think I'll ever be able to download E-Books - I really love books. I love the feel, the smell, and the look. If I had tons of money, I'd purchase soooooooo many antique books. There's this fantastic bookstore here called Sam Weller's Books, and they have super old, rare, and awesome books. Some of them are upwards of $100,000 - and if I had the money, you bet I'd be buying them. I could go in there and spend - easily - about $350,000 within an hour.


    But downloading music doesn't bother me at all. I like being able to make my little CD mixes. Although I do every now and then like buying old records. :)


    I'm super jealous of your TV! I only have a 32" or something like that. Although, it's probably the right size for my apartment - still though, I'd get a 55" or larger if I could. :) But, can you believe it? I'm actually thinking of shutting off my cable. I'd save $50.00 a month, and I would still have my computer and high-speed internet. Additionally, it would force me to read more. I look at M (who reads every chance she gets - even while she's watching TV), and I remember that that's how I used to be. Even just eight years ago, I used to read constantly. Now I just sit on my fat ass and eat food and watch TV. Fuck my life. I need to get back to the books. Of course, then I WILL need a much better job, because I'll be spending 1/4 of my paycheck on books constantly. I should try and get a Saturday job at Barnes and Noble, or something.


    I love going to the movies - it's one of the cheaper things for M and I to do. But we also have a dollar theatre here. On Saturday I went to two movies - The Karate Kid, with M and my mom, and Robin Hood, with a friend. And the weekend before, M and I saw Prince of Persia (which had a throw-away story, but did feature Gyllenhaal shirtless, and some really awesome fighting/moving). And the week before that, we saw Alice in Wonderland. :) Do you download lots of movies? I'm honestly scared of getting viruses and getting charged with a crime or something.


    I saw in one of your posts that it's snowing there. Isn't this year awesome! I don't know if I would still love the snow being around, but I LOVE that Utah is still cool and rainy. Normally it only rains twice a year, but this year it's raining all the time, so everything is just *so* green. The green is why I'm thinking of moving to Pac NW or why I like the Jasper area in Alberta so much - it's just green, and there's no annoying desert. I hope the weather warms up a little bit there, so you can at least start wearing lighter jackets. :D


    Is Equus the movie that was also a play that Daniel Radcliffe got naked in and humped horses? I wanna see Harry Potter's peen! :awesome:


    I totally don't get why you're pretending to be an ING spokesman - is it for jobs, for sillyness, or in hopes that people will giveyou their account numbers? :p


    Sorry about Montreal. :supersad: Are you into any other sports right now? Are you into the World Cup? I think I need to get into soccer, because most people I know like it, but I just don't really care that much. Maybe if I had a sports nut boyfriend, or something, but right now, I'm more into watching The Bachelorette.


    You know - I just realized that you totally didn't write me back for 14 days, but then you threw a little fit when I didn't write you back for like, 8 days. :phu: But now I've written you like, three times! :D


    Have you taken tramadol before? It's probably too mild for you.


    How's your week going? When is the Roger Waters concert? Dude - for $3,000 you could've gone to England, or Spain, or France! I hope the concert is worth it! :)

  13. Ok - I'm a liar. I'm going to bed now, but I will write you tomorrow night! :D

  14. Tramadol, I believe. It's a different type of opiate. Apparently it only works on one receptor, or something, so it's not as opiatey as other opiates. :) One more hour of work, and then I'm FAHHRREEEEEE!!! Today has been suckatash!

  15. Never! I've just been writhing in pain for a few days. I finally got some new meds - some type of opiate. I PROMISE I'll get back to you this weekend.


    Seriously - yesterday I just laid in bed for 19 hours. :(

  16. I quickly suggested to my boss that she just print out the transaction from her checking account online - so she did that, and she wasn't pissed anymore. :D


    With the giftcard, I downloaded some Muse, and now I'm holding off on downloading anything else - this way I can eventually find some songs that M likes and download them so she can listen to them whenever. She likes mostly hip-hop and rap, oddly enough.


