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Everything posted by PwoperMuser

  1. ACTUALLY BUY LED GLASSES :D I would, I just have no idea where to find them x( I think Absolution was the first one I properly listened to and I loved it, but now I love the Resistance and Black Holes more :L And yeah I know :O 88 sounds like nothing compared to when I first got tickets and it was like 220 days to go xD but that means I have to wait the whole summer, which will drive me insaaane!

  2. Yeah me neither, so many fans are going on about an OoS two, but where would the fun be in that? And anyway, I think it's my least favourite album :S I love the songs but I've always felt like it's not as smooth as the later ones, and I quite like Showbiz :D 88 DAAAYS! :)

  3. Me too :'D I swear they just know what music I want to listen to and they make it O_o it's a shame so many fans have started giving them such a hard time about the new stuff :(

  4. Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Which is why they should start on it soon >:D I don't know, I generally look forward to most released x) but yeah, Muse especially :D

  5. Ooft me too! As soon as they finish our show they should just go and write more songs >:D Dom said something about them touring for next year too, but I have no idea where they would go too! O_o I'd prefer them to just... bring out the next album x)

  6. Haha, something tells me we'll spot a few others in Muse shirts ;D and oh me too :( last time I wasn't a very hardcore Muser so I came out of the gig just having quite enjoyed it, this time I'll be on a ridiculous high and then the day after I'll be so depressed I just no it :S x)

  7. Ooh I need yellow skinnies! Or skinnies of any bright Dommish colour :L I'll look out for you ;) I will hopefully be wearing my blue Muse hoodie if I get it for my birthday and hopefully the same necklace, if I get it xD

  8. It's true :L I've just found out that we can go as early as we like so it's all good, and hopefully I will get to meet some of you guys :D

  9. Thanks for the add :)

  10. D: oh well I'm sure this one will be just as amazing, if not more >:D I really hope I get to meet some Musers :D but my friend is still planning on getting there when the doors open D: so I doubt it, unless I'm standing near some. Fingers crossed!

  11. Aw :( I saw them in Sheffield, it was pretty amazing :'D

  12. Haha thanks! :D And hell yes I am ;) every time I even think about it I have to go and watch all my videos from last time I saw them to calm myself down xD

  13. Wooh a Killers fan x)

  14. Mwahaha >:D we're just gonna take over this site with... us >:D

  15. That's exactly how I felt, but then I realised they wouldn't have announced it on the Killers' site if it meant they were splitting up, so now I'm just buzzing about it, and I hope he tours in the UK! :D

  16. Oh, and guess what? I got my first KEEP :') you probably don't know what I'm talking about but I get to keep my own muse related thing :) mine is: Matt screaming "Sheffield!" in an extremely high pitched voice on 4.11.09 Yaaay!

  17. Sofiaaaa :) I found you! (RunNeonTiger) xD right, I have a present for you.




    Enjoy ;)

  18. Victoria? Pffft that's a total NooBs name, seriously. But I suppose it's nice to meet you too... kinda :/ Here's something to make your page look prettier :)matt.gif


    Love you NooooooooooooB! <3 xxx

  19. Hey! Sorry for the delayed reply x) just had to take in the news! So, Flamingo huh? Only Brandon could have an album named that, I am so excited for it! I was just a bit confused about why they announced it like that, but oh well! Have a nice day :)

  20. Haha, the Countdown just went forward a day and I got so excited about seeing it tonight, then Hermia said it was a fault :( oh well, the longer I wait the more exciting it'll be ;D hope you're having a good day :)

  21. Yay indeed ;D I'm VelvetSunshine on the victims, and yeah! The Countdown is responsible for me not sleeping last night xD I can't decide whether it's something huge like the covers album, or something like a new layout! Either way... it's gonna be good :)

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