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Status Updates posted by coco1015w

  1. Good to hear that.


    23:39 now :D (where are you living? :D) x

  2. I'm doing good too thanks :)

    How's your day been? :D x

  3. Hey how are you doing lately??? : D

  4. Npz :)

    How are you doing? xxx

  5. Aww :p.


    I have seen it :D.

    My fav is still scissorshands :'( . sad one :/

  6. Hahahaha! Nopes, notes matter!

    Aww thanks :DDDD (That's amazing... I placed my hand :facepalm:)


    Hahaha xDD! Learn learn learn!!!

    Is it, "Hello yellow erm, suitable banana!? Oh god, he is fucking amazing?"

    The first part doesn't make any sense to me xD , the second part, I can guess XDDD!


    I didn't fail Chinese History! (I got the test paper back today, I got 83/100 :shock:!!)


    How's yooouu?

  7. Aww teachers :/ . Yay students :p.

    Wow :O . That's awesome!

    Philosophy is hard? (at least it sounds hard >.>)


    Nice! I took bunch of photos with my friend today, we were bored.

    I finally watched Alice In The Wondahland today. Meh, no surprises >.>

    (Have you ever watched it yet?) x

  8. Wow :D ! Jealous much!

    I didn't know Physics at all D: .

    Except school it was well cool, as I hung out with a friend to celebrate end of exams :p.

    Btw, why did you have only 2 hrs!? D;

  9. I think so!

    Thanks :D. :kiss:

    (My tummy feeling a bit funny now :'( )

    I hope your day has been good? x

  10. Yep :'( . And the computer too :/

    See Muse what you've done to me :'( !


    Really!? D: .

    I am scared :/

  11. Yes :'(

    I didn't study really :/


    I hope so :'(.

    I don't know why, I just couldn't get things in my head >.>

  12. Nice ^__^.

    Not bad, just thinking that I might have screwed up a lot of the subjects for my exams :'(

  13. I see. Hahaha XD! What's top class?


    :p. That's nice! *can't draw drawers high 5s*


    Yay! Pewwwo (Matteh style :p)


    Haha XD! I know, sometimes when I'm bored, I stared at them and think "Oh man, this character looks sooo freaking weird XD!" Even I use those few characters almost EVERY-DAY-DAY-DAY.



    Eek, ended exams today. I think I screwed up a lot of subjects :'(.

  14. Sure ^___^.

    I think I screwed up a lot of subjects this time :'(.

    I didn't study :/

  15. That's nice ;D. We don't have any other languages other than English and Mandarin. More importantly, we don't get to choose :'( . We're forced to learn those two :/


    Awww . Actually I sorta know some Japanese as they stole crapload of Chinese characters :facepalm:. I only know how to read those Chinese from Japanese.. (does that even make sense? :p)

  16. Aayyy ;D


    Nice! I eff-ed up a lot of subjects this time :'(

    I just couldn't revise :'(


    I am very tired today xD! Last day of exams but I didn't study :/

  17. Hahahah XDDDD (helpzz? :p)


    I see ;D. Good luck <3 . (Study hard and be rich :chuckle:)

  18. Aww :'( Thanks

    Do you have MSN ? ^__^

    (I will tell you via MSN / PM ok? D: , I can't tell you on here because of some reasons >.>)


    Wow :D ^__^. Thanks for liking my name :).

    Thanks for those signatures :DDD!

    I was actually trying to make mine as cool as Dommeh's!!!


    Saniyaaaa <333 :kiss:

    (I will do the same I guess? :p)

  19. Awww :'( .

    Good luck baby <333. *hugs and kisses*


    I am actually thinking of bombing Kirk / MuseManagement on the board? :p To get them here?


    Which unis are you planning to try? x

  20. Ahh I am studying German independently :p. From books got off Amazon. (Because there's age limit with the German classes here :'( !)


    I speak un peu French hah :D.


    Japanese is very hard I heard? (The grammar :p)

  21. Mandarin is very hard for me. It's actually my 3rd language :/.

    I kept saying it out of tune :facepalm:


    wow D: . I can't sleep now :'( . I don't want to revise!

    Great - 2 am now.


    Sculpturesss! You're fantastic! I can't draw anything.

    I even fail to express what I am drawing using stickmen :facepalm:

  22. :o . Screw finals?

    Well, are you having your exams on that day tho?

    (If I were you, I would go if exams aren't on that day.)

    Can't miss Muse :p!


    I want them in Hong Kong this summer!

    I know ! I want to go to Wembley too :'( .

    I feel your pain :facepalm:

  23. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some one in the US get those boys!!!!


    I wish :rolleyes:

  24. Neverminnd :D You're awesome!

    VA!? I can't draw at all :p. Always on the edge of failing arts >.>!


    I have Physics, Computer, Music and Mandarin tomorrow D: (exams)

  25. Non XD!



    Erm , for the English part........

    Should we better get Da Myooozzeee to do that? ;)


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