    Why don't you download mp3s on your Zune? I owned a Zune until my old boss got everyone in the company an iPhone - then I started downloading through iTunes, especially because the credit card I used to use would send me a $25.00 iTunes gift card whenever I spent $500.00, or something like that. But you can download with Zune. Actually, I think Zune has a much better online store than iTunes. (And I like that Microsoft combined a video screen with an mp3 player way before Apple did, too.)


    I should have sold the Amazon stock awhile ago - it was sort of pointless to have, because I didn't have a huge amount of it. And since the price has gone up nicely, it was fine for me to sell it now. I wouldn't sell the sirius no matter what, though (ok - I WOULD sell it if the price went wayyyyyyyy up). It was stupid that I didn't sell it earlier and pay off my credit cards, instead of just paying interest rates this entire time. I can't wait - in a few days the transfer will go through (into my checking account) and I can pay off those credit cards. WOOT WOOT! :dance: It will be sooooooo nice to not worry about those bills anymore. (And yea - I'm not doing well financially - I just can't wait until I can find a better job.)


    Your town doesn't have a theatre?!!?!??!!? That's insane! I don't know if I could live in that small of a town. I wouldn't mind a place of around 5,000, but it would need to have regular amenities. How do you get along? Don't you get bored? Going to movies, driving, dining out - those are basically the things I do to relax. It would suck if I couldn't. So what do you do when you want to go out?


    Oh - so the stocks - I buy through Sharebuilder.com. I started buying through them years ago, before they were bought by ING. Actually - I've had a high-interest savings account through ING from when they were much smaller, as well. Anyhow, both are good. I highly recommend ING for high-interest savings and CD accounts, and Sharebuilder for buying stock. I also recommend that you buy stock in companies that you actually like, diversify, and buy when prices are low. :) It's really easy, actually. I've done well with my stocks, and I had no knowledge about buying stocks when I decided to log in to Sharebuilder and just start buying (I did my research before buying, of course, but I basically knew what I wanted to invest in to start with). I've always been good about figuring out what to buy, even when I was young, though. I remember when Starbucks first really started up - I saw a few franchises and told my mom she should buy stock in them (this was when I was around 9) - she refused because my parents are Mormon, and Mormons don't drink coffee. Well, fast forward, and the stock is worth bank. My mom is like :facepalm: now. :chuckle:


    YAY FOR MONTREAL! :D:dance::D


    And yay for going on vacation to Toronto! That will be so much fun! You might even be able to do something REALLY crazy, like going to a movie or something! :p


    The weather is nuts. It usually rains maybe twice a year in Salt Lake (usually there's no precipitation except in Winter, and then it snows), and this year I think we've gotten more rain than snow. I'm happy about it - I prefer the cold over the heat any day, and the longer that 100 degree weather is staved off, the better. :D


    So what're you up to this weekend? I hope you have fun. :D


    I'm sleeping this weekend. Sleeeeeeeeeppppppppiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg. :sleepy:


    Anyhow, have a good night!

  17. STILL proctoring. From 9am to 4:30pm - holy shizzle! I've gotten NOTHING else done today. So stupid! Isn't there someone at this college who has less shiz to do who could proctor exams? Damnit.


    Oh - and I got told how I could wear a computer chip on my shoulder, programmed to take away my pain (by the last student taking the test - she told me in between the computer portion and the essay portion). Ummmm - alright, ya damn hippy. I'm sure a microchip will help me - has this generation gone on computer overload or something?


    But you know what makes this all ok? IT'S FRIDAY!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!


    Loves it! :D I hope you have a terrific weekend, and I'll write you even MORE later tonight. I know, I know - it's almost an embarassment of riches for you. :p

  18. I PROMISE to write later tonight. I need to work on strengthening that heart of yours!


    Right now I'm proctoring an exam though.

  19. Hiya! Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you. Seriously - has it been 7 days? That doesn't seem right - I thought it was like, three or four.


    Anyhow - I don't remember that last weekend. I remember my mother's day weekend though! M was so sweet - she made me a journal and tied pretty pencils to it, then she also made me two cards, and a little heart-shaped jar that she painted on (it said, "I love you" on the top). She also got me an iTunes gift card. Woot! :D I tried to get it out of her for days (what she was going to get me) - I even tried tricking her, like, "So, what do you want for dinner? Pizza? Kid Cuisine? Quesadilla? And what did you get me for mother's day!" Or, "How was your day at school and what did you get me for mother's day?!?" :chuckle: But she kept the secret.


    Today has been good and bad. I totally lost my boss' Costco receipt so she can get repaid (so she will be P-I-S-S-E-D), but - I also decided to sell my Amazon stock (it's not like I have a lot, but it has doubled since I bought it) and now I'll be able to pay my bills off - for awhile at least. I didn't want to sell any of my stocks, but whatev - at least I won't get my electricity shut off, and people from my credit cards will stop calling me, asking for payment. Being poor seriously sucks!


    So how was your weekend? How are your earphones working out? How can you love Mickey Rourke and not have seen Iron Man 2 yet?


    It IS really nice to set up savings plans! It feels so good. You know it's always there if you REALLY need it, but it's also good to know you've got something that may jump-start your retirement account. I've got some stocks (dude - everyone said Sirius Radio would go bankrupt - but I bought it at 2 cents and now it's over a dollar - woot woot!) and a retirement account going. It's at least SOMETHING. It's nice to have a little saved away.


    Where will you be seing Roger Waters play The Wall? Aren't you pretty far away from everything? It's too bad you can't see it in San Francisco - yes yes, I know, you're nervous about the gays - but can you imagine The Wall being played in hippy SF? Tons of drugs EVERYWHERE. You would die and go to heaven. I remember getting high and watching a laser light show at the planetarium that was synched with The Wall. It was pretty awesome. :D


    I am going to dance now. I will dance and think of you.


    Goodnight! :)

  20. Go Montreal! You french speaking bastards! Kick some ass!


    I have rooted.


    Steak is :awesome: and very nummy, so I guess it's at least as good as a cupcake - and it's more filling. :D


    Tell someone to give me a job and pay me an obscene amount of money, please. I don't like the one I've got.


    And sleep in late tomorrow as a late celebration for your birthday. :D And...umm...have a great weekend!!!!! And write me. *hugs*

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!


    I'm gonna make you a thread later if no one else does (I wasn't sure if I'd be stepping on someone's toes who's known you longer if I created one right now).




    Eat a damn cupcake! :D

  22. Today has not been great. Work is super stressed, because the guy who hasn't been doing his job (he's tried to pawn a large portion off to me) found out that five students aren't starting who we thought would start (what did he expect would happen if he wasn't doing his job?).


    Anyhow, now everyone is crazy stressed. There are also other issues. Today is a bad day. Ugg. :supersad:


    On the plus side - I'm actually feeling good today! I've got alot accomplished, and I think I may have enough money to last me until my next check. I'm also doing my taxes this week, and I should get some sort of return.


    Flector is ok. I think it just takes care of pain in the specific area you put the patch on - it's topical. It probably wouldn't do anything special for someone who didn't have specific, targeted pain. But it helps my neck a bit, which is nice. My shoulder still feels like shit.


    I probably won't get more than 10,000.00 just because workers comp laws are super strict. But shit - this has been going on forever, and it will affect my work and my life forever. My quality of life really does seriously suffer. I'll find out the verdict after May 12 - May 12 I'm meeting with the review doctor in California, hired by the insurance company. His verdict will determine alot in regards to how much the insurance company pays out. At this point, I'm so low on cash, I might agree to anything as long as it was over ten grand.


    YAY for Montreal! I should get into watching hockey - I know a lot of people who love it.


    You are beating me on weight loss! I have had no gain, but maybe only a pound of loss. Damnit!


    Maybe it helps that you haven't been drinking when Montreal has been playing? :chuckle: I hope Montreal goes all the way - you won't be drinking for awhile. :D


    I'll write more later. I gotta skeedaddle.

  23. It's Flector. I didn't want anything addictive or that would mess with my head. I don't know what my sleep medicine will be, but that's not addictive either. I want my mind clear, because obviously, I have amazing things to do in my life - like force feed people in Labrador, Newfoundland Twinkies.

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